Sunday, August 16, 2015

Garbage ?? It's A Dump !!

How important is it to live in a clean healthy environment ? Very , is  the answer ! Of course when you live in the West and in a First World Country ( Rich , Prosperous Nation ) that should not be an issue , full stop  !! Especially as there is a huge hefty bill that people have to pay every month to the council of the city they live in to help maintain the area . Keep it clean , the roads etc . It's a fee of 130 pounds for the poorest ones , in small dwellings and the bill goes up depending on the size of your house !
However , the garbage here is almost never removed . It's an ongoing problem all year with everyone complaining but nothing much is done !
It causes such a stink as you pass by , it's summer so rotting garbage smells even more  as the wind wafts the smell through your open windows . It's a health hazard and don't talk about the mice , the flies and everything else buzzing around . It's shameful that no one at the Council is concerned , in keeping the area clean , and emptying the containers out every week like they should .
It disgusts me that even though England is supposed to be a rich Country , there is so much Dirt , poverty and sadness here . The once great Nation is so substandard . Being Half British , and loving England so much it makes me very sad . My children love it here , they love going to school here have made so many friends and are doing brilliantly in school  , it's a shame they also see this disgusting part of Britain . Where money matters , and people in government positions have no sympathy , people getting sanctioned , food banks , unemployment and poverty . Sad indeed to be in the 21st Century and in a first world country and witness all this . What is becoming of this world ? what kind of place are we passing on to our children .
I am deeply committed to making change , inspiring people to  do better , be positive and make a difference . Giving back to the community . My blogs try to help people see how things are , from an ordinary persons point of view and try and inspire change and bring purpose to the world and spread hope and encouragement . Maybe this will get the garbage cleaned up sooner or it will be taken with a pinch of salt and the blog will be forgotten and places will continue to have large dumps of refuse lying all over and dirt spreads diseases . Yes which everyone is so afraid off ,  to be "SICK " because , they all want to live forever !
Okay don't be too glum reading this blog ... Cheer UP it's okay , keep smiling tomorrow will be better .. I am always the OPTIMIST !
Ta da ... Love & Peace .. love you all . Thanks for reading this . Add me to your circle , so you never miss my latest blogs .. Have an awesome day xx

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