Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friday Thoughts - Are We All Critical?

Happy Friday!

Today was an eventful day. The Big Brother winner was crowned and for once a very deserving person in Isabelle got crowned the "people's choice".  We all loved Issy the cool unassuming brightly orange girl, who didn't think of herself as beautiful, gladly put herself up for eviction when given an option to decide who should go up that week. Isabelle stole our hearts when she stood up to Lotan the Alpha male in the house who had every single person licking his butt. He was no role model for his son and she said it! Sometimes things need to be said who is going to be brave enough to say it? Few people have the guts while the masses follow the so called cool ones. We all need to show our own personalities, we are individuals, we don't need to be like everyone else. Let that be a point to ponder.

Today after months of unnecessary suffering little angel Charlie Gard eventually was allowed to leave his earthly home by his parents, who fought to keep their son alive. Rest in Peace little Charlie heaven has a lovely spot for you. May your angel wings guide you in your journey to whatever your souls destiny brings. The Pope tweeted, Mike Pence tweeted everybody knew Charlie and followed his fate, may peace & rest come to his parents hearts.

If you read the Daily Mail, its gossip never fails to bring hundreds of comments to every article. Most articles center on looks, fitness, youth, whose body is looking firm etc. We all want to keep fit and be healthy but this unnatural obsession with how everybody looks is getting quite ridiculous. Courtney Cox was criticized for her face being botoxed, Reese Witherspoon was getting the middle age spread going by the comments of the readers, Demi Moore should keep her body covered because the lingerie scene in her new movie BLIND supposedly showed cellulite and it was obviously an older woman's body. Why is everyone so critical? We are in an era of unhappiness, nobody has personal happiness so by being critical we offload our own feelings. Get over this people, we all look good and if we feel good about ourselves we will be fine.

This week with sadness we heard about the suicide of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. I just read today about a couple in financial woes committed suicide by jumping off a building in New York. Suicide is never the answer. It's the tough things in life we have got to accept before we decide it's too much for us. No problem is without a solution. Perhaps those two who jumped could have moved and lived a frugal life away from New York and had a cut to their finances . Sent their children to state schools, cut out university and made them find jobs. There is always a solution. It will not be easy but better stick it out then have your soul come back to a more unfortunate circumstance and this time be plagued with thoughts of wanting to die!

Be a friend and help listen to someone. Everyone is fighting a battle. Understanding goes a long way. Hope you enjoyed reading this. Have an awesome day and keep smiling. We love everyone.

Love & Peace  

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