Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boomerang Kids , Heard That Before ??

Hi everyone out there , all over the world ... I am so lucky to have people reading my writings as far away as Russia , Asia , Australia ,and the USA . I feel blessed , to be able to  say something have an opinion, and have people read it . The power of the net and the freedom of blogging . I love it .
I see a lot of blogs where people just mainly blog about tips on how to get your blog interesting . I almost never read them . They all seem to have one basic idea and everyone runs with it . I say if you have read one , you absolutely know the material of the rest .
The way you really can make an interesting blog , is get a great subject matter , and go from there ,  write an interesting story around it . Maybe put in a few jokes , everyone likes to laugh , hhmm well not really but if they can crack a smile you know it's a good piece , project accomplished .
I'm looking to build my following , I can't say how thrilled I am to have new adds . Thanks a million . I try to stick to a more general blog and keep my pieces varied . I am very interested in a number of subjects and I mostly  blog about stuff close to my heart .
Today I wanted to  write a short piece about a subject that was recently debated , "boomerang kids " and I found it pretty interesting . If your not sure what , that's about , let me fill you in ......
In the last few years , with the country in financial ruin , where the rich get richer while the poor can't feed their kids and are ending up at food banks , and I'm not talking about a third world country it's this supposedly Rich Country called England !! So most families are finding that their kids who have left home for University and have graduated are now in tons of debt and are inevitably finding themselves back on their parents doorstep , asking to stay in their old rooms for another couple of years , while they sort their shit lives out !! Now this is the trend and the sort of existence for any number of adults from the age group of 29 to 35 .. Yes as old as that they still need their folks ... kind of crazy ? No it's the poverty they are facing ,so staying with their parents helps them save some money and have some sort of a life while they attempt to get a step on the property ladder and pay absurdly high bills , water , gas & electric , petrol , rent , transport etc( common place nowadays !! )
So these boomerang kids living at home , have their parents up in arms , fed up , wanting their kids out of their space , needing peace . It's a fact of life now ..Parents , get used to it ! This is how it's going to be for a good number of years ahead . Everyone think about it , if you want to get your kid out of your hair at 18 years old , maybe you are not ready to have kids . These money making companies , are not suddenly going to quit raising their bills so your kids can go out and have an adult life , without falling into financial problems. People have to get smart and be one step ahead .
More people should quietly accept the fact ,about having their children around them forever . It's been the secret of many Asian Families . They live together in a joint family system and strengthen their  family fortunes , because they combine their joint earnings and in the end pay out far less together .
It's going to be me . I am in no hurry to have my children leave home . We will always stay together and combine our forces . Family ties are very important . Now more so because money is the root factor to happiness . No matter how many posts on FaceBook I see that money is not everything , it makes me laugh , just try buying your groceries with kindness , or paying your bills with understanding , lol ...
Money is important , and always remember Charity begins at home .. that means yes also first making sure your own country is well , before helping out other countries . What's with all that foreign aid ?? I'll never understand .. we have people here in a bad state . On that note Elections are coming up , don't forget to VOTE LABOUR . The people living here , making a life here , children in school and settled here matter , and you can make that happen with a Labour government .  Thank you .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day and keep smiling :)

Love & Peace  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Springtime , The Most Beautiful Time Of The Year :)

With bated breath we await the Royal Birth ..the little Prince or Princess still has not put in an appearance . As impatient as we are , it does not compare with how anxiously Kate must be feeling , waiting to finally meet her baby she has carried and nourished the last nine months .
It's always hard the last few weeks , not only anticipating the birth , but the tiredness , the restless nights the achy back and feet . not to forget tending to the first born . I know Kate is lucky to have a nanny for Prince George ,but babies still want their Mum to hold them, cuddle them and kiss them . It's just not the same , a nanny's attention .
I would say as anxious as everyone is , Kate is not too concerned the baby is late ..she is enjoying the last few days with George before the new baby gets all her attention .
I'm sure Little Prince George is ready to meet his sibling . Children are really smart and know that a brother or sister is going to be born . They are always ready to welcome their brother or sister , and eagerly look forward to bonding and playing together ,especially when there is a small age gap . It's only when the age gap is bigger , that children might not be so welcoming of a new baby . The bond between the two will be very strong and they will be close and the best of friends for life .
With Spring in the air and good weather it's the perfect time for babies to be born . Generally most animals also give birth to their young at Springtime and humans too , have a higher birth rate around this time , more than at any other time of the year .Those warm summer days , are to be blamed ;) as the parents sure got busy nine months before,in the balmy days of the previous summer :)
My eldest was born in Spring and I can still remember , the weather just got better and we could take her on long beautiful drives and for walks in her pram and appreciate Nature and the Countryside . Time does fly by , she just celebrated her birthday and she is all grown up  !!
Often when I think of April and Springtime , I can't help remembering William Wordsworth and his most famous poem "Daffodils " He wrote it after being inspired on a long walk with his sister Dorothy in 1802 on the 15th of April as he walked in the Lake District where he lived with his wife and sister .
I know alot of people are familiar with the poem , but for everyone else who is not , here it is : it never  grows old . enjoy reading it !

          I wandered lonely as a cloud
          That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
          When all at once I saw a crowd,
          A host, of golden daffodils;
          Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
          Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

          Continuous as the stars that shine
          And twinkle on the milky way,
          They stretched in never-ending line
          Along the margin of a bay:
          Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
          Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

          The waves beside them danced; but they
          Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
          A poet could not but be gay,
          In such a jocund company:
          I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
          What wealth the show to me had brought:

          For oft, when on my couch I lie
          In vacant or in pensive mood,
          They flash upon that inward eye
          Which is the bliss of solitude;
          And then my heart with pleasure fills,
          And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth (1815)

Monday, April 27, 2015

Five Fun Gadgets , You Want To Have For Summer :)

In this age of modern high tech. gadgets , you just have to know , the latest stuff and get your hands on it . We are children of our times and love modern technology .
Sure some are a bit pricey but some are really affordable and you know your parents , are not going to be able , to refuse you,  if you save cash from now  till summer ;) so you can get to pack all this in your suitcase for your summer vacation here in the UK or abroad !
I'm going to list five things just out on the market , hope you get a chance to buy your favourite !

1.  G2 Mini Portable Bluetooth Speaker : This G2 speaker offers superior sound , comes in a range of colours and has a battery life to allow you to party poolside into the wee hours of the morning ! It costs 99.95 pounds and is available to buy online at : www.

2.  How many times have we accidentally dropped our phone in the pool , down the toilet etc . Now there is no need to panic , instead of using rice try this ..the magic liquid can bring your device back from the dead , so you don't lose all your photos . It's the " Reviveaphone Water Damage repair Kit " and is available at :    It cost's a very affordable 14.99 pounds .

3. " Netatmo June " it looks like a leather bracelet with a gemstone , but it doubles as a tracker for sun exposure . It links to your smartphone and tells you when it's time to hit the shade . It costs 69.98 pounds and it's  available online at :

4.  Don't use up your baggage allowance on books ! Pack an e-reader instead . as a bonus this one is waterproof , so you can relax on your Lilo in the pool , worry free ! Kobo Aura H2O is what it's called , costs 139.99 pounds and is  available at

5.  You know how we love to send postcards from our holiday destinations .. well don't limit yourself to the tacky postcards in the tourist tat shop . Instead make your own using the Postsnap app . It lets you create collages from the pictures you've taken on your phone . The unique keepsakes are then printed and then delivered to the other side of the world without you having to waste anytime in a post office . Postsnap App is free from itunes ,

Hope you enjoyed reading up on these new fun gadgets and you have tons of pleasure using them . Enjoy the rest of your day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Thoughts .. Not Only Prayers , but The Earthquake & Loyalty !!

Happy Sunday ! A quiet day spent in thought , meditation , prayer and a look back at the entire week , month and access all the progress , I have made with potential , ambition and creativity .
But of course with the severe earthquake suffered yesterday in Nepal , and with aftershocks reaching India and West Bengal , my thoughts could not go further than the recent news . Today a second major quake hit Nepal again .
My first thoughts what a catastrophe , Mother Nature causing destruction and damage . That it happened to the people of Nepal , who are the most loving peaceful , and friendly people on earth . Yes I know a few Nepali people and I have them in the highest regard they wouldn't hurt a fly . Why do the best people on earth suffer , while the bullies , thugs , get away with everything and live to be very old ?
Now with the quake it's the people busy on their collecting donations sprees ,for the victims of the earthquake , that bothers me . Do these victims see any of that money ? No .. The best thing people can do is pray for the lives lost . Not forgetting to ask the Lord to keep the rest of the people safe and hope that No more earthquakes destroy any more of that beautiful country .
My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Nepal , who are not very wealthy but who are hardworking and strong ,loyal and dedicated .
As I prayed for all my personal reasons , asking God for blessings and favours , I wondered about the word "Loyalty " . Do people actually know the meaning of the word ? While some people actually do and I admire them , I often wonder if it is the same for the friend they are so loyal too ? Looking back on an experience with a friend who I knew since I was a child , I thought we were good friends . She knew I was not on good terms with my brother and have no contact with him , yet  she not even knowing him (  my brother ) befriended him on face book and gives his stuff likes . Obviously she is not loyal or a good friend to me . I was very hurt , felt betrayed ,and I still think of her often and wonder how she ticks . What was most amusing was a mutual friend hers and mine suddenly de-friended me on fb because I had de-friended , this other friend  . While I know she is very loyal to her friend and I'm not hurt at all , that she chose to de-friend me , because we were not really close friends at all , but is she wise , to be loyal to a girl who actually doesn't know , the meaning of loyalty and does not appreciate a friend ? Well we have all types of people in this world and we have to encounter all kinds to know what quality we actually think we need from someone to be a good friend of ours . It's always a learning curve . Be a good friend and most of all be loyal . Yes girls even expect it from our girl-friends . Loyalty does not only focus  on boy/ girl relationships .  Loyalty , It's a word I love  .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day tomorrow and keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Outfit Of The Day 25/04/15

Happy Saturday .. a cloudy dull rainy day with temperatures around 14 degrees but it was a good day for me . I love the rain and dull weather :) Well not always I do like some sun and I don't like extreme cold but 14 degrees is good . So I pulled on some skinny jeans a nice green blouse with some new creeper sandals I bought yesterday from Primark , and I decided I was dressed  to enjoy my weekend .
Check out my outfit for today .. Follow me here on Google and I will follow you back . Don't forget if an advert here interests , you check it out . Click on it :) Ad-sense helps me earn more money !
Thanks guys ..I appreciate all the views I get and the time you take to read my blogs .

Today there was an earthquake in Nepal so I can't forget to say , my prayers are with all of the people and their families affected by this natural tragedy . I pray for everyone living in that area and for all the friends , I have in India who also felt tremors and the aftershocks , in and around Calcutta ( Kolkata) . Please stay safe and God bless xx

Love & Peace

Friday, April 24, 2015

Delicious BLT Sandwich ... A Favourite of Mine :)

Happy Friday !! It's the weekend and everybody has a reason to celebrate . A late lie in on Saturday , a nice breakfast ...if you're not too poor lol  ;) and time spent with the kids is always fun .
So time to prepare them something they love so much they talk about it all week ,  so you can make it for them at the weekend , and have a good start to an active day .
If your wondering what it is ? It's the most delicious BLT Sandwich ( bacon , lettuce and tomato )  . Yes my kids love it so much thought I'd share the recipe with you . It's easy to prepare and anything with bacon is so tasty and we all love it . Nobody gets fussy and complains about the lettuce or tomato . This is a special one because I add a fried egg as well , which is such a staple in my house and pretty cheap to buy and very nutritious .
This is how it's done ..


6 whole grain bun bread or just white bun bread ( whichever you prefer ;)
6 eggs
18 rashes of bacon ( 3 for each sandwich )
A couple of tomatoes depends how much you want in each sandwich .
Sunflower oil
Lettuce ( a packet )
3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon of white vinegar
A little bunch of parsley or basil ( whichever you prefer )
Salt and Pepper to taste

Slice the tomatoes , not too thin drizzle with sunflower oil  ,salt and pepper  a little bit of crushed garlic , finally sprinkle on a little bit of your favourite herb . Pre warm your oven to 200 degrees and put your tomatoes in for about 40 mins till they look a bit roasted and smell divine .
Get a bowl put your mayo in add the white vinegar some of the crushed garlic ( a clove will do ) and the herb of your choice . Whisk it all together and your flavoured mayo is ready .
Toast the buns in the oven after you have drizzled some oil on them for only a couple of mins . Fry the bacon and the eggs . Now you are ready to assemble .
On each of the buns spread the special mayo you made , then layer with the lettuce put the egg on .  You could always add a slice of cheese ( which only one of my children prefer ) put the three rashes of bacon on . Last of all layer it with the roasted tomatoes . It's
ready to eat and so scrumptious . Enjoy !

Hope you enjoy making this and you give it a try . Keep smiling and have a fabulous weekend .

Love & Peace

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day ...We Need To Care !!

Happy Earth Day 2015 .. What an amazing concept and hurrah to the first person who started this theme . We are here on this earth for only a short while , but this planet , belongs to the generations ahead ,our children , the children's children ,  we leave them the legacy of this Earth but what are we doing to preserve the natural environment ? Almost nothing ...
I urge everyone to go out and do something good for our planet today !!
Think about the prettiest place you have been to , that made you happy . Was it the beautiful nature that surrounded it , that made you feel peaceful ? I have attached a photo with this blog it just happens to be the most beautiful view and I feel lucky to look out on it everyday . It's the view from my flat . I am blessed to stay surrounded by  this beautiful piece of Nature's surroundings , although a row of houses are just being built in the field where horses would run , sadly :( and it's been constructed so fast , in under four weeks  it's almost done , lol ..I wonder how sturdy it is ??
But on the subject of Earth Day and preserving our environment with recycling and reusing , which isn't only for hippies and environmentalists . The message of Earth Day is an agenda we can all get behind . Humans don't exactly take good care of Mother Nature . In the past 50 years we have consumed more natural resources than all previous history combined . Global oil consumption has grown eight fold , production of metals have grown 600 per cent , and natural resources extraction grew by 50 per cent . Junk mail delivered is more than 100 billion and Supermarkets in the USA
go through more than 60 million paper bags in the year . In Europe we still go through the plastic bags and even though we pay for them , it's still too much for the environment .And because of the burning of fossil fuel there is more Carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years .
Scientists say we need to clean up our act and give more respect to Mother Earth . She deserves it .
Some of the simple ways to begin . Start by supporting your local farmer and buying local produce . More farm markets should be set up in each town for local produce , to be made easily available for consumption .
Build a play area in your garden for your children and encourage them to plant and take care of the patch . Plant more trees . Start walking more and stop using the car for the school run . Invest in a good sturdy bag for food shopping so you cut down on paper bags , plastic bags . Use less water , although the water companies will just hike their tariff to make you pay more ( the bastards !) yes I know , I pay a huge water bill that makes me ill !!
Well all we need to do , is a little bit of research to make sure we can do our bit in keeping the Earth in wonderful shape for the future generations . It also means NO MORE WARS .don't kill and destroy the world anymore ! We need peace and love !
Keep smiling and I hope you enjoyed reading this .

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Outfit Of The Day 21/04/15

Outfit of the Day !

Want to keep it cool and casual ? Black is always the way to go . The colour black is very slimming suits everyone and is classic .

You could keep a black t/shirt in your closet for a couple of seasons and it never gets old .

Here I pair a black t/shirt which I bought from Claire's when the movie Alice In Wonderland ( Mad Hatter t/shirt ) was released ( years ago ?? ).. with a black pair of denim shorts ( you could wear a simple black skirt ) and ankle boots . A nice jacket could be thrown over if it gets chilly  !

Ready to rock & roll and face my Tuesday :) Keep Smiling !!

Love & Peace

Monday, April 20, 2015

Is my Dad , Cooler than Me ?? LOL , I've Made MY OWN Mark !!

Happy Monday !! Another week begins and back to the same old stuff we always do . Some people have more exciting lives, than others and some have, the boring same old , same old ! Though we always try to keep it interesting .. by watching all the celebrity antics , gossip , fashion and lifestyle .Gives us food for thought !
Nowadays , with a big boost , to the amount of celebrities on the market , because of everyone's 15 minutes of fame and all the reality shows . There is a flood of a growing celeb culture .  The kids of celebrities are the first ones cashing in on their Dad and Mum's popularity .. but is it fair ??  That the kids of celebs get all the chances and first dips on fame while everyone else is fighting a losing battle in the rat race ??
The biggest example of popularity and riding on their parents fame is the Beckham kids . They are mega celebs and are as famous as their folks . Every person knows all the four children's names , and their social status .
Just last week Brooklyn Beckham managed to reach the One Million mark of Instagram  followers and was busy uploading a video of his achievement , when his Dad , the very famous David interrupted him to say he has a few millions more :)  ( Cheeky , but sweet !! )
How on earth did Brooklyn manage the One Million ?? He also cheekily managed to tag the video with the question is my Dad cooler than Me ??
You know what Brooklyn , your Dad will always be way Cooler than you  !! He worked his way up to fame . Worked damn hard to be the footballer he was . Made it to the England squad . Even Captained England , scored an amazing goal with a free kick to get England into the World Cup finals and is an amazingly shy , humble person in spite of all his achievements . He was an unknown but the world knows him now . Brooklyn you now have to show us your talents and how amazing you are , or else your Dad will always be way Cooler !!
Yes whether we are common people or if we have amazing parents we always need to show the world , what we are capable of and be able to showcase are own talents . Our parents need to stand by and support our endeavors on the other hand . Which in my eyes make the Beckham's amazing parents . Loving your children and supporting their causes is always a step in boosting your child's confidence and them knowing you love and cherish them .
Brooklyn's video went viral for the simple reason David put his face in it , and we all know how much we all love and treasure David !

Enjoy your Monday , keep smiling and don't forget you have children , who never forget they have a parent !  Yes Dad , this one's also for you ;)  My Dad meeting Alistair McGowan in the photo below ( my childhood home ! )

Love & Peace

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lollipop Lady , Well That's Not An Easy Job To Get :)

Happy Friday , this was how I spent my day ..insightful !! So my children's school desperately need someone for the  School Crossing Patrol ,that's according to a school news-brief sent home , yesterday  . Because from the 20th of April , one of the ladies , is not available anymore . So I thought this is perfect , got to take the kids to school so why not ?? So I sent an email off to the Principal Engineer of Traffic ( where you officially had to apply for the job .) Had a phone call back within half an hour , I was so impressed ! He asked me to go speak to the Supervisor in the afternoon , when I picked the kids up . So I did :)
Well apparently she said , I would have to apply from the official website , answer alot of necessary questions on the lengthy forms ,then she didn't know if I have ,to have lived in England 3 years , 1 year or 5 years to be eligible  to do it , lol .. then I would have to pay for a C. R. B check to be done , to see if I have a criminal history lol .. Hhmm in this poor country , how would I have extra money lying around for that ..
frown emoticon So they don't actually need a lollipop lady , I reckon if they have so many rules .. Or it's just a hoax , when all the while , they have someone else lined up for the job , but have to follow procedure of looking for someone :) 
What alot of  bother for just making sure the kids get safely across the road ,along with their parents . Just last year my son's classmate lost her mother in an accident a little further down the road .
Apparently Tanwar in EastEnders today , didn't need to apply for his new posting ..It was just handed to him ... All the fun of Soapland .. Reality doesn't exist ;) 
Oh well , Hope your day was awesome and your still  smiling .. Have an amazing weekend and stay blessed !

Love & Peace 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Outfit of the Day 16/4/2015 #ootd

My last post a couple of days ago "Outfit of the Day "was so popular with a record number of views ( I am so pleased ) I have decided to make this a regular feature ,a couple of times in the week . We all have to dress up everyday to face the world . I know everyone is very curious how other people dress , because it inspires them to select their own clothes for the day ... for the only reason it looks nice :) Inspiration on how we should match our clothes , which could enhance our personal style  . Or just to keep up with , what is the currant fashion trend !

My outfit of the day:

Simple skinny jeans , a classic staple in your wardrobe paired with a light pink fluffy sweater from Primark , which is trendy at the moment . A gold belt and simple pumps .

Hope this inspires you and you like the outfit .  If you do follow me on  Google Plus . Thanks .
Keep  smiling and have a great day  .

Love & Peace 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Vote Labour ..It's The Right Thing !! An Awkward Man Anyday Over A Self Assured Posh RICH Man :)

With the Elections drawing nearer , I can't stress enough the importance of making your voice heard and having a say .. cast your vote , don't let the day go by . The 7th of May May 2015 should be the day, when we the ordinary people of Britain , vote back a government who has the common person at heart . Vote Labour , they are going to make a difference to our lives, the lives of our children , who go to school here and love it and look forward to a country who will have jobs when they graduate . Mr. Milliband has promised apprenticeships , a reduction in University fees down to 6000 pounds . We need that .
The Tories and Mr. Cameron are basically a party for the rich of Britain . The rich just get richer and ,what are they doing for us ?? They also shirk from paying their taxes , get into tax avoidance schemes . How many celebrities have we heard about in the media, outed for not paying taxes .Big Companies ,as well !! What has David Cameron done about this ?? Nothing !!! But he has made sure he has implemented more than 1006 idiotic rules which forbids the common people of doing everything under the sun . From jumping into the Thames , to a particular way of handling salmon ,lol  .. Now those are the weird things lets not forget the serious stuff  , the Bedroom Tax saw millions of common people suffer . The sudden suspension of benefits , the cuts , things not available because of new rules being implemented , and not everyone even in offices , have not a clue about what's going on , with all the changes . Is it possible they could , just take away child benefit and allow the children to suffer ??  Yes apparently they can !! Jobs that just never materielise , a complete hoax . Jobs being advertised but actually there is none on offer . For the last four months Body Care has a notice in their window for part-time help 8 hours , they still haven't hired , still to look at the applications ,lol .. but they just keep taking in applications everyday , what's that about ??   All they want is all your details , so they can spam you with 1001 offers on your telephone number , email . Fill in this survey , answer these questions ,and that is for all jobs , you may be applying for .. is it all relevant ? I know somebody trying to just get a minimum paid job, she applied at Mc Donald's , they ask for a long survey with useless questions to be answered , it's a joke !! And after all that just an email back saying not successful , good luck with your search !
Mr . Cameron has made a mess of the country , how much more foreign aid,  is going to be sent abroad before he realizes there are people who are destitute here and are having to go  to food banks !!
I would rather have Mr. Milliband as Prime Minister , no matter how awkward he looks , an awkward man , any day over a fat contented , pleased with himself RICH man .
Even if you were disillusioned over Labour and Tony Blair ( what with him going to war and being Mr. Bush's puppet ) No two men are ever the same .  Ed Milliband has the people at heart and I believe him . Labour has always been a party for the common people . Bring them back . We even have an awesome spokesperson for Labour .. Martin Freeman is absolutely 100% behind  Labour and you should be too . If Doctor Watson supports the Party , I know it's  the right thing . Vote Labour ,if you have your children's future at heart , the state of poverty in this country .
Hope I convinced you , and you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and have a brilliant day !

Love & Peace

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chicken Meatball Soup with Small Pasta Shapes :)

A chicken meatball soup with veg and small pasta shapes is a hearty wholesome feast ,with all the goodness of protein , vitamins and carbs . It is delicious to eat and costs less than five pounds and feeds five people atleast .
I am going to share my recipe with you and I hope you have fun recreating it for your kids and family . Although soup is normally a staple in winter , and as it's just spring there can still be a nip to the air !

Ingredients needed ( for the meatballs )
500 gms chicken mince
1 egg
1 cup of breadcrumbs
1 small onion finely diced
half a cup of chopped coriander
3 finely chopped garlic cloves
A dash of hot pepper sauce to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons of sunflower oil

Ingredients needed ( for the soup )
4 diced carrots
1 small onion
100 gms french beans chopped small
2 spoons of sunflower oil
250 gms of pasta
salt and pepper to taste
Chicken stock 750 ml ( approx.)
Parsley or Coriander for garnish
2 spring onions for garnish

In a large bowl combine all the ingredients for the meatballs and mix together thoroughly . Then make them into small balls . Heat up the oven to 200 degrees .  Place the meatballs on a sheet of foil and drizzle them with the sunflower oil . Place it in the warmed up oven for 15 mins until browned and cooked through .
In a pan on the hob heat up some oil and throw in your onions , carrots , beans , garlic and caramelize . Once brown . Add the chicken stock and simmer on a low heat . Then add the pasta shapes and allow it to cook till it's done , season with salt and pepper. Last add the chicken meatballs from the oven and garnish with the chopped spring onions and coriander and it's ready to serve .
Enjoy eating . Keep smiling ...

Love & Peace

Monday, April 13, 2015

So Many Names in The World , But James for a Little Girl ??

What's in a Name ? How important is a name ? Names are very important because it identifies each one of us, human beings on earth . It also has a special significance to us , because we know our parents, must have loved that particular name, to have given it to us, this bundle of joy ( gift from God ).  Many of us remain satisfied with the name we carry, while a small number go onto ,change their names because it is not a name they particularly  like .
So naming a child should be a very important task and alot of consideration should go into selecting a name for a child . I spent a good 5 months into each of my pregnancy's considering the name I would choose . I remain happy with each of my choices and thankfully my children love their names and wouldn't have any other .
Nowadays though celebrities seem to have started a trend of picking the most wackiest names and lumbering it on their poor kids . Imagine the thoughts Gwyneth put into choosing Apple for her daughter , lol NONE  !! But I don't want to be judgmental because I do like the name Peaches .. but while some names click as nice sounding  , I could never imagine how Apple would ever catch on nor Moses for that matter ! Similarly while Romeo is a lovely name for a Shakespearean play , I could never imagine giving it to a son of mine !
The most recent name which thoroughly surprised me was when Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds decided to name their baby girl James . I thought it was a joke ! It was not , and their logic was since Blake has a boy's name they would give any girl child of their's a boys name . They have not been the only celebrities who have done this . Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis also decided to name their daughter a strong sounding boys name Wyatt ! So gender names now are going to be thoroughly distorted and we are not going to know anymore from the sound  of a name to decide it's sex !
We also have people like Katie Hopkins around , who make judgments on names given to children .. I remember the big fuss she made and the things she said about a perfectly sweet name Bunny given by Katie Price to her daughter . Now the name Bunny I seem to remember is an old fashioned Man's name . But sounds delightful for a girl . Although the name Princess given by Katie Price to her older daughter is definitely not so suitable . Perter Andre has said Princess wants to have her name changed .
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel just welcomed their son into the world , I was surprised by their choice Silas . So it's a good old sounding British name , I think :) , well because of George Eliot's novel , Silas Marner . Maybe Justin loved the book .
Right now , the country has a buzz because William and Kate are preparing to welcome their second child and while they definitely will not be giving the child some strange moniker , it will have some long family link to it . I like Alice and Arthur . I think it's going to be Arthur , got a nice ring to it !
So if you have a baby on the way , consider it long and hard before you rush to name your baby , trends are not for everyone but common names get bothersome when there are three Casey's in the classroom , five Britney's and four James and John's . Be unique but not too . Names are for life and not four or five years .
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and have an awesome day !

Love & Peace

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Outfit of the Day :)

Outfit of the Day !

A simple White Crochet Dress can be paired with a denim jacket if it's a fresh spring day .
To add a bit of colour ,

plain red wedges can make your outfit stand out .
A nice pair of earrings and no extra jewelry is needed , to make you look like a million dollars :)

Happy Sunday ! Keep Smiling :)

Love & Peace

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ten Years Ago Today Prince Charles Married Camilla ....

It's the 9th of April , and it wouldn't seem like ten years have passed since Prince Charles wed the love of his life Camilla ! But yes it is , 2005 was the year it happened and although the 9th of April was not his chosen day (hhmm fate , trying to say something ?? ) he had to postpone his selected day , to the 9th of April because the Holy Father Pope John Paul passed away and Prince Charles had to attend his funeral .
At the time when he decided to marry Camilla more than 70% of the nation was pretty sure they didn't want to see her becoming Queen but ten years on she seems to have won over a few more people and the general view seems to be , she's making him happy and either way people are feeling differently about her .
I was pretty aghast when I heard he was marrying Camilla in 2005 , I definitely didn't want to see her being Queen and although I still don't ever want to see her being Queen .. Charles has waited long enough for the throne and he deserves the right , of being King of England . I know he and Camilla seem a good pair and look happy together , I never understood the need he felt to marry her !! Just out of respect for his first wife , whether he loved her or not .. she died tragically ,was the mother of his sons and he choose to marry her even if his mother forced him too ! He should have kept Camilla as his mistress , and it would not have been so shocking because plenty of Kings in British history have had and kept more than one mistress !
A lot of people seem to suggest , that we should accept Camilla , because Diana's sons have accepted her and who are we to object . Okay , we can never be certain they have accepted her , because being the cultured , good mannered young men they are,  it's hardly likely they are going to run around saying we don't like her . Also they are boys, who respect their father , like every child does and respect his wishes . If she makes him happy , he deserves to be happy and they keep their opinion to themselves .In the same manner , I don't approve of the friendship my father has with some young woman , but I'm hardly going to start preaching to him .. He can see who he wants . They will always love their mother and she will be the only solitary woman , for their father in their eyes . Ofcourse they are gracious to Camilla and I don't expect them to be otherwise , at the same time , I don't imagine Camilla spending weekends with them in their houses !!
I am looking forward to King Charles , and I hope the day dawns sooner rather than later , it's time our lovely Queen retired , so she will still be able to see her first born rule and be on hand to give him,  her advice and experience . It's a grand old age to be 89 and still rule the country but I think Prince Charles must be getting impatient to fulfill his destiny . He would definitely be a different kind of Monarch , than his mother , he has opinions and if decides to play a more active role in the government I won't be complaining , he did have a pretty good feel for things long before , the world even would consider it , we now think his ideas were not so kooky after all ( organic farming , architecture , sustaining your own produce ) Although I hope he remembers to keep Camilla his Princess Consort when he turns King . Yes I like Prince Charles , the age gap with him and Diana and no shared interests was the main marriage killer but he is , I'm sure a lovely , lovely man !!
I hope you enjoyed reading this and you are having a great day .. don't forget keep smiling and good things will happen ...

Love & Peace

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sex Education for Children Four & Five Years OLD ?? HHHMM , I'M Not Impressed

The recent talk in the UK has been about implementing sex education for children as young as 4 & 5 years old in schools . The currant age is around 11/12 years when sex education is introduced , but it's more a biology lesson with the correct names of body parts being learnt ( not pe-pe & no-no or whatever other names is used for little ones ,lol ) as well as, reproduction and the female menstrual cycle taught . Now I don't know how the tons of parents feel about this ,their little babies being told about sex education however age appropriate, at this age , but I have heard discussions and it's a split opinion of parents at odds with it and totally supporting this !!
I have three children and of course I share an opinion as well . I firmly believe 4 and 5 years old is a bit young and 11 / 12 years is a little bit too old . With children developing and maturing alot earlier nowadays , I think the right age would be around nine years old . That is the age when children are curious about stuff and need all the information they can get before they start seeking it out from peers and the internet .
The discussions that children need to be informed about at four and five because of inappropriate touching , should they encounter it from someone they know in their family surroundings , and that being the main reason why sex education is wanted to be implemented so young at schools . But, let me tell you , as young as a child is ,they don't need to be told it's inappropriate touching . Children as young as they are know and feel , it if it's inappropriate , we are built in with a rader that lets young children , young adults to much older people know and have , its the sense to know when something is not right . Often children don't say because they are threatened or scared or fear the repercussions of what would happen to them .. Would they be believed , laughed at ,removed from their families , lives upset . The teaching of inappropriateness should be taught to children at high school . From the age of 13 / 14 years old there should be a whole lesson devoted to people about sexual activity and how wrong it is to touch anyone under the age of 16 inappropriately . It is a crime and should have strict consequences , which should be told to these school going children .How about discussing with them the importance of masturbation to relieve any frustrated feelings they have , and not focus their sexual feelings on anyone else till they are over the age of sixteen . Most important what should also be focused on is safe sexual activity and that is no sex without condoms . Young people should not be encouraged to have children early , and since we have become a culture of being dictated to how about teaching the youth , of the wrongs of binge drinking . Nowhere in Europe have I seen any young person drinking as much as I have seen here in England . It's actually scary to go out at the weekend and see young people so drunk and disorderly throwing up all over and actually not ashamed of themselves . We definitely need to focus on the drinking issues .It's okay to drink but drinking to be sick should be fined & banned .
We should introduce inspirational speakers coming to schools and talking about the advantages of being a leader and following the right path . How about trying to make things cool for children and teaching them like they did in the USA vowing celibacy till they are old enough to make the choice ,about doing it with the right person . The focus should be more on boys , because it is they , who generally have raging hormones and pressurize girls into sleeping with them . Girls enjoy more the friendship of boys ,some kissing and holding hands at that age . Women only have interest in sex in their 30's when they are comfortable with their bodies , generally have had their babies and are at a more grown-up time in their life .
Well please feel free to write comments and share this blog . I hope you enjoyed reading this and you are having an awesome day . Keep smiling !!

Love & Peace

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Money .. How Important Is It ??

Hello Everyone , after a few days off and the hectic days of Easter , Easter Monday which also happened to be my birthday ( Hip , hip hurrah another year  behind me , which I survived and conquered ,ha .) Onwards and Upwards from here !
Hope you all had a marvelous few days , the weather was glorious , even if I know you all are not 100% it's the journey and challenges that daunt us , but our core is strong and we are warriors !!
How many of us, who have too little money , find money the important life saver of the day . Yet it is the ones who don't need to think about money who preach to the others the importance of other things in life than money . Yes they can talk and we know how to laugh .
I have alot of men sending me FB friend requests as I'm sure hundreds of other attractive women , get the same . They all have this need to send me messages " hello dearest " " beautiful Sabrina "" Sweet Sabrina " and so much flattery about my beauty and my fit body ..Huh well to say the least I'm disgusted . I see my face everyday , I know i'm pretty and I don't need flattery from men , who probably are married , or in a relationship etc ,just trying to get in the sack ( roll in the hay ) whatever you call it , with a single mother . I always to the point of being rude put them straight . No flattery , tell me ," Are you rich "? Could you look after me and my 3 children ? Then they start about money is not everything , malarkey .. hhmm how I have to laugh ! But let me inform everybody , its okay to flatter a young woman in her 20's and get her into bed ,with no security or money because she's looking for love and can be duped . On the other hand , a women of the world and in her late 30's early 40's is looking for security , no financial burdens and companionship the same values , interests, kids , family , not good looks , fit bodies or flattery . So all you men can chase , but finance is mostly , high on the agenda of any mature woman with half a brain and kids !
We ( mature women ) are continuously on the look out for our perfect mate , and mostly we find it with people of our own age group , religious background and values . You are hardly going to be happy with someone who's a Tory supporter and you are championing Labour . I had this guy , praising my fit body lol .. I told him" make sure you vote Labour ", he never replied back .. Yes he's probably well off and a David Cameron supporter with not a thought for people who have less and struggle !
Since I'm on the topic of money , just a few tips . The law of attraction says " like attracts like" . Give money the importance it deserves and you will be blessed with more . Don't worry about it day and night , you just make a bad situation worse . Just don't have bad feelings about money .. Money is a positive thing and the more you see it positively the more money you attract to yourself . In the words of the Poet William S Burroughs " In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents . Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen . "  so we should, will money to us ,make it important and give it the respect and value it has , without moaning about lack of it , all the time , Yes I'm really poor , you wouldn't know lol :) be grateful and more will be heading your way !
Get a cheque , think about how much money you need and write on it " Bank of the Universe" and in the, to be paid to , your name and fill in an amount ( don't be greedy ) put it in your purse , look at it regularly , feel positive about it and you could just draw that money to you !
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have an awesome day and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Good Friday .. My Kids Have Asked Why Is It "Good " ??

As it's Holy week in the Christian Faith and as a good Catholic, it's fair I write a few words but it's all my own words and no quotations from the bible which is very easy to put together and nothing to express from yourself . Every person visiting church for the Good Friday services will be told, about all of the scripture readings and the liturgy which consists of the three parts The Liturgy of the word , The Veneration of the Cross and The Holy Communion .
As I am a more people person the words I express ,are more for the common man .
Today the Queen , visited Yorkshire and I'm sure all were so proud to see her ,visiting in God's own County . As it was Maundy Thursday and so it is tradition for hundreds of years for the Royal to give alms to the poor . Our Queen, in keeping with her grand old age of 89 , decided to give .89 pence in alms ..I was quite bemused , in keeping up with the times a little more generous amount of 89 pounds would not have seen her out of pocket !! We are not living in the 1950's when it might have been a generous amount ! By no means is 89p even a weeks wages . But bless her heart , it even made the news :))
Tomorrow is Good Friday and as a lot of Christians will have a day of prayer and fasting , mine will be prayerful but I shall skip fasting . It will be a day for eating only vegetables and remembering all the sacrifice Jesus went through , eventually even being crucified on the cross for our sins . One of the first things my children asked me this week as I prepared them for holy week was why is it called "Good "Friday if Jesus died on the cross that day . I stopped to reassure them it's better ,we call it Holy Friday because,  as it used to be called God Friday a very long time ago  , the word got distorted to Good along the way ! Simerely like Christmas is frequently referred to as X- Mas . That was the doing of the non believers who cancelled out the Christ with an X and kept the Mas at the end .
Holy Friday when Jesus was crucified was around 33 AD > We all know he was brought before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate , on that morning . Pilate asked what do you want me to do with him ? Pilate's wife had seen Jesus in a dream and forewarned Pilate not to have anything to do with the righteous man . Pilate questioned Jesus then had him flogged , and brought him out to the crowds and planned to release him . But the Chief Priests brought new charges against him and wanted him put to death , because he claimed to be the Son of God ! Pilate brought him one more time forward and declared him innocent and washed his hands in water to show he wanted no part in the condemnation of Jesus . Nevertheless Pilate handed him over to the crowds in order to stop a riot , and keep his job . We all know what happened next , they yelled "Crucify Him "and the sentence was "Jesus of Nazareth , King of the Jews " Jesus carried his own cross to the site of execution , called Golgotha or Calvary . Jesus agonized six hours on the cross , in the last three hours from noon to 3 o'clock , darkness fell over the whole land and there was an earthquake and tombs rolled open . At 3 Jesus gave up his spirit ! we shall remember it all tomorrow in prayer and be happy in the fact that we know Jesus Rose again in THREE days , our big festival Easter ! Thank you so much for reading this , and I ask Jesus in prayer for a special request now ....... God Bless xx

Love & Peace  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Great Hair Requires The Right Food , Did you Know Walnuts Stop Premature Greying ?

Hair is called our crowning glory and if there is one thing women love, its spending tons of money on hair products , shampoos , conditioners and anything basically which promises us lushes locks .
It does not cost the earth however if we decide to eat the right things which nourish our hair from the inside and give us the healthy hair we desire . Have you reached a certain age or just have the feeling that stress , lifestyle  is causing the  thinning of your locks ? Well I'm going to list all the right food you should be eating , to give you the hair you desire .
Hair requires a regular supply of protein , glucose , vitamins and minerals for health and growth . It is usually the first place to suffer if there is a deficiency !
Did you know eating Walnuts delays greying hair ? Walnuts are rich in body-boosting biotin , nourishing Vitamin E and naturally moisturizing Omega Oils . They also contain small traces of copper . This mineral plays a role in the production of melanin , the pigment that gives hair colour . A lack of copper is the cause of hair greying prematurely , so topping up your levels with a handful of walnuts will delay many trips to the colourists .
Lack of Iron is the most common cause of thinning hair . If levels are low , hair becomes starved , the growth phase stops and shedding occurs . Lean red meat is the best source of iron but lentils are very good as well .
Eggs for bounce and elasticity is super . Eggs contain hair boosting nutrients , including protein and Vitamins D and B . Biotin supports keratin production  to increase hairs elasticity and strength . So if your locks are prone to breakage tuck into an omelette !!
Oysters clear Dandruff . If you suffer a dry scalp, then the lack of zink is to blame . Zink helps maintain the function of the oil screating glands that surround hair follicles , so low levels can lead to dryness .Oysters , crab and lobster are the richest sources but pumpkin seeds are also excellent .
Porridge for Youth . Hair becomes more brittle and dull as we get older , and one of the reasons for this is falling silica levels . This mineral is important for helping to maintain hormonal balance . Oats are a wonderful source of silica . So why not eat a bowl of porridge every day .
Peppers for split ends . Vitamin C protects hair from radical damage . It's important for sebum and collagen production . Dry hair and split ends are signs you are not getting enough Vitamin C . Red peppers are a rich source of Vitamin C and so is oranges , strawberries , tomatoes and broccoli .
I hope this helps you in eating the right type of food ,
to nourish your hair and keep it looking great .
Have an awesome day and keep smiling .

Love & Peace