Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year 2019.. Goals & Wishes !

Happy New Year 2019 my dear followers and everyone else who just happens to stumble upon this blog ! We want to start this year with a hopeful heart , a keen mind forgiveness for others and ourselves and generosity in spirit and in flesh . Determination and kindness never hurt anyone so go out into the world fulfil your kind deed and love generously . Be determined to succeed in your mission and remember to go easy on yourself . If you happen to flounder pick yourself up and try again . We are humans and no matter how hard we try we can still be less capable of our high ideals .

I start this New Year with forgiveness high on my list . I will learn to accept failure from others and show them kindness and love . No that does not make me a push-over . It gives me great power to show self control and not be angry at others attitude , aggression or failure to be loving and generous to me with emotional support and understanding .

My next goal is to try and spread more support for mental health . It is not a stigma and needs to be looked at as any other health condition illness one might have . To overcome mental health issues seek to talk about it but not with one person who might be trying to help for the wrong reasons . If you are a young person an old man secretly texting you is not the right kind of help you need . Look for a mental health group on line and chat about your issues . Go to the right professionals if you are already slashing your arms and feel desperate get yourself admitted instead of being a person in denial .

My next goal is to make more friends and be more outgoing . Go out more do more fun stuff and basically try to fulfil my dreams . I had this habit of getting myself nice things  that I really loved and wanted but I never used it . Like I have alot of nice clothes but if I really loved it , I never wore it for fear of spoiling it . I am going to use the bags I buy , burn that scented candle I have been saving and definitely use my Christmas gift my favourite perfume NOA my eldest bought for me . Thanks sweetheart I love the thought and gift .

The things I don't need to work on is spirituality . I have strong belief and faith and love . So I plan to continue on my religious path to make sure I make Jesus proud that I am fulfilling my promise to him to be kind ,loving and forgiving and work on my goals of staying strong in my weakness and depression . To accept my faith no matter what because I am strong and I can do it .

I don't need to work on my fitness and motivation and healthy living because it's my life choice and I have been eating and being healthy for years . No I will not not give up my few bad habits I do smoke a bit and yes I drink which is a choice because I don't have too many of  life's other pleasures and it makes me happy so I shall continue making sure I don't go overboard with either .

My next goal very high on my list is physical contact . No I have not been intimate in years with a man and I desperately need to rectify that . Some hugging hand holding and sweet kisses I miss that tremendously . I have always said if I should ever die , I have always been happy and tried to fulfil every wish of mine and nobody should feel sad for me . But now I think if I should die without love and physical contact with a man I will not have fulfilled my deepest wish and I would have died unhappy . So I'm working on it :)

What are your goals and wishes for 2019 ? Have you thought about it and considered working on your dreams ? You can make it happen . If it is something small as losing some weight . Getting healthy or speaking up for yourself . Do it , take that step . Be bold , brave and make decisions .

A quote I love and want to share with you :)

“Always keep your eyes open. Keep watching. Because whatever you see can inspire you.” — Grace Coddington

Have the best 2019 possible and always make yourself happy . Work on your soul , your mind your health and you .  You are number one , without you the world will be one person less who could have made a difference . Without you your children and family will be missing out , give them priority my new year wish . Fight stick it out and take your pain and suffering . It's too easy to give up because it's never ended there , you will come back and endure all your old insecurities and troubles and much worse . Fight till the end suicide is never the answer ! 

Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace   

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