Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ignorance = Racism. Stop It Now!

Jane Elliott is an incredible woman and the point she makes with astounding clarity is mind blowing! If you don't know her, she has been raising awareness for a great many years. She is a social educator . In a short interview she gave recently in less than a minute she made a powerful point about racism, which I thought was so relevant in these chaotic days. I want to share it with you all: Racism should not exist any longer especially as a great many people have fought for equal rights and thought eventually the result was achieved when a black man was elected to be President of America. But unfortunately, the world has stepped back at least 50 years. Jane Elliott says, we hate because we are taught to hate; we hate because we are ignorant. We are the product of ignorant people. Nobody is born a bigot . We learn these things and anything we learn we can un-learn. Now is the time. People say there are four or five races in the world. There is only one race and that is the human race. We are all equal. A little pigmentation in the skin does not make somebody different. We are all born with equal intelligence. No race is superior to another, it's ignorance! She goes on to make the point more relevant and if you have the time or the inclination to look into new words, Google her and hear her have her say. She is a wise and clever woman and I have great respect for her. We need to treat our fellow brothers & sisters with more respect and equality. Nobody is different to ourselves. If you had an accident and ended up in hospital needing a blood transfusion, would you say, I want only blood from a white person or else let me die! Would you not accept an organ from somebody a different color than yourself? Think about it and remember we are who we are because we learn these idiot things from stupid people. Children play, love, and accept everyone 'till they turn older and behave the way their parents teach them. Love everyone we need more love & peace in this world. No more trident weapons, nuclear submarines and God forbid the new Prime Minister who says, she would push the nuclear button. My mouth dropped to the floor. More love and peace.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

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