Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tasty Snack : Pineapple Skewers With Mint Sugar !

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night  wherever you are in your day , I hope you're smiling .. kind of hard , but keep trying .
When your kids get back from school aren't they always hungry ? I know most young ones immediately ask for a bag of crisps , cookies and other unsuitable snacks . Yes it's easy to pass them the crisps ( chips ) but it's unhealthy unless , like me you only eat them twice a month :) Why do I even bother to be healthy and eat well and exercise .. I certainly don't want too !! However I have always eaten healthy , all my life so I unfortunately can't change my habits . The new sugar tax which Jamie Oliver is pressing for ,  is almost about to be passed , this is not going to make alot of difference in the obesity in this country . People who love sugary drinks and food will just continue to buy it for the 5p / 10p more . Well unless they plan to double the prices of these drinks it's not going to make much of an impact . Which again is unfair on people , who know that a fizzy drink now and again is not a sin . What about the people who use it just to mix alcoholic beverages ? Make everyone suffer , seems to be the order of the place  . Well sugar in small doses is never a crime . Enjoy this snack of Pineapple with mint sugar . It's not only for kids , make some for yourself and enjoy !  
So here's the idea for  a quick snack . The kids will love it , when they get home from school . It's cheap quick and easy and  I promise the fruit , it's sweet and so delicious , an added bonus it's healthy to boot !

Pineapple skewers with mint sugar .

You could make the mint sugar on a free day and store it in a jar away in the cupboards for anytime you need to use it .

A can of tinned pineapple
A couple of mint leaves about 20 to a kilo of sugar you can bottle it and use later .
Some whipped cream
Half a tsp of cinnamon

Get your can of pineapples opened . Cut it into wedges and thread it on to a skewer .
Make the mint sugar by blending the sugar and the mint leaves in a food processor until well blended and is a lovely green colour .
Into the whipped cream add the cinnamon powder and put in a small bowl to serve at the side of the skewers .
Get the pineapple skewers sprinkle a little bit of sugar and let it grill in the oven for a couple of minutes . Add some more sugar and serve with the cinnamon cream .
The kids will love it !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling ...

Love & Peace xx

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