Saturday, August 8, 2015

Small Talk ?? Weekend Thought !!

I hate small talk with friends . I would not say I have friends who are losers ! Every person has a gift , a purpose ,a talent and a reason for being alive . 
When I'm with people , I want to talk about atoms , death , aliens , sex , magic , intellect , the meaning of life , faraway galaxies , Doctor Who , music that makes you feel different , memories , the lies you've told , your flaws , your favourite scents , your childhood , what keeps you up at night ,your insecurities and fears .
 I like people with depth , those who speak with emotion from a twisted mind ! I don't want to be asked "what's up ?" Or every two days "how are you ? "
 I am great smile emoticon I "Live " in a cut-throat world , more money would make me happier and yes a Dining Table too, lol.. I am poor but rich in my heart ...
 Happy Weekend . 
Keep smiling .

 Love & Peace xx

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