Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Be A Strong Woman!

Happy Monday!

Took a short break with the blogs, did anyone miss me? I was a bit unwell. Had terrible toothache, which is better but not gone completely for now painkillers seem to be helping but I'm bearing it out. Hopefully it runs its course and dies out, can't go on paining forever. I like the mind over matter thing, it's better, it's better and so it will be. Eating meat is killing me, just infuriates the tooth and on a scale of 1 to 10 I'm at 8. But on to other stuff. It has been an awesome week it always is, hope for a good one and you will be rewarded. I still remember as a young girl all the self help books that lay around my house, it used to be a favorite of my brother. I think positivity is wonderful as is telling the universe this is what I want and you will have it delivered. Think of it as an online company selling you confidence, strength and great mental focus determination. I love all that . Life is tough but we have to roll with it. Its never easy being single but with standards as high as I have it's difficult to find the right person. Nobody seems right, and when he is, he's just not!

The kids all got great reports from school all have been promoted to the next year, it's celebrations. Summer holidays are almost here and the weather is promising to warm up. Life is good, a nice man would make it better but maybe that's how it's supposed to be!!

Sunday saw Roger Federer lift yet another Wimbledon title, with ease, Venus struggled and lost on Saturday!!!! What does that tell us?? Men get better with age and have more stamina. Venus's age I'm sure played a factor against the Spanish girl with that forgettable name! woman are the weaker sex and as soon as they admit it the world will be a better place! I strongly feel women should not be working over the age of 55, it's a disgrace that they should. Physically they get weaker, that is why they go through menopause!! A young childbearing woman is fit, once you can't have kids you are physically weaker. But in this so called modern pretend, forward society having a thought and stating it is unthinkable. We must walk with the masses say YES to what we should say yes to and think the same as everybody. This is not Modern!!!

The 13th Doctor Who was revealed on Sunday and just like I thought and dreaded it turned out to be a woman!!!! WHY or Why??? Dare you feel this is unacceptable! I am deeply disappointed my favorite Sci-fi series has regenerated the Doctor into a woman!! He was supposed to be a man, let the series run the way it was created, have a spin off show with a Time Lady Doctor/Nurse whatever !!I will not be watching this anymore, it will not be forever because He/She will regenerate again and hopefully into a man again! Goodbye Doctor Who!! Wouldn't it be a great idea if Wonder Woman is next played by a bloke and Batman and Robin were females transgender if the case be, that would be everybody's dream ? Yeah , I'm so happy with where the world's going ... NOT !!!

We need to be able to say what we think, we should be respected for our thoughts. If a woman wants to go out work and be a man it should be fine, and if you want to be a woman it should be fine. No woman should be forced to continue working and not have rights . If I could I would encourage girls to be themselves , not what society says . Its okay whatever you choose ! Just be strong and I'm strong and able to say what's on my mind because I have such awesome friends who allow me to be who I am ! Thank you for reading my blogs . God bless!

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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