Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Thoughts .. Not Only Prayers , but The Earthquake & Loyalty !!

Happy Sunday ! A quiet day spent in thought , meditation , prayer and a look back at the entire week , month and access all the progress , I have made with potential , ambition and creativity .
But of course with the severe earthquake suffered yesterday in Nepal , and with aftershocks reaching India and West Bengal , my thoughts could not go further than the recent news . Today a second major quake hit Nepal again .
My first thoughts what a catastrophe , Mother Nature causing destruction and damage . That it happened to the people of Nepal , who are the most loving peaceful , and friendly people on earth . Yes I know a few Nepali people and I have them in the highest regard they wouldn't hurt a fly . Why do the best people on earth suffer , while the bullies , thugs , get away with everything and live to be very old ?
Now with the quake it's the people busy on their collecting donations sprees ,for the victims of the earthquake , that bothers me . Do these victims see any of that money ? No .. The best thing people can do is pray for the lives lost . Not forgetting to ask the Lord to keep the rest of the people safe and hope that No more earthquakes destroy any more of that beautiful country .
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Nepal , who are not very wealthy but who are hardworking and strong ,loyal and dedicated .
As I prayed for all my personal reasons , asking God for blessings and favours , I wondered about the word "Loyalty " . Do people actually know the meaning of the word ? While some people actually do and I admire them , I often wonder if it is the same for the friend they are so loyal too ? Looking back on an experience with a friend who I knew since I was a child , I thought we were good friends . She knew I was not on good terms with my brother and have no contact with him , yet  she not even knowing him (  my brother ) befriended him on face book and gives his stuff likes . Obviously she is not loyal or a good friend to me . I was very hurt , felt betrayed ,and I still think of her often and wonder how she ticks . What was most amusing was a mutual friend hers and mine suddenly de-friended me on fb because I had de-friended , this other friend  . While I know she is very loyal to her friend and I'm not hurt at all , that she chose to de-friend me , because we were not really close friends at all , but is she wise , to be loyal to a girl who actually doesn't know , the meaning of loyalty and does not appreciate a friend ? Well we have all types of people in this world and we have to encounter all kinds to know what quality we actually think we need from someone to be a good friend of ours . It's always a learning curve . Be a good friend and most of all be loyal . Yes girls even expect it from our girl-friends . Loyalty does not only focus  on boy/ girl relationships .  Loyalty , It's a word I love  .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day tomorrow and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

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