Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Challenging poetry: No Barricades

Happy Wednesday,

I wrote a little (long) poem with a challenging pronunciation theme going on. If you can read this aloud and still enjoy the poetry in it. Kudos. I'm sure you'll love it:

Pronunciation is the key, I'm not barking up a tree.  I'll challenge you to get it right before you write me off and sneer. The words may sound all the same but each one writes a different way. Rude, prude, luede, fancy dude. I'm singing from my own hymn sheet, don't bother me, I've got a fever. Heave me, free me from these sheets. Temperature, thermometer, soaring high thumping, lumping, bruises, band-aids, headaches, bones, banes of life. Shutter, nutter, bowler, wicket keeper. Polo, no not the mints, just sports. Homo sapiens. The plague of rats is still to find, under ploughs in barnyards and mines.
When I think of food fry the steak, rake the hay, butcher the pig, get my bacon, peas beans, all varieties runner, snow, haricots, oven, hobs, burners, gas, barbecue, clay in the East, pots and pans, sugar, barley, cane icing, love it all. Fry my heart with liver and cream in a schezuen pepper fry. Offal is what I am on about, don't be rude and think the worst. I'm here to live and live for as long as it takes. Triple, quadruple, quintuplets, sextuplets, we have had these births in modern times, morality , mortality rates going down all the time.
Trade, raid, loud, proud, gingerly all approximately how it's battered and battered these days, those trades pouncing on prey, prancing dancers in ballet theaters don't actually care starving thin.
Anorexia, bulimia, eating disorders haunting the young today. Models, viscounts, princesses, dames, knights at night all out to get the best from life. Travelling places, astronauts, space, orbit, universe, finding aliens, life on mars, Rovers, Chevrolet, Jaguars, Honda, Hyundai, did I miss your favorite car?
I'm just skiing on a sleigh. Don't slay the dragon. Stunning stunts, don't play tyrant , truants just attend the school.
Roll the dough, make the dollar, find your soul, don't devour the innocent. Insolence, anger, find the hammer, trash the bin, don't live in sin. So old fashioned. Pondering demons, long drowned sorrows, horrors all past with the years.
Happy free, find the font , the priest, my kiddos need to be baptized. Love, heave, sighing, frown, I'm not a clown I just love make-up. Don't freeze me out, you sleaze. I"m not a tart, just finding myself. This is not true yet, I'm not a prude.
Mountains, valleys, craters, geizers, gauge, yet that geezer down the road is so handsome, should I intrude, knock on door, rocking the look, hot chick, thick black eyeliner, chains and locks, maybe a rock on the finger soon if I linger long enough to become unforgettable.
But baby I'm no singer since the cradle, I can wabble and catch a note, tenor, alto, soprano, I'm not.
Find me in the lounge, star gazing. Into the sky colors like mauve, blue, pink, teal, shapes round, square, triangle, stars, diamonds and pyramids. Float , gloat , glowing!
Flowers. Love them lotus, dandelions, poppies, lilies, blue-bells, sunflowers, stroke of midnight, night, night folks.. Karma, nightmares, weeping willows, candy canes, love them all. Bitter, sweet ,casual, rampant, rowdy,  passive, happy, radiant, blooming in the sunshine!
Fostering, floating, fumbling, flame , frame me ravished, famished !

Barricades and
Happy days!

Keep smiling.

Love & Peace!

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