Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What I Said To Provoke My Ex To Assault Me Verbally And Physically !!

My blog of a couple of days ago, was the most read blog and had the highest number of views in just two days . I was very surprised that so many people were interested enough to read a blog about domestic abuse . It is a rising situation and more and more women are now coming out and speaking about it . It's not that this never happened to women in the years gone by .. A lot of women suffered domestic abuse but were afraid of speaking out . The men who perpetrate this violence against women force the woman to be quiet by saying you really don't want to go out publicly and air your dirty laundry and want everyone to know your business . They also pretend to be very good and beat you in the confines of your home and never publicly . If you do tell people they get more violently angry and later beat you up again . These are people who don't accept the fact they are women beaters , they make you feel that you are at fault , it was you who are irrational , who speak and say unacceptable things who are nasty and you ask for it . Let me just say No Matter What A Woman Says , A Man Has No Right To Beat A Woman !! Leave the woman and go as far away from her as possible , if you don't agree with her views .
Just to say , how trivial what I said to my ex , that drove him insane and beat me and how justified he felt in doing it .Remember , I was just talking and I said this " I always say I am so proud of myself I never tell lies , I lead a good pure life , I am a messenger of God and I always feel blessed . I have a strong feeling one day I am going to be lucky and win some money on a lottery or a scratch card but I don't think it's going to be now , because I think God won't let me win now , I think with you around here ( my ex ) and you being not a good person you don't deserve any of the money to enjoy and I feel like God thinks you should not get it right now , till you change and accept who you are . You are not sorry for all the suffering you have caused me . God needs you to struggle and repent for your sins before you will get any blessings " .
Now these words of mine Got him so angry and he was shouting "who are you to say such things , YOU are not God " He saw red , and I was pushed around , shoved to the ground physically and verbally abused ..
I was trying to say something good , if he was not violent and abusive to me , and quietly accepted what I said , that would have been a positive thing in God's eyes . Maybe he was accepting of his bad qualities and trying to  change and maybe it would have been a step in the right direction to him getting blessed by God . Pastors , Priests and religious leaders preach all the time , do you think they deserve to get beaten up ? No , people who don't like what they say , don't hang around them and don't attend church and lead the life they want !
If you don't like what someone has said , Walk Away and ask yourself Why has someone said I am not a good person , is there something that I need to change about myself ?
Just yesterday I saw a programme on telly was an old tv show . It tells you about all these self help coaches telling you , to be a better person to try and do your best all the time . They are so wrong because , the first thing you need to do is look at yourself , see your own faults and accept the person you are . If you are in denial about what you really are , you will never move forward and become a better person . So the whole idea is defeated . You can only make progress if you look at yourself and know yourself better , and accept who you are !
My ex and eldest daughter laugh at me and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about that all that I say is not true , I talk rubbish and we never see eye to eye as a result .
Yes I have my views and I believe I am correct , that is why I feel confident enough to blog about my views and spread my message . They obviously don't like what I blog , because they must know subconsciously they are wrong but won't admit it !
Yesterday , I  found a hilarious post and shared it on FB .. it said "My ex is from Down Under , No not Australia from Hell " Obviously none of my friends found it funny or even thought it was vaguely accurate because I only received one" like " from a friend . Yes Hell probably does not even want him back ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading this and you have a good day ahead . Keep smiling .

Love & Peace

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