Monday, May 18, 2015

Get Healthy with Ten Super Food , That Taste Good & Make you Feel Great Later :)

Feeling good after eating food is behavioral , biological and depending on our associations or food "memories" .  We are hard wired to enjoy more palatable food .
There is a saying "There are no bad foods for you , just bad portions "
Food that are high in carbs , provide alot of satisfaction . Simply because they raise our serotonin level , the feel good chemical . There is a part of us that want to eat alot of carbs , but we re-think it because it's high in calories .
There are a few super foods that you can't help enjoy while eating it , and the bonus is it makes you feel great after an hour . here is an example of ten such great food .

1. Eggs - One whole egg . Eggs provide high quality protein. They’re filling, delicious, and studies have shown that eggs can help you feel full when you include them in your meals versus carbohydrate-rich —like starchy, or sweet — meals," 

2. Berries - Suggested serving size: ½ cup to 1 cup. “Fruit is nature’s candy, like fresh apples and fresh berries,”  “These are two things that people love, because they have a lot of water, stimulate taste buds, and are easily digestible.”

3.Canned Tuna - “Canned tuna is a source of high quality protein that can fill you up and help keep blood sugar levels steady with omega-3-fatty acids,” said Zied. “Regular fish intake helps preserve body proteins—and that keeps you feeling strong and energized. Regular fish intake is also linked with lower risk of depression.”

4.Chicken Soup - Suggested serving size: 8-12 ounces. “People always feel good after eating chicken soup,”  ‘feel-good’ foods with the way their mouths feel while eating something creamy or warm, and chicken soup is a perfect example. “It’s the universal warm, healthy food.”

5. Beans and Peas , Lentils and Chickpeas - Suggested serving size: ¼ to ½ cup. “These are rich sources of protein and also pack in complex carbohydrates, mainly in the form of resistant starch,” “A study in Public Health Nutrition in 2010 found that moderate intake of legumes, one or two servings weekly, protected menopausal women against severely depressed moods.”

6. Oats and Oatmeal - Oats provide complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and provide the brain and entire central nervous system with their key source of fuel,”  “Carbohydrates also play a key role in creating serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps regulate mood, appetite and sleep.”

7. Avocados -“Avocados are really creamy, and the texture is so inviting. A lot of people don’t realize how healthy they are,”  “You can even swap it for butter in some recipes. Or, you can puree avocado and add to salad dressing.”

8. Yogurt - Suggested serving size: about 5 ounces.“Some yogurts like Greek yogurt are great sources of calcium, and people— especially kids — love to dip,”  “Something like a flavored or Greek yogurt is great for dipping, too.”

9. Tea - Suggested serving size: 1 cup. “A cup of tea is low-calorie, gives you that comfort, and sometimes, it’s a speed bump to high-calorie foods,”  “You could wind up having a lot more calories if you hadn't had that cup of tea.” 

10 . Nuts and seeds - Suggested serving size: 1 ounce. “Nuts, like almonds, give you that great overall feeling for your taste buds —sweet, crunchy, creamy,”  It's recommended  that adding almond butter in your oatmeal for a creamy boost of protein.

Have a great day and I hope these ten great super foods help keep you on the right track of getting healthy and enjoying the flavour of some tasty food .

Love and Peace .

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