Friday, September 2, 2016

September 22nd 'Fertility Day' Would You Have Children?

Happy Friday!

Today a brand new episode of ''Goodnight Sweetheart'' was telecast on BBC one. I waited almost all week for it and it didn't disappoint. I hope everyone managed to see it and if not, catch up with it on iPlayer! As a big fan of the original series I could not miss this. Nicholas Lyndhurst  and all the cast were older but nobody lost their charm. I'm not going to give away any spoilers but Gary time travels back again to 2016 and he is in for a shock with all the modern technology. The smartphone/tablet, (he thought the girl was sick!) it was funny and heart warming!

On to other things, and a little news article I read today. Seems like the population in Italy is falling rapidly. Why am I not surprised? Actually I reckon the population of all Europe is going to be falling. The economic situation of all the people does not give stability so why would young people want to have children? So the health minister of Italy, Beatrice Lorenzin, has announced that September 22nd is going to be ''fertility day'' to encourage family planning. They have launched a website, series of promotional images, a computer game to rouse interest. Although all this gearing up the public is having a rather negative reaction and sparking up a outrage all over Italy. Maybe it's the slogan ''Beauty has no age, but fertility does.'' ''Young parents the best way to be creative.'' It's pretty ironic ''young parents'' when most of the Italian youth, 42%, is currently unemployed. Not a situation you would want to bring a child into! In fact, a lot of young girls don't want kids and I completely support the idea. Today, what people earn is just about enough for one person to struggle by in, how could anyone support a family. I am completely against bringing children into the world you can't afford to support. Until the world decides to give every person over 18 years old an allowance and what you work and earn , is an added bonus, nobody should bring kids into this world and struggle while the top bosses of companies and businesses just get richer while the common people suffer !
I think this ''Fertility day'' is an outrage and a farce. Make people richer, increase the wages by 100% and oh yes, I completely support the Jr. doctors going on strike. More power to them! I say stand up and protest! Make us richer, we deserve it. Our children deserve it. Stop building rockets and space probes, looking for life on other planets while life here on planet earth goes to the dogs. I think every government should be ashamed of how they mis-manage their power over the public money and taxes! Make a change and be the change!

Look after yourselves and have an awesome day. Keep smiling!

Love & Peace.

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