Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Delicious Pasta With Lentils , Bacon And Courgette !!

We all love Pasta , it's hearty and it fills us up . We could always substitute the sandwich at lunch time and take  in a lunch box of pasta . No need to drop into McDonalds and buy yourself the Happy Meal if you are on a budget ;) Yes I have seen  lots of adults short on cash buying themselves the happy meal :)
Pasta could get really boring if you just buy a bottle of tomato sauce and add it to your pasta . I'm going to give you a recipe of some delicious Pasta made with Lentils ,  Bacon and Courgette . Mouth watering and very healthy .


Packet of Pasta ( penne )
one onion
3 cloves of garlic
2 tomatoes
bunch of parsley
one chilli pepper or more if you want it spicy
A can of lentils
chopped up bacon
One Courgette cut up
Mozzarella cheese

Chop up your onions and garlic  fry them then add your can of lentils , but make sure you have drained the lentils first .  Warm it up for a couple of minutes before adding the chilli pepper and the tomatoes let it all soften up . Have your pasta ready so you can add it to the lentils now . Meanwhile  fry your bacon and diced courgette . Add that to the pasta and lentils . Last  of all drop in the chopped parsley and season with salt and pepper to taste . You could add a squeeze of lemon juice , because I find lemon juice always enhances the  food . Mozzarella cheese over the top adds alot of flavour as well , if you love cheese and prefer pasta with it . It's optional !
Now it's ready to eat . Simple and easy to make and delicious. Enjoy :)

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