Sunday, May 31, 2015

Friendship Tip : Don't Define Friendship , if You Ignore Friends Posts ;)

Happy Sunday !! The weather here is still chill and with June here tomorrow all we can hope is , that the weather guys have it right and a heatwave hits England , in the next couple of days :)
I had an awesome day and I hope you all did too . A nice day out , the kids are back to school tomorrow , once again it's routine , being busy , and keeping up with everyday tasks and responsibilities .
I did manage to find time in my busy day to check out all the FB posts ,my friends who take all the trouble to share . One particular one did catch my eye ( Yes , sometimes we do have favourite people , who we keep up with and make sure we don't miss any of their posts !! ) So it was funny but not in a hilarious sort of way , but as I sarcastically say  "Funny " .... It was about friends and the definition of friends , not particularly well thought out and written . When we take on friends at facebook , some are particularly old friends we know well and some are kind of new but we make an effort to like all our friends on face book or we shouldn't even be friends with them !! It's even called a friend list on FB .
Do we feel blessed to know people who enrich our lives ? Are we happy to have friends in different parts of the world ,so we could look up, if we happen to be in their neck of the woods ?
Some people , treat every single one of their friends as Acquaintances , and just for the sake of accumulating friends keep their list growing . If a friend regularly takes the time to post a message or a comment ,how about taking the time out to answer it . It always annoys me that people can ignore comments , posts and never like anyone's posts and then posts something concerning friendships and the definition of friends . If this person was not really old I would have thought he's just an idiot ,with no knowledge of friendships and how to treat people . But yes even with age comes no common sense or how to value friendships and family .
Any person who takes the trouble to be friendly , deserves a friendly gesture back . We are in a world  where everyone now is so consumed with themselves interaction with somebody especially someone who was a friend many , many years ago and has just made contact , the decent thing to do is answer their posts .
Are people in this world , so ignorant about how to manage friendships , communication and just being a kind , that people have to resort to blogs to explain how one should treat another as a fellow human being .
Always be kind , like your friends posts , answer any questions they might ask and just be a lovely person , I hope everyone has already learnt all these skills at home and school . It's not science ." Love one another as I have loved you " Jesus's words from the bible .
On that note , I leave you ..have a wonderful day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

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