Sunday, July 9, 2017

Self Defense - Why it's So Important!

Happy Saturday!
Today's blog I want to focus on self defense. Why it is so important to know how to be able to care of yourself. We all feel a little vulnerable today than maybe the generation before us did. There are so many opportunists around hoping to find in some isolated spot, alone at home or anywhere they can take advantage and perhaps rob you, rape you etc. We should always be prepared.

Taking up self defense classes is always a bonus. If you are armed with a few moves it could help you to get away and perhaps save your life. If you can defend yourself, you have not only learned something useful but you don't need to know a whole bunch, because you are are learning it to embark on a full fledged fight with the predator. You only want to get away as quick as possible to safety. Always be alert when you are out and about. Take for example a lioness with her cubs. She's got her head held high and always on the look out. You want to walk tall and look a bit intimidating so you don't get approached.

If you are set upon, look for vulnerable spots to inflict some sort of kick. Kick him in the groin, a punch to the throat, adam's apple is a weak spot for a guy. If somebody comes up from behind keep all your stuff confined mainly to one hand so with the other you could elbow him swiftly with the free hand. If somebody approaches you for your wallet or bag, don't become a hero and try to fight, at the same time don't hand it to them throw it as far away from you as possible so while they have to go retrieve it, you can make a get away .

A lot of women in the US keep a pepper spray in their bag. Out here in the UK it's not available so easily. So what I always keep in my bag is a little hand size (travel size) deodorant. It is not for me to freshen up, but to use on somebody's face in case I need to get away. In the eyes it can cause the person some discomfort. It's also handy in case some loose dog tries to attack. Eyes are vulnerable so always a good target.

A few more tips: always make sure at home you know who is on the other side of the door before you answer it. A peep hole is very handy. When you fill up at the gas station always remember to lock your car while you go pay up. You don't want somebody to get into the back of your car and surprise you after you have driven away. If you are away somewhere always make sure somebody knows your whereabouts. Even if it is just out to get something from the corner shop, let someone close know all your movements.

Last of all, every man needs to respect women more. Don't take advantage of a woman, treat her with respect and chances are she will like you more. A phrase I particularly hate especially when a man says "Oh you love it " No. A man doesn't need to say that it's the most vile thing to say. If a woman loved it she would say it herself, like OH I love that. Do not assume a woman loves your shit. And No means NO not a maybe. If a girl is open to something she will let you know she is responsive to any advances.  

Hope you enjoyed reading this and it's a bit informative. Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace

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