Sunday, November 15, 2015

Prayers For Peace And Monday Outfit Inspiration !!

Prayers and thoughts this Sunday not only for Paris but for all the troubled spots in this unrestful world ! There are innocent victims caught up in the War Games being played .. does nobody think Peace is the solution ? I dream of the day when nobody wants to bomb anybody and nuclear weapons don't exist .. Right now this world is getting so scary , I don't ever want to travel again or go far from  my house !
I can't see the world getting better , all this is so shocking . Is this the world we want to  leave our children ?
People do want peace and as I read comments on articles in Social Media , I know people are tired of wars , and fighting and innocent lives lost . When Trump just gave a speech and said he would bomb them mercilessly . People don't tend to agree with Trump .. He's going to be putting alot of money into weaponry  , when the same can be invested into  health care , education , homelessness , and veterans who have suffered from badly judged Wars ! Much as I'm a fan of The Donald , I think I like him for his business acumen , his money making abilities , definitely not as a political leader !!!
I read a lovely saying today " Climb the mountain , to See the World , Not for the World to See YOU !! "
But besides all that life does go on in our small little insignificant lives . I happened to dream about a friend I have on FB , lol .. Yes it took me by surprise because I don't have sexual dreams and certainly not where I'm getting close with someone whose a casual friend :) Yes I think he's awesome , smart , travels alot and very clever but JL I think you're out of my league :(( Dreams though are Good ... and if we can't dream , life would be pretty dull !
Now though , Fashion for Monday , and less about my boring life .. Get dressed up , take the bull  by the horns , be bold and stun everyone . Go for a great jacket always , invest in a nice bright coloured jacket and your bound to look smart always ! A nice Red lip colour for winter always catches the attention and turns heads for sure ! All the items and where they are available are listed below . Hope you like my  outfit selection :)
1. Garden Party Floral tights / 25 dollars /
2. Black sheer knee length skater skirt / 29 dollars /
3. Red zip side heeled boots / 25 pounds /
4. Chiffon Blouse / 20 pounds /
5. Double Breasted longline coat / 67 AUD /

Have an awesome day and always remember why John Lennon was so  loved , and is such a legend . Simply because he talked so much about Peace and brought it through in his MUSIC !

Give Peace A Chance .. Keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

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