Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Taking Care Of Ourselves .. And Some Advice !

Happy Wednesday !

January almost comes to an end , as the temperatures outside get colder and snowy we have this huge urge to hibernate ! I know I just don't want to leave the house . But sometimes we must and because it's winter it's not an excuse to let ourselves go ! We still need to take care of our appearance and look presentable , or else your just giving your boyfriend or husband the reason to ogle up some other young lady :) and step out of line !
Valentine's Day is just two weeks away , a holiday I love being the ever romantic ! But I just could not believe my ears when I heard an older man say today  " AH Valentine's Day that's for young lovers !" What the hell is wrong with him ? It sounds daft and probably a person who has never loved in his life ! Valentine's day is a very special day , because it's the day when you get the chance to tell the person you love how much you care about them . It's the time  for people of all ages to celebrate . Nothing is better in my eyes as when an old man appreciates his wife and finds a reason to say so . Love is not only for the young or else old people would not be there to show the young ones what love is and how it is done right !
Personally I think young people make a mockery of the holiday , not only have they not really experienced true love , but the causal flings they go through does not amount to any kind of love but lust !
Back to taking care of our appearance which is good for our own ego , we are not necessarily doing this to keep anyone interested in ourselves . The right person will stay , the Philanderer will always find a way to cheat !
Hair removal is part of our natural everyday beauty routine . At least 90 % of us remove all our body hair and we start doing this in our teens . So if we our shaving everyday ,skin gets itchy.  If we forget to shave the next day it's gets so uncomfortable . So often as possible I try to resist the urge to quickly shave under the shower, but prefer waxing which keeps you smooth longer .

Nowadays alot of people visit Salons to get themselves waxed . A professional wax is easy and saves us the messy bits and having to rip the wax strip of ourselves :) So I've listed a number of places where you could go get your hair removal done professionally and it is pretty reasonable too . You don't want to blowup alot of money if you are working to a tight budget !!

1. Bristol : Basic bikini Hot Wax at Strip Wax Bar , Harvey Nichols Bristol , BS1 3BZ  ( ) The oh so gentle wax will remove even the tiniest of hairs in a flash and the usual price is 23 pounds .

2. Exeter : Half leg wax at the Cove, 34 Bedford Street , Devon EX1 1GJ ( )  The Cove's therapists are known for their attention to detail. No hair is left unplucked and a gentle after-wax  lotion leaves you with that gorgeous leg shine . Usual  prices start from 20 pounds !

3. Guildford : Bikini Wax at Champneys , 194 High Street Surrey , GU1 3HZ ( )
The top organic skincare ensures this is a quick but gentle wax . So all your left with is happy hair free skin . Usual  price is from 15 pounds .

4. London : Leg Wax at Bliss London , 60 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DD ( ) At bliss the special  poetic wax formula is designed to grip the hair not the skin , so there's less of  a rip sensation with each pull . Usual prices start from 30 pounds .

5. St. Albans : Full  leg wax at Champneys  23 Market place , Herts AL35DP  ( ) It's no surprise that a skincare Mecca like Champneys would make sure their leg wax treatment looks after your pins complexion with gentle botanicals . Like a facial for your legs !! Usual price from 28 pounds .

If these places are close to you give them a try out , Prices may just be a little higher than stated because as we all know , the price of stuff shoots up quicker than anybody's salaries ever does #TRUTH

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January Thoughts ... Love Social Media !

Happy Thursday !

Today I had such plans to write a blog about kissing and how you could make yourself irresistible to your crush by simply turning him on by kissing him the right way :)

But in a change of plan I felt compelled to write a blog about something else altogether . Over the last couple of days all over the news we have been hearing about a 14 year old girl who committed suicide and the father has been in the press blaming social media about it's content and how Instagram that she was following were showing her pictures that ultimately led to her committing suicide !
I felt compelled to voice my opinion ,as a a blogger and a passionate lover of Social media . I absolutely love Social Media and could not exist without it . It gives me so much back in my everyday life I feel grateful to have it !
Having said that I must also state , I have never ever seen any bad Content ... I have never ever seen pictures promoting suicide or photos of people committing bodily harm to themselves at the side of adverts they love like that girl's father suggested . In order to see these kind of images the person has to go actively searching these photos out on Social media in order to see this Content !  I repeat my Social Media has never shown me any of these graphic things !

What is wrong with these girls that they feel the need to go looking at these things ??? Can you blame Social Media if these children go looking themselves at bad stuff ? Parents should speak more openly with their children on a variety of subjects including telling them everyday it's not a good thing to be looking at negative stuff . Negative stuff  draws you into a negative frame of mind and it continues to haunt you . I'm actually not feeling too sorry for that 14 year old .

How many times do we want to protect our children and not let them hear things . Parents think their children know nothing advanced and grown up but they are able to access everything they want to see and know way beyond their years !
Maybe the NHS is not equipped  to support young people with mental health issues . Young people need to talk openly about the way they feel . Many people feel suicidal hence they go looking for these subjects because they want to know they are not alone and others feel that way too !
They need to be able to find a support group in their local area and be able to talk freely about their inner most thoughts . They should also be able to talk to a shrink as soon as possible . They need understanding and support to be able to conquer their troubled mind .

If you go actively searching out things you can find stuff . My father always said " Never trouble trouble , until trouble troubles you !"
It's so in normal life as well, if you go speeding in a car chances are you could have a serious accident. If you go looking for drugs you will find it . So don't blame social media , refrain from searching these things out !

As far as Social media putting a stop to content being placed on their platforms is a little controversial . We are in the age of free speech and being able to express our views . So I find it a bit freeing that troubled people can put something up . We are all looking out for acceptance , we need love . If I have a bad day , or some kind of problem , I immediately write a short post and put it up on Facebook because I know I have my loyal friends who I know will comment and give me love and support and kind words to make me feel better about myself and give me strength to go on another day . I particularly look out for it from people I have known all my life . Saying that the love and support never comes from family . Hence the reason why that 14 year old girl's family failed her .

My relatives on FB never give me likes or kind words . I am not even friends with my brother on that platform because he is a jerk and an unbearable human being . Family somehow are difficult and often oblivious to the pain we carry everyday with us . They think we are okay because we wake up and dress up and appear to have our life in order . Right now we live in a world where we all are facing major issues with ourselves . Be it self confidence issues , issues with beauty , issues with safety , issues with trust , issues with fear about our future ,issues about money, issues about dogs going berserk in playgrounds or the road and attacking us till we are mauled beyond belief , issues with love ?? Who is going to love me as I get older ?? I don't want to lay alone every night . The list a tiny fragment of all our inner thoughts and baggage .

Added to all the above right now the latest news about Prince Philip in that accident is beyond scary for me . I don't feel safe because there is a 97 year old driving on the road sometimes without a seatbelt who could put my life in danger . No matter how safe we are with driving it's always someone else's recklessness that causes dangers and accidents . We are never truly safe with all these cars on the road that riding a bicycle is probably the most dangerous thing you can do .

This blog is much longer than I originally anticipated so I shall bring it to a halt and hope your day was a good one and you are smiling .  Please try and be positive and look for positivity  in your everyday . Don't go looking for negative we are troubled enough . Look to speak about your problems with the right people . Also always try to be that loving and understanding friend . Family well you guys go fuck yourselves !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling . I love you all and God bless xx

Love & Peace 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Health Benefits ... Turmeric Tea !

Happy Sunday !

The benefits of being healthy is plenty . You are fit , you are a bit more optimistic on life . Appear much younger than your age and have better overall health. Now who wouldn't like all that ? For better health it is known to embrace spices and herbs in your everyday diet . Every herb and spice has an added health benefit . If it's all too complicated to start , give a few spices a go and build it up over the year .
Starting with Turmeric is the perfect way to go . Adding a little bit to your diet daily will show you the difference in a couple of weeks , a very short space of time . I just can't stop singing it's benefits .
Turmeric , is an Indian spice which is long associated with beneficial health properties . Very few people actually use this spice and if you don't do Indian cooking you would not know in what to use it !!

Turmeric is known for it's bright yellow colour and is often used to colour an Indian Palou ( a delicious rice dish ) Well aside from colouring the rice , it is also used in most other Indian dishes , so Indian people get all the health benefits of turmeric , from their food .

The Benefits of turmeric are plentiful . It detoxes the body . Protects the liver tissue . Boosts immunity .  Cleanses and purify 's the blood . Eases symptoms of coughs and colds . Improves circulation . Improves overall appearance of the skin . Prevents internal blood clotting . Reduces bad cholesterol . Reduces inflammation , and last stimulates secretion of bile .

So if you have never cooked Indian food and you still want to be able to use turmeric for all it's health benefits and don't know how , it's simple . You could always add half a teaspoon to a warm glass of milk , like I sometimes do or you could make a delicious tea every day and enjoy your added goodness of turmeric in it !

I shall give you a delicious way to combine it in the tea and feel all the wonderful effects from it when you get healthier and as a result add extra years to your life which everyone so wants ;)

Turmeric and Ginger Tea , it's also a great liver detox ! If you have had a heavy night of drinking , the perfect solution for your liver as well as all the other added benefits .


1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 ginger teabag
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp honey
Boiling water
Some milk

Fill the mug almost full with boiling water . Add the ginger teabag and half a tsp of turmeric  let it soak for about 7 minutes . Remove the teabag and add the cinnamon and the honey . Fill  the mug up now with milk and stir . Enjoy your delicious mug of tea and the added health benefits it offers !
Image result for image of turmeric tea

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :) Here's a quote by Winston Churchill that I love ! He was a very wise man .
“No one ever finds life worth living - one has to make it worth living.”– Winston Churchill

Love & Peace

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Get Healthy ..Drink Infused Water !

Happy Thursday !

Get healthy this January and that means stop drinking soda . It's unhealthy full with sugar and the diet version is even more sugary ! It will cause you to gain extra pounds , make you lethargic and have you craving even more soda . 
Have you ever started of the week thinking this week , I'm going to be bursting with energy , feel so refreshed and pumping it's going to be perfect !
Yes and you can make it so . It's all very simple . The secret lies in water , our body is 70% water and we have to keep hydrated to feel energetic . Now to feel super pumped all you have to do is infuse your water with super foods and make sure you drink it all day . It's going to give you all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to flourish and rejuvenate .
Fruit -infused water is also the simplest way to detox ever !
Heaps of energy , glowing skin and reduce the bloat !
Fill up your jug with tap water add your super foods ( fruit , vegetables ) allow them to infuse at least eight hours ( overnight ) before drinking it the next day .
Keeping hydrated is incredibly important , because water when particularly served cold , is known to boost the metabolism, flush out your digestive system and keep your skin clear .

Here are some ideas with what to infuse your water to give you an extra boost .

For Fat Burning  :  3 inch cucumber ,  half a jalapeno pepper , a little sprig of mint leaves .
Adding jalapenos may seem odd ,  but they contain capsaicin - known for it's metabolism boosting effects . This means it speeds up the rate your body burns calories ..

For Concentration : 3 basil leaves , 1 sprig of rosemary , 2 sprigs of dill and 1 sprig of lemon thyme .  drink this to stay alert at all times . Basil increases alertness and the aroma of rosemary is said to increase concentration . The combination of these herbs creates an amazing flavour to your water .

Get The Glow : Five cubes of frozen mango , 1 handful of frozen berries , 1 lemon sliced .  Mango contains Vitamin A , essential for  healthy skin cell renewal , and lemon is great for detoxing . The berries are rich in antioxidants  which can combat skin ageing and free radical damage from pollution , smoking and over - processed food . Crush the berries ever so slightly before adding to the water for a more powerful hit .

Image result for images of infused water
Excellent recipes to boost ordinary water and give it extra oomph and I'm certain you won't need to drink fizzy pop again !

I love this quote by Winston Churchill !
Never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January Thoughts & Aura's !

Happy Sunday !

So the US government is in shut down and the Democrats are not helping !!! if only they just passed the money and the wall could be built ! All those people working and not receiving their pay packet can just thank the democrats for their situation , and stop blaming Trump ! Trump was elected as President with the promise of a wall ... So lets all make it a point to keep promises in our daily life as well !
If you are wondering why I think so poorly of the Democrats and believe they should get off their high horses and make it a point to give the money , is simple ! Thoughts and prayers are not enough to stop illegals getting across the border ! The majority of celebrity's are Democrats and DO YOU KNOW HOW THEY LIVE ??? Well let me inform you , they all live in gated communities or they live in plush mansions with a high security wall and huge electronic gates ! Now why do they have all that ? Because they feel unsafe and here they are being hypocritical and suggesting a wall is not necessary , well I would love to see them live by those rules lol ...

Now the weather Europe is having is pretty darn bad , alot of snow 3 people died in Austria  skiing and the most snow has fallen in a short space of time. First time in more than 10 years . England's going to get much colder next week so take out those thermals , drink some hot chocolate and keep warm !   
Enough about the weather though , it tends to be an overused topic to get acquainted , through friendship and the general chatter at pubs , so I'm not doing too much weather today :)

I read somewhere on the web  the most interesting topic ( for me ) and thought I'd share my view on  it . It was about Human Aura's radiant in Photography  . In 1970 Guy Coggins , built a camera that could capture a person's aura , otherwise known as the electromagnetic field surrounding a person's body . There are supposedly only 100 such cameras in existence today . The portraits taken with this kind of camera is  stunning , strange and rather cool . It happens with a double exposure , it first takes the portrait , then the aura - thanks to silver laced hand sensors that sit in your lap , sending a charge through your whole body . Yes it would be really cool to have our picture taken with this camera , to see the aura we give out and read the colour guide the experts suggest they would represent about us .
We of course as intelligent human beings are not really waiting to know what our aura suggests about ourselves , because deep down we know the kind of electromagnetic force field we give off . People even have a theory that animals can sense things about us . Actually it is the aura that we have that they can see , perhaps that is what makes some dogs bark more at people .. not that they sense fear , it's probably intimidation and a very bright aura that  gets the animal nervous !

People also react to strong personalities , it's actually their aura and presence that commands respect and  yet we say it's their charm and charisma that commands attention . Definitely a blend of both , I"d say . There are people as well , who paint pictures with auras , fascinating subject . Nowadays more readily available are mood rings which basically change colour on your hand to show how your feel and what kind of aura your giving off .
I tend to feel , people's aura's are not 24/7 the same , at certain times we are more confident , charming , friendly and capable . At other times we could feel emotional , weak and vulnerable . We are human after all . If you have your aura photographed and it's not the best , don't feel let down , things change , just like life . We have our moments to shine and our moments of weakness , sadness and vulnerability . Every day is a new dawn and a new beginning .
Have a wonderful week and keep smiling . Let that aura around you grow strong . Make it shine bright colours . Stay blessed xx

Love & Peace

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Drinking And The Results In Your Body !

Happy Wednesday !

It's the 9th of January the days are just flying by ! Where did they all go I'm still at the 3 rd of January , lol ..still have stuff to do and people I've got to wish Happy New Year 2019 too ! Well it's not all the alcohol I consumed over the festive period that has me still at the 3 rd of Jan .. I tried to go easy on the drinks and just once or twice over-indulged .
With the festivities just behind us , how many people over-indulged in alcohol ??  We all like a tipple but alot of people mostly over-do it . Have you ever thought Why ???

When we drink too much , this is what happens to the brain : as the drinks and cocktails flood the system, they mess with the GABA and glutamate  the neurotransmitters  responsible for impulse control ! This confusion causes the hand to reach for another drink and another and we end up drinking more than we can handle . We make fools of ourselves . Become overtly sexual and needy and kiss just about everybody . Yes I've seen so many people do all that !

Here's what else is happening inside your body with your organs !

Now as you drink , what's happening with the Heart ? Are you also reaching for some high fat meals along with the drinks ? A Single Pizza feast may impair artery function , stressing out your heart .
Digestion : rich cuisine and alcohol can slow down the digestive process to a crawl  , ushering in swelling , acid re-flux and constipation .

The Liver : Too much alcohol and junk food can have this organ clogged up , toxins accumulate inside the liver , while access sugar and fat clog things up even more . Luckily it takes more than a few unhealthy days to do permanent damage . But keep doing it and you could become Phil from Eastenders and need a new liver !

Skin : A lack of proper nutrients , can stump skin cell repair , while the bad stuff you eat can prompt the sebaceous glands to pump out pore -clogging oil . Yes that means pimples !! Not only that alcohol can be dehydrating on the skin and make it appear dull and lifeless . Give you extra wrinkles and make you appear much older !

Okay hope that gives you a clearer picture of what's going on in your body when you drink too much . Is it going to deter you ? Possibly not , but it's always genius to know what's going on . Cheers ! Think of all the better things you could be doing with your money than going out and buying endless amounts of booze ! Yes go buy yourself two more gorgeous winter coats .. You know you can never have too many winter coats .

Always be responsible , polite , respectful of everyone and don't get behind the wheel , call a cab :) whenever you have been out drinking late into the night .  Happy New Year again . May you all have a brilliant one . Keep smiling ! A quote I love , had to share it with you guys !

“You cannot save people, you can just love them.” — Anaïs Nin

Love & Peace

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gorgeous Shoe Recommendations All On Sale !

Happy Sunday !

New Year fashion 2019, the January sales are on and who can pass up on that ! I love the sales and here are my favourite shoes all up on the Sales at ASOS . Check them out my Favs , these recommendations I guarantee you will love them .

No 1 ASOS design Dare Chunky trainers are beautiful . They have a rainbow sheen and will go wonderfully well with leggings , tracksuit bottoms or a nice long skirt to the local . At 24 pounds down from 40 it's a bargain . I love them .
ASOS DESIGN Dare chunky trainers

No 2 London Rebel Silver Stud Mid heel Over Knee Boot is stunning and will keep your legs warm with the very cold weather bothering us all . Winter can just fuck off soon :) Down from 75 pounds to 27 it is a very good investment and you will definitely get your money's worth . I love the detail on the heel makes it look slightly more elegant .
 London Rebel Silver Stud Mid Heel Over Knee Boot

No 3 This New Look Cross Strap Pointed Court is a classic looking shoe . In an almost nude colour it can be paired with almost any colour outfit and will look expensive and stand out . At only 11.50 it's a shoe you can't go wrong with . I absolutely adore them .
 New Look Cross Strap Pointed Court

No 4 London Rebel Chunky Buckle Boots is down from 60 pounds to 16 !! I think somebody from any age can honestly rock them from 15 to 50 young or old will look ready to say No Messin With Me :) They are strong soled and give your feet good support in the rain snow ice whatever ! You could rock them in summer as well with a cool short dress or denim shorts . I say not worth passing up . Another one I love !
London Rebel chunky buckle boots

Last at No 5 Converse Chuck 70 hi Vintage Canvas Blue trainers caught my eye as I scanned the page . If you are a vintage lovin gal who can rock some old styles , this converse is ideal for you . Rock them with white jeans , leggings and a sweatshirt you will look so cool . The sky blue colour will draw attention and you will feel like Cinderella . Another one I love . Down from 75 pounds to 37.50 , worth every penny :)
Converse Chuck 70 hi vintage canvas blue trainers

Hope you loved everyone of my choices . Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year 2019.. Goals & Wishes !

Happy New Year 2019 my dear followers and everyone else who just happens to stumble upon this blog ! We want to start this year with a hopeful heart , a keen mind forgiveness for others and ourselves and generosity in spirit and in flesh . Determination and kindness never hurt anyone so go out into the world fulfil your kind deed and love generously . Be determined to succeed in your mission and remember to go easy on yourself . If you happen to flounder pick yourself up and try again . We are humans and no matter how hard we try we can still be less capable of our high ideals .

I start this New Year with forgiveness high on my list . I will learn to accept failure from others and show them kindness and love . No that does not make me a push-over . It gives me great power to show self control and not be angry at others attitude , aggression or failure to be loving and generous to me with emotional support and understanding .

My next goal is to try and spread more support for mental health . It is not a stigma and needs to be looked at as any other health condition illness one might have . To overcome mental health issues seek to talk about it but not with one person who might be trying to help for the wrong reasons . If you are a young person an old man secretly texting you is not the right kind of help you need . Look for a mental health group on line and chat about your issues . Go to the right professionals if you are already slashing your arms and feel desperate get yourself admitted instead of being a person in denial .

My next goal is to make more friends and be more outgoing . Go out more do more fun stuff and basically try to fulfil my dreams . I had this habit of getting myself nice things  that I really loved and wanted but I never used it . Like I have alot of nice clothes but if I really loved it , I never wore it for fear of spoiling it . I am going to use the bags I buy , burn that scented candle I have been saving and definitely use my Christmas gift my favourite perfume NOA my eldest bought for me . Thanks sweetheart I love the thought and gift .

The things I don't need to work on is spirituality . I have strong belief and faith and love . So I plan to continue on my religious path to make sure I make Jesus proud that I am fulfilling my promise to him to be kind ,loving and forgiving and work on my goals of staying strong in my weakness and depression . To accept my faith no matter what because I am strong and I can do it .

I don't need to work on my fitness and motivation and healthy living because it's my life choice and I have been eating and being healthy for years . No I will not not give up my few bad habits I do smoke a bit and yes I drink which is a choice because I don't have too many of  life's other pleasures and it makes me happy so I shall continue making sure I don't go overboard with either .

My next goal very high on my list is physical contact . No I have not been intimate in years with a man and I desperately need to rectify that . Some hugging hand holding and sweet kisses I miss that tremendously . I have always said if I should ever die , I have always been happy and tried to fulfil every wish of mine and nobody should feel sad for me . But now I think if I should die without love and physical contact with a man I will not have fulfilled my deepest wish and I would have died unhappy . So I'm working on it :)

What are your goals and wishes for 2019 ? Have you thought about it and considered working on your dreams ? You can make it happen . If it is something small as losing some weight . Getting healthy or speaking up for yourself . Do it , take that step . Be bold , brave and make decisions .

A quote I love and want to share with you :)

“Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you.” — Grace Coddington

Have the best 2019 possible and always make yourself happy . Work on your soul , your mind your health and you .  You are number one , without you the world will be one person less who could have made a difference . Without you your children and family will be missing out , give them priority my new year wish . Fight stick it out and take your pain and suffering . It's too easy to give up because it's never ended there , you will come back and endure all your old insecurities and troubles and much worse . Fight till the end suicide is never the answer ! 

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace