Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday's Thoughts - Mental Health Awareness!

Happy Tuesday!

The inauguration of Donald Trump draws closer, January 20th. It promises to be an exciting fun filled afternoon and I plan to be watching the whole event on my telly from 4 pm. Was Obama trying to make amends and hoping to do one good thing before his term closure. Today he commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning. But she will only go free sometime in May. Theresa May laid out her plans for Brexit. It's not going to be an easy road ahead. For anyone and the country. I won't give any more of my views there because I hoped Europe would always stand together and not have England an isolated island.
Today was such an eventful day, besides all of the above, William, Harry, and Kate came out together for a charity event. Supporting mental health ''Heads Together.'' I 100% support mental health awareness. The more we talk about it, the easier it is for society to accept anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies exist. It is not an easy burden to carry and even though people say we are ready to hear you out, nobody is actually ready to hear anybody out , especially one with emotional weakness, anxiety, depression, and suicidal urges. It afflicts more than 50% of the population, but a lot of people put up a front for fear of being humiliated and told they were crazy and not be able to contribute towards society. In whatever particular interest they have. People in fear of being vulnerable, then become bullies, alcoholics, or have anger management issues or become out of control. We should have open minds and learn to listen without talking, judging, or trying to influence. You never know what you might learn. Give more support to your friends, relatives, and neighbors. Life is short, make it happy for everyone.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling.

Love & Peace.

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  1. hi, pls follow me, follow you back, thanks

