Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sunday , A day of Rest .

Hi everybody ,  I hope your weekend is off to a great start and you all have something planned ! Actually I know most weekends I have nothing planned . I love to relax with the children , watch them play Xbox games sometimes join in with them on the second controller , well only if its a game that I like !!
Weekends I often find, is the time when I put on a wash,  hang it up, do some ironing , work out ,go jogging and of course listen to Radio 1 . I also make sure to relax,  lie in the bath and even cook an awesome Sunday dinner . The kids have their baths early , do homework some reading and a board game is also fitted in . Well it's a hectic Sunday , forgot to mention a big brunch is cooked at mid day and we make sure to sit down for it .
Now how many people would think , something is missing from that Sunday list of to-do's . It's something I always managed to fit into my Sundays ." Sunday Church Service" . I always went, when I lived in all those other countries . Here in England, I go but not regularly , well I always want to go !! I do trek down to Church once or twice at least to pray and light candles . I miss it on most Sundays, because everyone is very enthusiastic during the sign of peace when normally all over the world people fold their hands together and nod to each other with a smile . My local congregation, a bunch of elderly people who attend get out of their seats come down the aisles shake hands kiss you on the cheeks, oh my it's a whole lot of touching and I would rather keep my hands to myself . I am a germa phobic , and with all the winter flu , bugs and viruses going around , I would rather not touch anybody . So I can't possibly tell all these elderly lovely people who like me very much ,please don't touch me ! Yeah I feel bad and don't want to hurt anyone's feelings .
So my Sunday at home , has moments when I pray and still feel close to Jesus .
How do you spend your Sundays ? I wish it was a little bit more formal and anybody who wanted to attend could without a second thought , no hand contact involved but sadly so it is !  How is it at your church ? Would love to hear , I know I have a lot of views from the USA and other countries . Tell me your experience in the comments below . If you don't go to Church at all , that's okay . God never judged anyone . I must include a line from the bible about never judging "Let him without sin ,  cast the first stone "
Have a wonderful Sunday , whatever you may be doing .
Bye , #peace&love

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gun Rights ??

Hello everyone , wherever you are in your day I hope your smiling , had a very good thanksgiving and feel peaceful ! Did you eat enough to feel so stuffed you forgot to save some room for pie :) ? I had a blessed day , even managed to stay up so late the dessert didn't go begging ,lol .. Very satisfying !!
But of course being a keen reader and browsing alot and keeping up with the news ,you can't fail to notice all the unrest and trouble happening in Ferguson . Cars were set alight ,clashes in the street, yes it all makes me sad to see the world ,instead of moving forward we have all gone back in time when  black people feel they still don't have respect and rights . When I heard about the incident in August I was very saddened , as much as I am Pro guns and I like the fact that Gun rights in America exist ( here in England Guns are outlawed ) I still feel we should not be using guns to shoot down people . That Cop in my opinion had no right whatsoever to shoot and kill . I believe 6 gunshots were fired which left Michael Brown dead !!  Police in possession of guns should only be allowed to shoot below the waist on the legs . Should they kill I believe they are trigger happy and should lose their job and career . Nobody should take another's life . You would wonder why ,if I feel that way , do I support guns ? Well guns should be used for protection and it would 100% make anybody feel safe . A gun in my opinion never killed anybody ,it's the person who pulls the trigger that is the bad guy and responsible . I had a very , very dear friend who lives in the USA and supports Gun rights and is a keen gun enthusiast with a licence . Him being an avid fan and often on the range, of course he doesn't take nicely to any comments on his shooting skills lol .. Did I just happen to mention after somebody else did first , that the bullet holes seemed to be in the wrong places , on a photograph .  It upset him greatly, because without another word he cut me out of his life . I did apologise but unfortunately he ignored me completely . So why am I saying this ? Just because he knew I liked him very much and would not go out to hurt him . I thought he liked me equally because, just weeks before he told me we'd always be friends . So of course with sadness I have come to accept we are no longer friends , but his anger and cutting me off makes me think , should people who get angry have guns ? How safe are guns ? People can be pushed very easily . Guns should not be taken lightly . As an example that Police Officer should have been stripped of his Gun , his job and told shooting irresponsibly is a crime and an offence . Did the Jury clear him ? Serious mistake ! RIP Michael Brown , No matter how bad Michael was that policeman took the law into his own hand . Which common people are not allowed , why is he above everyone else and the law ?  I hope things settle in Ferguson but as much as I love the USA and dreamed about one day living there , I nowadays appreciate my lovely home in England . I no more dream about moving to the USA . I will travel more there , for sure if and when I can , I love American people , they are bold and loud , I love their family values , sense of humor .. I think I am alot like them in many ways :) The best being they are not shy to be religious . Out here in England and Europe more and more people are becoming Atheists and proud to exclaim it , that's very sad :(  . I have religion , Roman Catholic and I don't care who knows it !Cheers !
Have an awesome day ahead . Thank you for reading this , bye for now #peace&love

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Feeling Thankful :)

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day,  hope it's been good for you made you smile , chuckle ,happy, joyous or just plain lucky and fortunate . So Cheers we have another day behind us and with tomorrow being Thanksgiving , we have a whole day, to reflect on our year and give thanks that it all worked out . We have our little families and it's okay .
It's been a good year for me , my children are all a year older , they are happy ,healthy and intelligent so God has blessed me , I feel grateful ,thankful and fortunate . Okay so it's just me and my kids , but we are happy together . Maybe not everyone is so fortunate , but they have fortune in other ways . God didn't leave anyone out of blessings . Maybe we don't always see our blessings but they are there !
Maybe you have an extended family , which I don't have . Parents , Aunts , Brothers , Sisters . What does sadden me is my Mother no longer walks this earth , she shares a home in heaven with Jesus, but my dad still lives , but yet , No , I haven't seen him in 6 years . Yes that is very long ! I long to see him again , for my children to meet him and know their Grandpa . Life though is not so kind . He lives very ,very far away from me in another country , and much as I'd love to visit ,a single mother with 3 children ,Yeah makes it impossible .No I wouldn't dream of travelling alone and leaving the kids out of the holiday , it would be pretty mean . Seeing as 6 years ago when I did see him , I went alone because my Mum passed away and one airfare was all I could afford :( My money always has to be used for other things , emergencies ,essentials , bills , food , rent , clothes transport and knocking up 4 air fares is out of the question .Oh yes and then the question of where would we stay even if we could get there . My dad only lives in a very small flat :( So that would mean even more money for a hotel ! While my father grows older my reality is I will probably never see him again . A loss for my kids who don't know him . He is a charismatic ,intelligent man , a great story teller , who told us the most amazing spell binding stories when we were children , and often I wished my children had the luck to know their grandfather and their grandmother .Maybe one day it will happen ??? We never get what we want , but we should always be grateful for what we have and surely one day we shall get what we want ,within reason.
So while this Thanksgiving rolls around tomorrow ,I give thanks for all my small blessings and hopeful that next year is better than this one , and I pray the same for each of you . Have a great day .
Happy Thanksgiving ..bye for now , peace&love

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Do they Know It's Christmas ???

Hi everyone , hope you all had a good day . Just penning my few thoughts for today before I snuggle under the duvet and hit the land of "Nod ".
A few close friends of mine happened to mention "Do they know it's Christmas "Bob Geldorf "s Charity single, has reached number one in the charts . While we were all divided about our thoughts towards it , I certainly had a few and reckoned I'd blog about it .
One of the first things I learned at home growing up , was what my father always  told us "Charity begins at home "a line I cherish and love now that I'm all grown up and have kids of my own ! Thanks Dad it was an awesome thing to teach us kids !
So as it is in my opinion with , Charity begins at home ,it would suit everyone , if more was done to help our own people instead of concentrating on Africa . What has been achieved in Africa ? Despite billions being sent there through the years . It's been like 30 years with the first Live Aid Concert in 1985 where millions were raised to help Africa . In my eyes Africa has the same rate of poverty ,illness ,suffering ,economic situation and not one little bit of difference since then . How is all this money helping ??
I do my bit and regularly give to charity . I will not be made to feel guilty by these Pop stars & Musicians who earn millions and save millions shrugging off paying tax . Each and every one of these Pop Stars should have donated half their wealth to rid the world of Ebola , Now that would, have made a difference and a half !!! We the hard working people of England can barely make 2 ends meet and yet we do our best to donate to good causes . Stop forcing us and do the" good" yourselves . This is just a way of self promotion and lining their pockets for themselves .
On a final note after 30 years should there not have been a new song ??? We have heard this old one so many times , I'm tired of it !! Maybe they all are too lazy to pen a new one , LOL !!!
Have a good night and keep smiling ... Sir Bob does try ... but my pockets can't keep giving . #peace&love

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ways to Eat Smart .

Good afternoon my friends and fellow bloggers I hope your Monday was not so hectic and you are looking forward to an amazing week . With hopes to accomplish great things and make a start to eating healthy and smart instead of the focus being on losing weight !
When you have positive goals ,and choose foods high in nutrition you will feel energised , clean and lean !

Stay hydrated with alkaline water .
Squeeze lemon or lime into your water which promotes alkalinity and ward off diseases . It promotes bright eyes and skin and offers a dose of Vitamin C.

Add protein to your morning meal .
To stay fuller longer and feel stronger through to lunchtime , egg whites , linseed bread smoked salmon and cottage cheese pancakes ,oatmeal porridge are all great alternatives to jam & toast , sweetened yoghurts and cereals .

Eat a portion of leafy green vegetables everyday .
eg. spinach , kale , watercress . This gets your digestion back on track and restores vital vitamins and minerals which you might have lost with a hectic weekend :)

Soup is your friend .
If you have partied too hard , get back on track with vegetables based soups that contain no dairy . This will re hydrate you and restore electrolytes that can be lost after consuming  alcohol .It also fills you up and you are less likely to snack on a packet of chips :)

Well I hope this short blog helps you to eat smart . Have a great day and thank you for reading this . Bye xx

Saturday, November 22, 2014

My Son's birthday today , Woo Hoo !! Let's talk about the birth ;)

Hello Everyone who's reading this blog of mine and taking time out from your weekend  , to hear a little something from me :)
I am very happy today it's my little baby boy's birthday .. So hip hip hurrah son and I hope I give him a really good birthday and he's happy and satisfied , that Mum made his day great . I am planning a full day with gifts , breakfast at Frankie & Bennie's .. A trip to the cinema and a lavish dinner cooked by myself . He will be happy I'm sure  my 2 daughter's are also excited , about their brother's birthday .
He knows how much  I love him and cherish him . All us mum's love our children so much , words can't express our love . I was doubly  happy to have him .I already had my daughter when I was very young and longed to have another baby , so she wouldn't be alone . But how often are our wishes granted upon our demand ? No the years ticked by and they didn't fly like they do today ... No they slowly dragged along and it was almost 10 years before quite by accident I discovered I  was pregnant . Words could not express my joy at this long awaited event . I had chosen his name by the time I was 20 weeks along . I bought all these lovely clothes decorated the nursery and I just awaited the birth . I wasn't too worried about it because I already had a daughter , so I knew what it was all about . She was a surprisingly easy birth ,not without pain but we don't expect it to be easy especially if it's being pushed out from the vagina ,lol . No I didn't have any pain relief , gas /air nothing it was all a natural childbirth  because in Holland , No pain relief is given ...
So with a second birth due I was cool , I am a person who focuses on the joy of the baby and think , okay it's paining now but tomorrow it will be fine .The birth was something I will never forget , but it was all so worth it . The morning of the 23 rd my labour was full blown .. it started at night but I hung on till I knew okay now  it's bad . So the mid wife came along checked me out I was open 7 cms . So we hurried up to the hospital and the pain was intense and I was completely dilated  I was pushing and pushing but my son was not coming out .. It was horrendous , after a couple of hours of pushing the head gynecologist was called in and it was decided they would suck him out with a vacuum pump , it is the most painful thing in the world . My daughter had to leave the room because they thought it was not something she should see ,when they sucked him out . My bundle of joy was so worth all my pain and agony .  He is the most delightful , sweetest boy I know . Very respectful ,very intelligent and makes me smile everyday . I love my son Hunter very much and I am delighted God blessed me with such a lovely child . He's going to be 9 years old tomorrow and I am so proud of  him .
Happy Birthday Son :)
Thank you all so much for reading this and my experience of the birth . It didn't scare me , because a year later I was expecting my 3 rd child and the mid wife fell off her chair , Aren't you terrified she asked me ?? No I said , three children was what I always wanted and dreamed of since I was a young girl and  I am happy God has granted me my wish . I am very blessed with my 3 children , they are the most precious things to happen to me . To come into my life make it meaning full , the hugs the smiles , the I love you Mum , you are the best cook , makes me so happy to be able to share my life and love with them . God truly blessed me the day they were born .
Thanks once again for reading this and have a happy and holy Sunday guys .. Bye xx  

Friday, November 21, 2014

beauty tips to get your skin and hair ready for winter :)

Hello my peeps , couple of quick winter beauty tips because we all want to look gorgeous . With  the weekend upon us not all of us will decide to be housebound . We all still need to get into town for a few purchases ,do some food shopping step into Marks & Spencers ,Harrods or even if it's just Asda , don't we all want to look our best :)
So do you have any style icons who really inspire you and you would like to emulate them and give sophistication a go . My inspirations are Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen , both are very unique and not only their fashion or Mary Kate's eccentric taste's inspire me but their business savvy also inspire's me .
Okay to get on with these Winter  tips ,that will have you  looking like a million dollars .
Beat Chapped lips :
With very thin skin and no oil glands, your lips are at high risk of dehydration. Always create a moisture barrier between the air and your pout. Choose a balm that's thick and creamy—not waxy—so ingredients penetrate better. Toss a tube in every purse or coat pocket so you'll always have one handy .
Don't Rinse and Repeat
Seems odd, but too much washing can dry out your skin. Find a creamy facial cleanser that doesn't require rinsing, or use towelettes to wipe off makeup and the day's grime.
Exfoliate Wisely
Buffing your body is a good remedy for flaky skin, but exfoliating your face with scrubs can feel too harsh. Instead, slough away dead cells with a nighttime serum or cream that contains glycolic acid, a natural fruit acid.
Make It Quick
A long, steamy shower might seem like the best solution to counter the bone-chilling cold, but it can compromise the skin's outer layer. Be quick on your feet and shorten your shower to 10 minutes or less. Try washing the important areas—underarms, groin and feet—with lukewarm water and a gentle bodywash. Limit hot-water exposure everywhere else.
Shampoo Every Other Day
Washing hair daily in winter can lead to dried-out, lackluster locks. Skipping a day or two lets your hair's natural oils do their work to restore shine. If you can't bear a full cleansing break, use dry shampoo at the roots for a subtle refresher.
Take Care of The Nails
Healthy nails are about 18 percent water, but when that number drops, they can easily break. To help with rehydration, rub a drop of olive oil into your nails every night, and be sure to use a nondrying, acetone-free remover whenever you clean off chipping color.
Give Yourself a Facial
For a nourishing at-home spa moment, apply a thick layer of your night cream (don't be timid—slather it on). Then, soak a clean washcloth in warm water, wring it out and apply it over your "mask." Let it sit for five minutes.
Soften Rough Heels
Coarse patches are due in large part to dead-skin buildup. Use a rich cream with lactic acid, a component in milk, to penetrate the thick layers that traditional moisturizers simply can't. At bedtime, pull on a pair of socks to help moisture sink in overnight.
Well hope these few tips have your skin and hair looking perfect this winter .
Have an amazing weekend and stay blessed . Bye xx

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The lies we tell ourselves !

Hi everybody ,hope you all had a good day . How often after a long day ,you love to unwind and go out for a night on the tiles . We all like that , but we also tell ourselves all these little lies before we decide to go out . Oh yeah ,lets be thrifty and have some pre drinks before we go out  . Chances are we'll just have fallen asleep on the sofa and woken up at 4.30 thinking damn ,I didn't go out :) . The other thing I'll just wear on my highest heel it hurts a bit now because I'm trekking all around the house, once I'm out I'll be fine ! It's never so. We just suck it up, because it hurts and kills the feet ! The thing about travelling light . I don't need this huge handbag for a night out . I'll just jam everything into this tiny little bag . It  just explodes when touched , the zip doesn't lock and some things have fallen out before we get home . What  we always promise ourselves "I will not talk about work , I will not talk about work " and then all we do, is chat about work ,and everyone who works there !! Then  we imagine no young people will be out , because legally they aren't allowed there ! But yeah 1996 if we do the maths , Yes , Yes they are legal ,18 years old . OMG , I feel really , really OLD :)) It's not their fault , so we just have to be nice !! Last but not least how many of us have stuck a tenner down our bra , to be certain we could have a cab ride back home at 3 am .Yeah at 3 am it's not there and we have our hand down our dress, investigating our boobs , like we thought it was a good idea to give ourselves a health check out on the road . The promise to ourselves is the other thing we will not text him , also turns out to be a failure . Next day just don't check those texts and please don't reply back even if he has replied .
Okay if  you have done all that and can still laugh about it , You are not alone ,tons of others are also guilty .
Have a wonderful day tomorrow ,a good night's rest and stay blessed .

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gorgeous in 10 minutes :)

Beauty Time !! Generally this takes up a good part of our time in the morning in a rush to get ourselves ready for the day . Well I have learned to do a good and decent make-up routine in 10 minutes , which helps me feeling confident and looking chic !
10 minutes to looking polished !
Here you don't need to set an alarm to get that gorgeous finish .
Apply a skin perfection make-up base or a BB cream which hides flaws and gives a flawless look .
Next dab Concealer over any red spots dark circles under the eyes , around the nose and over any blemishes . A light dusting of a pressed powder seals the look and keeps you looking gorgeous .
Sweep some matte shadow over your lids , then lightly draw along your lash line with a Khol pencil .
Coat your lashes with Mascara and finish with a bright pop of colour on your lips .
If you have gone dark on the eyes keep the lips light . I prefer red lips and more neutral eyes .
Have a fantastic day and hope my beauty in 10 minutes helped :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Faking 8 hours sleep :)

Have you ever been so tired and you needed 8 hours of sleep but you simply couldn't get it , because you have worked too hard and stayed up too late !! Here's a quick way of faking those 8 hours and looking like a million bucks :)
Raid Your Cutlery Drawer
The first tip for achieving a faux glow is one you've probably heard before—but that's because it works. Grab two spoons, and place them in the freezer while you make yourself a coffee. Once they've cooled, gently press the spoons (curved side in) into your eye sockets. Hold the spoons in place for a few seconds, and follow with a brightening eye cream to rehydrate the chilled area.
Reach For the Cold Water
As nice as it feels getting your cleanse on in the warmth, water this temperature doesn't do your skin any favors. "Cool water refreshes the complexion better than warm water, thanks to vaso-constriction," says makeup artist Allie Clark. "The cool temperature causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing redness and swelling, particularly around the eyes." Team this with the spoon trick, and your skin’s well on its way to being nursed back to a glowing state of awake
Give Yourself A One-Minute Massage
If you're a fan of facials, it's probably due in part to how plump and smooth your face feels after a solid session at the spa. The thing is (pro products aside) your post-appointment complexion comes courtesy of a good facial massage, which you can also take into your own hands at home with a face oil or serum.
"Apply a generous amount of product to the compass points of your face: your forehead, cheeks, and chin," says Clark. "With your fingertips, smooth from the center of your forehead out to your temples, across the planes of your cheeks from your nose to ears, and from the center of your chin along your jawline. Repeat the same pattern, this time massaging in small circles. Using your ring fingers, press lightly into the inner corners of the eyes, sweeping toward the outer corners." Repeat this process two to three times, and blot off any excess oil before taking a moment to appreciate how good your skin feels after these 60 seconds well spent.
Brighten Up
On any normal "I just slept so great last night" day, your regular moisturizer will do here just fine. But this isn't a normal day. This is a day when you need a little extra pep in your skin prep, so look for products that contain ingredients like caffeine and green tea. These work magic on your body, and they can do wonders at kicking your face skin into gear, too.
Mix Up Your Makeup
Tired skin is dull skin, and the trick to fighting a flat complexion is always illuminator. While a fine tap along the cheekbones is a great way to create shine daily, when you're really desperate for a boost, the best place to start is with your base. "Mixing illuminating cream with your foundation adds a touch of radiance," Look for a product with a golden, peachy glow .
Try this out and feel super good about yourself . Confidence comes from feeling comfortable in your own skin . 
Hope you liked my simple tips on faking those 8 hours of sleep . Have an awesome day and stay blessed . Please add me so you get all my latest blogs .
Let me know if there is any topic you would like me to blog about !! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Sabrina NewWave Voice: Put the tea bag to a beauty use :)

Sabrina NewWave Voice: Put the tea bag to a beauty use :): Don't we all love a good cup of tea . It is so refreshing and instantly gives you a much needed boost , unlike coffee which perks you up...

Put the tea bag to a beauty use :)

Don't we all love a good cup of tea . It is so refreshing and instantly gives you a much needed boost , unlike coffee which perks you up for a little while . Have you ever thought what you could do with the tea bag after it's had it's little soak in your cup ? Well no point throwing it out . Put it to good use . Three surprising beauty uses for the humble tea bag . Give it a go .
1.) Tea Steam:  Bring the luxury of a spa to your home by making a DIY facial tea steam. Simply boil a few cups of water and pour into a large bowl, then add a tea bag or two (I recommend green tea for its antioxidant properties and soothing scent).  Place a towel and place it over your face, then bend over the bowl for five to ten minutes – this will open your pores naturally and tone and hydrate your skin.  Nourishing :)
2.) Eye de-puffer:  Brew two bags of tea, then wring them out slightly and allow them to cool for a few seconds.  Lie back on a flat surface and carefully apply one teabag to each eye, pressing slightly.  Leave the tea bags on for 15-20 minutes – you should notice brighter eyes immediately afterwards! The tannin acid in tea helps de-puff and shrink any puffiness or inflammation in the eye area.
3.) Fix a broken nail: Broken nail? A tea bag will solve that! Simply cut a small piece of your tea bag and press it onto your broken nail, adhering it with nail glue (some say superglue works too, but be careful not to glue your fingers together!).  File off all the edges until the edges are completely smooth, then seal it off with a nourishing top coat.  Good as new!
Enjoy trying out these , and add me if you like my posts .
have a wonderful day #stayblessed

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Uses for Vinegar around the House !

How many of us have a bottle of Vinegar standing in our kitchen cupboards ? Well everyone , thought I'd list at least 10 ways we could use it .
The humble, no-frills bottle of vinegar in your kitchen isn’t just a convenient salad dressing, it’s an effective household cleaning agent. Here, 10 practical (and surprising!) uses for the acidic wonder.

1. Keep your morning cup of coffee fresh.
 Mix two cups of water with one cup of undiluted white vinegar. Run it through your coffee maker and repeat the process two to three times before brewing a fresh pot.

2. Disinfect household sponges.
 Soak sponges in undiluted white vinegar overnight, and let air-dry before reuse.

3. Dissolve crayon marks from the walls.
 Moisten a toothbrush with undiluted white vinegar, lightly scrub the scribble and voila—your walls no longer resemble giant pages out of your kid’s coloring book.

4. Eliminate hard-water rings in flower vases.
 Pour undiluted white vinegar slightly past the dirty line. Cover the opening with a cloth, swish the liquid around and let it sit overnight. Dump, and rinse with warm water to remove any remaining remnants.

5. Prevent germaphalaba from happening on your cutting board.
 Dampen a clean cloth with undiluted white vinegar and wipe the board down after each use.

6. Make a quick substitute for gum remover.
 Scrape off as much of the wad as you can from the fabric (e.g. pants, carpet, etc.). Heat up undiluted white vinegar in a microwave-safe container. Soak the head of a toothbrush in the solution, and scrub at the remaining gum until it’s gone.
7 . When your scissor blades get sticky or grimy, don’t use water to wash them off; you’re far more likely to rust the fastener that holds the blades together — or the blades themselves — than get them clean. Instead, wipe down the blades with a cloth dipped in vinegar, and then dry it off with a rag or dish towel.
8. Do away with the gunk on chrome hardware. Soak a few stacked paper towels in vinegar, ring them out and wrap around the faucet, handles or shower head for 10 minutes. Remove the wrap, and let dry.

9. Salvage a shirt with mild sweat stains.
 Turn the shirt inside out and soak the perspiration-stained areas with undiluted white vinegar. Let it sit for 15 minutes, and then gently scrub with a toothbrush. Wash the shirt in a normal rinse cycle using warm water to remove any excess build-up.

10. Keep the car windshield and windows frost-free.
 Moisten a cloth or a sponge with undiluted white vinegar and wipe down to prevent ice from forming overnight.

Get cleaning or just feel satisfied you know other ways to use vinegar around your household , without breaking the bank to get special cleaning products for different things .Have a wonderful day :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Oatmeal for Beauty :)

I love my morning bowl of porridge . It's healthy and fills me up and I'm no longer grumpy around midday because I'm hungry and must eat some junk food to satisfy myself .
But I've also come to learn about the other surprising uses of oatmeal in the beauty area . Thought I'd share this with you all .
BLEMISH MASK: Mix 1/2 cup raw or instant oats with enough water to form a paste. Set aside for 5 minutes before stirring in 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to skin and relax for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. The concoction removes dead skin and fights the bacteria that cause breakouts. 

DRY SHAMPOO: Use your blender, coffee grinder, or food processor to pulverize oatmeal. Mix the powder with an equal measure of baking soda. Massage onto the roots of your hair, then brush out. 

FACIAL EXFOLIATOR: Its natural whole grains make oatmeal the ideal base ingredient for an at-home scrub. Grind 2 tablespoons oatmeal to a grainy consistency and add in 1 teaspoon baking soda. Store the mixture in an air-tight container. When ready to use, scoop a couple tablespoons into your hand and add very small amounts of water until spreadable. Gently scrub face using a circular motion for 60 seconds, then rinse. 

BODY SCRUB: Combine 1/4 cup ground oatmeal, 1 tablespoon local honey and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Mix while drizzling in additional oil as needed to create a paste. Scrub the mixture immediately over arms and legs. 

SKIN SOOTHER: For relief from sunburn, poison ivy, or even chicken pox, try an oatmeal poultice. Cook up some oats and then let them cool until tepid. Spread a layer on a damp cloth and lay it oatmeal-side-down over the affected area. Allow to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off. 

 Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of warm, organic whole milk. When the oats expand a little, add a splash of carrot juice and a capsule of Vitamin A. Apply to skin and sit for 30 minutes. 

Enjoying some of these , pamper yourselves and have a great weekend . #stayblessed

Thursday, November 13, 2014

OMG !! Has it really been a couple of weeks that I wrote something ?? Time does fly by , it's grown wings taken to the skies and it's almost Christmas again . I so remember Christmas last year with such fond memories It truly was one of the best Christmases ever . I told my daughter watch ,soon before you know it it's going to be May and like the wind ,it's going to be Christmas again ! My words feel justified , Christmas is almost upon us, where did all that time go ? It seems like the older we get , the faster the years fly by . I'm not ready , hang on, I should have saved money lol .. Does anybody nowadays ?? Unlikely, too many commitments shoved upon us . As a single mother with 3 children I am bound to feel the pressure of making sure Christmas is the best thing in the world and it's a special day for everyone . My childhood memories of Christmas are the best ever and I'm trying to build wonderful strong memories of Christmas for my 3 children . Christmas is ofcourse special being Catholic , first and foremost it's Our Lord Jesus's Birthday . Just as much as I love celebrating my birthday and the birth of my children , Jesus's birth is a very special day for us !
But even before it's Christmas , there are 2 special occasions to celebrate my little boy's birthday and Thanksgiving . I know I love to celebrate it , it's such a wonderful thing ,because I like to give thanks for the blessed year I had . My children and I feel grateful to have a roof over our heads , food in our tummies and I managed to pay all our bills ,AWESOME !!! Yes , I cook a special meal get the kids seated, and with a few friends we all talk about all our blessings and how wonderful it is to have made it through the year .. because yes plain sailing as we would all love things to be , seldom life is .. but Hurrah I'm still here , sometimes feeling depressed but trying to conquer everything and progress . Well Cheers to some special occasions coming up and to everyone else struggling with everyday issues , stay strong ..things always work out . After the rain , the sun always shines ! Stay blessed and have an awesome day .