Monday, November 30, 2015

Sports Personality Of The Year ?? I'm Sure Those Same Names Were Up Before :)

Hi Guys & Girls  , wherever you are in  your day I hope it's a good one ! Everyday day I like to find an interesting topic to talk about , sometimes it could be a subject that interests you and sometimes not but I do know that the number of people reading my blogs are growing by the minute and I am very happy and pleased about it . Thank you very much to all my followers for reading my writings and I look forward to gaining more over time !

Today as I went through my day I read about the 12 nominees for the BBC Sports Personality of the Year and how  people could phone in with their vote . All very accomplished people are up for nomination , but  some of the people there are nominated every year ? Looks like I see the same names often :( How come , I hardly see top jockeys nominated for all their accomplishments and everyday dedication to the sport .Are they not worthy of a sports Personality Nomination ? Lets not talk about the risk they take everyday , they get on a horse thundering down the racecourse . Jumping over hurdles taking great falls and getting injured all the time . I don't know how well they are paid , but I reckon every cent is worth it's weight in Gold . I often wonder why footballers are treated like Gods paid sinful amounts of money but only play a few matches at the weekend  and have a big season off  ,having luxury holidays , May to August ??  Jockeys ride everyday , almost six hours , seven days a week , travel great distances to racecourses all over England , just for the day , train all the time,  ride horses in their spare time and almost have no life outside of  what they do . Shouldn't they be nominated for a sports personality of the year after working so hard . Yes one jockey does get a title within the sport by becoming Champion Jockey of the season , by winning the most number of races, but a nice title and outside gratitude from the Country , would be a great honour even if it's only me who thinks so !!
Do they wait till the jockey is old and retired before some  kind of honour  is given ? I would love to see the likes of Ryan Moore , Sylvester De Sousa nominated and not to forget Richard Hughes who retired this year and has set up his own stables and training horses . Horse Racing is also a sport , we should not forget !

The new movie made about Champion Jockey AP McCoy is very well done and heartwarming to watch . If you have the time it's worth viewing . You don't need to be a horse racing fan to enjoy the movie , it's a story about his life , dedication , injuries , personal battles and accomplishments , with nice horse racing moments  . Being AP is a masterpiece and I loved it , don't miss it , if it's showing at a place close to you .  Yes he does bear more than a passing resemblance to Rob Brydon but that's where their similarities end :)

That's my thought for today , All sports people should be recognized for achievements . After all we want our children to have good role models ,  people who work hard and show great dedication !
I want to share a nice quote I read today with you all ...

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” 
― Albert Camus

Have an awesome day and keep  smiling ..

Love & Peace

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Eight Of The Best Veggies :)

Happy Sunday !! It's been cold and very rainy here just the kind of day when you want to relax all day in pajamas and not get dressed up at all . How is it that , the lovely flannel pj's from Primark keep you so warm yet normal clothes with a sweater have you so cold ,  all you do is sit still shivering feeling glum , lol .. Oh yes the heating's hardly on , because the bloody suppliers charge so much , normal people can hardly afford the bills !!! What does the government do ? Nothing , they allow the big six to charge whatever prices they want and they turn a blind eye .. Yet there is such a thing as minimum wage , how about maximum anything ? Crooked world we live in and we can't do anything about it , lol ..

But a  thought about the eight best vegetables around , we could eat this winter , to get us healthy so our body is fit and able to cope with the cold winter months . Even though a lot of people are not fans of veggies , you could cook up some hearty meals to satisfy yourself and keep you warm . These are my favourites and I cook them up in almost everything !

1) Spinach : 2 cal , It's high in fiber , protein ,calcium ,iron , magnesium , potassium and vitamins A ,C , E , K and B6 as well as high in sodium . The best ways to eat it is raw , in salads stir-fried or cooked in a curry .

2) Red Bell Pepper : 30 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins A ,C ,K , D and B6 . High in natural sugars it is best eaten raw , or in salads , roasted or stir-fried .

3) Red Onions : 44 cal , high in fiber , potassium and vitamins C and B6 . They are high in natural sugars . Eat them in salads , raw , sauteed or stir-fried . Aldi is doing a great offer this week 59 p for a kilo :)
4) Tomatoes : 22 cal ,high in magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars eat them raw in salads , sandwiches or use them in tomato based pasta sauces . Super delicious !

5 ) Eggplant or Aubergines or Brinjals , wherever in the world you are , those are the names used and I particularly  love this veg . 110 cal ,high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins C , K and B6 . Eat them roasted ,  grilled or stir-fried !

6) Cucumbers : 24 cal , this veg is high in magnesium , potassium and vitamins A , C and K . High in sugars , eat it raw or in salads .

7) Cauliflower : 3 cal , high in protein , magnesium , fiber , potassium and vitamins C , K an B6 . High in sugars eat it steamed ,roasted or in salads .

8) Mushrooms : 2 cal , high in fiber ,protein , iron , potassium and vitamins d and B6 .eat them stir-fried ,sauteed ,or roasted . Add them to pastas , noddles, salads and casseroles !

Enjoy your veggies and get your kids to eat them too ! Have a wonderful  week and keep smiling !

Love & Peace xx

Friday, November 27, 2015

Delicious Rice Pudding With Honey Roasted Pears :)

I love a tasty rice pudding , and with honey roasted pears it's super delicious .. A change to the ordinary rice pudding , which could be boring for the palate !
Thought I would share with you all , this scrumptious recipe to warm up your taste buds during the cold winter months . Desserts are more delicious in the winter , lol .. I don't know if that's only me :)


600 ml whole milk
4 pears
30gms butter
175 gms risotto rice
A good splash of cognac , white rum or white wine
4 tbsps of runny honey
1/2 a  vanilla pod
A pinch of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 200 C or Gas 6 .Scrape the vanilla seeds from the pod , then place the seeds pod and milk into a pan . Let it simmer over a low heat until  the milk is warm turn of the heat and leave it to infuse . Meanwhile roast the pears in the oven for about 20 minutes till they are tender . While the pears are roasting , melt butter in  a pan add the rice and toast shaking occasionally . Add the splash of alcohol now and let the rice absorb it . Start ladling in the vanilla milk stirring frequently until most of it is absorbed by the rice . The rice should be creamy with a bit of a bite and it would take around 25 minutes to be perfect . Swirl in 2/ 3 tbsps of honey at the end  of cooking and the pinch of cinnamon . Add more honey if necessary .
Divide the pudding between 4 bowls , peel the roasted pears and pop them on  top .  Finish with a drizzle of  honey and cinnamon . It's ready to serve and eat ! Enjoy !!

 Bon Appetite .. Keep smiling and have a fabulous day .

Love & Peace

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Black Friday: Who Is Going To Be Open ! And Outfit Inspiration!

Black Friday: Keen on shopping and getting the latest deals?
Make sure you take a list when you go out shopping tomorrow, don't buy things you don't need!

Major retailers and their earliest opening times.

Boots: three stores - Liverpool Street Station, Piccadilly Circus and the flagship Oxford Street branch will be open from 12:30 AM. All the rest will be open as usual.

Tesco stores involved in Black Friday, which will only be the larger extra branches, will be open at 5 AM.

Sainbury's: four 24 hour stores, Lincoln, London, Colney, Harringay, and Bybrook will close at midnight and open at 6 AM. There are no other changes to regular opening hours.

Argos: 688 stores will open at 6 AM.

John Lewis: stores will open early at 8 AM.

Debenhams: store times vary but many will be opening an hour early at 8 AM and stay open later until 10 PM. The flagship store on Oxford Street will stay open until 11 PM.

Marks and Spencer: no change to usual opening hours.

Happy shopping and keep smiling!

A nice weekend outfit inspiration for your Black Friday trip to the shops:

Prices for the outfit:
1. Boyfriend low jeans / 30 pounds /
2. Lace up wedge boots / 25 pounds /
3. Suede Shoulder T-shirt / 65 AUD /
4. Fashion Notch Lapel Coat / 50 Dollars /
5. Women's Fuzzy Pom Pom Beanie / 9.90 Dollars /
6. Pebble Grain Leather Crossbody / 15 dollars /

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Peace and A Nice Outfit!

''Imagine Peace'' and a nice outfit.. One is impossible and one is :)

Happy Tuesday!

The world seems to be in a turmoil and nothing gets better. Turkey downed a Russian warplane in Turkish airspace! Very worrying!
So Putin is angry and says, ''This Christmas, no Turkey.''
Okay, it's a joke. Just trying to smile :)

Brussels is in lock-down. A major Capitol city shut down looking like a ghost town! What is this world coming to?

Anyways, peace is always the path to chase even if our PM thinks joining the bombing will make us safe. As long as he's safe I guess that's all that matters to him! The common people have never been on his agenda, sadly :(

In the words of John Lennon's Imagine:

''Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people, living life in peace.''

Yes, we should all be living in peace.
I send peace and love from my house to yours.
But now let's get inspired for a nice outfit choice for tomorrow. This is what I love to wear!

All the above items are available online. Here are the prices:
1. brown boots / 8 pounds /
2. 40 denier tights black / 1.29 pounds /
3. weater dress green / 25 dollars /
4. collar double breasted / 37 dollars /
5. Apricot bag / 26 dollars /

Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love and Peace x x 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Get Stylish: Tuesday's Inspiration

Happy Monday,
Wherever you are in your day, I hope you're smiling a big toothy grin :)

My thought of the day is a quote from Mark Nepo:
'''Doing small things with love, is the atom of bravery.''

Gives us a lot to think about! How many of us do anything with love? We are all ''good people'' if you can't find one, BE ONE!
So to inspire your outfit selection for Tuesday, this is what I'm planning on wearing!!

All the above items are available online below!

1. film noir tights / 15 dollars /
2. intellectual intrigue top / 45 dollars /
3. Black split dress / 15 dollars /
4. leather platform shoes / 33 dollars /
5. fashion notch coat / 50 dollars /

Have an awesome tomorrow and keep smiling!

Love & Peace x x

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Delicious Cocoa Carrot Cake!

Happy Sunday!
Brrrr, the weather is cold, with temperatures dropping below -1. And the only way to keep warm is a nice, hot cup of chocolate and some carrot cake, my favorite!!!

So, I wanted to share with you my special recipe, of Cocoa Carrot Cake. Hope you all find it delicious. So here goes and have fun making it.


  • 1/3cup of cooking oil
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup of carrots (grated)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp of baking soda
  • 1 1/2 of white wheat flour
  • 1 tsp of ground cinnamon 
  • 1/2 cup of cocoa

1. Prepare a mixing bowl. Put the sugar, oil, and carrots in it. Put some water into the mix. Set it aside for now. Get another bowl and toss in the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and cocoa. Add some salt too. Add this to the mixture in the other bowl. Mix this and pour into a pan. An 8'' inch pan is recommended.

2. Bake the cake at a temperature of 350 degrees for 35 minutes. When it's cooked, add some cream cheese as icing. You can also use ice-cream as frosting. 

Hope you enjoy my home made carrot cake recipe. The fun part of baking cakes and making desserts is experimenting with other flavorings in the process. You could always swap the cocoa in the recipe and use raisins or some nuts like walnuts or cashews. Have fun and enjoy your cake!

Keep Smiling! Love & Peace x x 

Friday, November 20, 2015

My Friday Post .. Little Talk !!

Happy Friday !!

The days are getting shorter and winter feels like it has finally arrived as the heating must now be switched on and the kids need to wear a hat outdoors and hot chocolate with marshmallows is always the favourite drink after school ! The evenings are spent indoors and telly seems to be your best friend . If  the highlight of  the end  of the year is the same programme for you as it is for me then we have alot in common , no I'm kidding ;) but " I'm A Celebrity ,Get Me Out Of Here " is very entertaining and I hate missing any episode . It's always a joy to see people struggle , especially as they have so much more comforts , than common people . Yes they have to  eat and drink gross stuff , camel penis , bulls testicles ... Have snakes crawl over them get buried in a pit with thousand of cockroaches , and other creepy crawlies  yes it's fun to watch . They do get paid a hefty fee to go into the jungle , but it's easy to forget as they struggle everyday like us Common people , lol , with all our everyday hardships .. They can't cope with a diet of rice and beans , lol ..shows you how spoilt and indulged people have become .. I love my rice and beans and can't live without it , perhaps a little spice with it would be an added bonus . Spencer seems to have disappeared out of the series after just three days nobody said why and none of the celebrities are talking about it , seems suspicious , did he get kicked out ?? Although some rumor says  health issues ?? He seems like a fit young man , but every year  there will  be one person ( celebrity) who will take the fat check and run ..  wish I had the opportunity at a fat bit of cash :)
Lady C has been a stand out for me  , and although I have known who she was , all my life ,whereas a lot of  people did not even know of her . I did , as I have read all her books on Princess Diana , who I have always admired . Lady C , has taken on the tasks and challenges very well . She is outspoken and unusual all at the same time making her compelling to watch ! She has come through alot in her life , and I am always impressed with people who make it through life facing challenges and overcoming them . And No Caitlyn Jenner does not fall into this category . I was not impressed with her getting the Woman Of the Year Award ! Yes I looked up to Bruce Jenner for all  his achievements and the wonderful father he was to his children . Being a Woman takes a lot more than finding the right dress to wear ( like he suggested ) It's about fighting against discrimination , being the weaker sex  ,  not being able to find a partner because you are too old and not sexy enough , because old rich men only want young women . Yes what does Caitlyn know about all that .. not too begin with child birth , periods , mood swings and when that dreaded menopause will begin ... what the hell is  going to happen ?? My Mum is dead and I never asked her how it was for her , I only have the internet to go on .. like alot of other women !
Oh Yes , Susannah's big granny pants on " I'm a Celebrity " were very unfashionable  . A brave woman to show them off ,  and she's supposed to be the What to Wear guru .. I had to laugh ! Never go for flesh coloured granny undies , if you plan on revealing your underwear , for anyone to see . Go for something eye-catching , bikini hipsters .. now that's fashionable !
Enjoy your weekend and Keep smiling ..

Love & Peace xx

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Violent Leaders Remembered , Or The Non- Violent Ones ???

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day , I hope your smiling !!

Today was such a windy rainy day but that is so normal for November .. Everyone is  busy counting the  days to Christmas , as much as I love Christmas and it's only 36 days to go , if the posts on FB are anything to go by , lol ... In November I always look forward to Thanksgiving first . Even though it's not really celebrated here in England , I personally love it ! Isn't it wonderful , to give thanks for all the things that happened in the months before . Maybe it was a shitty year but you can give thanks , because you are still pulling through , surviving and living , there is still a roof over your head , doesn't matter for how long , it's there for Now !! With my son's birthday always falling around thanksgiving , I just love the double celebration !
Many people love Christmas but forget the the reason we celebrate it , so today I was really surprised my little daughter tells me ," Mum guess whose birthday it is in four weeks ? " I didn't have to think hard , because of course it's Jesus 's birthday ! I'm so proud she knows ! It's wonderful to be Catholic and have Religion but it's quite another thing being fanatic about it ! In every religion there are fanatics and it's  not exclusive to certain religions , alone ! Within the Christian faith there are the Jehova's Witnesses who nobody wants to know . They don't celebrate Halloween , Guess they don't like people knocking on their Door ,lol ...

I was really pleased to read yesterday an interview given by the Dalai Lama , where he says to stop really praying for Paris . This is a Man made situation , and we the people are the ones to solve it .. Peace and Love is the way to go about it . Pointless now asking God for help , he is just going to be annoyed with the way we carry on and then pray to him for help !
The Dalai Lama is indeed a wise and clever Man , if only we implement peace , nobody will have an excuse to carry out evil on anyone .

That's my thought for today .. People are loving kind and generous , unless we give them cause to behave otherwise . Be the best person you can be . We preach non- violence to our children , speak out against violent husbands , but what do our leaders do ?? They encourage armies to pick up weapons and harm other people ! Some of the great leaders in the world , Gandhi for example , he helped India gain independence and he preached Non Violence . Mother Teresa a peaceful and great person who totally condemned War ! The only people who led Wars and fought are the Leaders who are thought of in bad light today . So why would anyone want to encourage Wars and Bombing ??

Inspite of all the unrest in the world , enjoy your day and keep smiling .. Love & Peace always xx

Monday, November 16, 2015

Make Money From Your Junk ... Monday's Tip :)

Happy Monday !!

I know everybody collects stuff and as the years go on , the amount of junk accumulates . But what is one mans junk is another mans treasure :) So think about shifting some of that load . I have learnt one thing through the years , you never know where life might take you and everybody needs to travel light . So keep few possessions , and be a happier person .
Although no need to give away your stuff for free , try making a few bucks in the process .
Here are some tips to get rid of your stuff and make a few quid for it ! Money for your throwaways .. Remember shoes and bags are also very sort after , so put them up as well !

Where you should go to sell :
There are great fixed price sites , which you must know about , like Gumtree and Amazon . For auction sites there is E-bay . The benefit is how easy it is to use it . It takes less than a minute to list an item . Before you start listing sell a few cheap items to get good feedback ratings . There is also E-bid which is a smaller site , which has cheaper fees but you may get fewer bids because it's not as popular as E-bay with fewer users .

Top Tips for Listings :
The Title is very important . include as much detail  in it as possible . Most important is to learn the jargon  BNWT - standsfor Brand New With Tags.
BNWOT - Brand New WithOut Tags  ,  BNIB - Brand New In Box

Getting the Right Price : Always put a reserve at the lowest price you want to sell for , but start at .99p as it will get people interested .

Always remember buyers shop at the weekends , so put ads up then . Sunday evenings are the best time for ending auctions . You could spark a bidding frenzy !!

Postage : Many people get caught out by not adding enough postage to their listing , however if your price is too high , buyers would not be interested . Use to find the correct amount . When you send the item , always get proof of purchase and pay more for recorded delivery , if it's valuable .

Don't stay away from auction sites , because of security concerns . PayPal is pretty safe ,  and E-bays preferred method of payment . It is free to set up a paypal account and easy to check what is coming and going - especially id you have a smart phone app .  It also offers protection if something ever goes wrong , or an item never arrives . Handy if you ever have a dispute with a buyer !

Last you could always pop into Cash Converters on your local high street and get get some cash for your throwaways !

Hope you find my tips real handy and you make the most of it :)
Enjoy your day and keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Prayers For Peace And Monday Outfit Inspiration !!

Prayers and thoughts this Sunday not only for Paris but for all the troubled spots in this unrestful world ! There are innocent victims caught up in the War Games being played .. does nobody think Peace is the solution ? I dream of the day when nobody wants to bomb anybody and nuclear weapons don't exist .. Right now this world is getting so scary , I don't ever want to travel again or go far from  my house !
I can't see the world getting better , all this is so shocking . Is this the world we want to  leave our children ?
People do want peace and as I read comments on articles in Social Media , I know people are tired of wars , and fighting and innocent lives lost . When Trump just gave a speech and said he would bomb them mercilessly . People don't tend to agree with Trump .. He's going to be putting alot of money into weaponry  , when the same can be invested into  health care , education , homelessness , and veterans who have suffered from badly judged Wars ! Much as I'm a fan of The Donald , I think I like him for his business acumen , his money making abilities , definitely not as a political leader !!!
I read a lovely saying today " Climb the mountain , to See the World , Not for the World to See YOU !! "
But besides all that life does go on in our small little insignificant lives . I happened to dream about a friend I have on FB , lol .. Yes it took me by surprise because I don't have sexual dreams and certainly not where I'm getting close with someone whose a casual friend :) Yes I think he's awesome , smart , travels alot and very clever but JL I think you're out of my league :(( Dreams though are Good ... and if we can't dream , life would be pretty dull !
Now though , Fashion for Monday , and less about my boring life .. Get dressed up , take the bull  by the horns , be bold and stun everyone . Go for a great jacket always , invest in a nice bright coloured jacket and your bound to look smart always ! A nice Red lip colour for winter always catches the attention and turns heads for sure ! All the items and where they are available are listed below . Hope you like my  outfit selection :)
1. Garden Party Floral tights / 25 dollars /
2. Black sheer knee length skater skirt / 29 dollars /
3. Red zip side heeled boots / 25 pounds /
4. Chiffon Blouse / 20 pounds /
5. Double Breasted longline coat / 67 AUD /

Have an awesome day and always remember why John Lennon was so  loved , and is such a legend . Simply because he talked so much about Peace and brought it through in his MUSIC !

Give Peace A Chance .. Keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday Outfit Inspiration !!

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day a cheery hello from me :)
I just finished watching an incredible movie , one I never grow tired of seeing every few years . It is a modern day classic , although it's now made a good few years ago and I was just marveling at how young Kevin Costner looks in it !! Yes it's "Robin Hood , Prince of Thieves "such a wonderful  movie and def. one of my favourites .
I just stopped to think ,we desperately need a modern day Robin Hood in these hard days ,with all the poverty in this country and the situation getting worse all the time , the evil  sheriff of Nottingham somehow reminds me of our " wonderful " PM and his mates ruining the Country , lol ...
Back to  the movie , I love it , for the wonderful dialogue and especially the role of Morgen Freeman as Azeem ( the Painted Man ) I think this is the best version of Robin Hood ever made and a classic theme song to boot ! Now I just have to see Sherwood forest with my own two eyes .. never been there :(  I wonder how many people who live in England almost their whole life and have never seen parts of it , such a shame must be the lack of money everyone has, so we can't travel and see the Country we live in . Truly the world sucks , but I'm still taking it a day at a time :)
But on to fashion ideas and a selection of outfit , to brighten your Friday . A trendy bag can be an eye-catching piece . Choose something completely different to turn heads and notice you . Do you love the Cat bag ? Carry it with  you , and you will certainly be the Cat's whiskers , I promise !!
The printed blouse with a bow around the neck is currently very fashionable . All the items and where they are available online is listed below .

1. Long sleeve wool coat / 40 dollars /
2. Poppy print boho / 35 dollars /
3. Ripped skinny jeans / 25 pounds /
4. vintage tess platform pump / 40 dollars /
5. Cat clutch / 30 pounds /
6. Cat ears knit beanie /

Have an awesome day and whatever you do never stop smiling . A wonderful quote I read the other day by Oscar Wilde  and I want to share it with you all " We are all in the gutter , but some of us are looking at the stars " how true .. even if it is with a glass of wine ;)

Keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Avocado , Such A Great Veg !!

Happy Tuesday !!

It's another day but the weather has been so pleasant , I can't help but feel cheery and upbeat in spite of all the reasons around that can make anyone unhappy . Such a mild November and I am certainly enjoying the weather , outdoors on long walks . Gives a person time to think and feel free , in a world that keeps you shackled and bound .

I am a great lover of healthy eating and Avocados are one of my favourite foods . I love going to the supermarket to get myself some avocados but often healthy nutritious food costs a lot more than you would expect , and the kids happen to love avocados as well . So why don't supermarkets put avocados up for two for the price of one , and get more people buying avocados ? Most often it's the junk food going on sale and discount . Although I do love the Aldi offers of six different fruit and veg available for 59p each , every week . Go into Aldi and take advantage of it , and stock up on healthy fruit and veg . A bargain too good to miss !
The benefits of Avocados are plenty and here's a list of reasons why they are so bloomin' marvelous for you :)

1.A Nutrient Dense Fruit : Nutrient dense fruit are those that provide a substantial amount of vitamins , minerals and other nutrients with relatively few calories .One fifth of a medium avocado has 50 calories and contributes nearly 20 vitamins and minerals , including fiber , potassium , Vitamin E , B vitamins and folic acid making it a great choice . They also act as "nutrient booster " by enabling the body to absorb , more fat soluble nutrients , such as alpha and beta carotene and lutein  , in foods that are eaten with this fruit .

2. Contains Good Fats : When used instead of other fats , avocado can be a satisfying  addition to a calorie reduced diet .

3. A Popular Choice : Avocados are included in some of the leading world nutrition organizations . Nowadays there are more and more great recipe's available to vary the way you eat your avocado .

4. Great for Babies and Kids : The avocado's creamy consistency makes it a great first food for babies with beneficial nutritional properties .

5. Naturally Sodium and Cholesterol Free : Besides being sodium and cholesterol free , fresh avocado's contain mono and polyunsaturated fats . Making this an incredibly good eating choice .

Hope you remember to shop this week for avocados and supplement your diet with an incredible , nutritional fruit . Enjoy eating  and have a good day .

Monday, November 9, 2015

Gilets Are Bang On-Trend This Autumn / Winter !!

The Gilet is the current trendy fashion piece you don't want to be without in your wardrobe !
The Gilet pronounced Jee-Ley , is the perfect transitional piece in your autumn / winter wardrobe . It is a sleeveless jacket and is bang on trend this season . It is perfect for layering . They are available in a huge range of designs , fabrics , colours  , tasseled , long variety's , waterfall style  etc . Depending on the style you buy you could pair them with a roll neck sweater , over a pair of jeans or even with a sleek knitted dress .
The variety of gilets available range over jersey gilets , quilted gilets , faux fur or even a denim waist coated style . for colder evenings a hooded style looks lovely with a pair of jeans .
1. Influence tan fringe gilet / 8 pounds /
2. Tan suedette waterfall gilet / 30 pounds /
3. Petite caramel fur gilet / 49 dollars /

Check out New Looks collection of gilets with prices ranging from 19.99 to around 39.99 an absolute bargain for some stunning party gilets remember Christmas parties are not so far away !! Forty-five days to Christmas :)  Keep warm while staying on trend !

Keep smiling and have an awesome day ahead ... Love & Peace xx

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Outfit Inspiration .. Mustard Jacket For Autumn/Winter !

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night  wherever you are in your day , I hope you make it a good one !
Always stay focused , be generous and keep smiling nobody likes to see a sour face ;)
My Sunday thought was for women all over the world . I have been thinking , women are seen as the weaker sex ,  they suffer inequality and ageism in spades . As I get older I seem to notice it more . It seems if your older than 35 nobody wants to know old women anymore ,be it if you're out seeking a job or if you happen to be looking for a partner . You tend to get overlooked !
Why is this ? People need to change their views ! The older the women the more reliable . So a friend of mine is looking for a job and she sends out at least 50/60 CV's a week and nobody calls her for interviews , oh yes she's old remember in her 40's , lol ..but a couple of young girls I know get called up regularly for interviews after just two or three CVS's go out a week , lol .. oh yes we mustn't forget they are 19/ 20/ 21 and oh so YOUNG !! Bloody hell ,  I feel sick to my stomach at the condition of women in this day and age .
Maybe the World has ended , just like all those doomsday mongers keep saying  ... ONLY it ended and we walked into  a different dimension where all this bullshit is not seen  as deplorable and our leaders  are revered for being dick-heads and ready to wage wars , and press nuclear buttons ! The world has truly gone Mad !
But  we still need to get dressed and need inspiration for some great clothes and ideas for expanding our wardrobe and getting ready in the morning ! Jeans are great  , pair it with a stylish blouse and only a sexist , against women would say you can't wear it to work ;)
1. Navy bleached ripped denim / 21 dollars /
2. Cold shoulder top / 60 aud /
3. Yellow coat / 38 dollars /
4. Ankle boots / 25 pounds /
5. Black casual oversize hat / 20 dollars /
6. Drop earrings / 14 dollars /

With Mustard being the very in trend colour this autumn / winter , brighten up the dark gloomy weather by investing in a lovely mustard jacket ! Hope  you love my selection as much as I do :)

Keep  Smiling .. Love & Peace xx

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Outfit Inspiration :)

Happy Thursday !!
A splendid outfit to inspire you to choose for Friday ... let the weekend begin !! Although today with all the celebration and fireworks lighting up the sky , you would have thought it's New Year's Eve , lol !!  It  started as dusk began to fall around four and continued  till about nine thirty in the night here . It was Guy Fawkes day or Bonfire Night here in the UK and the candied apples were sold everywhere , at one pound fifty per apple to buy , I decided it was cheaper to make my OWN !!The fireworks were great and it was an awesome evening I am tired , now :)

But here is the pretty outfit and I hope you love my selection , to inspire you as much as I do :)
 1. High waist round denim shorts / 26 AUD /
2. Tights spots / 4.99 dollars /
3. Top with lace / 20 pounds /
4. Chunky platform boots / 40 dollars /
5. Buxton burgundy clutch wallet / 24 dollars /
6. Black tassel floppy hat / 9.99 pounds /

A beautiful quote I read today and wanted to share with you , to inspire all budding writers to write from the heart and say what you need too .  " You own everything that happened to you . Tell your stories . If people wanted you to write warmly about them , they should've behaved better "  -- Anne Lamott , from Bird by Bird : Some Instructions on Writing and Life !

Keep Smiling .. Love & Peace xx

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Woman Made History Yesterday ... Heard About It ???

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day I hope your smiling !
Tuesday's sense of style , grab a pretty dress pair it with some tights , stockings your choice some chunky boots , gorgeous earrings and plenty of bling on your fingers to complete a sophisticated look . Don't forget to keep warm with a sweater !
Enjoy being a woman and wear dresses more often than you wear jeans ! Women are special , we are different to men and more often higher achievers , although men sit back and get the glory better jobs and more privileges ! But I was thrilled , well not exactly ( lol ) because I think it's a Man's sport ;) Yes , I enjoy being a woman and I think women try too hard to equal men :( but a woman created history  yesterday .. I don't know if anyone heard about it today , but a Woman made "History " yesterday , yes history , at The Melbourne Cup , Australia ( Horse Racing ) she won the 1 st prize and beat out some 24 other jockeys ( men ) and came first in the race . Claiming  a prize fund  of 1, 900 ,000 dollars ! Truly amazing . The best jockeys in the world Frankie , William , Ryan all finished behind her . She was amazing , Michelle Payne Congratulations !! You are in a Man's job but  you nailed it . Well done !

The online shops where these beautiful pieces are available are listed below .
 1. Niami Velvet skater dress / 20 pounds /
2. Knitted Cardigan / 25 pounds /
3. 30 Denier opaque tights / 8 pounds /
4. Chunky Ankle boots in black / 28 pounds /
5. Chain feather earrings / 25 dollars /
6. Silver assorted slim rings / 5.99 pounds /

Whatever you want to do in life , don't let other people's perception spoil your dreams . That's why I think , every woman should be allowed to be different ,  I like to be old fashioned and think a man should look after a woman , but I find it quite alright if other Women want to do a Man's job and Nail It as well ! Today I found it such a shame to see the release of the new British passports ( coming out in December ) with seven famous men featured in the pages but only two women managed to get featured :( This government has the oddest ideas and they all seem to be accepted as normal ! Get an equal amount of women in it , or the stamp of approval should not have been  passed ! Women have fought so hard for equality but it's never going to happen unfortunately !

Keep smiling .. Love & Peace xx

Monday, November 2, 2015

Depression And Suicide ... All Souls Remembered & My Thoughts !!!

Monday again !!! Last day of half term , the kids go back to school and they love school , YESSS :)
Today was All Souls Day , if your Catholic , you would know it's a day when we remember are dearly departed .. those who have left us on this earth and gone to live with Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven . They have left us with so many memories of good times , laughter , generosity ,  caring ,kindness and a presence which no one else can fulfill ! I remembered my beloved Mum today with prayers and some stories of her to my kids but nothing they don't already know because I talk of her almost everyday . She is never far from my thoughts !
So today we should also remember in prayers , people who have felt it necessary to take their own life  . Suicide is never the answer , but we should not judge these people , because they did not take this route lightly . When somebody decides to take their life , they have often thought about this and it's something they have always toyed with , almost all their life on and off ,  it's a fighting battle that they have with themselves everyday . They often feel depressed , and live within a fog , which makes all and every battle which we human beings face in this world a heavy weight for them . They don't actually want to die , but people around them often  don't understand their pain , torment and suffering !
Having said that , I firmly believe they feel by taking their own life , it's a way out of this hell , but as we know in life and in death nothing has an easy answer ! I feel compelled to write this , because the topic of suicide has always been around and somehow it's always there someone committing suicide and I hear about it . Depression, suicide are topics which interests me and always have . It has crossed my mind often . I remember , even having many conversations with my mother about it and she often said , "suicide is a coward's way out " ..
I believe no one can cut their own life short and escape , the person is reborn to try again and relive their life , till nature intends the way they should go ! Often it is in a harder circumstance that they are reborn , and face far more challenges than they had previously . The trick is to soldier on , regardless !
I believe that in a previous life , I had committed suicide , and in this life , I am determined to live  till I am an old lady and conquer any demons I might have ! I want to write and talk about the subject and urge people who have suicide thoughts to talk to , somebody about it ,their feelings , anxiety . Don't feel alone . Try to do things and find things that make you happy , live life and don't be bogged down by rules . You have a life to complete , loved ones to be around for ,people who depend upon you , so do all you can to be there . Fill your life with things you want to do . We were not born , to study hard and then work till we die ! As we grow we don't need our Mum's so much for everyday tasks , but just getting back from school , from work , just looking at our Mum's face we feel a reassurance in our heart , we are fine and she's there , an automatic smile comes upon your lips just seeing Mum , I'm not wrong and that is why kids need their Mother's around as much as possible , so they won't grow up to be heartless like our PM , hhmm seems to me he comes from a different dimension altogether and is trapped here in a time vortex HA !
So have a wonderful day , be considerate if somebody is sick and that means even if they are completely healthy , it is still possible they can be clinically depressed and feel burdens ten times more amplified than somebody else ! No ... medicines and drugs are not always the answer to depression . Sympathy , caring and listening are key things ! Vincent Van Gogh always comes to mind , he needed to paint to help him cope , and people thought he was mad and crazy . Be different embrace your uniqueness , there is only ONE You :)

Keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I Read A Wonderful Piece .. Breast Cancer Awareness !!!

Happy 1 st of November , hope your weekend was fun and memorable . Hope you all didn't get too drunk , didn't frighten too many kids and most of all I hope , you were generous with the Candy , if anyone did knock on the door :)  A conversation I heard , somebody was saying in her neighbourhood , the people are less than generous and they don't give sweets out at all !!! So she often takes her kids to a richer neighbourhood and sends them knocking on doors , lol .. but that's the world we live in .. few people come forward and two in the hundred want to help !

I just read an article which I found very interesting . It's something I have always thought about and firmly think the writer spoke truly and from her heart ! I one hundred per cent totally support all she wrote and I think if you read it as well you would think again about the whole breast cancer thing , in a different light , it would also make you question the whole breast cancer industry !
Let Food be your medicine , eat healthy and look after yourselves .
I have added the article I read , below and I hope you take the time to read it through yourselves !
October was breast cancer month and everyone put up pink ribbons and donated but read below ..
Thank you xx

A former Los Angeles Times staff writer, Laurie Becklund, battled breast cancer since 1996. Earlier this year she knew her time was limited, and as she greeted her last few months, she wrote an opinion piece “As I Lay Dying” about her story. Becklund died Feb. 8 this year. This is what she wanted you to know about breast cancer.
Early detection does not cure cancer.
Becklund: “I had more than 20 mammograms, and none of them caught my disease. In fact, we now have significant studies showing that routine mammogram screening, which may result in misdiagnoses, unnecessary treatment and radiation overexposure, can harm more people than it helps.”
To detect a cancer early in many cases means to catch it before it produces symptoms. That is a problem, because not every precancerous condition will actually become cancer or not the type of cancer that can affect a person’s life, but every case is treated as if it was the same type of cancer. Mammogram screening is responsible for about 25% of overdiagnosis in breast cancer, according to an article published in Oxford Journals. The overdiagnosis may harm patients and lead to “overuse of anticancer therapies” such as chemotherapy.
Another article by The New England Journal of Medicine estimated that in 2008, 70,000 U.S. women were overdiagnosed with breast cancer, which is a shocking 31% of all breast cancer diagnoses.
The first time Becklund discovered a lump in her breast in 1996 during a self-exam, she was treated by a lumpectomy and radiation. She had the most “curable” type of breast cancer. Five years after the treatment her doctor told her she had minimal chance of it ever coming back.
Yet in 2009 she received a diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer that spread to her bones, liver, lungs and brain.
Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is the only kind of breast cancer that kills
Metastatic cancer is “cancer that has spread from the place where it first started to another place in the body,” states According to a non-profit patient advocacy group Metastatic Breast Cancer Network (MBCN) breast cancer itself does not kill, instead breast cancer patients die from cancer cells travelling to other vital organs.
Breast cancer most commonly spreads to bone, brain, liver and lung. And in Becklund’s case it spread to all four places. When she went to an MBCN conference other attendees were shocked that she was even alive. Almost everyone else had cancer spread to only one organ. When later a group of people she was in was asked to stand if they survived 2 years after diagnosis, most sat down. As far as she could see Becklund was the only one standing for 7 years of survival.
An estimated 40,000 MBC patients die annually. Another 250,000 are waiting for their death.
“I say ‘estimated because no one is required to report a metastatic diagnosis. Death certificates normally report symptoms such as “respiratory failure,” not the actual disease. We are literally uncounted,” Becklund wrote.

While the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program is the main source for cancer statistics, it does not take into account metastatic breast cancer, according to MBCN. It is however estimated up to 30% of all cases are metastatic, and yet they are not counted. Moreover, only 2% of all breast cancer research has been estimated to go towards finding a solution for preventing or treating metastatic breast cancer, according to METAvivor, a non-profit MBC patients’ advocacy organization.
“We are each, in effect, one-person clinical trials. Yet the knowledge generated from those trials will die with us because there is no comprehensive database of metastatic breast cancer patients…” Becklund wrote.
While there is a belief that if a person lives 5 years after the diagnosis they are a cancer survivor, for patients with MBC that means almost nothing. Though there is a treatment, MBC is incurable, according to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Early detection does not help MBC patients either. Another type of breast cancer that was once labeled “cured” by doctors, often comes back years later as stage IV metastatic. And one type of treatment does not work for all MBC patients.
Right now, while new therapies are just starting to emerge, there is still little hope for survival for MBC, and natural and holistic therapies that have shown promise are routinely ignored.
“Promise me you’ll never wear a pink ribbon in my name or drop a dollar into a bucket that goes to breast cancer ‘awareness’ for ‘early detection for a cure,’ the mantra of fund-raising juggernaut Susan G. Komen, which has propagated a distorted message about breast cancer and how to ‘cure’ it,” Becklund wrote.
I will be surprised if I find one literate person who is not aware thatbreast cancer exists and that it is life-threatening for many patients. We are fully aware of that fact. Now what?
Susan G. Komen’s income was $287,409,269 in 2014 and allegedly 79% went into its programs for education, research and support, yet besides being aware, the money spent for over 30 years ($2.6 billion worth) did little for the survival rates of the breast cancer that actually kills – MBC.
“Pink is pretty, but it does not disguise the fact that metastatic breast cancer kills,” reads METAvivor take-action page.
For thousands of women and men who are dying from MBC right now, that is a more believable and honest public-awareness campaign.