Friday, May 13, 2016

Day Four - Healthy Spring Smoothie

Friday the 13th.. spooky day or just one full of hype it's ridiculous? Anyways, whatever it's meant to be finds itself showcasing the day as spectacularly different!

The last day of York festival (horse-racing folks!) and all the results were, well, surprising! Actually, the whole day of racing was well weird! The results were un-expected and random and if Bronze Beau was going to be a certain winner he somehow didn't figure in the top three even with a very good draw! I didn't believe Frankel's colt would be able to achieve anything special, especially from a debut run. Off-springs are generally very unlike their parents! Anyways, he didn't race green and just like the mighty Frankel who first ran on a Friday the 13th, Cunco achieved his victory on a maiden run.

Okay, so even on a day like Friday the 13th we need a nice smoothie to get fit & healthy if we even want to be around to see all the new developments in this world. Maybe it will yet be a better place with more money go to around and not a divided circle of ''have's and the have-not's.''

Enjoy your delicious smoothie!

Kiwi, Banana + Ginger

  • 3 kiwi fruit
  • 4 tablespoons organic porridge oats
  • 1 banana
  • 8 ice cubes
  • 200 ml organic milk
  • 250 g organic fat-free natural yoghurt
  • ½ cm piece fresh ginger , finely grated
  • honey , optional

  • Instructions
    Top and tail the kiwi fruit and stand them on their ends. Slice the skin off in vertical strips with a sharp knife. Whiz the kiwi fruit with the remaining ingredients, apart from the honey, in a blender for 30 seconds and pour into 4 tall glasses. Sweeten with a little honey, if you like. Read more at
    Have an awesome day and keep smiling!
    Love & Peace.

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