Thursday, April 2, 2015

Good Friday .. My Kids Have Asked Why Is It "Good " ??

As it's Holy week in the Christian Faith and as a good Catholic, it's fair I write a few words but it's all my own words and no quotations from the bible which is very easy to put together and nothing to express from yourself . Every person visiting church for the Good Friday services will be told, about all of the scripture readings and the liturgy which consists of the three parts The Liturgy of the word , The Veneration of the Cross and The Holy Communion .
As I am a more people person the words I express ,are more for the common man .
Today the Queen , visited Yorkshire and I'm sure all were so proud to see her ,visiting in God's own County . As it was Maundy Thursday and so it is tradition for hundreds of years for the Royal to give alms to the poor . Our Queen, in keeping with her grand old age of 89 , decided to give .89 pence in alms ..I was quite bemused , in keeping up with the times a little more generous amount of 89 pounds would not have seen her out of pocket !! We are not living in the 1950's when it might have been a generous amount ! By no means is 89p even a weeks wages . But bless her heart , it even made the news :))
Tomorrow is Good Friday and as a lot of Christians will have a day of prayer and fasting , mine will be prayerful but I shall skip fasting . It will be a day for eating only vegetables and remembering all the sacrifice Jesus went through , eventually even being crucified on the cross for our sins . One of the first things my children asked me this week as I prepared them for holy week was why is it called "Good "Friday if Jesus died on the cross that day . I stopped to reassure them it's better ,we call it Holy Friday because,  as it used to be called God Friday a very long time ago  , the word got distorted to Good along the way ! Simerely like Christmas is frequently referred to as X- Mas . That was the doing of the non believers who cancelled out the Christ with an X and kept the Mas at the end .
Holy Friday when Jesus was crucified was around 33 AD > We all know he was brought before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate , on that morning . Pilate asked what do you want me to do with him ? Pilate's wife had seen Jesus in a dream and forewarned Pilate not to have anything to do with the righteous man . Pilate questioned Jesus then had him flogged , and brought him out to the crowds and planned to release him . But the Chief Priests brought new charges against him and wanted him put to death , because he claimed to be the Son of God ! Pilate brought him one more time forward and declared him innocent and washed his hands in water to show he wanted no part in the condemnation of Jesus . Nevertheless Pilate handed him over to the crowds in order to stop a riot , and keep his job . We all know what happened next , they yelled "Crucify Him "and the sentence was "Jesus of Nazareth , King of the Jews " Jesus carried his own cross to the site of execution , called Golgotha or Calvary . Jesus agonized six hours on the cross , in the last three hours from noon to 3 o'clock , darkness fell over the whole land and there was an earthquake and tombs rolled open . At 3 Jesus gave up his spirit ! we shall remember it all tomorrow in prayer and be happy in the fact that we know Jesus Rose again in THREE days , our big festival Easter ! Thank you so much for reading this , and I ask Jesus in prayer for a special request now ....... God Bless xx

Love & Peace  

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