Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Happiness , Do We Own It Or Is Someone Else Responsible For It ?

Hello everyone , happy Tuesday !! It's been a very warm day in England , and even with all the windows open and a draft through the house , it's still warm . I'm not complaining dressed in a nice cool sundress ,my hair tied up in a top knot , nothing could stop me from enjoying the heat !
The news on telly is always so depressing , people getting killed , accidents on roller-coasters ,  terrorists , wars , guns . People are even getting afraid to travel  . A friend of mine asked me just today , are you planning on going somewhere for the summer ? I have always loved travelling and have been to so many places around the world . Somehow now I have lost all my desire to travel . I just want to be in my little village , safe and peaceful for the rest of my life , so no desire to travel anymore ! It's sad , but in this unsafe world we live in , better stay put where you feel safe .. that's my policy , for now !
But that's not the  topic of this blog , I just wanted to write about relationships ! Today the news broke that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have announced they are going to divorce after 10 years together and 3 children . In the old days people would have just stayed together , because they had children . Nowadays it's not a factor . Children just have to get used to the fact Mum & Dad are not a couple . Yes I was very shocked they are splitting up .  I thought they had a rock solid marriage ,just because they had 3 kids .Hey I was wrong .. but things are not all they seem and celebrity or not ,they are just as human as us common people with our petty money .
Why can't people stay together anymore for the children ? Why do they feel it's  okay to split up ? I have often thought about that . It's because we are less tolerating of anyone else , even if they are our partner . It's acceptable nowadays to be a single mother . Women like to be independent and men somehow forget this in their life that revolves mostly around themselves . They think the woman has got to listen to them , do as they ask , because somehow a woman can't be happy without a man in her life . When a woman is a mother ,kids become their priority and their first thought . If the husband does not fall into that thought , then ofcourse cracks are going to appear . No matter how much men profess to care about their kids , it doesn't strike me as true , because more often than not the woman is left shouldering the responsibility of the kids , when a marriage breaks down . Even when a man  does sometimes take on half the care , more often than not he will put his work responsibilities first before his children ,  often leaving them in the care of a babysitter , relatives etc ..
I am a single Mum with three kids , I often have men sending me friend requests on social networks . They always spin the same thing , they are looking for a nice woman to get to know better and they want to chat , chat , chat ... But I am not looking for a nice man to get know , I tell them . I am very happy in my life , I don't have to switch tv channels to please anyone  , I eat the food I want , I do things when I want . I only need a man who is rich who will be able to provide me with more than I have now  , so I say if you are not rich sorry you can get lost , I am not interested . Women make sacrifices if they know it will pay off in the long term . Like all those marriages in the olden days when wives stayed together with their men because the husbands worked and payed the bills , so the women put up with any shit  for the sake of the kids and having a roof over their heads . Yes I would put up with shit , if a man was taking care of all  my bills and providing for me , yes I would even look the other way if they had another women . It's hard times we live in and it's not easy being a single mother . But No I have no time to chat and pretend I'm looking out for happiness with some man who's poor and can't take care of me and my kids .  Then No I'm very happy taking care of my kids and looking after myself . Happiness comes from within . If you are not happy with yourself , No man can make you happy .
With that I end here . Hope you enjoyed reading this . Start with doing things to make yourself happy , even if it means it's not what others expect from you . All women are capable of being happy without some other person . Some other human can enhance your happiness but not supply it (happiness ) .

Keep smiling and have an awesome day !

Love & Peace

Monday, June 29, 2015

Cocktail Orange / Vodka Splash ..Your Summer Drink !!

Summer Cocktail with some alcohol to liven up your evening ?

We all love a nice relaxing drink at the end of the day . It just happens that we always have orange juice , and some vodka lying somewhere in the kitchen . Well here's a nice little summer cocktail with those two ingredients combined with something  more , and hey presto a delicious summer cocktail .

The Cocktail Orange Vodka Splash !

2 oz . Citroen Vodka ( or just plain Vodka )
1 oz. Cointreau
1 splash of fresh lime juice
1 nice big splash of Orange juice
Sugar for garnish
Orange slice for garnish

Pour all the ingredients over ice in a shaker or a large glass and shake vigorously . Rim a glass with sugar and serve on the rocks . Garnish with an orange slice !

Enjoy your drink and have  a lovely evening . Keep smiling xoxo

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sexy Summer Colours To Make Your Toenails Pop !!!

Happy Sunday , England is beginning to swelter in the heat . This weekend temperatures reached some nice highs and the coming few days are only just going to get hotter with the highs of 32 / 33 degree Celsius at the peak !
All this hot weather means our boots and pumps are all going to be stored away and out will come our flip flops , sandals and open toed shoes . So definitely time to smarten up those feet and get them looking as sexy as sin !!
Make your toenails pop this summer with vibrant nail polishes !! Just feels right for summer and we are going to enjoy this summer , without any complaints of the heat !!
So POP those toenails with Oranges , Yellows , Blues , Greens and any vibrant shade you love  . I've used some stunning colours  from Essence , H&M's and Primark's P.S. Range all colours available in the high street stores in Europe and England .

Friday, June 26, 2015

Having A Clear Out ? ... How To Get Some Cash For It !!

We all need a clear out , at least twice a year or else our houses are going to be loaded with so much unnecessary stuff we are going to look like poster girls for " Hoarders " .
Instead of throwing away our stuff , we should , being savvy people that we are try to use them to make money for ourselves ! We could always do with a couple of more quids in our lives :)
I have some useful tips to help you get started with getting cash out of your throwaways !

Where you should go to sell :
There are great fixed price sites , which you must know about , like Gumtree and Amazon . For auction sites there is E-bay . The benefit is how easy it is to use it . It takes less than a minute to list an item . Before you start listing sell a few cheap items to get good feedback ratings . There is also E-bid which is a smaller site , which has cheaper fees but you may get fewer bids because it's not as popular as E-bay with fewer users .

Top Tips for Listings :
The Title is very important . include as much detail  in it as possible . Most important is to learn the jargon  BNWT - standsfor Brand New With Tags.
BNWOT - Brand New WithOut Tags  ,  BNIB - Brand New In Box

Getting the Right Price : Always put a reserve at the lowest price you want to sell for , but start at .99p as it will get people interested .

Always remember buyers shop at the weekends , so put ads up then . Sunday evenings are the best time for ending auctions . You could spark a bidding frenzy !!

Postage : Many people get caught out by not adding enough postage to their listing , however if your price is too high , buyers would not be interested . Use royalmail.com/price-finder to find the correct amount . When you send the item , always get proof of purchase and pay more for recorded delivery , if it's valuable .

Don't stay away from auction sites , because of security concerns . PayPal is pretty safe ,  and E-bays preferred method of payment . It is free to set up a paypal account and easy to check what is coming and going - especially id you have a smart phone app .  It also offers protection if something ever goes wrong , or an item never arrives . Handy if you ever have a dispute with a buyer !

Last you could always pop into Cash Converters on your local high street and get get some cash for your throwaway !

Okay hope you found these tips helpful . Have an awesome day and keep smiling xoxo

Love & Peace

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Delicious White Chocolate Truffles .. I Love Them :)

We all love chocolate and I am no exception !! Well I actually like it alot more now than when I was very young . I think the reason being I am alot more active now than before and I need all the chocolate boost I can get .  With kids and work and always thinking of exercise and fitness , I need the chocolate to boost my concentration , for that hype in energy levels and not forgetting just to indulge the sweet tooth .
We all can enjoy chocolate , a couple of times in the week , without going overboard and eating too much !!
I want to share my delicious chocolate truffle recipe with you all . It is so simple to prepare and absolutely mouth watering to eat . Give it a shot and make it this weekend .


200 gms white chocolate ( broken into little pieces )
60 ml of cream
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon butter
25 gms desiccated coconut

For the coating
75 gms desiccated coconut

Melt the chocolate and cream in a heat proof bowl , over a pan of simmering ( not boiling ) water . Add the butter and continue stirring until smooth . Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract and coconut . Put into a bowl , and cover and chill for about 2 hours until firm enough to roll into balls . Roll the mixture into about 20 small balls and toss or roll in the coconut  Chill before serving . They are so appetizing after a nice hot Indian meal . Enjoy :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Father's Day ... Glad these Movie Dads Are Not Our Own !!

Hi Everyone , Good Morning from a still cold chilly England . Waiting for the next few days which promises to bring better weather and lots more sunshine . I hope you all had a lovely Father's Day and honoured your Dad's well if he was well deserving ! We all have Dad's who have their shortcomings and most of the time we try to overlook their faults and still think highly of them even though they might tend to forget us and our existence !!
I have made a list of Movie Dad's who are down right terrible , so we can be thankful that they are just movie imagination and not our real life role models .  With these examples of Dads we can still smile at our own dad's error's of judgement , quirky foolishness and still feel blessed to have the choice God gave us  .
The first Dad on the list and Better her dad than ours is The King of Arendelle " Frozen " he managed to give his daughter a lifetime of issues in a mere five minutes of screen time !!
Jack Torrance in " The Shining ", he was creepy remember him telling his son "we'll have the whole hotel to ourselves , it'll be fun " uugghhh ..
Thanos in " Guardians of the Galaxy " he clearly missed the parenting guides about not turning your kids into bionic weapons !!
John Milton in  " Devil's Advocate " It's hard to get worse than having a father who literally is the Devil  !!
Remember Mr Wormwood in "Matilda " ?  Well it is one of my favourite movies .. but what more can I say about him than he was such a bully !!
Then there's Bill from " Kill Bill : Vol 2 " serious question who let that guy adopt the child of the woman he tried to murder ?
Now there is Darth Vader from "Star Wars " pro tip dads , if you are ever in a conundrum , just ask yourself " What would Darth Vader do ? "and then do the exact opposite , because he's the worst :)
Okay we can't forget Lester Burnham from  " American Beauty " It's such a toss up which one is worse .. the one with the creepy sexual fixation on his teenage daughter's best friend  or ...
Colonel Fitts  also "  American Beauty " the violent , psychotic , homophobic with a collection of Nazi dishware !!
Last but not least is Vernon Dursley from " Harry Potter " not only was Vernon an abusive monster to poor Harry , but he didn't exactly  do a bang up , spot on job with his own biological child either !!

Yes these awful movie Dads really make us happy they are just fictional  and we have normal just stubborn dads in our own life :))

Have a wonderful day and hope you enjoyed reading this ... Keep smiling . Lots of love xoxo

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Little Black Dress #OOTD 21/6/15

Busy day today , it might have been Sunday but we kept busy , met up with some friends . Dropped by Frankie & Bennie's and that is always a treat :)

So This was my Sunday outfit , a No fuss , little black dress , always suitable for any occasion with some black stockings . the weather is still chilly  and I'm not ready to bare my legs . Waiting on Summer.... which is taking so long to arrive . yes today was the Summer Solstice ! The official first day of Summer , the longest day of the year and not forgetting Prince William's Birthday and last but not least it was also Father's Day .
If you are fortunate to have a wonderful father give thanks and don't forget to tell him how great he is and how fortunate , you feel to have in in your life .
Back to my outfit , black boots and a pink purse with a chain strap . The shoes are from Dolcis from  the Netherlands . The dress is at least three years old bought at a little boutique in Paris . And the purse is from an online store Etsy . Hope your weekend was awesome . Keep smiling xxx

Friday, June 19, 2015

Living In The Past ?? It's The Here And Now , That's Important !!

Happy Friday and what a superb day it was !! Okay so it was busy but I loved every minute of it and yes I was happy , things are working out very well in my life and I feel grateful . Are there more people out there in the world with good things happening for them and they forget gratitude and thankfulness to God for giving them blessings however small ?
Gratitude for me , has always been a big thing and for every blessing received , I make sure to thank God for it , and feel the need to spread the word about gratefulness and thanking God for our blessings . If we don't do it , how on earth are we going to be able to spread the word of God and make people aware of being good = rewards from God !

Many times I read posts from people caught up in the past and all the good things that happened then and how wonderful it all was .. But life is a revolving circle and things move on from how it was , to new pastures .People they obviously didn't feel it was so great where they were , or else they would have stayed PUT and savoured all the boundlessness of all that was on offer . No people felt the world had more to offer them and they moved on from those pastures to new horizons and yet something must stir in them to still remember what was and hanker yet for the past , and talk about the old days and things that once were !!

I never look back , I made my choices and moved on and feel feel happy to live for the here and now and savour every moment and love everyone who crosses my path . No I don't want to talk about what was , but feel the awesomeness , of what is now ! We need to treasure more of our present , if we let go of the past , and live with our choices . Do we forget relatives , friends and loved ones because we live in years gone by ,and don't see the world in front of us , our relatives who are  still there and care about us ? No the human nature is to be lost in some dream world and miss our brightest stars still around us .

I somehow wanted to tie in a story that made press two days ago , the Mayor of London Boris Johnson , caught out , losing his cool with a taxi driver . The clip went viral and it made all the news . Yes the cars here in England feel they own the roads and the poor cyclists are at their mercy . It shouldn't be that way at all , Motorists should be giving way all the time to cyclists . If you travel in Europe , you will see Cars slowing down for cycles , even allowing them to cross roads and have priority . I lived for a very long time in the Netherlands and I am a very hesitant cyclist , but cars would give me right of way all the time, even though I waved them to go on  . Why are people in cars obsessed  with speed and power ?  We somehow always forget the other people that exist  . Selfishness is reaching new heights . I never ride a bicycle here in England and don't allow my eldest daughter to ride here , even though she is a proficient rider and has been riding since she was three years old . I am not outraged at Boris venting his frustration , he needs to do it . He has been trying to promote the usefulness of riding a bike , save your petrol money , get fit , be healthy , but his campaign is getting nowhere . People in cars feel they own the roads . They have power , It's an attitude that people are getting in all areas of life , be it big Company's , banks , local  government . People have forgotten to care about someone else's feelings . The present  , the here and now and what we can still do , to change our attitudes and be more loving , caring , happy and joyful . Stop living in the past , talk about what you can do to change the present to make the future kinder to our children , the future generation . Think about your role in the world .

Have an awesome weekend  . Hope you enjoyed reading this , stay blessed and keep  smiling .

Peace & Love

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Product Recommendation - Micellar Water , Genius Idea !!

Hi there everyone , it's been such a busy week , and as I love Ascot and June so much , I have been super busy . The fashion ,  the hats and the magnificent horses , so much beauty all at one place and I am so thrilled to be able to see it everyday . One person has got me transfixed , he is so amazing and in control of the horse and has been riding out winners everyday . OMG , I really want to know him ;)

 hhhmm so in love :) Mad crush , Ryan Moore I love you xxx

But I'm not writing about all that today . I have a product recommendation . I have been using Micellar Water , a product from the famous makeup Company L'Oreal and I can't tell you how amazing it is. The  Micelles ( cleansing agents ) within it act like dirt magnets , lifting away old make-up , impurities dead skin cells everything to keep your skin completely cleansed . It is a smart 3 in 1 wonder . It cleanses , removes make-up and soothes skin . It dissolves make-up . Purifies skin ,unclogs pores , tones and soothes the skin . It is Hypoallergenic and is suitable for all skins , even sensitive ones . It should definitely be tried . I have been using this , since the end of May and I can't tell  you how good my skin feels and I'm loving it . It is not too expensive and is available at all drugstores . Give it a try , if you love taking care of your skin and going to bed with a fresh face . No Rubbing the make-up off and no rinsing afterwards . Great new make-up remover product as gentle as water but developed to get the makeup off gently .

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Off To A Music Festival ? What You Need To Pack !!

Summer is so near , I can feel the warmth in the air and I can almost smell the coals and barbecue's but summer brings awesome music festivals and almost everyone 18 to 35 wants to be at one .. and even if your older than 35 , maybe camping out at the festival is not your thing but a nice hotel close by is almost certainly , what we would all love to do a couple of times in our lifetime .
So if you are getting ready for a music festival , I have put together a list of a couple of must haves you shouldn't forget , to pack in your suitcase !! We all want to be dressed in the style befitting , to suitable festival attire !

1. Don't forget the Denim dress , the 70's style is big this summer , and it's a must have . Style it with Gladiator sandals . It will look so cool .

2. The 70's Jeans with wide flares are the appropriate fun / cool  comfortable choice .

3. Team it with a nice Brown Western Bag with plenty of tassels !

4. Don't forget the comfortable fashionable jumpsuit .

5. Always pack a light weight jacket , the evenings can be cold and rainy  . Make sure the jacket has a hood and is in a nice bright colour .

6. Shorts , some nice printed ones with a plain t/ shirt . Denim high waisted ones are also cute and keeping with the 70's theme .

7. The classic Wellies have to be included to combat slush , mud and keeping your feet clean .

8. Trainers for nice dry days or a cool pair of sandals if your like me and trainers are not your thing !!

9. A cool pair of shades or "sunnies "in a nice 70's style Jackie O , Ray Bans , White ones like  I'm sporting ,are all very hip :)

10 Last but not least don't forget some jewellery .. some big bold silver earrings ,  armbands , necklaces all look really trendy , but don't wear it all on together !! A flower in your hair or a floral headband is also stunning and would complete your simple yet fashionable style .

If you have all these things in your suitcase you are going to be , the Queen of the music festival ,  don't forget a nice smile and attitude as well goes a long way and gets you safely back home !

Hope this helps . Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Monday, June 15, 2015

Infused Water for Extra Benefits - Ditch The Soda :)

Happy Monday !!
Have you ever started of the week thinking this week , I'm going to be bursting with energy , feel so refreshed and pumping it's going to be perfect !
Yes and you can make it so . It's all very simple . The secret lies in water , our body is 70% water and we have to keep hydrated to feel energetic . Now to feel super pumped all you have to do is infuse your water with super foods and make sure you drink it all day . It's going to give you all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to flourish and rejuvenate .
Fruit -infused water is also the simplest way to detox ever !
Heaps of energy , glowing skin and reduce the bloat !
Fill up your jug with tap water add your super foods ( fruit , vegetables ) allow them to infuse at least eight hours ( overnight ) before drinking it the next day .
Keeping hydrated is incredibly important , because water when particularly served cold , is known to boost the metabolism, flush out your digestive system and keep your skin clear .

Here are some ideas with what to infuse your water to give you an extra boost .

For Fat Burning  :  3 inch cucumber ,  half a jalapeno pepper , a little sprig of mint leaves .
Adding jalapenos may seem odd ,  but they contain capsaicin - known for it's metabolism boosting effects . This means it speeds up the rate your body burns calories ..

For Concentration : 3 basil leaves , 1 sprig of rosemary , 2 sprigs of dill and 1 sprig of lemon thyme .  drink this to stay alert at all times . Basil increases alertness and the aroma of rosemary is said to increase concentration . The combination of these herbs creates an amazing flavour to your water .

Get The Glow : Five cubes of frozen mango , 1 handful of frozen berries , 1 lemon sliced .  Mango contains Vitamin A , essential for  healthy skin cell renewal , and lemon is great for detoxing . The berries are rich in antioxidants  which can combat skin ageing and free radical damage from pollution , smoking and over - processed food . Crush the berries ever so slightly before adding to the water for a more powerful hit .

Excellent recipes to boost ordinary water and give it extra oomph and I'm certain you won't need to drink fizzy pop again !

Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Thursday, June 11, 2015

She Went Naked !!!

It's Thursday , almost the weekend and that's a good thing !! Today as I heard all the news one story jumped out at me , and I decided it's going to be the subject of my blog today . Then later in the day I read another news item , Holly Madison's written a Memoir about her life with Hugh Hefner , and I wanted to write something about that .. I'm so torn , lol ...
I guess I will just save Holly's bit for another day ... let's get on with what made big news and came on National Telly , it's obviously more important than Holly's stuff "Down The Rabbit Hole " or more like "Up The Rabbit Hole " ;)
So this news item was about a young girl who has been arrested with some of her friends because she and some of the others posed naked on a mountain in Malaysia and posted these pictures online ,  and that's how all the trouble started . Tell me why would anyone  want to go pose naked on a mountain ? She obviously has issues !! HHHmmm young girl exhibitionism ?? It is stupid , first she is not in her home country , second if you are in an Asian country  ,  for God's sake respect their ancient rules and traditions . It is also not acceptable to go pose naked here in England , she could get arrested  . So why is she so surprised she's landed herself in trouble ? . I wonder if she ever thought how much better it would be , to go pose naked in Trafalgar Square !!! It's certainly a much more recognisable landmark than that Ancient Mountain in Malaysia  . I saw those pictures , not  special ! She should have got naked here in England if she actually wanted to do something brazen and stupid . Let's not forget her father who's about as dumb as her , posting a video saying "Why is she arrested everyone has the right to go naked , she's scared now of all  the consequence " I bet she wasn't scared getting butt naked . The Malaysian's  are rightly upset . A minister in Malaysia has also come out and said her actions caused the earthquake in Malaysia last week , YES , he did say it !!!! When travelling abroad , one should not forget themselves and let loose , if they wouldn't do something at home abstain from it abroad . Getting naked , if it's not in your own home , do not do it elsewhere . Maybe nobody wants to see your naked bits . Just reminds me of Big Brother going on right now on telly . That girl Harry walking around naked with all those camera's on her ,  it's not so pretty . All the men in the BB House feel uncomfortable around her . Not a very attractive sight :)
I have bought two lovely bikinis , now why did I do that ? I live more than 200 miles from any beach , and I don't plan to visit any beach this summer !!  So it was an impulse buy and I love impulse buys . They are so pretty . I wanted to take out some photos in them and post them but as it's silly , to just pose in your bikini in the house , I'm stumped . Maybe if I was bold and brazen I would just go to the  park and pose in my bikini ,  but I don't dare I could get arrested lol for public indecency ;)
Okay before this gets too long and you are so bored , I shall end here . Hope you enjoyed reading it . Keep smiling :)

Peace & Love

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Great Places To Go Pamper And Spoil Yourself :)

Ever felt the need to pamper and spoil yourself ? I have found the names of some great places to go and sit back have that Facial you've always wanted , a luxury pedicure , a complete brow makeover !! Yes for less money and lots of indulgence , you know you deserve it !

In Surrey the Faith Lift Facial at Aldabella ,  14 High Street , Epsom KT19 8AH  ( 01372 747478 ; aldabella.org.uk )   For a facelift effect . A tightening mask that reduces the appearances of lines and plumps up skin for up to five days . One facial is the perfect prep for a special event but for long term results six treatments is recommended . The usual price is 40 pounds for 60 minutes .

In Kirkcaldy  Clarins Aromatic Balancer Facial  at Bliss Beauty  29 Whyes Causeway KY1 1XF ( 01592 205656  bliss-beauty.net )  For luminous skin after a gentle cleanse and exfoliation you're treated to a face , scalp and decollete massage . It finishes with a plant based mask to rebalance and hydrate the skin . Bliss !! The usual price is 40 .95 for 60 minutes .

In Leeds the Essential Repair at Westrow Leeds, 18 Thornton's Arcade  LS1 6LQ   ( 0113 2456220 westrowhair.com )  For serious shine this deep conditioning treatment targets dullness and damage . To finish hair is blow dried to perfection . The usual price is 40 pounds for 45 minutes .

In St. Albans , a Luxury pedicure at Champneys Day Spa , 23 Market Place AL3 5DP  ( 01727 864893  champneys.com  ) For tip top feet , treat yourself to the ultimate pedi . After a scrub soak , nail reshape and massage , feet are placed in heated boots , then nails are painted in your colour of choice .  Usual price 40 pounds for 55 mins .

In London Browgraphy at Browhaus , 19 A Floral Street WC2E 9DS ( 020 72407004  browhaus.com  ) For a transformation ,  give your brows a total makeover with reshaping and colour- tweaking treatment . You'll get advice on the right shades and shapes for your skintone and facial features . Usual price 20 pounds for 30 minutes .

In Guildford , Mineral Detox Cellulite blitz  at Champneys day Spa , 194 High Street  GU1 3HZ   ( 01483 455850 ; champneys.com )  For all over smooth . This  treatment  targets cellulite prone areas with body brushing , exfoliation and massage to firm and tone skin .  Usual price 40 pounds for 25 minutes .

Happy pampering !! All treatments are under 50 pounds so it's a nice treat to give yourself and don't forget to ask your friends to join you .

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gift Giveaway : A Necklace And Ten Pounds Cash :) Date Extended ... Ends 1st of July !!

I am doing a Gift Giveaway , open to everyone around the world . I have extended the date of this giveaway so you still have 3 weeks to add me to your circles and take part in the giveaway . The winner will be announced on the 1st of July .

Along with this lovely necklace I have decided to add 10 pounds cash for the lucky winner .

The only requirement is that you would have to follow me and plus one this post , so more people get a chance to enter .

The winner will be chosen randomly by me and shall be announced on this blog .

It is very easy . If you love this necklace , it could be yours soon . Plus the chance of having ten pounds cash in your pocket to buy yourself something nice . A cup of coffee at Starbucks and a delicious  muffin . A ticket to the movies ? Maybe a nice Mascara or a takeaway Pizza :)  Just follow me and plus one this giveaway blog . By following me , you always get a chance to take part in prize giveaways by 1d'ing the post .  There will be a new prize giveaway every 4 weeks .

This giveaway ends on the 1 st of July , when the winner is announced . So follow me ( add me to your circles for prize giveaways every 4 weeks )
 Thanks , Sabrina 

Monday, June 8, 2015

Puri's Simple and Easy To Make :)

Puri's  are delicious !!! If you don't know what a puri is , let me tell you, it's a delicious Indian bread to be eaten with a curry , or accompanied with an Indian Dal or a potato dish . It's normally eaten in the mornings in India , but I have learned to cook it and the kids and myself have it for dinner . It's something we love  , and it fills us up so NO snacking two hours later . I enjoy cooking it , and the kids love eating it . The youngest adores it with scrambled eggs !!
It's fairly easy to make , and so cheap , but mouth watering and so yummy . You could easily serve it up as a starter with a nice chicken salad  , it's how I love it !

This is the recipe , not too many ingredients :)

Whole wheat flour 500 gms
Salt ( to taste )

Sieve the wheat flour with salt . Add water and about two teaspoons of oil and mix it into the flour to make a dough . Use your hands to work the dough .
Don't make the dough too soft  like for a chappati but it should be a little stiff and tight .
Divide the dough into small balls , apply oil to the dough balls , the idea is when you are frying the oil stays clean and no burnt  particles of flour through the oil .
Roll the dough evenly into a small circle , it should not be too thick .
Place the puris on a plate and cover with cling film so they don't dry out before it's ready to fry .
Heat the oil in a wok . The wok should  have about 3 cups of oil . When the oil is hot throw a little piece of dough to test it . The oil should sizzle and the dough ball should quickly raise to the top .
Now throw in your puris , one at a time . It should puff out soon , turn it over and fry till it's a golden brown . Take it out , don't forget to drain it on some kitchen paper , and it's ready to eat :)

Happy cooking and eating !! Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Make - Up Masterclass , Some Essentials from Max Factor !!

Make-up is the absolute essential to a woman's personal possessions !! No female would ever dream of going away for a few days without packing some make-up in her case , it's a fact . So  a few make-up essentials and a master class to make sure you have some right products in your beauty bag if your planning a weekend away or getting ready for a longer break .

Max Factor has some great products , which are top class standard and you won't be breaking the bank to stock them . So I shall list the products and their prices and you should give it a try , if your looking for inspiration the next time you go out and want to purchase some nice make-up .

Get fresh faced with Max Factor's Creme Puff Pressed Powder , at 5.99 for a touch up between your brows ,around the sides of your nose and underneath your lip . Keep these areas matte and the rest can be dewy and glossy so your skin looks fresh .

Instant eye openers Max Factor's Shimmer Pot  which is 7.99 is perfect in the summer . Dust it over your tear duct to enhance the almond shape of your eyes . Over the lids is great in the evenings and with it's 12 hour formula it will stay put all night . Add a slick of Max Factor Masterpiece Transform Mascara at 9.99 to give you fuller volumised lashes in an instant .

Your lippie = blush , two in one perfect if you are travelling and want to pack less . Use Max Factor's Colour Elixir Lipstick in Raisin 7.99 over your cheeks as a blusher . It's the ultimate in multitasking .

Update your eyes . Ditch the smoky grey look . Add instant richness with emerald green and blues . Use a bronze as a base colour than splash your greens over the top of your lids . With Max Factor's Wild Shadow pencil in Vicious Moss 5.99 and a Wild Shadow Pot in Untamed Green at 4.99 . All bargains !!

Revive your tired skin with a nice hot bath in the morning to help boost circulation . Moisturise and use a brightening base such as Max Factor's Skin Luminizer Foundation , it cost's 11.99 to add radiance to your skin .

Last hide your spots ..Nobody wants pesky spots ruining your lovely look , so conceal blemishes with Max Factor Colour Corrector Stick ( Green ) costs 8.99 . The green tint neutralises the redness for flawless looking skin .

Hope you enjoy giving these products a try , next time you go shopping . Don't forget even if you still have make up in your beauty bag , after a year ...toss them out and buy new stuff . You are using these products on your face so renew your make- up all the time .

Keep smiling and have an awesome day :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Lucky Or Unlucky ??

So as I sit down to write my daily blog , I have decided to focus on luck and why some people decide to base their life as being "Lucky "or "Unlucky " It is all games of chance ,they say Lotteries , poker , gambling etc ..that they convince themselves when they are winning , they are lucky or unlucky if they are on a losing roll . Some would say this is shallow , feeble and money is not the be all , end all of a human life . A lot of people on the other hand consider being alive as the greatest advantage a human can have , all other things fall into place after that . existence itself is the most fortunate gift . Actually the people who fall into this category are mostly the people who are financially well off , and have no responsibilities about making sure the bills are paid , food is on the table and everyone's wearing a happy smile !
Okay so I have always considered myself lucky , yes for the simple reason I have three happy and healthy children . Most of my wishes come true and I feel very blessed . Yes not everything is perfect I could have a man in my life who takes care of all the bills and has all the responsibilities and I would have no worries , but I don't have a man and yes I am sad about that ,but I don't feel unlucky not too have one . If God should bless me with a good man than great , but I am lucky .
Just two or three days ago , I had read a news item , about a young woman who was on safari in Africa and got killed by a Lioness . She was going through a park in a car with her windows down taking photos of the Lions . It had me thinking , did she consider herself very lucky to be able to go on Safari to Africa ? Yes she had an awesome job , I just read yesterday she worked on "Game of Thrones " She was not thinking in her very lucky life . No you should never keep your windows rolled down going through any Safari Park .
I have been many times to the Safari park in Holland "Beekse Bergen " We have rode through the big Cats and the windows are always shut and there is always a Safari Jeep parked close by watching , with two people from the park , sitting in it with loaded guns in case of accidents .
Luck can be interpreted in many ways . Have you thought about what luck means to you and how you define it ?
Astrology people sometimes wonder is it an art or is it a science ? But like I read it's a belief system ,it works because it just does . Many astrologers of the centuries ,have tried to explain the theories of "gravitational pulls " and other stuff to explain why astrology works but No I don't need all those explanations , it works because it does . .. just like" you don't need to be a mechanic in order to drive a car " awesome statement .
Just like we believe God is there and we have a home with him in heaven when our life is done here on Earth .
Stay Lucky and be blessed xx

Love & Peace

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Light Lip Colour's , Dark Nail Varnish & Dark Eye-Shades Are Bang On Trend :)

Product recommendations ..
Dark Nail Polish this spring and summer along with bright eye-shadows like greens and blues are very popular and you can find some great shades at the high street drugstores . Light lip shades are on trend and  can complete your whole look .
The brand "Mua " from the Make-Up Academy  stocked at Superdrug is super affordable and has some awesome colours in their Range , and are long lasting and easy to put on . They are not super soft so it doesn't bleed out of your lip-line which I have noticed happens with some big name brands .You must check Mua , lipsticks out . Mua's range of eye-shadows are also very affordable and the colours are gorgeous . Very good quality !

Mua's Matte Lipstick in the shade " Pouty Pink " is my particular favourite .

Essence's shades of dark nail polish colours are beautiful and very easy to apply , they dry almost instantly and don't spoil quickly or get chipped . They are not easy to find in the UK , but are available all over Europe and the USA . The UK stocks them only at Wilko .

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Perfect EyeBrows : How to Achieve them !!

Hollywood elite have the perfect brows , the arches think Penelope Cruz , Reese Witherspoon , Nicole Kidmen  , Kim Kardashian  . But who do you think gets the most requested brows at Salons . It's definitely the Kardashian brows .Girls are always trying to achieve the look . It's not pencil thin of the 60's but more fuller brows to frame and dark enough to make your face pop ! But her look does not flatter everyone . To bring harmony to flatter your unique bone structure choosing the right width shape and colour is key .
Below are some tips .
Through Thick and Thin :
If you have a tiny face with delicate features thick eyebrows can be overwhelming . People with a low brow bone should also avoid going to full . You want to open your eyes - if the space between the brows and the upper lashes is small , make the eyebrow a bit thinner and more arched . On the other hand if you have a higher set brow bone , thick eyebrows are the more flattering option .
If you divide the face into thirds ,the spaces between the hairline and the brows, brows and nose base ,and nose base to the chin should be equal in length . Wider arches are good for fuller faces whose expansiveness can be magnified by thin brows .
If your face shape requires thicker brows , over tweezing has left your upper lids nearly barren , encourage hair growth with an over the counter conditioner like a brow enhancing serum . A very important tip when tweezing is ,never tweeze above the brow , always below to maintain a good shape .
Filling In The Blanks :
With the help of a pencil or dark powder ( brown eyeshadow ) you can fill in spaces and create the appearance of lusher brows . To finish a clear brow gel can be used to keep pencil and hair colours in place .
Colour Theory for  the brows :
The arches are best when they are one or two shades darker then the colour of your hair . Rather than permanently dyeing your eyebrows , use a tinted brow gel to lighten and darken accordingly .
I have got some great natural looking eyebrows , which I just keep in shape with gentle tweezing . I have never plucked them thin , which suits my fuller face .

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday Style , The Fashionable Jumpsuit :)

The Jump-Suit , Fashion item of the Sixties and the Eighties has made it's way back again unto the fashion catwalks and is a very fashionable item to have in your spring wardrobe . I wore my  floral printed jumpsuit today and got a lot of compliments .
There are very pretty ones to choose from all the highstreet shops and stores online .
There are long versions and short ones , and they have been making the red carpet with alot of celebrities following the trend . Perhaps it was the onsie from 2012 that inspired us into a more formal dress style to enjoy outside of the house .
Fashionistas Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow  are big fans of the jumpsuit and are found making a fashion statement with this lovely choice of wear . The only tad tricky part is going to the loo ;)
Here are photos of my lovely jumpsuit , Hope you like it :)