Sunday, September 25, 2016

P.M.S. & Pain.. Not Significant Enough For A Remedy!

Happy Sunday!

Jeremy Corbyn won for Labour with a landslide victory.. Hurrah good things can happen now Mr. Corbyn call immediately for an election we cannot have an un-elected PM when the people voted Cameron , he was the leader now Theresa May leads the party ,  but how many people actually want her as the leader ? Grammar schools? I think the UK was doing fine without so many Grammar schools!

Yesterday a little news item pricked my ears up. It seems a huge number of women call in every month sick because of period pain but most are embarrassed to say the real reason. They site headaches, colds, back aches, flu, everything except the real reason. What I want to know is why when we are so advanced  in medicine has no one shrugged up money for research into solving this monthly problem for girls/women? I remember reading somewhere because men really don't believe it happens! If it was a ''man's'' problem I can bet you a long time ago a solution to the problem would have happened. This monthly occurrence troubles a great number of women and even though it does not trouble me every month, at least 3/4 times a year I will be feeling completely unable to do anything for 2 days. I feel weak, pain in my back and stomach ,  be hurts . This is not a problem for guys, and how lucky they must be to escape this monthly loss of blood, fatigue, pain, etc. Hopefully the world will come awake to this problem troubling women all over. Japan and China acknowledge this and women are allowed leave every month without any trouble from the work place. If only Western society also gave us the same benefit. But for now I will still have to reach for my painkillers and hope it's over quick.

Remember a good diet also helps with bringing down the P.M.S. and the eventual pain with the on start of the period.

Have an awesome day and keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

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