Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Depression, Not Easy But Heads Together And Overcome The Mental Battle!

Happy Wednesday,

It was a total change of weather today, it rained and rained and my feet got cold. So out came the stockings but I welcomed the rain. Is it not the lovely smell of rain that brings the grass alive and invokes memories of old. Had an awesome day, cooked some nice food my Mum made for me as a child and I thought about her today for no particular reason. Just the other day Prince Harry hosted a barbecue at Kensington Palace for the mental health charity ''Heads Together.'' And spoke about his regret that he never spoke about his Mum's (Princess Diana) death and how it affected him and how he felt 'till he turned 28 years old. A long time, to bottle up feelings. We all have some kind of issue that bothers us and if we keep our feelings to ourselves. It can have adverse effects. We need to talk about our feelings, our existence what makes us tick, how we feel, to overcome getting depressed and holding anxieties and feelings to ourselves. If we talk about what's going on mentally, we can then have comfort, assurance, and security from the other person to talk to.
Don't hold onto feelings, thoughts. Talk about it. No matter how weird you might think it sounds. It's better to share than keep it to yourself. My whole existence in this life is to make sure I can talk about depression as much as I can. I want people who feel fed up anxious, afraid to not give up. Never think suicide is the answer. It will not end things as you think. We are eternal souls, we have a mission in life. To live our life and do good things for people and accomplish goals. If we feel weak and think it's easy to die and I don't have to do this. You will come back, be born again with many more challenges than before and still with a life to lead. We need to learn to live the life we were given no short cuts in order to have an easier life in our next existence. Without the constant thought of 'I want to die' on your mind.
Live and succeed and make it happen. Every person matters. You do. Remember, you are special. Your mother carried you for nine months and she loves you above anything else. She does not want you to give up and die. Live and try to be strong. This life is not meant to be easy. Live and you will get a better life again.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace!

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