Sunday, May 3, 2015

Domestic Abuse , Police Are No Help Sadly :(

So it's Sunday and it's supposed to be a peaceful day but sometimes things are not always as you want them to be ... Not when you have an ex-husband who has forced his way into your house and is forcing himself to  stay there . So he's pushing me around , and my eldest daughter takes his side ..well she and I never always got on , she's difficult she never liked living in Holland , she was bullied in school there ,so she never wanted to attend . Eventually I decided to move to England to make sure the kids had an English education and where I thought the law would be on my side .
What a laugh , when I wanted to call the police today , my ex and daughter took the phone away from me I had to run out of the apartment building and get a friend on the second floor to call the police for me . The Police did nothing much , they told my ex to leave the flat and come back tomorrow to discuss things . He does not live here , why should he come back ?  He wants to see the kids  , but I have always let him .. if he wants , he is free to take the kids !! As far as I'm concerned , he can .. but can he support them ?? He left his job in Holland came here and forced his way into my home . I asked the police , have you asked to see his passport , they tell me "why should we  , we have no need to " So anyone can just come into England and stay forcibly , and try to destroy my life and happiness ! His passport has expired a while back , he has no National Insurance Number to stay here . He has no income here , does not work here , and makes me feel like I have to look after him ! Why do I have to take him in ?? When he has always been abusive physically and verbally , aggressive and violent to me .
My eldest daughter has never shown me any respect .Her father always encouraged her to speak to me like I was not her mother but just a person who has no right to tell her anything . She argues constantly never listens to me tells me to be quiet all the time and has on many occasions hit me .. I am so fed up . She is much taller than me and takes advantage of her strength and height . She often says she is an adult , and yes at 19 she is ..maybe she needs to go stay on her own and take responsibilities . I do not want to look after her any longer . Especially as she never ever finished school , or did any education since she came here to England . Yes she was sixteen when we came here , so it was not compulsory for her to attend school ..but she did nothing and I was too scared of her to force her .
The police are definitely not  supportive of women , any wonder why people hesitate to call them and why domestic abuse victims continue to stay in the same situation and are abused all their life from their aggressive partners . They say he's homeless and has to stay with you , lol .. Ocean does not have anyone else here in the North so I am supposed to continue to put up with her attitude and look after her .. Is this how I and women have to put up with situations . Don't we have a voice and are allowed to have peace in our life ?
I am feeling very defeated and very unhappy . I don't want to live being abused all my life ..
I just wished I had a loving partner and  some piece of mind .
I love staying in England and I know the two younger ones love it here , and the school they attend . But I think I just need a break from responsibilities , bills , jobs etc . It's all getting too much for me ...
So that was my Sunday ! Hope yours was better !
Give a thought for women and love them .. I wish people listened to me and not the man around who is automatically given respect . I never cared too much for Police and I doubt my opinion will change . The male policeman who I spoke too was downright insulting and condescending to me ..Yes I was a crying mess and yes I wanted to talk and explain and he tells me you are arguing ?? Typical man , tells lies about women .. We are not supposed to say anything ! Well like I always say , there is a God above he will have to answer too ,one day . I never argue and I am very respectful , remember I was born in India and if there's one thing we know it's respect , manners and politeness !!
So among everything else that's wrong here Women are still not respected . My ex should have produced his passport to prove who he is , and removed back to his own country especially if he has nothing to prove he is a resident of England . How many more people are going to stay here and bully their ex's without the police doing anything ?  He can easily go out and do crime . Makes this country such a crime hit place . People without money roaming around so he could , shoplift etc .. The police tell me " do you want him not able to see his children ". I said he is welcome to see them . Maybe he should even take responsibility and take them and look after them . If he can't do that , he should not be allowed to stay in this country and bully me and encourage his eldest daughter to bully me as well !
I think I have blogged enough today . The plight of abused women haunts me ..being a victim myself .. Yes he says I tell all lies .. Such a common lie men tell . So why is he hanging around a woman who says regularly ," he's violent to me "? If I was a man and a woman said I was violent and I was not , I would take my kids and go far away from her . It's just women are an easy target to abuse and men get away with doing it .
I am so ashamed to be living here in this century , with bulling men and thoroughly unhappy . Yet they have adverts about stop domestic abuse . How much will I stand to lose speaking up about it ? Probably my home , I would have to go live in a shelter , not be able to see my younger kids my life destroyed . What a world , and then not be believed !

Happy Sunday if your was that .. Stay blessed if you are , and think about every woman who has no support , and does everything on her own and is responsible for everything .Give support and love , don't question them . It's hard enough to come out and speak . Yes I said I had no injuries but he twisted my arm pushed me down on the ground . No bruises to see but I still felt pain , when a six foot three inch man pushes a five foot one woman !! Sad world :(

Love & Peace

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