Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ten Years Ago Today Prince Charles Married Camilla ....

It's the 9th of April , and it wouldn't seem like ten years have passed since Prince Charles wed the love of his life Camilla ! But yes it is , 2005 was the year it happened and although the 9th of April was not his chosen day (hhmm fate , trying to say something ?? ) he had to postpone his selected day , to the 9th of April because the Holy Father Pope John Paul passed away and Prince Charles had to attend his funeral .
At the time when he decided to marry Camilla more than 70% of the nation was pretty sure they didn't want to see her becoming Queen but ten years on she seems to have won over a few more people and the general view seems to be , she's making him happy and either way people are feeling differently about her .
I was pretty aghast when I heard he was marrying Camilla in 2005 , I definitely didn't want to see her being Queen and although I still don't ever want to see her being Queen .. Charles has waited long enough for the throne and he deserves the right , of being King of England . I know he and Camilla seem a good pair and look happy together , I never understood the need he felt to marry her !! Just out of respect for his first wife , whether he loved her or not .. she died tragically ,was the mother of his sons and he choose to marry her even if his mother forced him too ! He should have kept Camilla as his mistress , and it would not have been so shocking because plenty of Kings in British history have had and kept more than one mistress !
A lot of people seem to suggest , that we should accept Camilla , because Diana's sons have accepted her and who are we to object . Okay , we can never be certain they have accepted her , because being the cultured , good mannered young men they are,  it's hardly likely they are going to run around saying we don't like her . Also they are boys, who respect their father , like every child does and respect his wishes . If she makes him happy , he deserves to be happy and they keep their opinion to themselves .In the same manner , I don't approve of the friendship my father has with some young woman , but I'm hardly going to start preaching to him .. He can see who he wants . They will always love their mother and she will be the only solitary woman , for their father in their eyes . Ofcourse they are gracious to Camilla and I don't expect them to be otherwise , at the same time , I don't imagine Camilla spending weekends with them in their houses !!
I am looking forward to King Charles , and I hope the day dawns sooner rather than later , it's time our lovely Queen retired , so she will still be able to see her first born rule and be on hand to give him,  her advice and experience . It's a grand old age to be 89 and still rule the country but I think Prince Charles must be getting impatient to fulfill his destiny . He would definitely be a different kind of Monarch , than his mother , he has opinions and if decides to play a more active role in the government I won't be complaining , he did have a pretty good feel for things long before , the world even would consider it , we now think his ideas were not so kooky after all ( organic farming , architecture , sustaining your own produce ) Although I hope he remembers to keep Camilla his Princess Consort when he turns King . Yes I like Prince Charles , the age gap with him and Diana and no shared interests was the main marriage killer but he is , I'm sure a lovely , lovely man !!
I hope you enjoyed reading this and you are having a great day .. don't forget keep smiling and good things will happen ...

Love & Peace

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