Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day ...We Need To Care !!

Happy Earth Day 2015 .. What an amazing concept and hurrah to the first person who started this theme . We are here on this earth for only a short while , but this planet , belongs to the generations ahead ,our children , the children's children ,  we leave them the legacy of this Earth but what are we doing to preserve the natural environment ? Almost nothing ...
I urge everyone to go out and do something good for our planet today !!
Think about the prettiest place you have been to , that made you happy . Was it the beautiful nature that surrounded it , that made you feel peaceful ? I have attached a photo with this blog it just happens to be the most beautiful view and I feel lucky to look out on it everyday . It's the view from my flat . I am blessed to stay surrounded by  this beautiful piece of Nature's surroundings , although a row of houses are just being built in the field where horses would run , sadly :( and it's been constructed so fast , in under four weeks  it's almost done , lol ..I wonder how sturdy it is ??
But on the subject of Earth Day and preserving our environment with recycling and reusing , which isn't only for hippies and environmentalists . The message of Earth Day is an agenda we can all get behind . Humans don't exactly take good care of Mother Nature . In the past 50 years we have consumed more natural resources than all previous history combined . Global oil consumption has grown eight fold , production of metals have grown 600 per cent , and natural resources extraction grew by 50 per cent . Junk mail delivered is more than 100 billion and Supermarkets in the USA
go through more than 60 million paper bags in the year . In Europe we still go through the plastic bags and even though we pay for them , it's still too much for the environment .And because of the burning of fossil fuel there is more Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years .
Scientists say we need to clean up our act and give more respect to Mother Earth . She deserves it .
Some of the simple ways to begin . Start by supporting your local farmer and buying local produce . More farm markets should be set up in each town for local produce , to be made easily available for consumption .
Build a play area in your garden for your children and encourage them to plant and take care of the patch . Plant more trees . Start walking more and stop using the car for the school run . Invest in a good sturdy bag for food shopping so you cut down on paper bags , plastic bags . Use less water , although the water companies will just hike their tariff to make you pay more ( the bastards !) yes I know , I pay a huge water bill that makes me ill !!
Well all we need to do , is a little bit of research to make sure we can do our bit in keeping the Earth in wonderful shape for the future generations . It also means NO MORE WARS .don't kill and destroy the world anymore ! We need peace and love !
Keep smiling and I hope you enjoyed reading this .

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