Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Drinking And The Results In Your Body !

Happy Wednesday !

It's the 9th of January the days are just flying by ! Where did they all go I'm still at the 3 rd of January , lol ..still have stuff to do and people I've got to wish Happy New Year 2019 too ! Well it's not all the alcohol I consumed over the festive period that has me still at the 3 rd of Jan .. I tried to go easy on the drinks and just once or twice over-indulged .
With the festivities just behind us , how many people over-indulged in alcohol ??  We all like a tipple but alot of people mostly over-do it . Have you ever thought Why ???

When we drink too much , this is what happens to the brain : as the drinks and cocktails flood the system, they mess with the GABA and glutamate  the neurotransmitters  responsible for impulse control ! This confusion causes the hand to reach for another drink and another and we end up drinking more than we can handle . We make fools of ourselves . Become overtly sexual and needy and kiss just about everybody . Yes I've seen so many people do all that !

Here's what else is happening inside your body with your organs !

Now as you drink , what's happening with the Heart ? Are you also reaching for some high fat meals along with the drinks ? A Single Pizza feast may impair artery function , stressing out your heart .
Digestion : rich cuisine and alcohol can slow down the digestive process to a crawl  , ushering in swelling , acid re-flux and constipation .

The Liver : Too much alcohol and junk food can have this organ clogged up , toxins accumulate inside the liver , while access sugar and fat clog things up even more . Luckily it takes more than a few unhealthy days to do permanent damage . But keep doing it and you could become Phil from Eastenders and need a new liver !

Skin : A lack of proper nutrients , can stump skin cell repair , while the bad stuff you eat can prompt the sebaceous glands to pump out pore -clogging oil . Yes that means pimples !! Not only that alcohol can be dehydrating on the skin and make it appear dull and lifeless . Give you extra wrinkles and make you appear much older !

Okay hope that gives you a clearer picture of what's going on in your body when you drink too much . Is it going to deter you ? Possibly not , but it's always genius to know what's going on . Cheers ! Think of all the better things you could be doing with your money than going out and buying endless amounts of booze ! Yes go buy yourself two more gorgeous winter coats .. You know you can never have too many winter coats .

Always be responsible , polite , respectful of everyone and don't get behind the wheel , call a cab :) whenever you have been out drinking late into the night .  Happy New Year again . May you all have a brilliant one . Keep smiling ! A quote I love , had to share it with you guys !

“You cannot save people, you can just love them.” — Anaïs Nin

Love & Peace

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