Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Vote Labour ..It's The Right Thing !! An Awkward Man Anyday Over A Self Assured Posh RICH Man :)

With the Elections drawing nearer , I can't stress enough the importance of making your voice heard and having a say .. cast your vote , don't let the day go by . The 7th of May May 2015 should be the day, when we the ordinary people of Britain , vote back a government who has the common person at heart . Vote Labour , they are going to make a difference to our lives, the lives of our children , who go to school here and love it and look forward to a country who will have jobs when they graduate . Mr. Milliband has promised apprenticeships , a reduction in University fees down to 6000 pounds . We need that .
The Tories and Mr. Cameron are basically a party for the rich of Britain . The rich just get richer and ,what are they doing for us ?? They also shirk from paying their taxes , get into tax avoidance schemes . How many celebrities have we heard about in the media, outed for not paying taxes .Big Companies ,as well !! What has David Cameron done about this ?? Nothing !!! But he has made sure he has implemented more than 1006 idiotic rules which forbids the common people of doing everything under the sun . From jumping into the Thames , to a particular way of handling salmon ,lol  .. Now those are the weird things lets not forget the serious stuff  , the Bedroom Tax saw millions of common people suffer . The sudden suspension of benefits , the cuts , things not available because of new rules being implemented , and not everyone even in offices , have not a clue about what's going on , with all the changes . Is it possible they could , just take away child benefit and allow the children to suffer ??  Yes apparently they can !! Jobs that just never materielise , a complete hoax . Jobs being advertised but actually there is none on offer . For the last four months Body Care has a notice in their window for part-time help 8 hours , they still haven't hired , still to look at the applications ,lol .. but they just keep taking in applications everyday , what's that about ??   All they want is all your details , so they can spam you with 1001 offers on your telephone number , email . Fill in this survey , answer these questions ,and that is for all jobs , you may be applying for .. is it all relevant ? I know somebody trying to just get a minimum paid job, she applied at Mc Donald's , they ask for a long survey with useless questions to be answered , it's a joke !! And after all that just an email back saying not successful , good luck with your search !
Mr . Cameron has made a mess of the country , how much more foreign aid,  is going to be sent abroad before he realizes there are people who are destitute here and are having to go  to food banks !!
I would rather have Mr. Milliband as Prime Minister , no matter how awkward he looks , an awkward man , any day over a fat contented , pleased with himself RICH man .
Even if you were disillusioned over Labour and Tony Blair ( what with him going to war and being Mr. Bush's puppet ) No two men are ever the same .  Ed Milliband has the people at heart and I believe him . Labour has always been a party for the common people . Bring them back . We even have an awesome spokesperson for Labour .. Martin Freeman is absolutely 100% behind  Labour and you should be too . If Doctor Watson supports the Party , I know it's  the right thing . Vote Labour ,if you have your children's future at heart , the state of poverty in this country .
Hope I convinced you , and you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and have a brilliant day !

Love & Peace

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