Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How Old Is Too Old ,Leading Man ??

Happy Tuesday !! With a very long weekend behind us , Bank holiday Monday here , Memorial Day in the USA , I hope you all had as much fun as I did . Now it's back to writing my blogs and doing all the things that keep me busy , happy and fulfilled :)
In the news this last week ,was an interview that Maggie Gillyianhall gave, that she was rejected for a movie roll , because at 37 she was far too old for the leading man who was 55 ! Huh ?? I did a double take when I read this .  Was it true ? But  ofcourse it was ! We know this double standard in the world , which does not stop at Hollywood . All men think a young woman is more desirable than an older woman . Is it the young skin , youthful , good looks ,  or the more sinister ? A young woman is more easy to manipulate , dominate and much more easy to please . A Young woman ofcourse , has no experience in the sack so if the man just pleases himself , and comes in two minutes , the woman does not complain and just gets on with it and carries on with her day . An older woman wants to be wooed , turned on and pleased , so men are at a disadvantage , they have no patience and no experience to do anything other than they have always done , since they lost their virginity !
In Hollywood,  some of the biggest money grossing films made, were with leading men who were considerably older than their leading ladies . I must say I helped encourage those movies to become blockbusters , because you know what ? Instead of being appalled , at an old man kissing on a young woman , I went to the movie hall , saw the film and enjoyed it . I also own DVD's of the movies and I have told my mates to see it ! We are all  guilty of encouraging this older man , young woman thing !
I remember , my Mum even telling me , Sabrina marry an older man , he will look after you and treat you well for life ! What a joke that was !!!!
My advice to my daughter is,  keep within your own age group and never marry anyone more than a couple of years older than you !
To name some of these movies I saw and enjoyed are : "Entrapment " with Sean Connery who was 69 and Catherine Zita Jones was only 30 . An age gap of 39 years , so shocking and actually disgusting !
"As Good As It Gets "with Jack Nicholson who was 60 then and as much as I adore him as an actor the leading lady Helen Hunt was only 34 ! Age gap of 26 years .
"Arbitrage "with Richard Gere who was 63 , could be a grandfather lol and his leading lady was Letitia Casta who was 34 , age gap of 26 years . Should be shocking , but Richard Gere is someone,  who maybe I would make an exception for lol ..He still has it , even though maybe he could be old enough to be my Dad , lol  !!
A movie I have  enjoyed , and an actor who is still hot , yes he is !! Is the mighty Tom Cruise . In the movie "Oblivion" he is 51 and Olga Kurlenko is 34 now that's an age gap of 17 years which is still unacceptable !
"Six Days And Seven Nights "with Harrison Ford who was 56 and Anne Heche was just 29 then , age gap of 27 years , so, so shocking !
A favourite movie of mine was "Lost In Translation " with Bill Murray , he was 53 and Scarlett Johansson was only 19 ... a 34 year age gap now that is disgusting  but I suppose everyone has seen it , even though it's now a very old movie alot of the younger generation has seen it . What kind of message are we giving out to  young girls ?
"Third Person" starring Liam Neeson  who at 61 was 32 years older than the lead actress Olivia Wilde who was only 32 years old  .
A much more newer movie made , was with funnyman Steve Carrel , 50 and Keira Knightly only 27  , age gap of 23 years "Seeking a Friend For The End Of The World " hhhmm
There are probably dozens more movies , where these movies encourage and portray these older men with young women . I wonder if twenty years from now , people will still be seeing these kind of movies and enjoy them . What do you think of Older man , younger woman ?
I think nowadays girls are getting alot more wiser and giving these old men the brush off . Well done ! Our girls are getting alot smarter .  Good times and Hurrah !
Hope you enjoyed reading this , and  encourage your daughters to be smart . Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace


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