Sunday, January 20, 2019

Health Benefits ... Turmeric Tea !

Happy Sunday !

The benefits of being healthy is plenty . You are fit , you are a bit more optimistic on life . Appear much younger than your age and have better overall health. Now who wouldn't like all that ? For better health it is known to embrace spices and herbs in your everyday diet . Every herb and spice has an added health benefit . If it's all too complicated to start , give a few spices a go and build it up over the year .
Starting with Turmeric is the perfect way to go . Adding a little bit to your diet daily will show you the difference in a couple of weeks , a very short space of time . I just can't stop singing it's benefits .
Turmeric , is an Indian spice which is long associated with beneficial health properties . Very few people actually use this spice and if you don't do Indian cooking you would not know in what to use it !!

Turmeric is known for it's bright yellow colour and is often used to colour an Indian Palou ( a delicious rice dish ) Well aside from colouring the rice , it is also used in most other Indian dishes , so Indian people get all the health benefits of turmeric , from their food .

The Benefits of turmeric are plentiful . It detoxes the body . Protects the liver tissue . Boosts immunity .  Cleanses and purify 's the blood . Eases symptoms of coughs and colds . Improves circulation . Improves overall appearance of the skin . Prevents internal blood clotting . Reduces bad cholesterol . Reduces inflammation , and last stimulates secretion of bile .

So if you have never cooked Indian food and you still want to be able to use turmeric for all it's health benefits and don't know how , it's simple . You could always add half a teaspoon to a warm glass of milk , like I sometimes do or you could make a delicious tea every day and enjoy your added goodness of turmeric in it !

I shall give you a delicious way to combine it in the tea and feel all the wonderful effects from it when you get healthier and as a result add extra years to your life which everyone so wants ;)

Turmeric and Ginger Tea , it's also a great liver detox ! If you have had a heavy night of drinking , the perfect solution for your liver as well as all the other added benefits .


1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 ginger teabag
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp honey
Boiling water
Some milk

Fill the mug almost full with boiling water . Add the ginger teabag and half a tsp of turmeric  let it soak for about 7 minutes . Remove the teabag and add the cinnamon and the honey . Fill  the mug up now with milk and stir . Enjoy your delicious mug of tea and the added health benefits it offers !
Image result for image of turmeric tea

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :) Here's a quote by Winston Churchill that I love ! He was a very wise man .
“No one ever finds life worth living - one has to make it worth living.”– Winston Churchill

Love & Peace

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