Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Money .. How Important Is It ??

Hello Everyone , after a few days off and the hectic days of Easter , Easter Monday which also happened to be my birthday ( Hip , hip hurrah another year  behind me , which I survived and conquered ,ha .) Onwards and Upwards from here !
Hope you all had a marvelous few days , the weather was glorious , even if I know you all are not 100% it's the journey and challenges that daunt us , but our core is strong and we are warriors !!
How many of us, who have too little money , find money the important life saver of the day . Yet it is the ones who don't need to think about money who preach to the others the importance of other things in life than money . Yes they can talk and we know how to laugh .
I have alot of men sending me FB friend requests as I'm sure hundreds of other attractive women , get the same . They all have this need to send me messages " hello dearest " " beautiful Sabrina "" Sweet Sabrina " and so much flattery about my beauty and my fit body ..Huh well to say the least I'm disgusted . I see my face everyday , I know i'm pretty and I don't need flattery from men , who probably are married , or in a relationship etc ,just trying to get in the sack ( roll in the hay ) whatever you call it , with a single mother . I always to the point of being rude put them straight . No flattery , tell me ," Are you rich "? Could you look after me and my 3 children ? Then they start about money is not everything , malarkey .. hhmm how I have to laugh ! But let me inform everybody , its okay to flatter a young woman in her 20's and get her into bed ,with no security or money because she's looking for love and can be duped . On the other hand , a women of the world and in her late 30's early 40's is looking for security , no financial burdens and companionship the same values , interests, kids , family , not good looks , fit bodies or flattery . So all you men can chase , but finance is mostly , high on the agenda of any mature woman with half a brain and kids !
We ( mature women ) are continuously on the look out for our perfect mate , and mostly we find it with people of our own age group , religious background and values . You are hardly going to be happy with someone who's a Tory supporter and you are championing Labour . I had this guy , praising my fit body lol .. I told him" make sure you vote Labour ", he never replied back .. Yes he's probably well off and a David Cameron supporter with not a thought for people who have less and struggle !
Since I'm on the topic of money , just a few tips . The law of attraction says " like attracts like" . Give money the importance it deserves and you will be blessed with more . Don't worry about it day and night , you just make a bad situation worse . Just don't have bad feelings about money .. Money is a positive thing and the more you see it positively the more money you attract to yourself . In the words of the Poet William S Burroughs " In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents . Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen . "  so we should, will money to us ,make it important and give it the respect and value it has , without moaning about lack of it , all the time , Yes I'm really poor , you wouldn't know lol :) be grateful and more will be heading your way !
Get a cheque , think about how much money you need and write on it " Bank of the Universe" and in the, to be paid to , your name and fill in an amount ( don't be greedy ) put it in your purse , look at it regularly , feel positive about it and you could just draw that money to you !
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

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