Friday, December 28, 2018

Four Of My Favourite Foundations !

Happy Friday !

The 31st night all has us planning shows and dances and events we all want to look our best for , and that means we want to present a perfect looking face . For that we need a good foundation .  Ever walked into a druggist and looked at the crazy amount of foundations and thought omg what am I going to choose . Here are four of my favourites , which have all the goodness to give you that flawless look . 
I love perfect looking skin and these new foundations are ultra skin perfectors with the promise of an air-brushed flush.

Ever used eye-drops? Well these new foundations are packaged with an eye-drop sort of squeezy tube to press out drops which you can blend into your skin. Always use a foundation brush which gives you a perfect smooth look.

The cheapest one at 12.99 is from GOSH ''Foundation Drops.'' This has the same blendability and satin finish as all of its pricier competitors and is super good value for money and I would recommend that you buy this. There are only five shades available in this super quality foundation.

Image result for gosh foundation drops
The second one from No 7 ''Airbrush Away'' Foundation is 16.50. This is another one which has an addictive velvety finish, only it doesn't have any SPF protection, and it contains alcohol.

The third one is from Smashbox and it costs 29 pounds is called ''Camera Ready BB Water SPF 30.'' It strikes a perfect balance between matt & moisturising. This oil free foundation has a silky finish and a very impressive SPF 30 protection too.

The fourth from MAC, ''Waterweight SPF 30'' foundation and costs 25.50. This has a very similar formula to the Smashbox one but this definitely gets the vote because it's cheaper and comes in fifteen extra shades.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling .
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Sharon Begley

Love & Peace

Simple Exercise To Get Moving & Healthy !

Happy Friday !

Get yourself motivated this weekend . A little exercise each day , will keep you healthy . January is just a few days away , a better body gives you confidence and powerful self esteem .
Tone up your body , arms , stomach , legs and bum with exercise  ten minute works outs two times a day . That's all it takes to keep toned and fit .
I've always admired Cameron Diaz and Rihanna for their toned physic and super fit bodies . Of course good eating plays a role as well . just don't pig out on too many chips and fries and cakes and biscuits you should do well !
For perfect arms and biceps , the biggest tip is , don't be afraid to lift weights everyday . It doesn't have to be actual dumbbells , but just a two and a half kg sack of potatoes does for me . Lift it all the way up , over your head , one sack in each hand repeat 20 times , twice a day, everyday ,keeps the muscles toned and exercised  .
The ten minute leg toner is simple . For Calf raises , go from having your feet flat on the floor to standing on tiptoes . Do this 20 times and repeat twice a day .
Lunges : Step forward with one leg lowering until the front knees is bent at 90 degrees. Push back up standing .Repeat this 20 times twice a day for maximum results .
Side squats : Stand with your feet together , then step out sideways with one foot placing your weight on that leg and bending at the knee . Go back up to standing and repeat on the other leg . Repeat this as well 20 times , twice a day .
For a great stomach workout , jumping rope is the best exercise to tone up the tummy . Jump rope while holding in your tummy for at least 15 minutes a day in intervals , is great exercise .
You could work on your abs doing crunches and five minutes set aside a day for planking , which is superb . Where you lay on the floor face down and raise yourself up onto your toes and elbows , holding your body straight by using your tummy muscles .
Great Bum exercise is doing squats , it firms up the bum and gives it a real rounded boost . No need for injecting fat to get the Kim Kardashian look . Squat as much as you can at every spare moment , a good bum workout for a great looking shape . You could do different kind of squats like the jumping squat as well .
Image result for pictures of exercise
All these exercises need not be done all together , but if you do them as much as you can , concentrating on each body part one day in the week . You are exercising and keeping fit . A small slow start is always better than no exercise at all .
Get fit and healthy . Motivate yourself , a fit and healthy person does not get depressed easily and stays more optimistic .

Keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Friday, December 21, 2018

Salt Meat For Christmas ..My Recipe !

Happy Friday !

It's almost Christmas and the weekend is knocking on the door,  most of us at the weekend think about preparing, something really special for the family ( if you love to cook ! ) I have lovely memories of salt meat ( cooked with a large chunk of beef ) which was a staple around Christmas time amongst the people who lived in my town , where I grew up . My grandma made this delicious dish , but this recipe is not hers , she never got around to telling me how it was done  . I learned to make it over time , checking the net and this is how I now prepare my own . I love it so much .  I don't generally wait for Christmas to prepare it for my children . It takes a while to make , needs to be soaked in brine . But lasts for sometime ,in the refrigerator . Great to be sliced and put in sandwiches . I am crazy about salt meat , it is super delicious and with Christmas around the corner , I know a lot of people want to prepare some special side dishes, for all your lovely relatives who just turn up on your doorstep to share the holiday spirit with you . I hope you enjoy making this and have tons of pleasure eating it !! Enjoy , the recipe is below :)

For the brine 
275 g  soft light-brown sugar
350 g  coarse sea salt
2 tsp black peppercorns
½ tbsp juniper berries
4 cloves
4 bay leaves
4 sprigs of thyme
55 g  saltpetre (optional)
For the beef 
2.5 kg  piece of beef brisket
1 large carrot, roughly chopped
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 celery stick, roughly chopped (optional)
1 leek, cut into large chunks
1 bouquet garni
½ head of garlic
Put all the ingredients for the brine into a very large saucepan, pour in 2.5 litres  of water and gradually bring to the boil, stirring to help the sugar and salt dissolve. Once it comes to the boil, let it bubble away for two minutes. Take off the heat and leave to cool completely.
Pierce the meat all over with a skewer. Put it in a large, sterilised plastic box or bucket (something non-reactive) and cover the meat with the brine; it must be totally immersed. The best thing I've found for weighing it down is two massive bottles of vodka. Put them in on top of the meat and it will stay below the level of the brine. Leave in a very cool place ( a room that is always freezing cold – most houses have one). Leave it for seven days.
Take the beef out of the brine and rinse it. Roll and tie the meat and put it in a pan with the vegetables, bouquet garni and garlic, adding enough cold water to cover. Bring the water to simmering point, then leave to poach gently – I mean gently – for two and a half to three hours. Cook until the meat is completely tender (check with a skewer).
Serve in slices with pickles, horseradish sauce , English mustard or piccalilli. You can serve it hot (reheat it in the broth in which it has cooked) or cold. It will keep for a week in the refrigerator; wrap it well so it stays moist.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace 

Monday, December 17, 2018

December Thoughts .. Good Decisions !

Good morning/ afternoon/evening/night
Wherever you are in your day I hope your smiling . Today's blog is a bit of general advice on relationships and good decisions . As the year almost comes to an end alot of people start making New Year resolutions . One of the key steps to happiness is independence and this comes when we are not reliant on someone else making us happy . Being dependant on another person , can disrupt our own happiness because if their mood or disposition becomes ugly then we get affected .
In other words I'm saying keep relationships light . In this day and age we have no pressing need for marriage . Marriage is a very big step and as much as women give it their 99% in most cases , a man will always be about 50% committed in all areas . Men do not take well to commitment long term , as good as their intentions are in the beginning it seldom lasts over 15 years especially if children are added to the equations . Children bring alot of stress with the growing years and need commitment from fathers and mothers together . If the two are not on the same page it can cause tensions , which are hard to overcome in the long term . My eldest caused alot of tension and it eventually was the root cause of a split . I was a firm parent and had rules to follow and my hubby was relaxed and didn't gave a hoot . So if I said something he did the opposite and obviously the child gravitates towards the parent who allows them to run riot and become a failure . The disagreements were many and love changed to hate and anger on both parts . I don't hold grudges and have tonnes of forgiveness in my heart and as much as I'd like a friendship without hate from him he is an angry unforgiving old man of 62 who still imagines he is handsome and young in his head still seeks the young victim .
By allowing the eldest to run riot she dotes on him and in return he controls her and has her eating out of his hand while I am the Bad mother as she shouts that regularly to me .  He is a controlling person and likes to feel in-charge ofcourse I am a strong independent woman who is not controlled by anyone but am Master to my own destiny.
Vulnerable young women fall prey to these kind of men , who pretend to be very eager to hear and help but all the time they are just helping themselves.
Marriage and children in these times are not to be risked as it is we live in times of great uncertainty . Not much work going around 0 hour contracts . Homelessness , the Gap between the Rich and Poor is enormous . Corporate Businesses  making multi-million pound bonuses to their bosses and lower down staff suffering below the poverty level . Can we even think of bringing children into this world ?? Absolutely not . Unless you happen to be very rich and successful it's always going to be a struggle . People don't have the opportunity to own their own home and more and more people at even 35 are still living with their elderly parents because of sudden circumstance .
Make decisions wisely , imagine you have a job and it's only you responsible for yourself . Your future would be so much better and your happiness would yours to command .
A quote I love on happiness :)

  Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. - Jim Rohn

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Start That Change & Make It Happen !

Happy Sunday !

We all have busy lives and there is always something that needs to be done but do we take time out of our busy lives to focus on changing things that we do to become more conscious of taking care of ourselves and becoming more healthy mentally and physically .
To help you all , lets start with just five days , in  the week , give yourself the other two days a break .  Focus on this ,something new , and try carrying it over , to the next day and the next . Healthy intentions to get your week going .

Monday : End your day with 15 minutes of meditation before you go to bed . Turn your lights very low , light a candle and some incense and close your eyes . Don't focus on any of the bad things of the day or the boring everyday you face . No try and think about one thing that maybe made you smile , or if somebody did something good for you . If that didn't happen , it can .. because life can be hum drum !! Focus then on a waterfall , the sound of birds a forest setting and you will start to feel peaceful !

Tuesday : Stop binge eating . Try not to snack on any junk food between meals . If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit . Eat well at your main meal , and have 2 lighter meals in the day . Try sticking with it , for at least 3/4 days in the week , and you will feel healthier .

Wednesday : Try to fit in some keep fit exercise . Yeah I know some of my friends have never done any exercise , and would feel awkward starting something now . Will their kids laugh at them ? I remember my Mum never did any exercise , and it's weird to think of her doing some keep fit stuff . But it's never too late for anyone to begin , especially with so much of processed junk food being sold cheaply , and somehow it, never satisfy's your hunger , like a good home cooked meal , does . My kids are so used to seeing me doing my keep fit routine , they don't bat an eyelid . My youngest did ask me Mum  "why do you , do so much exercise , you are not fat ?" I just said well Mama likes to stay fit , and nobody should wait to turn fat to start getting active !

Thursday : Give yourself , a nice facial .. scrub your face use a face mask . Soak in the bath , and then lavish tons of body cream all over your body .Don't miss a spot and remember pamper your feet the most . We use it to walk our whole lifetime , it supports our whole body weight . It needs to look good and feel soft . Should not be rough and unloved .

Friday : One day in the week , we should give up meat . Is that really hard ? It gives the body a good cleanse and has us revved up to eat meat the next day ! There are really good alternatives , Fish is absolutely awesome , eggs can make a great wholesome dish . Vegetables are so healthy and there are some great vegetarian recipes available to make your meal so , so tasty . I shall in the coming weeks put up some great vegetarian dishes for you all to make and try .

Hope you enjoy trying this out . Don't wait for January , begin this month and work on your good intentions. Get it going . Get a journal and note down important things that happen to you . A good deed , a birthday , a memory from the past . Record your moments so when your old & in 20/30 years from now you will have wonderful thoughts memories and moments in your life to bring a smile to your face .
Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Three Easy & Quick Lunch Ideas !

Happy December and Happy Wednesday !

Hope you are enjoying the Days leading up to Christmas it's always so much fun for the children and me . We always get so excited planning Christmas decorating the house with all the festive cheer . Today my son said he wants extra Christmas decorations all over lots of fairy lights and a huge Santa . So I'm just very happy to please them . Been extra busy than ever planning an awesome Christmas and New Year . When you just happen to be extra busy you need quick recipes for lunch so you are not spending too much time making something quick yet nutritious for the children and myself . Since my kids are not big meat eaters vegetarian lunches pleases them enormously .

Here are three quick and easy lunch ideas I whip up for the kids all the time . Hope you find them delicious . They are healthy and full of goodness for your body and soul .

Quinoa Salad
Prepare the quinoa as instructed on the packet . Then chop up finely half a red onion . Get a small lime which you will use to squeeze over the salad . A small can of corn warm it up in a pan with a little bit of chilli flakes . A can of red kidney beans use half . A full tomato dice it up .A bunch of coriander chop it up , if you want just add less if it's not your thing or just replace with your favourite herb.  Now your ready to put it together . Add all the ingredients to a bowl with the quinoa , squeeze the lemon over and season with salt and pepper . It's delicious . You could if you wanted have a softly boiled egg on the top which I like to do for myself .

Chopped Salad
For this recipe cut your Broccoli up finely . Chop up some Cabbage . Get a small onion and chop that up . A small can of lentils . Steam your broccoli and keep it ready . Now lightly fry the onions and add the cabbage with a clove of chopped up garlic and some crushed chilli flakes . After a few minuted add the steamed broccoli and lentils stir add a splash of lemon juice and it's ready to eat .

A Wrap
An avocado mash it up with chopped onions a clove of garlic lemon juice salt and pepper . Now spread this deliciousness over the wrap cut up some tomatoes put that on . A pickled gherkin is delicious sliced and added . Lastly some chick peas fried in a pan with chilli flakes lime juice and a clove of garlic is quickly done and ready to put on the wrap . A quick drizzle of  honey mustard dressing is optional , roll up the wrap and your ready with your lunch prep . Eat and enjoy and get healthy as well .

Hope you enjoy these three easy lunch ideas . Have an awesome week and keep smiling .

 We know what we are, but know not what we may be. - William Shakespeare
 Keep striving , great heights can always be reached . Never give up !

Love & Peace

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Ways To Prevent Skin Damage !

Happy Thursday !

November is at the end , tomorrow is the 1st of December . How soon is this year going by .. Christmas  is in 25 days I am so happy it's one holiday I love with all my heart . Winter is also almost on us but as I get older I'm not so in love with the extreme weather . Do you know that in-spite of it being cold we still have to watch out for the sun , especially as it's lying so low on the horizon . Sunglasses are very important now or else you could cause an accident driving  because of the low sun . I use my sunglasses year round , especially in winter with the bitter cold winds I protect my eyes because it tears up and gets very watery . So be it cloudy or late evening I'm sure to be rocking some sunglasses , lol . Cold winds and the Sun can cause skin damage .
The main types of skin damage is fine lines and wrinkles . Over time the sun's UV rays damages fibres in the skin called elastin . The fibres break down , and the skin begins to sag , stretch and loses it's ability to ping back into shape .

Discolouration of the skin . This manifests itself as brown freckles and patches of darker permanent pigmentation on the skin .
Broken blood vessels , prolonged exposure to the sun causes this , mainly it appears on the face , especially on the nose . It is harmless but it's ageing . Your skin will try to heal its self by increasing the blood supply to the sun damaged area , resulting in a proliferation of broken blood vessels !
Image result for pictures of good skin

Ways to repair this sun damage to your skin would begin with" Drinking " loads of water .It won't get rid of the wrinkles , but keeping your skin hydrated will improve the appearance of your skin .
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Improve pigmentation : there are plenty of over the counter products that will improve your pigmentation and bleach brown spots . They are not often as strong as those supplied by a dermatologist but the results are still good .
Retinol , this cream can produce new collagen , but they cannot repair the elastin fibres .
Exfoliation , is a good way to remove dead skin build-up . A smoother surface will give a nice reflection of light , making skin look even and you can appear younger !
Eating foods high in Antioxidants . Cherries , walnuts and asparagus are all good sources of antioxidant melatonin , which protects the skin against UV radiation and stimulates new cell growth !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Five Great Christmas Jumpers for Men !

Happy Sunday !

Time to get on some festive Christmas jumpers and celebrate ! Christmas is very near on the horizon and we need to our Christmas Cheer on !

Christmas jumpers are all the rage in the last few years , we wear them on , getting sparkly and bringing happiness into our lives . I doubt anyone is going to feel mournful with their nice festive jumper on . We even have a special day when the kids can wear their Christmas jumper into school day ! We love Christmas jumpers and often already get them as gifts for people who have their birthdays in November and early December . Among all this we forget to check up on the Christmas jumper fashion for the Men in our lives ! We are so busy sorting out jumpers for ourselves the ladies and the kids , we lose sight that the guys also want some seriously fashionable Christmas jumpers .

Here are some great Fashion Choices for Christmas jumpers for your favourite Men who you want to spoil and pamper !

At No 1. River Island Christmas jumper with glitter Santa in black . It costs 30 pounds and available online from ASOS .
River Island Christmas jumper with glitter santa in black

At No 2. ASOS design Christmas sweatshirt with Sleigh My Name print is edgy and stylish and really catches the eye . I love it . At only 25 pounds I find it very affordable !
ASOS DESIGN christmas sweatshirt with Sleigh My Name print

At No. 3 Boohoo Man roll neck fairisle Christmas jumper in cream is so smart and can be worn under a blazer at a high stakes event and you would fit right in . I love it . Priced at only 18 pounds it's a must have :)
 boohooMAN roll neck fairisle Christmas jumper in cream

At No. 4 ASOS design Christmas jumper in festive multicolour design is fun and super cool .Especially for the trendy young man with a sense of humour . Nice for a drink out with mates or for a day out shopping with your better half . Definitely one to invest in at 25 pounds . 
ASOS DESIGN Christmas jumper in festive multicolour design

At No. 5 The Bellfield Christmas jumper Aztec Fairisle jumper down from 35 pounds to 28 is an absolute bargain and must have . It is sophisticated and fun . Available online from ASOS , anyman would love this jumper .
Bellfield Christmas Jumper Aztec Fairisle

Hope you love all five of my choices and you will be rushing to buy one for your favourite guy soon . All five are available from ASOS online .

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling .Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and didn't over indulge on the turkey :)

Love & Peace

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Get Fit With Simple Exercises !

Happy Tuesday !

With Thanksgiving , Christmas and all the festivities around the corner , over-eating and indulging is going to be your favourite activity . Well while you take in the food , set yourself a workout routine so you keep up the balance of eating more and giving yourself a workout . The more you practise working out the healthier your body will get and you will feel better about yourself .

Tone up your body , arms , stomach , legs and bum with exercise  ten minute works outs two times a day . That's all it takes to keep toned and fit .
I've always admired Cameron Diaz and Rihanna for their toned physic and super fit bodies . Of course good eating plays a role as well . just don't pig out on too many chips and fries and cakes and biscuits you should do well !
For perfect arms and biceps , the biggest tip is , don't be afraid to lift weights everyday . It doesn't have to be actual dumbbells , but just a two and a half kg sack of potatoes does for me . Lift it all the way up , over your head , one sack in each hand repeat 20 times , twice a day, everyday ,keeps the muscles toned and exercised  .
The ten minute leg toner is simple . For Calf raises , go from having your feet flat on the floor to standing on tiptoes . Do this 20 times and repeat twice a day .
Lunges : Step forward with one leg lowering until the front knees is bent at 90 degrees. Push back up standing .Repeat this 20 times twice a day for maximum results .
Side squats : Stand with your feet together , then step out sideways with one foot placing your weight on that leg and bending at the knee . Go back up to standing and repeat on the other leg . Repeat this as well 20 times , twice a day .
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For a great stomach workout , jumping rope is the best exercise to tone up the tummy . Jump rope while holding in your tummy for at least 15 minutes a day in intervals , is great exercise .
You could work on your abs doing crunches and five minutes set aside a day for planking , which is superb . Where you lay on the floor face down and raise yourself up onto your toes and elbows , holding your body straight by using your tummy muscles .
Great Bum exercise is doing squats , it firms up the bum and gives it a real rounded boost . No need for injecting fat to get the Kim Kardashian look . Squat as much as you can at every spare moment , a good bum workout for a great looking shape . You could do different kind of squats like the jumping squat as well .
All these exercises need not be done all together , but if you do them as much as you can , concentrating on each body part one day in the week . You are exercising and keeping fit . A small slow start is always better than no exercise at all .
Get fit and healthy . Motivate yourself , a fit and healthy person does not get depressed easily and stays more optimistic .
Image result for exercises pictures

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Friday, November 16, 2018

November Favourite .. Silky Smooth Hair !

Happy Friday !

The weather has been mild but come the end of the weekend and we are going to be facing cold eastern winds and it's going to leave your hair feeling dry and brittle .
If you have curly, wavy hair like me then the slightest amount of rain, heat, or central heating can cause all you hair to feel dry and get frizz. With winter not so long off and many of my readers and followers are going to be facing the same conditions ,so it's all about smooth and hydrated - manageable hair we all long to have. These six great anti-frizz products will keep your hair moisturised and won't weigh your hair down, and they actually work. I have tried and tested them all!

At no. 6 I absolutely love John Frieda products and the Frizz Ease Conditioner Beyond Smooth is my absolute must have . It's reasonably priced and if I'm not trying out other stuff it's my staple to use. Value for money .

At no. 5 is Nanokeratin Re-Invent Leave In Conditioner and costs a hefty £25.55. I loved this product and will use it again.

No. 4, Alterna Bamboo Smooth Frizz Correcting Styling Lotion, A very nice product that costs £16.24.

No. 3, Davineo Momo Moisturizing Anti Frizz Fluid, just a dollop of this smoothing cream after towel drying your hair will detangle and hydrate from root to tip. Costs $22 and available from The bottle is plain and not very attractive, but the product is great.

No. 2, It's a 10! Miracle Leave-in Product, this costs a whopping $34. But like its name, it's a 10 from me!

No 1, my favorite, and at the top of my list is Bumble and Bumble Defrizz. It costs $25 dollars and is available at A must try!

Hope you find the list handy for the next time you go shopping. Don't let a bad hair day spoil your mood. These great products will have you feeling like a princess with great glossy locks .

I love this quote and I want to share it . Friday wisdom :)
Image result for inspirational quotes for women

Have an awesome weekend and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Sunday, November 11, 2018

November Favourite ... Secrets To Beautiful Skin !

Happy Sunday !

Today was Remembrance Sunday , 100 years since the end of World War One . It was heartbreaking hearing all the stories of the fallen soldiers from their families . The thousands that lost their lives marked by every poppy laid down in memory of the brave young men who stood up for their families . We salute their courage and remember them every day .  Although I was surprised to see all these leaders of countries taking part , especially as they actively take part in supporting Wars . They make millions manufacturing ARMS and selling them abroad . They make Nuclear Weapons . I am so against all these weapons . WE don't need wars . We need to live in peace and love each other . So many people have lost their lives in unnecessary Wars . Ban the sale of weapons and governments supporting Wars . No more Nuclear Arms ! 

But wherever you are in your day I hope you are smiling , and war thoughts are not making you sad. With every birthday we get older but it's now widely accepted that we feel and look younger than our parents and grandparents. The new 40 is 30, and 50 is 40, and 60 is 45, well you go figure! I remember a while ago Ellen DeGeneres and Matt Lauer were sitting around talking about being proud that they were turning 60 and how good they felt but isn't it funny that they also look unnaturally too young for it maybe it's all the botox and fillers. Nicole Kidman looks trapped in a time warp , but we don't actually need to go that far with plastic surgery. The key to staying young, looking young, and feeling young is taking care of yourself. Don't let yourself go by letting your weight creep up and down. Maintain a steady weight which your skin will thank you for. The elasticity of the skin is key, so make sure you are well hydrated and moisturised. You don't want to end up looking like the surface of Mars who screams ''Moisturise me!''

So let me list you the reason why you could be feeling old and fat and perhaps you could take steps to remedy the culprits.
1. You are not eating the right foods and not getting enough healthy fats. Eating fruits and veg is one of the easiest ways to keep slim and have plenty of health benefits to boot!
2. You are eating too many carbs and starches. By not eating a balanced diet you could easily have a lot of consequences. Eat an equal amount of fruit and veg to balance your carbs and proteins.
3. Not moving enough. If you don't get enough exercise you could get overweight, feel tired and stiff and start getting body aches and fatigue! We need to move and be active in order to get hungry again and keep our brain functioning well. Physical activity is key. Be it going for an hour's walk everyday in addition to using the stairs every time!
4. Stress is a big factor in feeling old. Try not to stress about the stuff. Because if you have problems and troubles by stressing about it, it's not going to vanish overnight. Try to look for solutions and write down what's bothering you. If you read it back to yourself you could easily think up solutions, write these down too and then try and work your way through conquering them!
5. The last reason for feeling and looking old is not enough sleep. Whatever you do, try and achieve 8 hours of sleep a day. It is very little compared to the 24 hours we have in a day. Sleep those hours and you will be feeling younger and more bright eyed and active. Sleep is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves!
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Lastly, I want to say use a face cream. Man or woman, from 20 years old till the day you die use the cream, and look great. Like you would your face, use body lotion all over your body every day. A great way to keep your skin young and healthy. When you're old and grey your older self will be thankful you started caring for yourself young !
Image result for images of beautiful skin

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Thursday, November 8, 2018

November Tips .. Get Great Hair !

Happy Thursday!

Today on telly I watched the documentary on Prince Charles , his life long dedication to his work and conservation efforts . The Prince's Trust and the good work that has benefited young people all over the Country . Charles is turning 70 that is really old to still be waiting patiently for the job he has worked towards all his life . He seemed nice and pleasant and unbelievably funny . I could like him as my King if it wasn't for his awful 2nd wife . Camilla and him being all lovey dovey is annoying to see and personally I feel uncomfortable to think this woman who caused so much unhappiness in his first marriage when his children were young is now lapping up a comfortable and hugely high status . If she continued to be his mistress and kept a low profile and just kept him happy privately , I would have thought better about the whole situation . Right now I would rather He steps aside for William after serving for a very short time as Monarch like 6 months to a year . Right now I'm just so glad Her Majesty the Queen is still here and continuing her rule . Long live The Queen .
Anyways today my blog is about hair, having great hair is a dedication , we have got to work at it , to achieve it ! Here are a few tips !!

Hair is called our crowning glory and if there is one thing women love, its spending tons of money on hair products , shampoos , conditioners and anything basically which promises us lushes locks .
It does not cost the earth however if we decide to eat the right things which nourish our hair from the inside and give us the healthy hair we desire . Have you reached a certain age or just have the feeling that stress , lifestyle  is causing the  thinning of your locks ? Well I'm going to list all the right food you should be eating , to give you the hair you desire .
Hair requires a regular supply of protein , glucose , vitamins and minerals for health and growth . It is usually the first place to suffer if there is a deficiency !

Did you know eating Walnuts delays greying hair ? Walnuts are rich in body-boosting biotin , nourishing Vitamin E and naturally moisturising Omega Oils . They also contain small traces of copper . This mineral plays a role in the production of melanin , the pigment that gives hair colour . A lack of copper is the cause of hair greying prematurely , so topping up your levels with a handful of walnuts will delay many trips to the colourists .
Lack of Iron is the most common cause of thinning hair . If levels are low , hair becomes starved , the growth phase stops and shedding occurs . Lean red meat is the best source of iron but lentils are very good as well .

Eggs for bounce and elasticity is super . Eggs contain hair boosting nutrients , including protein and Vitamins D and B . Biotin supports keratin production  to increase hairs elasticity and strength . So if your locks are prone to breakage tuck into an omelette !!
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Oysters clear Dandruff . If you suffer a dry scalp, then the lack of zink is to blame . Zink helps maintain the function of the oil screating glands that surround hair follicles , so low levels can lead to dryness .Oysters , crab and lobster are the richest sources but pumpkin seeds are also excellent .
Porridge for Youth . Hair becomes more brittle and dull as we get older , and one of the reasons for this is falling silica levels . This mineral is important for helping to maintain hormonal balance . Oats are a wonderful source of silica . So why not eat a bowl of porridge every day .
Image result for pictures of gorgeous hairstyles
Peppers for split ends . Vitamin C protects hair from radical damage . It's important for sebum and collagen production . Dry hair and split ends are signs you are not getting enough Vitamin C . Red peppers are a rich source of Vitamin C and so is oranges , strawberries , tomatoes and broccoli .
I hope this helps you in eating the right type of food ,to nourish your hair and keep it looking good !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Winter Coats To Inspire You ... Get Warm !

Happy November and Happy Sunday !

The weather has turned quite cold and inspite of it being Autumn it feels like mid winter ! So before it gets any colder I have put together my very favourite winter jackets to inspire you if you want to invest in a new Coat !

As usual I have gone too my very favourite online shop ASOS for the best buys in winter jackets .

No 1. The ASOS Design Teddy Borg Hybrid Parka is so cosy and warm in a beautiful Off white shade it would certainly match with any outfit you put on . At 85 pounds it's worth every penny . I love it :)
ASOS DESIGN teddy borg hybrid parka

No 2 This New Look Tailored Maxi Coat in Camel colour is all the rage this season and is warm and long enough so your are in no danger of freezing . At 54.99 pounds I think it's a very good buy .
New Look Tailored Maxi Coat

No. 3 The New Look Teddy Fur Coat in Mustard is my absolute favourite . It's a very affordable 39.99 pounds and would make you look drop dead gorgeous . Mustard is the colour this fall and almost anyone can rock this style . It's warm and I'm getting mine soon . Love it .
New Look teddy fur coat in mustard

At No. 4 This very stylish Oasis Tailored coat in black will set you apart . It looks much more expensive than the price of 90 pounds . It could easily be worn by Meghan Markle, The Duchess instead of some of those thousands she spends on clothes which look cheap and tacky .  This coat in other words could make your attire look Royal worthy . Definitely worth the spend .
 Oasis tailored coat in black

At No. 5 ASOS design duffel with swing skirt and metal work is very classic and beautiful . I love the collar and detail down the front . A very gorgeous design which will make you feel feminine . At 65 pounds it's a worthy investment as the colour could take you thorough a good number of years , and it's money well spent .
  ASOS DESIGN duffle with swing skirt and metal work

There you have my five favourite Winter Coats to inspire your buy this season . Cover up keep warm and drink plenty of chicken soup to warm you up . Or get that Gluckwine ( not really sure I got that spelling right , lol  ) out and enjoy the cold weather !

I love this saying , it's my Sunday thought for you all .
Image result for inspirational quotes
Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thoughts And Fresh Veggies... Happy Halloween :)

Happy Halloween !

Today is All Hallow's Eve if you are not sure what that is, it's the eve of Hallow's Day or All Saints Day which is celebrated by Christians on November 1st followed by All Soul's Day on the 2nd when we remember all our loved ones who have left this earth for Heaven . It's a holiday where you get all dressed up and go around collecting candy if you are a child but adults celebrate it differently by making it scary :) Hope you had a great holiday and a memorable one at that .
Last week was not the best week in the news all round and with people's lives . There was the helicopter crash with the owner of the Leicester football club on board . Then there was the plane crash Lion Air in Asia . God rest their soul's . On Tuesday last week my beloved black cat went out as usual after dinner and has not yet returned ... I am very very sad have been looking and calling for him all over the village but no sign of him . But I am not giving up hope he will return . He is such a clever and highly intelligent cat I miss him so much .

I just read an article that a zoo in Holland "Dierenrijk "Mierlo had put 4 bears in an enclosure with 4 wolves because they wanted a challenging situation . The bears tore into the female wolf and ripped her apart in front of the public visiting . It must be awful for anyone who watched and the poor wolf .  It disgusts me that the zoo people said they didn't know why the bears did that and they will not separate the wolves and the bears after this incident , as they say they live in the wild together . The Dutch have never struck me as clever ignorant people. In the wild it's not an enclosed space there are vast areas to run and hide . Zoo's should be closed down it's a disgusting place and animals should not be on show in confined areas .  I have only ever taken my eldest child to a zoo when she was two years old many many years ago and I refuse to take the younger two to a zoo . They have never been to one and never will . I hope the zoo officials find some common sense and separate those animals. Praying all the time !

But here are the eight best vegetables around , we could eat this winter , to get us healthy so our bodies are fit and able to cope with the cold winter months . Even though a lot of people are not fans of veggies , you could cook up some hearty meals to satisfy yourself and keep you warm . These are my favourites and I cook them up in almost everything !

1) Spinach : 2 cal , It's high in fiber , protein ,calcium ,iron , magnesium , potassium and vitamins A ,C , E , K and B6 as well as high in sodium . The best ways to eat it is raw , in salads stir-fried or cooked in a curry .

2) Red Bell Pepper : 30 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins A ,C ,K , D and B6 . High in natural sugars it is best eaten raw , or in salads , roasted or stir-fried .

3) Red Onions : 44 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins C and B6 . They are high in natural sugars . Eat them in salads , raw , sauteed or stir-fried . Aldi and Lidl always have the best offers for fresh onions .
4) Tomatoes : 22 cal ,high in magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars eat them raw in salads , sandwiches or use them in tomato based pasta sauces . Super delicious !

5 ) Eggplant or Aubergines or Brinjals , wherever in the world you are , those are the names used and I particularly  love this veg . 110 cal ,high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins C , K and B6 . Eat them roasted ,  grilled or stir-fried !

6) Cucumbers : 24 cal , this veg is high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars , eat it raw or in salads .

Image result for pictures of veggies
7) Cauliflower : 3 cal , high in protein , magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins C , K an B6 . High in sugars eat it steamed ,roasted or in salads .

8) Mushrooms : 2 cal , high in fiber ,protein , iron , potassium and vitamins d and B6 .eat them stir-fried ,sauteed ,or roasted . Add them to pastas , noddles, salads and casseroles !
Image result for pictures of veggies

Enjoy your veggies and get your kids to eat them too ! Have a wonderful day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace xx

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Delicious Healthy Chocolate Cups For Halloween !

Happy Saturday !

It's nearly Halloween my favourite time of the year Pumpkins , ghost stories , candles , candy  and Costumes . Yesterday had a little house party and everyone got dressed up and it was so much fun . Had a little ghostly movie as well as some midnight entertainment "Lavender "It had a 12 years certificate so the kids could also enjoy . It was very entertaining and I definitely recommend .

Made some pumpkin soup which everyone enjoyed . The main course was spare ribs , chicken wings , hamburgers , salad    , fries and potato wedges . For dessert I made some delicious chocolate pots which were a big hit . I made them a bit differently so I ditched the cream and used TOFU !!!  Yes tofu a bit of a surprising ingredient but it still tasted delicious . So it was a sort of Vegan chocolate pot . I learned this recipe from a friend of mine and since I love it so much I wanted to share it with you all . If you are thinking of being healthy and shedding some weight  look nor further than this delicious dish . So here goes .

First get two slabs of dark chocolate good quality 85% cocoa . Break it up and put it in a dish over a hot pan of water so it can slowly dissolve . Give it a stir once in a while but just let it go slow no hurry . Now get your tofu  put it in a clean tea towel . You would need 2 packs of tofu for 2 packs of chocolate . Squeeze out the water from the tofu through the tea towel . So you are left with some dry crumbly tofu . Now put it into a food processor , add the zest of a lime . Now add a teaspoon of dark rum two if it's only for adults. Now add two teaspoons of vanilla bean paste . Add a pinch of salt . Don't forget stirring the chocolate . Back to the processor add in about 150 gms of maple syrup . Now the last  a secret ingredient a pinch of chilli powder well I actually add a little less than a teaspoonful .  Close the processor and blend for at least two minutes . It has got to be silky smooth before you should start adding the melted chocolate  blend it up again and open it should be silky smooth and chocolate heaven . It's ready . Get some little espresso cups or some dainty cocktail glasses and pour your chocolate in . You could add some chocolate shavings on the top or some crushed pistachios and it's super delicious to eat . Enjoy !
Image result for chocolate cups pictures

I hope you loved this recipe and enjoy making it for your loved ones . Have an awesome weekend and keep smiling . Have a safe and Happy Halloween .

Love & Peace   

Monday, October 22, 2018

October Favourites .. 5 Gorgeous Autumn Jumpers !

Happy Monday !

After a weekend with unusually good weather for October we are now set for a turn in the weather and it's going to get pretty chilly from the next few days .
So we have got to make sure we are dressed suitably but still make sure to be on trend and fashionable.

Today I have chosen out five of my favourite jumpers which are not only pretty but will get you turning heads as well . It really doesn't matter if you think you are not pretty enough because with the right clothes you could feel ten thousand times more attractive than you ever felt before .   Remember we are all beautiful and have attractive features we just need to highlight these features.  If you have been watching Big Brother Tomasz is really over-weight but he has an endearing quality about him and he dresses to suit his personality and that makes him attractive .

Okay so here are my favourite jumpers . Hope you love them as much as I do .
At No. 1 Weekday Balloon Sleeve Open Weave Knit jumper it is priced down from 55 pounds to 44 and is in a beautiful shade of yellow . Certain to draw all eyes to you ..available from ASOS my favourite go to :)
 Weekday Balloon Sleeve Open Weave Knit Jumper

At No. 2 is the Brave Soul Emery Chenille jumper with fringing  . It's in a beautiful rust colour perfect for autumn priced down from 30 pounds to 18 and available from ASOS and I love it .
Brave Soul emery chenille jumper with fringing

No. 3 The Missguided  Roll Neck Step Hem jumper is just beautiful and a must have . We all need a classic black jumper in our wardrobe and this one fits the bill . At a very affordable 22 pounds down from 28 it's a bargain .
Missguided roll neck step hem jumper

At No. 4 I love this one :)  Blend She Jessie high neck jumper in a gorgeous light brown with beautiful arm detail from ASOS . Down from 45 pounds for 28 it's a very good buy and would certainly last you a couple of years .
Blend She Jessie high neck jumper

Last but not least at No. 5 and so gorgeous down from 30 pounds to 18 ,very affordable  the Brave Soul Lucky Jumper With Frill And Pointelle Detail . From Asos You will be catching alot of eyes with this .
Brave Soul Lucky Jumper With Frill And Pointelle Detail

Hope you love my five jumpers recommended for autumn they are very pretty and will be sure to keep you warm . Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October Favourite ... Get A Massage & Relax !

Happy Wednesday !

When you run around and are busy all day and somehow you feel exhausted at just the thought of sitting down and watching some telly . What you need is to unwind and relax . A good massage always helps . But if you are not so lucky to have a partner who would volunteer to massage you then you should find a nice Spa place that has the full relaxing treatment . 
Listed below are 3 great places you would not be disappointed with . I love their treatments and would highly recommend it .  

Sodashi Chakra Balancing Treatment
At Akasha Spa at Hotel Café Royal 68 Regent Street, W1B 4DY (020 7406 3360).
This relaxing treatment sets out to align the body's seven chakras using a combination of massage, essential oils and healing crystals. The skin is left soothed. The usual price is 190 pounds for 90 minutes.

Espa Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage
At Boutique Spa, 123 Queensway, Bayswater, W2 4SJ (020 7221 8017)
Your therapist will tailor this massage to sooth your personal concerns using an Espa body oil to suit you. Usual price is 40 pounds for 30 minutes.

Neom Wellbeing Treatment
At Wimbledon Store and Treatment Rooms 38a High Street, Wimbledon Village SW19 5BY (020 8947 9776)
Pick from four themes - happiness, de-stress, sleep, and energise - and enjoy a carefully designed combination of meditation, shiatsu, cranio, Thai massage, trigger point and reflexology with Neom Essential oils. The usual price is 95 pounds for 90 minutes.

London is a pricey place so the prices reflect the area! But a nice treat is sometimes the best thing you can give yourself! Life is short and you only live once so indulge yourself now and again .

Image result for inspirational quotes

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Fairy-Tale Wedding Of Princess Eugenie & Jack !

Happy Sunday !

The weekend was festive and I loved every minute of Friday as I sat down and watched Princess Eugenie marry Jack Brooksbank . It was a fairy-tale wedding with definitely  21st century bits . A true blood Princess marry in so many years well ,since Princess Anne tied the knot.  It was a very well planned and beautiful day  if the wind got rough ,the sun shone and no rain fell so it blessings from the weather Gods as well .

Eugenie's gown was stunning the rich fabric with embossed detailed was so regal looking , it made Meghan's tacky white shiny dress look cheap when she tied the knot with Prince Harry . Meghan's dress reminds me of the wedding dresses available from China at cut price on the web . Eugenie's very modern touch was when she decided to abandon the veil and show off her scars from her childhood surgery . She didn't need the veil the beautiful tiara with the green stones needed nothing else . She was radiant and Jack while looking nervous was clearly  head over heels in love with his bride . I loved the touch when he put on his glasses to see his gorgeous bride glide down the aisle on her father's arm .

The guests were all very classy and no David  & Victoria made it even better .  I loved the thought when Eugenie selected all her young royal relations to be a part of her wedding troop . Harry leaving out the youngsters was in poor taste .  Having Andrea Bocelli  sing at the church was inspired . He is a gifted singer and often gives me goosebumps it was a very nice touch . Fergie was with the Royals again and it could not have been happier for the bride to have her Mum & Dad there for her . If none of the royals spoke to Fergie , who cares with pride of place in the front it's all that matters .
What did bother me was Beatrice shirking all her Maid of Honour duties . From not dressing up as her role bespoke to not being there giving her sister a hand was a puzzle . Eugenie might as well have named her Dad Man of Honour in place of Maid of Honour as I saw he did all the jobs expected .  If people thought Bea was Fergie's  escort that day and support I don't think that was necessarily her role . Fergie never needed to find support for big days she has the balls and attitude to carry herself . Princess Beatrice strikes me as shy and looked a little lost that day . Bea though has gone through some heartbreak and I'm sure she is missing not having a loving partner while her younger sass is already ahead in the romantic game .

Jack Brooksbank and Princess Eugenie

The trooper that is Lady Louise in getting all the children up those stairs and down the aisle is a job massively well done . At 14 years old she pulled it off even though the wind caught her skirt at the top , it did not faze her . But I was dissapointed to see  she nor her brother were put in the official wedding pictures . Why was that ??? They were attendants and had a role . I was pleased though to see Fergie standing so close to Prince Philip in the portraits , both looking relaxed and at ease . If Judi James some body language expert states otherwise in some huge lengthy article she is very wrong . Judi James is getting very old and needs to retire . Old people should give way for the younger generation . Jobs are valuable and young people need them . Nobody should work over the age of 65 . I firmly believe it .

Eugenie's wedding far out-did Harry & Meghan's nuptials in my humble opinion . Harry's was a show wedding with stage pomp and tackiness while Eugenie's was Royal & Regal and classic .
Why though were the guests of Princess Eugenie putting up their goody bags for sale on E-Bay ??? I would never sell such a thing if I were a guest . China make some copies of those goody bags I would love to have one knock off copy .

Wherever you were in the world I hope you got to watch Eugenie's wedding . It was magical . I wish them both many many wonderful years together with a strong bond like their parents . God bless Eugenie & Jack and Congratulations .

Have a wonderful day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace