Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boomerang Kids , Heard That Before ??

Hi everyone out there , all over the world ... I am so lucky to have people reading my writings as far away as Russia , Asia , Australia ,and the USA . I feel blessed , to be able to  say something have an opinion, and have people read it . The power of the net and the freedom of blogging . I love it .
I see a lot of blogs where people just mainly blog about tips on how to get your blog interesting . I almost never read them . They all seem to have one basic idea and everyone runs with it . I say if you have read one , you absolutely know the material of the rest .
The way you really can make an interesting blog , is get a great subject matter , and go from there ,  write an interesting story around it . Maybe put in a few jokes , everyone likes to laugh , hhmm well not really but if they can crack a smile you know it's a good piece , project accomplished .
I'm looking to build my following , I can't say how thrilled I am to have new adds . Thanks a million . I try to stick to a more general blog and keep my pieces varied . I am very interested in a number of subjects and I mostly  blog about stuff close to my heart .
Today I wanted to  write a short piece about a subject that was recently debated , "boomerang kids " and I found it pretty interesting . If your not sure what , that's about , let me fill you in ......
In the last few years , with the country in financial ruin , where the rich get richer while the poor can't feed their kids and are ending up at food banks , and I'm not talking about a third world country it's this supposedly Rich Country called England !! So most families are finding that their kids who have left home for University and have graduated are now in tons of debt and are inevitably finding themselves back on their parents doorstep , asking to stay in their old rooms for another couple of years , while they sort their shit lives out !! Now this is the trend and the sort of existence for any number of adults from the age group of 29 to 35 .. Yes as old as that they still need their folks ... kind of crazy ? No it's the poverty they are facing ,so staying with their parents helps them save some money and have some sort of a life while they attempt to get a step on the property ladder and pay absurdly high bills , water , gas & electric , petrol , rent , transport etc( common place nowadays !! )
So these boomerang kids living at home , have their parents up in arms , fed up , wanting their kids out of their space , needing peace . It's a fact of life now ..Parents , get used to it ! This is how it's going to be for a good number of years ahead . Everyone think about it , if you want to get your kid out of your hair at 18 years old , maybe you are not ready to have kids . These money making companies , are not suddenly going to quit raising their bills so your kids can go out and have an adult life , without falling into financial problems. People have to get smart and be one step ahead .
More people should quietly accept the fact ,about having their children around them forever . It's been the secret of many Asian Families . They live together in a joint family system and strengthen their  family fortunes , because they combine their joint earnings and in the end pay out far less together .
It's going to be me . I am in no hurry to have my children leave home . We will always stay together and combine our forces . Family ties are very important . Now more so because money is the root factor to happiness . No matter how many posts on FaceBook I see that money is not everything , it makes me laugh , just try buying your groceries with kindness , or paying your bills with understanding , lol ...
Money is important , and always remember Charity begins at home .. that means yes also first making sure your own country is well , before helping out other countries . What's with all that foreign aid ?? I'll never understand .. we have people here in a bad state . On that note Elections are coming up , don't forget to VOTE LABOUR . The people living here , making a life here , children in school and settled here matter , and you can make that happen with a Labour government .  Thank you .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace  

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