Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Spirit With A Festive Jumper :)

Happy Sunday !!

Christmas is not so far away and there is a sense of festive in the air , but all I hear from alot of people is oh " I'm skint " , what a sad state ! Does anybody think about normal people during the Christmas period ? Well besides all the love and greetings which is free and offered readily , people should do physically more for others . Not that some people even know the hardships of their close friends . Not everyone wants to make out poverty street is where they live ,and feel like they are imposing on their friends , so it's often better to be silent and let the holidays go by without big pop and fanfare ! After all it is the Lord's birthday and the Lord must be awfully disappointed in the way people are ruining the beautiful world we live in , and encouraging War and disharmony . It makes me very sad !

But for everybody else with Christmas in mind and the whole Text Santa thing  going on in England , raising Money , but I don't know for what , lol .. anyways everywhere special Christmas jumpers are being sold and schools are doing a Christmas jumper theme with the Christmas Concert , so I've been off to get the kids Christmas jumpers . I also got one for myself  , can't miss out ... I'll wear mine everyday at home in the Christmas week ,lol . Yes I love Christmas but it's going to be very low key this year .. I wish I was fortunate , but a single mother with kids is not the way to go forward in life and I'm learning the hard way !

Here are my selection of some very gorgeous Christmas jumpers on the net for sale . Do get into the Christmas spirit , but remember never over-do it , there is always somebody who could do with a helping hand . I would much rather people who could afford quality stuff , instead of donating to Charity , help a family out . Find a neighbor-hood not so well off and get food , fruit or gifts for the residents . One family will do ofcourse , I know we all , don't have Mark Zuckerburgs wealth , ha ... Did he do a noble thing donating his 99% fortune to Charity ? Only the smart entrepreneur did not donate to charity , he just shifted the money to his own Charity he set up to combat paying taxes . Well nobody on the net has been impressed by his noble gesture :) He should be donating his money to actual people by helping each person set up a business to make them self sufficient and earn a living .And not expect returns , that is called donating . How about having a baker shop for every neighbourhood , nobody would need to go to the supermarket to  get processed bread , fresh bread and cakes baked on your street !

But here are my Christmas jumpers before I get side-tracked .

1. Red christmas jumper / 44 dollars /
2. Chrismas Jumper I did Try / 15 pounds /
3. Penguin jumper / 20 pounds /
4. Chrismas tree Jumper / 16 pounds /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling . There is always an answer and even if it's very bad , it's not  worse , than being dead and not seeing your beautiful kids . So like I keep campaigning and writing "Do Not Ever Think Of Committing Suicide " It is not the answer ! Live and let everyday take it's course . Love & Peace xx

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