Sunday, January 13, 2019

January Thoughts & Aura's !

Happy Sunday !

So the US government is in shut down and the Democrats are not helping !!! if only they just passed the money and the wall could be built ! All those people working and not receiving their pay packet can just thank the democrats for their situation , and stop blaming Trump ! Trump was elected as President with the promise of a wall ... So lets all make it a point to keep promises in our daily life as well !
If you are wondering why I think so poorly of the Democrats and believe they should get off their high horses and make it a point to give the money , is simple ! Thoughts and prayers are not enough to stop illegals getting across the border ! The majority of celebrity's are Democrats and DO YOU KNOW HOW THEY LIVE ??? Well let me inform you , they all live in gated communities or they live in plush mansions with a high security wall and huge electronic gates ! Now why do they have all that ? Because they feel unsafe and here they are being hypocritical and suggesting a wall is not necessary , well I would love to see them live by those rules lol ...

Now the weather Europe is having is pretty darn bad , alot of snow 3 people died in Austria  skiing and the most snow has fallen in a short space of time. First time in more than 10 years . England's going to get much colder next week so take out those thermals , drink some hot chocolate and keep warm !   
Enough about the weather though , it tends to be an overused topic to get acquainted , through friendship and the general chatter at pubs , so I'm not doing too much weather today :)

I read somewhere on the web  the most interesting topic ( for me ) and thought I'd share my view on  it . It was about Human Aura's radiant in Photography  . In 1970 Guy Coggins , built a camera that could capture a person's aura , otherwise known as the electromagnetic field surrounding a person's body . There are supposedly only 100 such cameras in existence today . The portraits taken with this kind of camera is  stunning , strange and rather cool . It happens with a double exposure , it first takes the portrait , then the aura - thanks to silver laced hand sensors that sit in your lap , sending a charge through your whole body . Yes it would be really cool to have our picture taken with this camera , to see the aura we give out and read the colour guide the experts suggest they would represent about us .
We of course as intelligent human beings are not really waiting to know what our aura suggests about ourselves , because deep down we know the kind of electromagnetic force field we give off . People even have a theory that animals can sense things about us . Actually it is the aura that we have that they can see , perhaps that is what makes some dogs bark more at people .. not that they sense fear , it's probably intimidation and a very bright aura that  gets the animal nervous !

People also react to strong personalities , it's actually their aura and presence that commands respect and  yet we say it's their charm and charisma that commands attention . Definitely a blend of both , I"d say . There are people as well , who paint pictures with auras , fascinating subject . Nowadays more readily available are mood rings which basically change colour on your hand to show how your feel and what kind of aura your giving off .
I tend to feel , people's aura's are not 24/7 the same , at certain times we are more confident , charming , friendly and capable . At other times we could feel emotional , weak and vulnerable . We are human after all . If you have your aura photographed and it's not the best , don't feel let down , things change , just like life . We have our moments to shine and our moments of weakness , sadness and vulnerability . Every day is a new dawn and a new beginning .
Have a wonderful week and keep smiling . Let that aura around you grow strong . Make it shine bright colours . Stay blessed xx

Love & Peace

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