Friday, September 16, 2016

Bring in the Luck - Crystals & Gemstones Certainly Help!

Happy Friday!

Finally the heat wave is over, parts of England are having torrential downpours and facing some flooding. Thunder and lightning can be scary and I read today one lady went into her backyard to get her washing and was struck by lightning. She credits her miraculous save to her rubber Adidas slippers she bought for 5 pounds. Luck, we all need that. Some need it more than others but we all desperately need it in different areas of our lives. Some need it for money, for protection, peace of mind, good health, luck in business, for advancement in your career, for energy, for a better relationship etc.
But if you ask me, so how are we supposed to get all this luck ? For all the different and varied reasons listed above . I would tell you to turn towards crystals and gemstones. The easiest way to find good luck , is by carrying crystals. Gemstones carry living energy and each one has many different metaphysical and healing properties. Luck is part of the energy of many stones. It's good to experiment to see which gemstone feels good for you , when you hold them in your hand.The gemstone helps change the life force around you and how it can re-enforce good luck in your life .
Recently, even Victoria Beckham revealed she carries crystals in her bag for good energy and luck.

Today I want to say crystals and gemstones are positive things ,bringing good energy, so carrying around one in your bag or keeping a few around your house are very healing. Go ahead and get yourself one for starters. I have always admired the power of crystals and gemstones and proudly own a few, and yes, even I have one in my bag at all times. On a full moon night, put them out for cleansing - it's spiritual!
I shall list a few important gemstones & crystals but if you are looking for something particular, I'm sure you would find it on the net.

1) Need luck in making your dreams come true -- Amethyst or Amazonite.
2) Need luck in your career - Garnet
3) For luck in getting rid of your worries - Aquamarine or Sodalite
4) For luck in marriage or love, a true love stone - Rose Quartz or Emerald
5) For protection - Agate
6) For double luck in any situation - Tourmaline is a great place to find a huge amount of crystals & gemstones.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

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