Thursday, August 20, 2015

Anxiety & Depression ?? We All Know Those Two Chums ;)

Today , I want to write about two states of mind Anxiety and Depression . At some point in our life everybody is going to  be struck  down by these two clouds which weigh more than an elephant and it isn't easy to shrug them off . People might say just get over it , get on with your life be happy . Yes easy to say it , but if it's affecting you , it's a long road to walk to get rid of these two tragic afflictions .
The main reason so many of us suffer from depression and anxiety  , is this modern way of life , the social media culture , the wealth which we don't see , the poverty affecting millions in rich countries , homelessness ,bad governments,  manufactured wars in this day and age the 21st Century . Is this really necessary ? The list goes  on ..  Yes we are basically unhappy with life which leads to stress , anxiety and depression .  Nobody is happy even the wealthy , want to acquire more wealth , whatever for ? They should be donating it all to the poor , "redistribution " of wealth . Sometimes I wish ,  I was not born during  this era  ,  it's a cut- throat society . I just read more than a million young women are not going for their smear tests . It was written they apparently feel it won't happen to them . I have never been for one and never will go for one .  Not because I feel it  won't happen to me but for the simple reason that life is so hard , you meet obstacles in every shape and form , that I will take whatever comes and if it does it does . Maybe it's time  to go and move on .  Not like life is so easy I want to live forever ! That , I suppose is everyone's attitude , at least if you are not wealthy , lol ..if you are , than I suppose you want to be around , to hang on to those millions ;)
I watch a programme on telly where people give up their  fancy life  , and go live in some remote place , living a basic existence in mountain regions, in the outback , the jungle living off the earth and not having luxury's a simple life . Maybe that's too extreme for me. But yes I would rather have a life,  the way it was when I was growing up , without seeing all this wealth that few people have ,  and these bills pilled up , on us  which no one can afford , private energy firms over charging us . we need warmth , but we cannot afford it . This world is sad and no one  is standing up for the common man .  Yet we all need to go get our health checked so we can live forever .. sounds ludicrous , and yes it gives me anxiety and depression . I wish everyone could live happily without problems , yes no one would suffer from anxiety and depression .
One way loads of people cope , they don't bother about what's going on , ignore all depressing stuff ,bills , unjust people , poverty around them , joblessness , ruthless governments etc and live by the rule  "tomorrow will take care of it's self " . It's the best way to cope  and Worrying never solved any problems so don't  give a shit about any of it . Do what makes you happy  and live your life to the fullest .  If giving up everything and taking off to the wild and living happily is what you want , go after your dreams . You have one life do what makes you happiest . I certainly do that .
So keep smiling and don't let  anything get you down . Life is hard , and no one is going to make it easier for you . But you can always hope for humanity to have compassion and do the right thing and work towards making  it easier so people don't have to stress and they are allowed to work hard on their goals and prove  the can accomplish what they want to achieve . Nobody wants to be a useless waste of space ,  give them the opportunity to allow them to grow and flourish . There is a God and the world will get better day :)

Love & Peace !

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