Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Book Recommendation " For Christ's Sake "

It's almost Christmas Eve and that means the presents are packed , the cake is baked just the last minute food shopping to do . Okay that's if you are celebrating Christmas !!
The Christmas story is all about the birth of Jesus but there has never been any serious suggestion that he was born on the 25 th of December or can we be sure about the year that he was born . Besides that ,nobody will dispute the fact though that such a person lived or that his life was very important .

I shall spend the Christmas holidays reading this new book " For Christ's Sake " by Glen Whittaker who has been exploring what Jesus may have been like as a person , rather than as a religious figure . It makes fascinating reading and has come highly recommended to me .

So now with the December Solistic over , the ancient festival of Yule ( or Saturnalia ) is dedicated to the remembrance of the maverick Middle Eastern preacher called Yeshua , who was the son of God . We are not sure when he was born , but the Romans disliked his horoscope so much , they tried to hunt him down and kill him . They got their wish thirty-three years later . After a few more centuries they translated his name into Latin , adapted his teachings and invented Christmas to celebrate his birth . Keep the Christ in Christmas . The Happy Holidays is more for atheists but God loves all !

So Cheers to Christmas , keep it holy and remember The Lord gives to he who is humble and opens his home and his heart , to even those who we classify as unforgiving . Love your fellow humans and look forward to a glorious year .
Much love and best wishes from MY home to Yours !

Happy Christmas

Love & Peace xx

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