Saturday, July 30, 2016

Religion, The World & Saturday's Thoughts!

Happy Saturday!

The weekend has began and that means a lot of people go out Saturday night. The pubs and clubs and restaurants make the most money at the weekends. Now this means, Sunday long lie-ins, brunch instead of breakfast and no time for church for a lot of people as a result. But then , a lot of young people skip church anyways. Why do we have religion? It's there because it gives people's lives structure and they have a goal to aspire to. To be good, because the reward is to go to heaven to spend eternity in the kingdom of Heaven. That's why a lot of people later on in life, suddenly turn to religion to achieve the blessings of God and eternity in heaven. We though are eternal souls that keep coming back/are re-born to achieve the ultimate goal of leading a perfect life and then joining God in the kingdom of Heaven. Now , did I say Kingdom of Heaven too many times ? Lol .. must be the religious girl in me 😉

Today I was flipping through a magazine and I saw an old photo of Oscar Wilde and he looked so much like the actor Nicolas Cage! It was strange but there have been a lot of photos around of people from the old days that resembled Nicolas Cage! I think we always come back with our same set of gifts and have basically the same life pattern which we have in our hands to make a better life or throw our lives away. The choice is ours! We should think about our lives, our destinies and work towards improving ourselves by being good, kind, and helping our fellow human beings. Not existing 'till we suddenly hit a certain age and then think about God and visiting churches and praying. How much prayer do you think is going to help you, if you turn your back on helping your fellow human beings. None! Somehow people don't want to hear anyone's hard times but apparently God will suddenly help the same people who turn their back on friends or family. I often wonder why do people find it so hard to be friendly, kind, and helpful. Why do some people need so much money to have a life, example, pop stars, movie stars, celebrities etc. They don't seem to think of the common man. Who struggles to survive with so little money. The world needs a change. Bigger wages and an equal distribution of wealth. We will suddenly see a drop in crime, a much happier set of people. Less depression, less suicides and an end to war and destruction of society. Money is the root of all evil! Hillary is pledging higher wages. I never once heard how much higher she intends to raise it. I made a joke at home probably a raise of 10 to 20 cents. Lol.. Fat lot of good that would do!

The PM, Mrs. May seems to be making a very sensible move about the nuclear plant at Hinkley. Scrap the idea would be my decision. We don't want China or France taking all our money for the energy bills we will be ill afford to pay! Get the world back to a more greener form of energy. What about solar panels on the roofs to heat the houses. What about wind farms. What's wrong with that? We need a better structure with everything we do and if a lot of people find it with religion, better be good to your fellow human beings than spending hours sitting in church praying.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

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