Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Violent Leaders Remembered , Or The Non- Violent Ones ???

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are in your day , I hope your smiling !!

Today was such a windy rainy day but that is so normal for November .. Everyone is  busy counting the  days to Christmas , as much as I love Christmas and it's only 36 days to go , if the posts on FB are anything to go by , lol ... In November I always look forward to Thanksgiving first . Even though it's not really celebrated here in England , I personally love it ! Isn't it wonderful , to give thanks for all the things that happened in the months before . Maybe it was a shitty year but you can give thanks , because you are still pulling through , surviving and living , there is still a roof over your head , doesn't matter for how long , it's there for Now !! With my son's birthday always falling around thanksgiving , I just love the double celebration !
Many people love Christmas but forget the the reason we celebrate it , so today I was really surprised my little daughter tells me ," Mum guess whose birthday it is in four weeks ? " I didn't have to think hard , because of course it's Jesus 's birthday ! I'm so proud she knows ! It's wonderful to be Catholic and have Religion but it's quite another thing being fanatic about it ! In every religion there are fanatics and it's  not exclusive to certain religions , alone ! Within the Christian faith there are the Jehova's Witnesses who nobody wants to know . They don't celebrate Halloween , Guess they don't like people knocking on their Door ,lol ...

I was really pleased to read yesterday an interview given by the Dalai Lama , where he says to stop really praying for Paris . This is a Man made situation , and we the people are the ones to solve it .. Peace and Love is the way to go about it . Pointless now asking God for help , he is just going to be annoyed with the way we carry on and then pray to him for help !
The Dalai Lama is indeed a wise and clever Man , if only we implement peace , nobody will have an excuse to carry out evil on anyone .

That's my thought for today .. People are loving kind and generous , unless we give them cause to behave otherwise . Be the best person you can be . We preach non- violence to our children , speak out against violent husbands , but what do our leaders do ?? They encourage armies to pick up weapons and harm other people ! Some of the great leaders in the world , Gandhi for example , he helped India gain independence and he preached Non Violence . Mother Teresa a peaceful and great person who totally condemned War ! The only people who led Wars and fought are the Leaders who are thought of in bad light today . So why would anyone want to encourage Wars and Bombing ??

Inspite of all the unrest in the world , enjoy your day and keep smiling .. Love & Peace always xx

1 comment:

  1. Its unfortunate that the people that have carried out these acts of terror, worldwide only understand hate and violence. Violence begets Violence, its what they understand. We all want to live in a peaceful world, the sad truth is that throughout history there have always been these groups of people that wrap their Hate in the disguise of religion, to murder, rape and pillage without true cause.
