Monday, November 2, 2015

Depression And Suicide ... All Souls Remembered & My Thoughts !!!

Monday again !!! Last day of half term , the kids go back to school and they love school , YESSS :)
Today was All Souls Day , if your Catholic , you would know it's a day when we remember are dearly departed .. those who have left us on this earth and gone to live with Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven . They have left us with so many memories of good times , laughter , generosity ,  caring ,kindness and a presence which no one else can fulfill ! I remembered my beloved Mum today with prayers and some stories of her to my kids but nothing they don't already know because I talk of her almost everyday . She is never far from my thoughts !
So today we should also remember in prayers , people who have felt it necessary to take their own life  . Suicide is never the answer , but we should not judge these people , because they did not take this route lightly . When somebody decides to take their life , they have often thought about this and it's something they have always toyed with , almost all their life on and off ,  it's a fighting battle that they have with themselves everyday . They often feel depressed , and live within a fog , which makes all and every battle which we human beings face in this world a heavy weight for them . They don't actually want to die , but people around them often  don't understand their pain , torment and suffering !
Having said that , I firmly believe they feel by taking their own life , it's a way out of this hell , but as we know in life and in death nothing has an easy answer ! I feel compelled to write this , because the topic of suicide has always been around and somehow it's always there someone committing suicide and I hear about it . Depression, suicide are topics which interests me and always have . It has crossed my mind often . I remember , even having many conversations with my mother about it and she often said , "suicide is a coward's way out " ..
I believe no one can cut their own life short and escape , the person is reborn to try again and relive their life , till nature intends the way they should go ! Often it is in a harder circumstance that they are reborn , and face far more challenges than they had previously . The trick is to soldier on , regardless !
I believe that in a previous life , I had committed suicide , and in this life , I am determined to live  till I am an old lady and conquer any demons I might have ! I want to write and talk about the subject and urge people who have suicide thoughts to talk to , somebody about it ,their feelings , anxiety . Don't feel alone . Try to do things and find things that make you happy , live life and don't be bogged down by rules . You have a life to complete , loved ones to be around for ,people who depend upon you , so do all you can to be there . Fill your life with things you want to do . We were not born , to study hard and then work till we die ! As we grow we don't need our Mum's so much for everyday tasks , but just getting back from school , from work , just looking at our Mum's face we feel a reassurance in our heart , we are fine and she's there , an automatic smile comes upon your lips just seeing Mum , I'm not wrong and that is why kids need their Mother's around as much as possible , so they won't grow up to be heartless like our PM , hhmm seems to me he comes from a different dimension altogether and is trapped here in a time vortex HA !
So have a wonderful day , be considerate if somebody is sick and that means even if they are completely healthy , it is still possible they can be clinically depressed and feel burdens ten times more amplified than somebody else ! No ... medicines and drugs are not always the answer to depression . Sympathy , caring and listening are key things ! Vincent Van Gogh always comes to mind , he needed to paint to help him cope , and people thought he was mad and crazy . Be different embrace your uniqueness , there is only ONE You :)

Keep smiling ... Love & Peace xx

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