Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friendship Tip : Don't Define Friendship , if You Ignore Friends Posts ;)

Happy Sunday !! The weather here is still chill and with June here tomorrow all we can hope is , that the weather guys have it right and a heatwave hits England , in the next couple of days :)
I had an awesome day and I hope you all did too . A nice day out , the kids are back to school tomorrow , once again it's routine , being busy , and keeping up with everyday tasks and responsibilities .
I did manage to find time in my busy day to check out all the FB posts ,my friends who take all the trouble to share . One particular one did catch my eye ( Yes , sometimes we do have favourite people , who we keep up with and make sure we don't miss any of their posts !! ) So it was funny but not in a hilarious sort of way , but as I sarcastically say  "Funny " .... It was about friends and the definition of friends , not particularly well thought out and written . When we take on friends at facebook , some are particularly old friends we know well and some are kind of new but we make an effort to like all our friends on face book or we shouldn't even be friends with them !! It's even called a friend list on FB .
Do we feel blessed to know people who enrich our lives ? Are we happy to have friends in different parts of the world ,so we could look up, if we happen to be in their neck of the woods ?
Some people , treat every single one of their friends as Acquaintances , and just for the sake of accumulating friends keep their list growing . If a friend regularly takes the time to post a message or a comment ,how about taking the time out to answer it . It always annoys me that people can ignore comments , posts and never like anyone's posts and then posts something concerning friendships and the definition of friends . If this person was not really old I would have thought he's just an idiot ,with no knowledge of friendships and how to treat people . But yes even with age comes no common sense or how to value friendships and family .
Any person who takes the trouble to be friendly , deserves a friendly gesture back . We are in a world  where everyone now is so consumed with themselves interaction with somebody especially someone who was a friend many , many years ago and has just made contact , the decent thing to do is answer their posts .
Are people in this world , so ignorant about how to manage friendships , communication and just being a kind , that people have to resort to blogs to explain how one should treat another as a fellow human being .
Always be kind , like your friends posts , answer any questions they might ask and just be a lovely person , I hope everyone has already learnt all these skills at home and school . It's not science ." Love one another as I have loved you " Jesus's words from the bible .
On that note , I leave you ..have a wonderful day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Six Great Summer Floral Parfum's , Indulge Yourself :)

The one thing that would really set you apart from everyone else , and have you remembered is , if you smelt really , really nice . Every woman takes pride in dressing up nicely , having great make up , a fancy hair style and don't forget the shoes :) but at the heart of everything when your just kicking back and all your clothes are off , and the hairstyle 's gone messy the make-ups all washed off , you still want to smell good . It's the basic of getting dressed spritz on the perfume , behind the ears , between the breasts and the wrists all my favourite spots :)
I just want to share with you six great perfumes for summer , they are all flower based , and I absolutely adore them all .
My favourite has the very suitable name of "Very Irresistible " from Givenchy . The smell is made from Roses and the underlying twist is , it's made from six different roses . It's a bit pricey at 66 pounds for a 75 ml bottle but so totally worth it ! I LOVE IT !!!
The next great perfume to try this summer is " Love Story " eau de parfume from Chloe . the flowers used in this delicate fragrance is Orange Blossoms , Neroli and Jasmine with a hint of cedarwood . It costs a hefty 65 pounds for a 50 ml bottle , but money well spent !
"Dolce Floral drops " costs 66 pounds for a 75 ml eau de toilette bottle , which looks absolutely stunning and smells even better , something that would look great on your bedside table even after the parfum 's been used up . It's made from daffodils , lilies and papaya flowers with a hint of musk and sandalwood .
The 100 ml bottle of Jimmy Choo's eau de parfum "Blossom "is priced at 62 pounds it's made from roses and sweet peas with a hint of sandalwood and red berries . This has to be my second best smell and def.worth every penny .
Stella McCartney has her own fragrance called "Stella " . It's a delicate fragrance made from roses and peony petals with a hint of fresh mandarin and frozen lemon . It costs 57 pounds for a 50 ml eau de toilette bottle .
My last recommendation for a great summer floral perfume is the most expensive at 75 pounds called "Quatre "from Boucheron . It's a 100 ml bottle eau de parfum so well worth it because the fragrance lingers alot longer . I wake up , the next morning and my pillow and sheets smell divine , traces of my parfum are definitely left behind :) It's made from Jasmine and Roses with a hint of wild strawberries , lychees and musk .
I adore all these wonderful fragrances and especially with summer around the corner , floral smells are what your looking to invest in .
Spoil and indulge yourself , you only live once  . Get one of these , you won't regret it . The men will be flocking like flies ;)
Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Peace & Love

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Simple Exercise for Arms , Legs , Bums And Tums :)

Tone up your body , arms , stomach , legs and bum with exercise  ten minute works outs two times a day . That's all it takes to keep toned and fit .
I've always admired Cameron Diaz and Rihanna for their toned physic and super fit bodies . Of course good eating plays a role as well . just don't pig out on too many chips and fries and cakes and biscuits you should do well !
For perfect arms and biceps , the biggest tip is , don't be afraid to lift weights everyday . It doesn't have to be actual dumbbells , but just a two and a half kg sack of potatoes does for me . Lift it all the way up , over your head , one sack in each hand repeat 20 times , twice a day, everyday ,keeps the muscles toned and exercised  .
The ten minute leg toner is simple . For Calf raises , go from having your feet flat on the floor to standing on tiptoes . Do this 20 times and repeat twice a day .
Lunges : Step forward with one leg lowering until the front knees is bent at 90 degrees. Push back up standing .Repeat this 20 times twice a day for maximum results .
Side squats : Stand with your feet together , then step out sideways with one foot placing your weight on that leg and bending at the knee . Go back up to standing and repeat on the other leg . Repeat this as well 20 times , twice a day .
For a great stomach workout , jumping rope is the best exercise to tone up the tummy . Jump rope while holding in your tummy for at least 15 minutes a day in intervals , is great exercise .
You could work on your abs doing crunches and five minutes set aside a day for planking , which is superb . Where you lay on the floor face down and raise yourself up onto your toes and elbows , holding your body straight by using your tummy muscles .
Great Bum exercise is doing squats , it firms up the bum and gives it a real rounded boost . No need for injecting fat to get the Kim Kardashian look . Squat as much as you can at every spare moment , a good bum workout for a great looking shape . You could do different kind of squats like the jumping squat as well .
All these exercises need not be done all together , but if you do them as much as you can , concentrating on each body part one day in the week . You are exercising and keeping fit . A small slow start is always better than no exercise at all .
Get fit and healthy . Motivate yourself , a fit and healthy person does not get depressed easily and stays more optimistic .
Keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How Old Is Too Old ,Leading Man ??

Happy Tuesday !! With a very long weekend behind us , Bank holiday Monday here , Memorial Day in the USA , I hope you all had as much fun as I did . Now it's back to writing my blogs and doing all the things that keep me busy , happy and fulfilled :)
In the news this last week ,was an interview that Maggie Gillyianhall gave, that she was rejected for a movie roll , because at 37 she was far too old for the leading man who was 55 ! Huh ?? I did a double take when I read this .  Was it true ? But  ofcourse it was ! We know this double standard in the world , which does not stop at Hollywood . All men think a young woman is more desirable than an older woman . Is it the young skin , youthful , good looks ,  or the more sinister ? A young woman is more easy to manipulate , dominate and much more easy to please . A Young woman ofcourse , has no experience in the sack so if the man just pleases himself , and comes in two minutes , the woman does not complain and just gets on with it and carries on with her day . An older woman wants to be wooed , turned on and pleased , so men are at a disadvantage , they have no patience and no experience to do anything other than they have always done , since they lost their virginity !
In Hollywood,  some of the biggest money grossing films made, were with leading men who were considerably older than their leading ladies . I must say I helped encourage those movies to become blockbusters , because you know what ? Instead of being appalled , at an old man kissing on a young woman , I went to the movie hall , saw the film and enjoyed it . I also own DVD's of the movies and I have told my mates to see it ! We are all  guilty of encouraging this older man , young woman thing !
I remember , my Mum even telling me , Sabrina marry an older man , he will look after you and treat you well for life ! What a joke that was !!!!
My advice to my daughter is,  keep within your own age group and never marry anyone more than a couple of years older than you !
To name some of these movies I saw and enjoyed are : "Entrapment " with Sean Connery who was 69 and Catherine Zita Jones was only 30 . An age gap of 39 years , so shocking and actually disgusting !
"As Good As It Gets "with Jack Nicholson who was 60 then and as much as I adore him as an actor the leading lady Helen Hunt was only 34 ! Age gap of 26 years .
"Arbitrage "with Richard Gere who was 63 , could be a grandfather lol and his leading lady was Letitia Casta who was 34 , age gap of 26 years . Should be shocking , but Richard Gere is someone,  who maybe I would make an exception for lol ..He still has it , even though maybe he could be old enough to be my Dad , lol  !!
A movie I have  enjoyed , and an actor who is still hot , yes he is !! Is the mighty Tom Cruise . In the movie "Oblivion" he is 51 and Olga Kurlenko is 34 now that's an age gap of 17 years which is still unacceptable !
"Six Days And Seven Nights "with Harrison Ford who was 56 and Anne Heche was just 29 then , age gap of 27 years , so, so shocking !
A favourite movie of mine was "Lost In Translation " with Bill Murray , he was 53 and Scarlett Johansson was only 19 ... a 34 year age gap now that is disgusting  but I suppose everyone has seen it , even though it's now a very old movie alot of the younger generation has seen it . What kind of message are we giving out to  young girls ?
"Third Person" starring Liam Neeson  who at 61 was 32 years older than the lead actress Olivia Wilde who was only 32 years old  .
A much more newer movie made , was with funnyman Steve Carrel , 50 and Keira Knightly only 27  , age gap of 23 years "Seeking a Friend For The End Of The World " hhhmm
There are probably dozens more movies , where these movies encourage and portray these older men with young women . I wonder if twenty years from now , people will still be seeing these kind of movies and enjoy them . What do you think of Older man , younger woman ?
I think nowadays girls are getting alot more wiser and giving these old men the brush off . Well done ! Our girls are getting alot smarter .  Good times and Hurrah !
Hope you enjoyed reading this , and  encourage your daughters to be smart . Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace


Friday, May 22, 2015

Gift Giveaway ... A Very Stylish Necklace

I am doing a Gift Giveaway , open to everyone around the world .

The only requirement is that you would have to follow me and plus one this post , so more people get a chance to enter .

The winner will be chosen randomly by me and shall be announced on this blog . Then they will have to get in touch with me through email and give me their address , so I could post them the Necklace .

It is very easy . If you love this necklace it could be yours soon . Just follow me and plus one the giveaway blog , for prize giveaways every four weeks .

This giveaway ends on the 10 th of June , when the winner is announced . so follow me ( add me to your circles for prize giveaways ) Thanks !

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Morning Energy , Facial Scrub , for daily use ... Product Recommendation

For absolutely glowing skin , freshness without stripping away natural oils , I thoroughly recommend this face wash , from Johnson & Johnson "Morning Energy " Skin Brightening , Daily Facial Scrub .

I have been using this product , for the last couple of weeks and I have loved the result . It makes my skin glow and feel refreshed . The refreshing Citrus fragrance awakens your senses , and it's gentle enough to be used everyday . Excellent to even out your complexion !

It has bursting beads , which gently exfoliates for visibly brighter skin .
The facial scrub has been made with lemon and papaya extracts and smells divine . Give it a try , you will not be disappointed . It is available at all high street drug stores , Boots , Superdrug and does not cost the earth :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Get Healthy with Ten Super Food , That Taste Good & Make you Feel Great Later :)

Feeling good after eating food is behavioral , biological and depending on our associations or food "memories" .  We are hard wired to enjoy more palatable food .
There is a saying "There are no bad foods for you , just bad portions "
Food that are high in carbs , provide alot of satisfaction . Simply because they raise our serotonin level , the feel good chemical . There is a part of us that want to eat alot of carbs , but we re-think it because it's high in calories .
There are a few super foods that you can't help enjoy while eating it , and the bonus is it makes you feel great after an hour . here is an example of ten such great food .

1. Eggs - One whole egg . Eggs provide high quality protein. They’re filling, delicious, and studies have shown that eggs can help you feel full when you include them in your meals versus carbohydrate-rich —like starchy, or sweet — meals," 

2. Berries - Suggested serving size: ½ cup to 1 cup. “Fruit is nature’s candy, like fresh apples and fresh berries,”  “These are two things that people love, because they have a lot of water, stimulate taste buds, and are easily digestible.”

3.Canned Tuna - “Canned tuna is a source of high quality protein that can fill you up and help keep blood sugar levels steady with omega-3-fatty acids,” said Zied. “Regular fish intake helps preserve body proteins—and that keeps you feeling strong and energized. Regular fish intake is also linked with lower risk of depression.”

4.Chicken Soup - Suggested serving size: 8-12 ounces. “People always feel good after eating chicken soup,”  ‘feel-good’ foods with the way their mouths feel while eating something creamy or warm, and chicken soup is a perfect example. “It’s the universal warm, healthy food.”

5. Beans and Peas , Lentils and Chickpeas - Suggested serving size: ¼ to ½ cup. “These are rich sources of protein and also pack in complex carbohydrates, mainly in the form of resistant starch,” “A study in Public Health Nutrition in 2010 found that moderate intake of legumes, one or two servings weekly, protected menopausal women against severely depressed moods.”

6. Oats and Oatmeal - Oats provide complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and provide the brain and entire central nervous system with their key source of fuel,”  “Carbohydrates also play a key role in creating serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps regulate mood, appetite and sleep.”

7. Avocados -“Avocados are really creamy, and the texture is so inviting. A lot of people don’t realize how healthy they are,”  “You can even swap it for butter in some recipes. Or, you can puree avocado and add to salad dressing.”

8. Yogurt - Suggested serving size: about 5 ounces.“Some yogurts like Greek yogurt are great sources of calcium, and people— especially kids — love to dip,”  “Something like a flavored or Greek yogurt is great for dipping, too.”

9. Tea - Suggested serving size: 1 cup. “A cup of tea is low-calorie, gives you that comfort, and sometimes, it’s a speed bump to high-calorie foods,”  “You could wind up having a lot more calories if you hadn't had that cup of tea.” 

10 . Nuts and seeds - Suggested serving size: 1 ounce. “Nuts, like almonds, give you that great overall feeling for your taste buds —sweet, crunchy, creamy,”  It's recommended  that adding almond butter in your oatmeal for a creamy boost of protein.

Have a great day and I hope these ten great super foods help keep you on the right track of getting healthy and enjoying the flavour of some tasty food .

Love and Peace .

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Style ... Simple and Stylish :)

It's Friday , time to get fashionable yet keep it low-key !

Time to kick back , have friends over or just go out , to have a drink and catch-up . Find it hard selecting your Friday outfit ?

This is my Friday style . A long floaty skirt , black and white flower print . Very trendy at the moment . Bought from Primark . A black sweater with gold buttons for detail , from H&M. Some big gold earrings from Forever 21 . It's the only accessory ( notice ) you want to keep it simple yet stylish . Slingback sandles from Diechmanns . A small black bag from Claire's .

Follow me here on
For all my fashion photos , latest blogs on current affairs , lifestyle , cookery , Royalty , health and loads more . Follow me , and I will follow you back .. thanks
Have a wonderful weekend and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Watermelon Gin & Tonic .. So Good , Happy Weekend ..

Happy Thursday ! The weekend's almost here and everybody loves a nice refreshing drink , so if you are going to have friends over this weekend , I thought I'd share with you a recipe of a special favourite of mine .

In England we all love a G&T :) If your not sure what that is ,it's a Gin & Tonic . This is a Watermelon G&T .
At home we all love eating fruit and watermelon is a favourite , so it's a staple that I always buy , when it's available at the supermarkets . It's pretty easy to put together and absolutely delicious to taste . Too good to stop at one glass but please don't drink more than you should :) Be responsible !


Watermelon Syrup 

1 half of a small watermelon
Half a cup of sugar
a pinch of salt 

Gin & Tonic

3 tablespoons of the watermelon syrup
3 ounces of gin
4 ounces of tonic
watermelon balls for garnish
Slices of lime for garnish

In a blender add the watermelon ,sugar and the pinch of salt and blend until smooth . If you don't have a cheesecloth to strain the watermelon mixture , put it through a sieve twice , should work .
Put it in the fridge to chill .
In a tall glass add the watermelon syrup first , then the gin , then the tonic and stir . Garnish with the watermelon balls and the sliced lime .
ready to drink . Enjoy , Cheers  :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Peanut Butter Honey Muffins .. They Are Delicious :)

It's May and the sun should be out and no cold winds should be blowing .  But it's been so cold and windy these last few days . I'm still wearing my winter coat , my feet are toasty in some nice socks but I can't stop dreaming about the warm days to arrive , lol ... Hope they come soon :)

When it's cold , you can't help getting hungry and what we all love to have at home with a nice warm cup of tea is some delicious muffins . I am not a fan of baking and making complicated cakes etc but this recipe for Peanut Butter Honey Muffins are so easy , even I can execute it to perfection . So I thought I'd share this recipe with you all that I've been using for years !!


275 gms self raising flour
50 gms oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
100 gms runny honey
2 bananas mashed
100 gms peanut butter
50 gms butter melted
200 ml. milk

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees ( gas ) for ten minutes . Line a muffin tray with 12 paper muffin cups .
In a large bowl mix the flour , oats , baking powder and set aside .
In another bowl beat the eggs ,and then gently beat in the honey , the mashed bananas ,peanut butter , melted butter and milk . You will end up with a gloppy liquid .
Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients . tip in the wet ingredients and quickly combine . Don't over-mix .
Spoon the mixture into muffin cases and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the tops are golden brown .
Set aside to cool and they are ready to eat . Enjoy :)

Monday, May 11, 2015

50's Style .. A Polka Dotted Sweater :)

Outfit of the Day ..

I teamed up a new buy from Primark , a pink sweater with small black polka dots , for a chic 50's inspired look . Skinny jeans , in a stone washed black shade from H& M's , must have black sunglasses , complete the look . It's for the spring sunshine and little heat :)
Jelly shoes ,in silver white sparkle detail . Flat and comfortable also from Primark . A nice pink flower in my hair has completed the 50's glamour look .. shame it can't be seen in the picture !!

Happy Monday , keep smiling ..

Love & Peace

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Get The Look ...Heisenberg :)

Happy Mother's Day :)

If you are like me , you would love watching telly . I am a huge fan of American Drama series and I absolutely love "Breaking Bad " .. seriously is there anything better ? He's so badass and Jesse is the best .. What a great team !

I have only just started watching the series and I am glued . I have just finished series 3 in a matter of a week . I'm glad I waited for the whole Five series to END in the USA , before I started watching it here . It's just too exciting to wait almost a year before the new series starts , lol ..

So if your a fan of Breaking Bad ,you would know exactly what this T/Shirt is about .. I absolutely love it .. If you love it too , its available from Primark  now on discount from 8 pounds  to 3 pounds a bargain . My Mother's Day gift from the kids .. they know what I like :)
 Have a great day and keep smiling !!

Love & Peace

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day All Over The World , Why The Hell Not Here ??

Why or Why does the UK celebrate Mother's Day in March ? Now when the world is celebrating , and all my friends are doing something special for Mother's Day , I will be NOT :((
How sad is this ? No extra special things available or chocolates on discount or nice bouquets of flowers to purchase in the shops , so I can't celebrate , what on earth could I get myself  , not even a card :(
Anyways , my heart still feels like May is originally Mother's Day and I can't help think of my dear MUM as tomorrow almost knocks on the door !!
So I wrote a special poem with thoughts about my Mum . It can apply to every woman who's a Mum , we all have one common goal's our children who we love dearest .

When God created this wonderful world ,
He made the stars,  the sea , the earth .
He was not done until he could ,
create one more thing , which would be overall good !
But what was that blessing ,he had in store ?
It was a mother , to love you and care for you till the end of the earth !
So you would never walk alone ..
A Mother's love ,goes the extra mile
Just to make sure you smile .
She'd work so hard , to make your house your home .
She will teach you , guide you and stay by your side .
she will lend her helping hand ,
till you can stand up tall .
She will pick you up , when you are down ,
She's one loyal friend , who will stick around .
She will always keep her word, she listens well ..
She's one person who never will tell ,
your secrets , your hopes , your sorrows your hell .
She will not poke or pry , but stand quietly by your side
giving you calm in stormy seas .
A Mum can be strong , for someone to lean on ,
I light up as I think of you Mum ,
I have no choice , I wish I had a tape of your voice .
I'm so glad God chose you for me ,
Deep inside I know you still walk with me ,
By my side , you hold my hand and give me strength ,
and hope and love ..
Although you are not here in body and flesh
I feel your presence , everyday in smile and laugh
in my own reflection I see
A face and hand so like you in me !!
My Guardian angel , it's my Mum for me !
Thank you Mum , for everything you did for me ,
I'm sorry if I never said it  before ..
I Love you Mum  and I will Miss you
For evermore ...

Kisses to heaven , for my Mum Joan and a kiss from each of my three children , who she loved so much . We will never forget you . Thank you for being you .

Have an awesome day tomorrow everyone , and even if you're in the UK , Happy Mother's Day .
Rest of the world , your Mum loves you like No One else ever will ... don't forget it !!
Happy Mother's Day :)

Love & Peace

Friday, May 8, 2015

Product Recommendation , Eyeliner :)

Every girl /woman knows how important an eyeliner is ..
We enhance our eyes ,it makes us look sexy and bright eyed . Somehow we don't feel naked without eyeliner .
I am always on the lookout for a good eye pencil that doesn't cost too much , is soft and creamy so I can easily draw the line above and below my eyes , without pulling or stretching the eyelid . I don't want my eyelids to get saggy because everyday I have to stretch the skin to draw a line over my eyes .
This fantastic eyeliner pencil , Intense colour in Jet Black is from MUA , Makeup Academy . It is available from Superdrug and costs only a pound :)
It comes in a range of colours and is super good quality .
I recommend
you try out this beauty product . You will not regret it !!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What I Said To Provoke My Ex To Assault Me Verbally And Physically !!

My blog of a couple of days ago, was the most read blog and had the highest number of views in just two days . I was very surprised that so many people were interested enough to read a blog about domestic abuse . It is a rising situation and more and more women are now coming out and speaking about it . It's not that this never happened to women in the years gone by .. A lot of women suffered domestic abuse but were afraid of speaking out . The men who perpetrate this violence against women force the woman to be quiet by saying you really don't want to go out publicly and air your dirty laundry and want everyone to know your business . They also pretend to be very good and beat you in the confines of your home and never publicly . If you do tell people they get more violently angry and later beat you up again . These are people who don't accept the fact they are women beaters , they make you feel that you are at fault , it was you who are irrational , who speak and say unacceptable things who are nasty and you ask for it . Let me just say No Matter What A Woman Says , A Man Has No Right To Beat A Woman !! Leave the woman and go as far away from her as possible , if you don't agree with her views .
Just to say , how trivial what I said to my ex , that drove him insane and beat me and how justified he felt in doing it .Remember , I was just talking and I said this " I always say I am so proud of myself I never tell lies , I lead a good pure life , I am a messenger of God and I always feel blessed . I have a strong feeling one day I am going to be lucky and win some money on a lottery or a scratch card but I don't think it's going to be now , because I think God won't let me win now , I think with you around here ( my ex ) and you being not a good person you don't deserve any of the money to enjoy and I feel like God thinks you should not get it right now , till you change and accept who you are . You are not sorry for all the suffering you have caused me . God needs you to struggle and repent for your sins before you will get any blessings " .
Now these words of mine Got him so angry and he was shouting "who are you to say such things , YOU are not God " He saw red , and I was pushed around , shoved to the ground physically and verbally abused ..
I was trying to say something good , if he was not violent and abusive to me , and quietly accepted what I said , that would have been a positive thing in God's eyes . Maybe he was accepting of his bad qualities and trying to  change and maybe it would have been a step in the right direction to him getting blessed by God . Pastors , Priests and religious leaders preach all the time , do you think they deserve to get beaten up ? No , people who don't like what they say , don't hang around them and don't attend church and lead the life they want !
If you don't like what someone has said , Walk Away and ask yourself Why has someone said I am not a good person , is there something that I need to change about myself ?
Just yesterday I saw a programme on telly was an old tv show . It tells you about all these self help coaches telling you , to be a better person to try and do your best all the time . They are so wrong because , the first thing you need to do is look at yourself , see your own faults and accept the person you are . If you are in denial about what you really are , you will never move forward and become a better person . So the whole idea is defeated . You can only make progress if you look at yourself and know yourself better , and accept who you are !
My ex and eldest daughter laugh at me and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about that all that I say is not true , I talk rubbish and we never see eye to eye as a result .
Yes I have my views and I believe I am correct , that is why I feel confident enough to blog about my views and spread my message . They obviously don't like what I blog , because they must know subconsciously they are wrong but won't admit it !
Yesterday , I  found a hilarious post and shared it on FB .. it said "My ex is from Down Under , No not Australia from Hell " Obviously none of my friends found it funny or even thought it was vaguely accurate because I only received one" like " from a friend . Yes Hell probably does not even want him back ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading this and you have a good day ahead . Keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Monday, May 4, 2015

Cease Aging ?? Yes it's A Great Phenomena .. Check Out " Age Of Adeline "

Normally it's quite easy to miss alot of the new releases at the picture hall and just catch a few of the big hyped ones . Now I don't know how hyped this one is ? if you've even heard about it , but I've been waiting ages for it to be released ! Now it's not for the only reason Blake Lively is in the starring role , and she's been a favourite of mine since I saw Gossip Girl , the first time !! Who couldn't love Serena Van Der Woodsen ?
The movie is " Age of Adeline " it has an interesting story line . Again not for the only reason that the main character Adeline , after being in a freak car accident at 29 years old in the early 1900's she just stops aging  , and didn't think it was a problem , until her age didn't match her face and her driving licence , and started to go on the run from city to city to avoid questions and curiosity . Now alot of people are also pretty surprised to know my real age , but no nothing freaky involved , just some good genes and probably one day all those years , of just looking so young hits me in the morning, when I look in the mirror and have suddenly aged and look like Jabba the hut :) It can happen ;)
Age of Adeline is a very interesting movie with great costumes and played to perfection by Blake Lively . Although Adeline herself is a character I'm not too fond of , she wasn't very likable yet she seemed to be desired by everyone !! It's a love story and the target audience is women who would have a great ladies day out , to the movies watching this film  . It does particularly make men look dumb , like they are only interested in the woman because of the way she looks . But then we all know men , are a bunch of dumb arses who only look at outer beauty ! You would know what I'm talking about , if you happened to see my message box on FB .. Beautiful Sabrina blah blah ... so boring !! You cannot win me over , praising my beauty has got to be praise over any of my other talents that impresses you lol ... if you think I have more depth than just a pretty face .
This movie directed by Lee Toland Krieger who doesn't have many feature films directed ,to his credit but he has had enormous success with the films he has done . His first feature film The Vicious Kind and his follow up Celeste and Jesse Forever  which both premiered at the Sundance Film festival and received rave reviews by the critics . Not an easy task to please the critics !!
Look out for Harrison Ford in the movie .. the old dogger is still sexy as hell ;)
Enjoy the movie if you do get a chance to see it , at the weekend's a good one !
Keep smiling and have a great day .

Love & Peace

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Domestic Abuse , Police Are No Help Sadly :(

So it's Sunday and it's supposed to be a peaceful day but sometimes things are not always as you want them to be ... Not when you have an ex-husband who has forced his way into your house and is forcing himself to  stay there . So he's pushing me around , and my eldest daughter takes his side ..well she and I never always got on , she's difficult she never liked living in Holland , she was bullied in school there ,so she never wanted to attend . Eventually I decided to move to England to make sure the kids had an English education and where I thought the law would be on my side .
What a laugh , when I wanted to call the police today , my ex and daughter took the phone away from me I had to run out of the apartment building and get a friend on the second floor to call the police for me . The Police did nothing much , they told my ex to leave the flat and come back tomorrow to discuss things . He does not live here , why should he come back ?  He wants to see the kids  , but I have always let him .. if he wants , he is free to take the kids !! As far as I'm concerned , he can .. but can he support them ?? He left his job in Holland came here and forced his way into my home . I asked the police , have you asked to see his passport , they tell me "why should we  , we have no need to " So anyone can just come into England and stay forcibly , and try to destroy my life and happiness ! His passport has expired a while back , he has no National Insurance Number to stay here . He has no income here , does not work here , and makes me feel like I have to look after him ! Why do I have to take him in ?? When he has always been abusive physically and verbally , aggressive and violent to me .
My eldest daughter has never shown me any respect .Her father always encouraged her to speak to me like I was not her mother but just a person who has no right to tell her anything . She argues constantly never listens to me tells me to be quiet all the time and has on many occasions hit me .. I am so fed up . She is much taller than me and takes advantage of her strength and height . She often says she is an adult , and yes at 19 she is ..maybe she needs to go stay on her own and take responsibilities . I do not want to look after her any longer . Especially as she never ever finished school , or did any education since she came here to England . Yes she was sixteen when we came here , so it was not compulsory for her to attend school ..but she did nothing and I was too scared of her to force her .
The police are definitely not  supportive of women , any wonder why people hesitate to call them and why domestic abuse victims continue to stay in the same situation and are abused all their life from their aggressive partners . They say he's homeless and has to stay with you , lol .. Ocean does not have anyone else here in the North so I am supposed to continue to put up with her attitude and look after her .. Is this how I and women have to put up with situations . Don't we have a voice and are allowed to have peace in our life ?
I am feeling very defeated and very unhappy . I don't want to live being abused all my life ..
I just wished I had a loving partner and  some piece of mind .
I love staying in England and I know the two younger ones love it here , and the school they attend . But I think I just need a break from responsibilities , bills , jobs etc . It's all getting too much for me ...
So that was my Sunday ! Hope yours was better !
Give a thought for women and love them .. I wish people listened to me and not the man around who is automatically given respect . I never cared too much for Police and I doubt my opinion will change . The male policeman who I spoke too was downright insulting and condescending to me ..Yes I was a crying mess and yes I wanted to talk and explain and he tells me you are arguing ?? Typical man , tells lies about women .. We are not supposed to say anything ! Well like I always say , there is a God above he will have to answer too ,one day . I never argue and I am very respectful , remember I was born in India and if there's one thing we know it's respect , manners and politeness !!
So among everything else that's wrong here Women are still not respected . My ex should have produced his passport to prove who he is , and removed back to his own country especially if he has nothing to prove he is a resident of England . How many more people are going to stay here and bully their ex's without the police doing anything ?  He can easily go out and do crime . Makes this country such a crime hit place . People without money roaming around so he could , shoplift etc .. The police tell me " do you want him not able to see his children ". I said he is welcome to see them . Maybe he should even take responsibility and take them and look after them . If he can't do that , he should not be allowed to stay in this country and bully me and encourage his eldest daughter to bully me as well !
I think I have blogged enough today . The plight of abused women haunts me ..being a victim myself .. Yes he says I tell all lies .. Such a common lie men tell . So why is he hanging around a woman who says regularly ," he's violent to me "? If I was a man and a woman said I was violent and I was not , I would take my kids and go far away from her . It's just women are an easy target to abuse and men get away with doing it .
I am so ashamed to be living here in this century , with bulling men and thoroughly unhappy . Yet they have adverts about stop domestic abuse . How much will I stand to lose speaking up about it ? Probably my home , I would have to go live in a shelter , not be able to see my younger kids my life destroyed . What a world , and then not be believed !

Happy Sunday if your was that .. Stay blessed if you are , and think about every woman who has no support , and does everything on her own and is responsible for everything .Give support and love , don't question them . It's hard enough to come out and speak . Yes I said I had no injuries but he twisted my arm pushed me down on the ground . No bruises to see but I still felt pain , when a six foot three inch man pushes a five foot one woman !! Sad world :(

Love & Peace