Thursday, January 24, 2019

January Thoughts ... Love Social Media !

Happy Thursday !

Today I had such plans to write a blog about kissing and how you could make yourself irresistible to your crush by simply turning him on by kissing him the right way :)

But in a change of plan I felt compelled to write a blog about something else altogether . Over the last couple of days all over the news we have been hearing about a 14 year old girl who committed suicide and the father has been in the press blaming social media about it's content and how Instagram that she was following were showing her pictures that ultimately led to her committing suicide !
I felt compelled to voice my opinion ,as a a blogger and a passionate lover of Social media . I absolutely love Social Media and could not exist without it . It gives me so much back in my everyday life I feel grateful to have it !
Having said that I must also state , I have never ever seen any bad Content ... I have never ever seen pictures promoting suicide or photos of people committing bodily harm to themselves at the side of adverts they love like that girl's father suggested . In order to see these kind of images the person has to go actively searching these photos out on Social media in order to see this Content !  I repeat my Social Media has never shown me any of these graphic things !

What is wrong with these girls that they feel the need to go looking at these things ??? Can you blame Social Media if these children go looking themselves at bad stuff ? Parents should speak more openly with their children on a variety of subjects including telling them everyday it's not a good thing to be looking at negative stuff . Negative stuff  draws you into a negative frame of mind and it continues to haunt you . I'm actually not feeling too sorry for that 14 year old .

How many times do we want to protect our children and not let them hear things . Parents think their children know nothing advanced and grown up but they are able to access everything they want to see and know way beyond their years !
Maybe the NHS is not equipped  to support young people with mental health issues . Young people need to talk openly about the way they feel . Many people feel suicidal hence they go looking for these subjects because they want to know they are not alone and others feel that way too !
They need to be able to find a support group in their local area and be able to talk freely about their inner most thoughts . They should also be able to talk to a shrink as soon as possible . They need understanding and support to be able to conquer their troubled mind .

If you go actively searching out things you can find stuff . My father always said " Never trouble trouble , until trouble troubles you !"
It's so in normal life as well, if you go speeding in a car chances are you could have a serious accident. If you go looking for drugs you will find it . So don't blame social media , refrain from searching these things out !

As far as Social media putting a stop to content being placed on their platforms is a little controversial . We are in the age of free speech and being able to express our views . So I find it a bit freeing that troubled people can put something up . We are all looking out for acceptance , we need love . If I have a bad day , or some kind of problem , I immediately write a short post and put it up on Facebook because I know I have my loyal friends who I know will comment and give me love and support and kind words to make me feel better about myself and give me strength to go on another day . I particularly look out for it from people I have known all my life . Saying that the love and support never comes from family . Hence the reason why that 14 year old girl's family failed her .

My relatives on FB never give me likes or kind words . I am not even friends with my brother on that platform because he is a jerk and an unbearable human being . Family somehow are difficult and often oblivious to the pain we carry everyday with us . They think we are okay because we wake up and dress up and appear to have our life in order . Right now we live in a world where we all are facing major issues with ourselves . Be it self confidence issues , issues with beauty , issues with safety , issues with trust , issues with fear about our future ,issues about money, issues about dogs going berserk in playgrounds or the road and attacking us till we are mauled beyond belief , issues with love ?? Who is going to love me as I get older ?? I don't want to lay alone every night . The list a tiny fragment of all our inner thoughts and baggage .

Added to all the above right now the latest news about Prince Philip in that accident is beyond scary for me . I don't feel safe because there is a 97 year old driving on the road sometimes without a seatbelt who could put my life in danger . No matter how safe we are with driving it's always someone else's recklessness that causes dangers and accidents . We are never truly safe with all these cars on the road that riding a bicycle is probably the most dangerous thing you can do .

This blog is much longer than I originally anticipated so I shall bring it to a halt and hope your day was a good one and you are smiling .  Please try and be positive and look for positivity  in your everyday . Don't go looking for negative we are troubled enough . Look to speak about your problems with the right people . Also always try to be that loving and understanding friend . Family well you guys go fuck yourselves !

Have an awesome day and keep smiling . I love you all and God bless xx

Love & Peace 

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