Saturday, July 30, 2016

Religion, The World & Saturday's Thoughts!

Happy Saturday!

The weekend has began and that means a lot of people go out Saturday night. The pubs and clubs and restaurants make the most money at the weekends. Now this means, Sunday long lie-ins, brunch instead of breakfast and no time for church for a lot of people as a result. But then , a lot of young people skip church anyways. Why do we have religion? It's there because it gives people's lives structure and they have a goal to aspire to. To be good, because the reward is to go to heaven to spend eternity in the kingdom of Heaven. That's why a lot of people later on in life, suddenly turn to religion to achieve the blessings of God and eternity in heaven. We though are eternal souls that keep coming back/are re-born to achieve the ultimate goal of leading a perfect life and then joining God in the kingdom of Heaven. Now , did I say Kingdom of Heaven too many times ? Lol .. must be the religious girl in me 😉

Today I was flipping through a magazine and I saw an old photo of Oscar Wilde and he looked so much like the actor Nicolas Cage! It was strange but there have been a lot of photos around of people from the old days that resembled Nicolas Cage! I think we always come back with our same set of gifts and have basically the same life pattern which we have in our hands to make a better life or throw our lives away. The choice is ours! We should think about our lives, our destinies and work towards improving ourselves by being good, kind, and helping our fellow human beings. Not existing 'till we suddenly hit a certain age and then think about God and visiting churches and praying. How much prayer do you think is going to help you, if you turn your back on helping your fellow human beings. None! Somehow people don't want to hear anyone's hard times but apparently God will suddenly help the same people who turn their back on friends or family. I often wonder why do people find it so hard to be friendly, kind, and helpful. Why do some people need so much money to have a life, example, pop stars, movie stars, celebrities etc. They don't seem to think of the common man. Who struggles to survive with so little money. The world needs a change. Bigger wages and an equal distribution of wealth. We will suddenly see a drop in crime, a much happier set of people. Less depression, less suicides and an end to war and destruction of society. Money is the root of all evil! Hillary is pledging higher wages. I never once heard how much higher she intends to raise it. I made a joke at home probably a raise of 10 to 20 cents. Lol.. Fat lot of good that would do!

The PM, Mrs. May seems to be making a very sensible move about the nuclear plant at Hinkley. Scrap the idea would be my decision. We don't want China or France taking all our money for the energy bills we will be ill afford to pay! Get the world back to a more greener form of energy. What about solar panels on the roofs to heat the houses. What about wind farms. What's wrong with that? We need a better structure with everything we do and if a lot of people find it with religion, better be good to your fellow human beings than spending hours sitting in church praying.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Friday, July 29, 2016

6 Gorgeous Reds For #NationalLipstickDay !

Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night, wherever you are in your day. I hope you're smiling!

We all love our  lipstick and how often do we find our lips drying out. Yes lipsticks gives our lips colour and brightens our face but it also protects our lips, gives it moisture and makes us look gorgeous as well.

Red lipstick is definitely a statement wear. If you are looking to turn heads, look sexy and youthful, then red lipstick is the choice for you. I have selected six different shades of red from different brands for you. They go with most skin tones and would suit almost everyone. If you have never tried red lipstick, you should. I have listed the prices and the brands along with where, they are available online or the high street. Happy shopping!

I love red lipstick , it cheers me up , makes me want to smile more and I get lots of compliments , when I am sporting red lips .Try it  , it also gives the appearance of having fuller lips , which is so fashionable right now . No need for silicon :)

1. Nyx Cosmetics Simply Red Lip Cream / 11 Pounds /
2. Lord & Berry Vogue Matte Lipstick - Red / 25 Dollars /
3. Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick / 15 Pounds /
4. Honeybee Gardens Truly Natural Queen Bee Red Lipstick / 13 Dollars /
5. Lips in Temptation / 12 Dollars /
6. Maybeline Lipstick / 6.99 Pounds /

Have an awesome day!

Love & Peace.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Depression, Not Easy But Heads Together And Overcome The Mental Battle!

Happy Wednesday,

It was a total change of weather today, it rained and rained and my feet got cold. So out came the stockings but I welcomed the rain. Is it not the lovely smell of rain that brings the grass alive and invokes memories of old. Had an awesome day, cooked some nice food my Mum made for me as a child and I thought about her today for no particular reason. Just the other day Prince Harry hosted a barbecue at Kensington Palace for the mental health charity ''Heads Together.'' And spoke about his regret that he never spoke about his Mum's (Princess Diana) death and how it affected him and how he felt 'till he turned 28 years old. A long time, to bottle up feelings. We all have some kind of issue that bothers us and if we keep our feelings to ourselves. It can have adverse effects. We need to talk about our feelings, our existence what makes us tick, how we feel, to overcome getting depressed and holding anxieties and feelings to ourselves. If we talk about what's going on mentally, we can then have comfort, assurance, and security from the other person to talk to.
Don't hold onto feelings, thoughts. Talk about it. No matter how weird you might think it sounds. It's better to share than keep it to yourself. My whole existence in this life is to make sure I can talk about depression as much as I can. I want people who feel fed up anxious, afraid to not give up. Never think suicide is the answer. It will not end things as you think. We are eternal souls, we have a mission in life. To live our life and do good things for people and accomplish goals. If we feel weak and think it's easy to die and I don't have to do this. You will come back, be born again with many more challenges than before and still with a life to lead. We need to learn to live the life we were given no short cuts in order to have an easier life in our next existence. Without the constant thought of 'I want to die' on your mind.
Live and succeed and make it happen. Every person matters. You do. Remember, you are special. Your mother carried you for nine months and she loves you above anything else. She does not want you to give up and die. Live and try to be strong. This life is not meant to be easy. Live and you will get a better life again.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Summer Break? The 10 Most Affordable Places In The USA!

Happy Sunday!

It's a day for rest and relaxation but with summer now eventually here it's so hot and I don't feel rested or relaxed. The nights are warm and if you leave the window open, it's an open invitation for the mosquitoes, flies and all the creepy crawlies to make their way in, so it's all night smacking the mosquitoes and having very little sleep, lol. Now a lot of you must be busy planning a little break for the family. Most people's summer goal is to get away. From June to September it's most often peak season so a lot of destinations cost top dollar. Now all of you would be wondering where you could get good value for your dollar. The best places are generally based on a little break for a family of three to four. Which is standard families nowadays. Nobody could actually afford more than one child before you are bankrupt and literally homeless!

The cheapest places in the US is generally in the Southern States and the winner came out as New Orleans! Who doesn't love that place? I love it. the atmosphere, people, food, weather, and the night life above all else! The Big Easy boasted very affordable lunch prices of $31 a day. In contrast, the most expensive place was Orlando an average total trip would cost about $2,200 - double of what you would need in New Orleans!
Beautiful Atlanta came into the top ten cheapest cities at number 4. Making the list of cheap getaway cities at number 2 is Houston, Texas, also Dallas another affordable city made the grade at No. 5. Las Vegas was number 3, one of my favorite places too after San Diego. Where in my dreams I could live forever on the beach. The laid back people and the gorgeous weather & food. I love that place!

No. 6, Miami. No.7, Washington D.C. No. 8, Philadelphia. No. 9, San Diego. And at No. 10, Minneapolis.

So if you need a short break, go to the most affordable listed here and you wouldn't be making a mistake!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace  

Friday, July 22, 2016

Delicious Avocado Ice Cream!

Happy Friday!

The weekend is upon us, summer has nicely settled its warm cloud on us and the schools have all shut for the next six weeks. So plenty of days for fun and enjoyment ahead even if you are not leaving your city. Short day trips are scheduled and lots of swimming, perhaps to keep cool and enjoy the fitness and exercise it could give our body so we could keep in shape as well! Outdoor activities are best for the children but don't let them go crazy with Pokemon Go. I just saw people actually with cars stopping because they had found a Pokemon, but my kids got to it first, lol. Yeah I know it can be fun!

Today I want to give you a nice ice cream recipe! It is super healthy and if you are an avocado fan like I am, I know you are going to love this Avocado ice cream recipe. It's full of all the goodness and it has coconut milk which is an added fruit to your daily five a day!

1 1/2 low fat milk
2 ripe, fresh Hass avocados, seeded and peeled
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp. lemon or lime juice
1 cup low fat coconut milk
Mint sprig, chopped, optional
Vanilla bean, chopped, optional

1.Puree milk, Hass avocados, sugar, and juice in a blender.
2. Blend in the remaining liquid of your choice, along additional flavorings such as mint or vanilla.
3. Follow the instructions on your ice cream maker to freeze and finish.

I just read an article which says all adults should have an extra vitamin D supplement in the winter months because we are not getting enough  from our bad eating habits. We do need to eat better to make ourselves healthier so we don't need supplements. Vitamin D can be found in egg yolks, fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, cheese, and beef liver is also a good source as well.

Well enjoy the start of the summer holiday and make this excellent avocado ice cream. Delicious!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ignorance = Racism. Stop It Now!

Jane Elliott is an incredible woman and the point she makes with astounding clarity is mind blowing! If you don't know her, she has been raising awareness for a great many years. She is a social educator . In a short interview she gave recently in less than a minute she made a powerful point about racism, which I thought was so relevant in these chaotic days. I want to share it with you all: Racism should not exist any longer especially as a great many people have fought for equal rights and thought eventually the result was achieved when a black man was elected to be President of America. But unfortunately, the world has stepped back at least 50 years. Jane Elliott says, we hate because we are taught to hate; we hate because we are ignorant. We are the product of ignorant people. Nobody is born a bigot . We learn these things and anything we learn we can un-learn. Now is the time. People say there are four or five races in the world. There is only one race and that is the human race. We are all equal. A little pigmentation in the skin does not make somebody different. We are all born with equal intelligence. No race is superior to another, it's ignorance! She goes on to make the point more relevant and if you have the time or the inclination to look into new words, Google her and hear her have her say. She is a wise and clever woman and I have great respect for her. We need to treat our fellow brothers & sisters with more respect and equality. Nobody is different to ourselves. If you had an accident and ended up in hospital needing a blood transfusion, would you say, I want only blood from a white person or else let me die! Would you not accept an organ from somebody a different color than yourself? Think about it and remember we are who we are because we learn these idiot things from stupid people. Children play, love, and accept everyone 'till they turn older and behave the way their parents teach them. Love everyone we need more love & peace in this world. No more trident weapons, nuclear submarines and God forbid the new Prime Minister who says, she would push the nuclear button. My mouth dropped to the floor. More love and peace.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Face Oils: Six Of The Best!

Happy Monday!

Face oils since it came out at the end of the last year it has been an absolute revolution. If you would imagine it would make your skin oilier, it is completely unfounded. Face oils serve to strengthen and protect the natural fat in the skin which is so necessary for proper hydration. The face oils are formulated with vitamin A & E and a rich blend of omega 6 fatty acids to calm, repair and protect the skin. Face oils help with the natural plumping up of skin. As you get your mid-30s wrinkles suddenly look deeper because the skin's natural oil decreases. The moisture barrier breaks down and the skin dries out. Most creams contain a little oil but not enough to make a big difference in the water loss. For better absorption first apply the face oil to your skin before adding the face cream or foundation to your skin.

The six best face oils I would recommend range in the price from affordable to expensive. But they are absolutely worth every cent and you should definitely give it a try, especially if you are in your 30s now is the time to start with a good face care routine to meet the oncoming inevitable old age with a smile and your best looking face!

Most of these oils are available from Sephora.

The best at No.1 Ole Henriksen Pure Truth Vitamin C Youth Activating Oil. It costs $45 and is perfect for all skins.

2. Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Oil, for $14.50 to $28 - depending on the size of the bottle.

3. Josie Maran Argan Infinity Cream, intensive creamy oil costs $28. But I absolutely love this one.

4. Bare Minerals Oil Obsessed Total Cleansing Oil costs $30 and is only available online to buy. A bargain.

5.  Tarte Maracuja Oil, comes in a beautiful purple bottle, gets 5 stars and costs between $15 and $75 depending on the bottle size.

6. Last on this list but from the reputable fashion and make-up house, Dior. A real bargain at $39. Dior instant gentle cleansing oil. It has a wonderful fragrance and I particularly love it.

Hope this is useful. Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Outfit Inspiration For Sunday!

Happy Saturday,

The weekend is here and the news in the last two days had me glued to the telly, but a few friends told me they were not interested in these events. I can't help but follow all these ghastly things happening. I have children, so I am automatically concerned at the world we have on offer for them. Nice was heartbreaking! I know if I had money for a summer holiday and I was there I would have probably been on that strip with the kids to see the fireworks. Very sad. Although I get surprised when governments say we are going to step up our attack on the terrorists. How about saying we are peaceful and we will not fight them. We shall be vigilant in our own lands and leave the far East to settle themselves! We need to look after our own people and keep the West safe. All these things happening in the world can make people have anxiety and depression. I for one loved to travel but now I don't want to or feel like going anywhere far from where I am. That is really sad, but I don't feel like risking it or take chances. I have children, which is always foremost on my mind.

A few lines of poetry I wrote
Blue seas, never tranquil the surging tide reminiscent of times I played on the sands. Risking my life as I splashed about. No swimming lessons had I ever had, no dolphins to bring me back. Would the waves wash me out to sea and bring my tattered, battered, broken body back.  Renewed with courage and hope to try again. Tomorrow is another day. Sea blue, sea blue. I rest my claim of freedom, a tish-ooo!

I hope you liked that!

Now outfit inspiration for tomorrow, Sunday. If you have a lunch date, church, a barbecue with friends. a movie . Any reason to dress up - this is my choice!

 1. V neck Skater Skirt / 30 pounds /
2. Floral kimono peach / 30 pounds /
3. Buckled sandles / 16 dollars /
4. tassel bag / 15 dollars /
5. Braided chain strap / 23 dollars /
6. Golden hoop earrings / 14 dollars /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Get Rid Of Your Zit: Product Recommendation!

Product Recommendation :

Garnier Pure and Active Roll-On

Getting a Spot is annoying , and bothersome . We all get spots , from the time we are teenagers to sometimes even later in life . When we are older we are prone to getting spots , at times of stress or if a girl is about to get her period , it is highly likely a huge spot is going to show up !! Women are not the only ones getting spots though , boys are just as likely to suffer spots as the female gender !
I had alot of spots as a teenager and I do still get the odd one now .
I have used alot of anti spot treatments and I didn't find them very effective until I started using this product . It is absolutely amazing and within 24 hrs your spot won't be painful anymore , visibly smaller and in two days it's guaranteed to disappear leaving no scar or sign of it .

It is on the pricey side Seven pounds forty-nine pence ( 7.49 ) but I would say it's money well spent . Invest in it and it definitely lasts a long time . It's a roll-on so apply it over the spot three times a day and it's good and 100% effective !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Stepping Forward - Wednesday's Thoughts

Happy Wednesday!

Today we welcomed our new Prime Minister into No. 10. Hope she's not superstitious, lol, she becomes the 13th PM on the 13th day of the month.. So what's it going to be 13 days, 13 weeks, or 13 months in office? I'd go with 13 weeks max! So now there's May and Hammond  they just need to find a Clarkson and it's going to be Top Gear in Parliament, lol! On a serious note, Boris Johnson is Foreign Secretary - I rest my case, as I try not to smile but with his gift of the gab, the job should get done!

Today Jennifer Aniston had to make another statement to all the rumors flying around ''she's pregnant.'' Why is the press so determend to make her pregnant? Not everyone wishes to become a mother and respecting someone's choice is fundamental! With all the goings on in the world, I am not surprised that more and more young women do not see a future for themselves with children. Having children is an enormous responsibility and to have a child and run off immediately to work is not being a mother. I think children benefit far greater being around a parent and getting their love, emotional support, care, and bond with them. The west will see a definite fall in population in the upcoming years, so immigrants is not such a bad idea! All our worries lead to people being depressed with anxiety issues , there is almost no help or support available . Nobody actually wants to hear the fears of anyone. Families ignore issues and suicide is much more common place. Never ignore someone who wants to talk. Lend a ear and sympathize.  We don't want the population to fall further. We are eternal souls, freedom to come back again to make this world a better place!

A few short lines of poetry I enjoy writing: Throw back the curtains, look outside. The grey clouds cover the darkened earth. The tall trees shadow the lonely path. The graveled earth, splattered and stained. Lives lost, built and burned , the houses stand no more. Take my hand, let the eagle soar, let the eagle soar!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Kick Back With A Delicious Recipe Of Spicy Shrimp!

Happy Tuesday,

From a tiny corner on this spinning ball of rock that we call earth! It's gloomy every day with more chaos coming from everywhere. Are we ever going to embark upon change for the good of every man and woman not forgetting the children who will inherit the globe. So we have a new PM to be installed tomorrow at No. 10. Mother Theresa (May) she lead us all to the good and enhancement of the nation. Yes, not forgetting that there are jobs to be done. But can she? I am a believer that Good shall come out in the End, though not resting my hopes she is neither Mother nor Savior! We need the likes of Jeremy Corbyn with the common person's interests at heart!

A few lines I have penned just words crying out from my soul !
I tear my heart out, as the rain pours down.
The droplets fall like tears down my face I long to live peacefully deep in slumber, but my head has no pillow, no home.
I reach for nothing, the air around polluted. It stinks and reeks of mold and gas.
The leaves falling from the trees as if it's fall, in summertime the beat, the beat repeats!

I hope you find a reason to smile every day! This delicious recipe I cook up can't help but bring a smile to my face!

Spicy Shrimps!

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 2 turns of the pan
4 cloves garlic, crushed away from skin
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
24 jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails in tact, ask for easy peels at your fish counter
2 teaspoons grill or steak seasoning blend (recommended: Montreal Seasoning by McCormick) or coarse salt and pepper
1 lemon, zested and juiced
2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves, a handful

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add extra-virgin olive oil, 2 turns of the pan, garlic, red pepper flakes and shrimp. Season with grill seasoning or salt and pepper and cook shrimp 3 minutes or until just pink. Toss with lemon zest, juice and chopped parsley. Remove shrimp to a serving platter leaving the garlic cloves in the pan.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All Lives Matter!

Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night wherever you are in your day, I hope it was a good one!

Today Andy Murray lifted the Wimbledon crown for the second time. What an achievement, once is great, twice is superb, and plainly says he is talented and definitely deserves to be one of the great legends of tennis. It was a good game and he played like a champion. The 2nd big game of the day, The Euro's 2016 final. Was not really looking forward to it, not my favorite teams. England and Wales were out, then Germany went, I had no one to support. They say Pogba's worth 100+ million and I think, bitch where!! So Portugal scored at extra time and the cup was theirs ! Ronaldo he cried.. Again!

That was today but the last few days with all the happenings in America (it has been in the news!) Things are slipping out of control in the USA , we now need to show our support for the police force. Police lives matter. If people try to portray the police as bad guys, it's wrong to paint everyone with the same brush. All are not bad! Most of the people employed as police don't do it because of the pay packet, for them it's a vocation. They really want to protect,serve and look after the peace of the community. The overwhelming percentage of the police are outstanding members of their community they serve. Their badge sometimes makes them a target. But think about it, they risk their life every day going out trying to do their job. Their badge is not an adornment it is who they are. Let the police around you know they have your support. Enough bad has been said about them. All lives matter and in support of all the black friends I have, I must say every black person shot recklessly - the shooter should serve time. Nobody should walk away because they have authority. A quote comes to mind, ''The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.'' - Paul Farmer. My thoughts go out to a person serving in the police force in the US. Please be safe and thank you for doing such a dangerous job, to keep the community safe.

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Swimsuits To Suit All Shapes!

Happy Friday!

We should eventually be seeing a few warm days and what better way to spend it than down at the beach or by your local pool (a tropical swimming paradise). If you are looking for a particular style I have picked out give designs to suit all kinds of body shapes! We should love the figure we have and dress to suit our particular shape. One piece bathing suits are fantastic for the larger lady or if you are self-conscious about large boobs or tummy. If you are slim but still have a little Mum belly with some wobbly bits a high waisted brief is ideal. Showing off your back with a one piece can be sexy. Dark colors can be slimming and disguise a little extra weight. Light colors look awesome if you have a tan. If you are very pale skinned, go for rich colors like turquoise, blues, oranges. Skip the black which can make you look washed out. Whatever you choose, always wear it with confidence , because somebody who walks with confidence always looks good no matter what they have on!

1. Black halter neck side tie crochet swimsuit / 26 dollars /
2.Plus black Swimsuit / 35 pounds /
3. Red solid halter stripe monokini / 22 dollars /
4. Dark purple fringe bikini / 16 dollars /
5. Halter neck high waisted swimsuit / 24 dollars /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

A quote which always makes me smile is from Albert Einstein, ''Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.'' I love it!

Love & Peace!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Achieving Sexy Full Eyebrows!

Hollywood elite have the perfect brows , the arches think Penelope Cruz , Reese Witherspoon , Nicole Kidmen  , Kim Kardashian  . But who do you think gets the most requested brows at Salons . It's definitely the Kardashian brows .Girls are always trying to achieve the look . It's not pencil thin of the 60's but more fuller brows to frame and dark enough to make your face pop ! But her look does not flatter everyone . To bring harmony to flatter your unique bone structure choosing the right width shape and colour is key .
Below are some tips .

Through Thick and Thin :
If you have a tiny face with delicate features thick eyebrows can be overwhelming . People with a low brow bone should also avoid going to full . You want to open your eyes - if the space between the brows and the upper lashes is small , make the eyebrow a bit thinner and more arched . On the other hand if you have a higher set brow bone , thick eyebrows are the more flattering option .
If you divide the face into thirds ,the spaces between the hairline and the brows, brows and nose base ,and nose base to the chin should be equal in length . Wider arches are good for fuller faces whose expansiveness can be magnified by thin brows .
If your face shape requires thicker brows , over tweezing has left your upper lids nearly barren , encourage hair growth with an over the counter conditioner like a brow enhancing serum . A very important tip when tweezing is ,never tweeze above the brow , always below to maintain a good shape .

Filling In The Blanks :
With the help of a pencil or dark powder ( brown eyeshadow ) you can fill in spaces and create the appearance of lusher brows . To finish a clear brow gel can be used to keep pencil and hair colours in place .

Colour Theory for  the brows :
The arches are best when they are one or two shades darker then the colour of your hair . Rather than permanently dyeing your eyebrows , use a tinted brow gel to lighten and darken accordingly .
I have got some great natural looking eyebrows , which I just keep in shape with gentle tweezing . I have never plucked them thin , which suits my fuller face .

Have an awesome day,

Love & Peace!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Stylish Coats For Your Summer Wardrobe!

Happy Tuesday!

At last the NASA mission to send a space craft to Jupiter has been successful. The Juno probe will be the first to enter the orbit around Jupiter. It is an amazing breakthrough for science this spacecraft took five years to arrive and now we will discover the amazing secrets of this mega huge planet which could contain 1,000 earths! No spacecraft has ever got so close to Jupiter because it gives off powerful radiation. The intense radiation belts of Jupiter can destroy unprotected electronics. One calculation suggested Juno was subjected to a dose of radiation equivalent to a million dental x-rays! The probe though is built like a tank with titanium shielding and it appeared to pass the initial rocket burn. So it's a massive boost to science and it's an amazing age where we will soon discover what lies beneath Jupiter's opaque clouds. The great red spot on Jupiter is a giant storm vortex twice as wide as earth. Jupiter's 'stripes' are created by strong East-West winds. It takes 12 earth years to orbit the sun and a 'day' is ten hours long! Juno hopes to run through 'till February 2018 provided it doesn't crash or get destroyed by intense radiation. Our whole world is stepping through to a new era what good actually will all this scientific knowledge bring us? I don't know, but I know we have one beautiful earth and we need to look after it and that means all the people in it. Love and peace is the way forward with plenty of good fashion sense!

Here are amazing summer coats to set your summer dresses and clothes apart. Hope you like them!

1. Fluffy white faux fur coat / 22 dollars /
2. Long sleeve loose sweater coat / 27 dollars /
3. Cardi Coat / 35 pounds /
4. Duster coat / 56 AUD /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling! 

Love & Peace! 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Fashionable Sneakers, Anyone Would Love!

Happy Monday!

Happy 4th of July, (Independence Day) to all my readers and followers in the USA. I hope you all are having an awesome day. Here in England turmoil of the government and the backlash of the out vote in the Referendum still continue! Today Nigel Farage delivered his resignation after leading the people to believe everything would be great out of the EU. He, like so many others now shake with fear at the road ahead and decide to abandon ship! We still hope things will get better! To quote Charlotte Church in her tweet in response to Nigel Farage wanting his life back.. She tweeted ''I want my fucking European Union back, you piece of shit!!!!!''

Besides all that I had to add a prayer goes out to the family and friends of Caroline Aherne who lost her battle to cancer at age 52, far too young to die! She was very talented and I was a big fan of hers. She will be sadly missed. Rest In Peace Caroline!

For today I have a selection of the very best sneakers. They are trendy and very fashionable. Enjoy listed below are the shops where they can be bought or ordered!

1. Converse Seasonal / 38 pounds /
2. Puma trainers / 78 pounds /
3. White hi-top sneakers / 10 dollars /
4. Keds Wool sneakers / 35 dollars /
5. Converse Andy Warhol Trainers / 35 pounds /
6. Vans Winston Sneaker / 45 dollars /

To end a beautiful quote that I love from Lyndon B. Johnson, ''Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.''

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Delicious Marinated Chicken With The Best Potato Salad Ever!

Happy Saturday!

The weekend is family time for relaxation and building lasting memories! Technology takes up everybody's time and unfortunately all have something to occupy their free time with! The best we can do is cook great meals and keep meal times to family discussions! Except when your busy talking and chewing and get a splinter from your favorite chicken on a stick dinner! So with the 4th of July around the corner, everybody is going to be barbecuing and spending time together.

Here is a great chicken recipe in a delicious marinade and a potato salad recipe to go with it.

Chicken marinade, source
1 to 2 tablespoons vinegar, like cider, balsamic, or red wine
2 to 3 teaspoons dried herbs, like thyme, oregano, rosemary, or crumbled bay leaf
1 to 2 tablespoons mustard, whole grain or Dijon
1 to 2 teaspoon garlic or onion powder, optional
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast, each about 6 ounces

Put the vinegar, herbs, mustard, powders if using and oil in a large re-sealable plastic bag. Close the bag and shake to combine all the ingredients. Open the bag, drop in the chicken breast in the bag. Close and shake the bag to coat evenly. Freeze for up to 2 weeks.

Thaw in the refrigerator overnight, under cold, running water, or in the microwave at 30 percent power for 1 minute at a time.

Heat a grill or grill pan. When the grill is hot, place the chicken on the grill and cook for about 4 minutes per side, or until cooked through. You can also bake the thawed chicken in a 375 degree F oven for 15 minutes, or until cooked through.

Potato salad, (contains nuts)
2 tbsp walnut pieces (optional)
1 tbsp tarragon or cider vinegar
2 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp walnut oil
1 tsp honey
flaked sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
900g/2lb new potatoes, such as Jersey Royals or Charlotte, washed or scrubbed
1 tbsp chopped fresh tarragon leaves
1 large shallot, finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped cornichons or gherkins (optional)

If you're using the walnuts, place in a hot oven (about 200C/400F/Gas 6) for a few minutes until beginning to colour slightly. This gives a fresher, less bitter flavour to the nuts.

Place the vinegar, mustard, oils, honey and salt and pepper in a screw-top jar or in the bowl of a small hand blender. Shake or blend well until creamy. Add more seasoning if preferred.

Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for about 15-20 minutes until just tender. Drain well and, when just cool enough to handle, cut into halves or quarters, if quite large.

Place the potatoes in a mixing bowl with the tarragon, shallots, cornichons or gherkins and walnuts, if using, and toss in as much or as little of the dressing as you want. Serve just warm or, if you're not eating straight away, refrigerate and return the salad to room temperature before eating.

Enjoy! And whatever you do, stay safe with all the fireworks!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace!