Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Celebrate Holy Week by Flogging A Banker ..It's What Jesus would DO ;)

Celebrate Holy Week by FLOGGING a Banker ..It's what Jesus would Do !!! It is indeed "holy week "for us Catholics , Christians ! But is this statement shocking ?? I saw it as a FB post and I shared it to my wall . No don't be shocked . It's these modern times that we live in .. I bet if Jesus lived again in these modern times he would not be feeling charitable to all these wealthy people who continue to grow and flourish while the rest of the population can succumb to joining the ranks" poor of society " . It is all over again like the times of Jesus when the money lenders ( bankers ) were the wealthy and the rich called the shots !
Is this country still my heritage ?? I am sometimes ashamed , while everyone collects donations to feed the poor overseas they forget , genuine people live here who can't find jobs , or for some reason or the other have their income stopped and have nothing . Rules keep being implemented changes being made people can't keep up . What about people who have lived here a number of years are they  supposed to suffer these laws ? Make rules set it for people newly arrived in this country ( 6 months ). Be charitable , if nothing else show the Christian spirit ! The world seems to have lost it's way and England seems determined ,they are going to follow suit !
Soon with all this treachery , we will start seeing the God from the OLD testament , showing his hand . If you don't know what I'm talking about , the God of the Old Testament , was an angry God who sent famines and sorrow and destruction to the world . But then Jesus was born and changed the way he taught us . God was love and forgiveness and caring and if we followed his preaching and lived a good life and accepted our sins he would forgive us, and let us live with him in the eternal kingdom of heaven .The whole New Testament . People are now turning to greed , gluttony , false preachers and the list goes on .. I can't see God being happy with the way , the world is turning ! Soon the Angry God will emerge and try to make a point ! He is disappointed in mankind . I am certain !
All these weather changes , disasters people claim it's global warming , I have to wonder otherwise !!
Yesterday like never before , there was such a bad storm here , my windows shook , the wind swept through the floor of my apartment the rain was so lashing and severe , my kids woke up frightened of the elements .. My wifi went down there was no computer connection no phone that worked , so I could not write my blog yesterday . I decided to turn in early and cuddle up with both my babies in bed and try to find some sleep . Luckily the electricity still held out . The howling winds are still blowing and the pouring rain , doesn't lessen . Creepy yes !!
The elections are almost on us , if Mr. Cameron thinks he's going to get another five years , lol , I wish Everyone would see , how nothing of his policies have helped people . It has caused us suffering and more pain . The rich enjoy all their tax breaks , luxury houses , bonuses , enormous salaries and pampered lifestyles . While the common people saw the bedroom tax , cuts in benefits , unfair sanctions and sudden cancellations . I shake my head and there is only one way the UK is going , Unfortunately it's only down . The poor by millions outnumber the rich and it's the POOR ,who make up Britain and Labour will Win , if anyone is too see a future change and upliftment in this country !
I should hope you enjoyed reading this . I will not keep it too long but I will be the voice of all the people and changes that have to come to this country . It is my mission in life .
Have  an awesome day . Take care and think of someone less wealthy than yourself . The poor don't actually look poor , they are completely normal looking but , you have no idea what they are facing . Say a prayer and put your faith in God's hands , he has never failed me :))

Love & Peace

Friday, March 27, 2015

Spicy Asian Meat Balls in a Sweet Soya Sauce !!

 Asian Meatballs in a Sweet Soya Sauce is delicious to look at and absolutely mouthwatering to try . It's so easy to prepare and it could be served with drinks as starters or served as your main course with crushed baby potatoes and garden peas like I normally do .


300 grms Pork mince
300 grms Beef mince
1/2 inch piece of ginger
3 garlic cloves
1/2 an onion
10 mushrooms
1 egg
1 cup of bread crumbs
2 table spoons of soya sauce
2 spring onions + 1 for garnish
4 spoons of sunflower oil
Salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons of hot sauce or less if spicy is not your thing !
Sweet Soya sauce to drizzle over at the end about 5 spoonfuls
Sesame seeds to sprinkle over last are also optional .

Preheat your oven to 200 .  Put the Beef & Pork mince along with the mushrooms , onion , ginger and garlic in a blender and blend it into a paste .
Now get the paste into a large bowl and combine the egg , breadcrumbs , chopped spring onions , hot sauce , salt and pepper and combine it all together with a wooden spoon .
Roll out small balls and lay it on a baking tray .Now drizzle with sunflower oil and put it in the oven to turn golden brown for 30 minutes and cooked through .
Get your Asian Meatballs out of the oven and toss in a bowl with the sweet soya sauce .
Sprinkle on sesame seeds and garnish with the chopped spring onions . Ready to serve ! Happy eating :)

Have an awesome day !

Love & Peace

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Depression , It is A Serious Illness !!

Hello everyone , this week has been a very interesting one . You might wonder why ? There are a whole heap of things taking place in the world and not very good things at that ! It always makes me very sad to read about and hear sad news , as it must be for anyone with a shred of humanity for their fellow human beings .
Why are all these things taking place ? It's like a black bad cloud is hanging over the world and nobody seems to care . The rich go about their days ignoring anyone less well off then themselves . What has caused this , a sudden bad cloud bringing bad news , disasters ? It's temporary says astrologers it's caused by the intense Solar Eclipse and should be over by the time of the next Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of April 2015 . It seems not to have spared anybody Jeremy Clarkson got the sack , BBC has really lost out because James May has said the three are a package , so unlikely are they going to continue Top Gear without Jeremy . Lil' Chris passed away , Just yesterday 1 D announced Zayne was leaving .. was it the right moment to leave with this cloud ? Unlikely to benefit his future career !  Saw on a friend's wall he was thinking of ways to commit suicide , really sad .  How many people are sitting at home thinking that same thing , and feel afraid to come forward and say anything , result ,before you know it ,  it's much too late ! The sad details of the plane crash in the French alps , are now coming out , saying the co-pilot deliberately caused the plane to crash and killed all on board 159 people . Sad , sad circumstance , especially since all those people wanted to live and were terrified most likely ! Very tragic ! We don't know what he was thinking . Was it a downward spiral of his life , a deep depression ?
Depression is actually the reason and subject of this blog . It is a very serious illness , because it has your mental state in question . And the mental state is part of our brain and our brain is the organ which helps us to function everyday . If our brain is not functioning how are we supposed to get up and about and do our tasks ? Depression can hit us at any time , it can be a build up of stuff happening over a number of years which slowly causes us to lose our way and fall into a spiral , which becomes a serious situation . How many of us know deep down we have depression , but fear this is not an illness and continue to put up a facade and continue to pretend they are alright , often leading to over-eating , over medicating , drugs , alcohol , yes even loose behaviour ( sex) anger ,not eating and the list can go on . Why do we get depressed , because life has not given us what we dreamed of . Lack of jobs available . Have you seen the application forms for work , lol it's a joke . What are you going to bring this company , what are your assets , and pages and pages of useless questions , surprise it's just for a minimum paid job .Haha!! The person just needs to work . All they need to know is , are you hardworking and keep time . Nobody aspires to become a shop assistant or supermarket check out girl . It's a job people are forced to do , in order to earn money .There is a family to feed and bills to pay , in case the rich people have forgotten .
Can people just say " I'm depressed "and get the right help . Not in this crazy world , you would probably need to do something drastic , to even be taken seriously . The people at highest risk are the ones who singlehandedly try to do everything for their family without proper help and support . Does anybody care ? No , I don't think so . Unless the politicians start sitting up and making changes for the common person , the world is going to suffer .  Happiness is the key . Ever see happy people go do bad things ? No I think not ! We should make sure the people are taken care off , No cutting off stuff , without ample notice , so no one is going to starve , shoplift etc . Money available , without these cut- throat pay-day loan companies ripping off the common person . The list of amendments in the world can go on ..and I'm going to continue to be a voice of reason .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , have a good day and be mindful of all the people less fortunate than yourself !!

Love & Peace

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chicken & Egg Chow Mein ..It's a Favourite !

A Chinese dish for dinner , is always so yummy and not very expensive or time consuming to cook up . Here's an excellent Chicken & Egg Chow Mein recipe we all love , and is often on the menu at my house .

Ingredients needed :

Egg Noddles
400 gms of chicken breast
3 Eggs
2 spring onions
4 tablespoons of dark soya sauce
4 pods of garlic chopped up
black pepper
corn flour
salt to taste
Sunflower oil

Beat your eggs add salt and a touch of pepper . Fry it in a pan on both sides , don't burn it . Get it out and cut it up thinly and keep aside to add to the noddles later . Now cut your chicken up add some corn flour to it ,  add 2 spoons of soya sauce some pepper corns and you could now add half the chopped  garlic , if you love garlic like me !  Mix it together . Get a pan on the fire , when it's hot , add some oil . Toss the chicken in and fry till it's done around 8/10 mins . Boil the noddles meanwhile according to the packet . When the chicken's done add  the rest of your garlic & the noddles and fry . Add the remaining soya sauce , the spring onions and your eggs to the pan . Toss it together well and your Chow Mein is ready . Enjoy eating ! I always add some cut up chillies to it as well which you could exclude :)

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to give this recipe a go :)

Love & Peace

Monday, March 23, 2015

If Only It Was Just So ... But It Is What It Is !!!

Turbulent days and turbulent times not only prepares us for unexpected fortunes , it steels our hearts and makes us strong and weary of people . In this cut-throat world , where fortune favours the rich and poor men get lost in the shadows of huge paper work and desperation sends the weak to their graves and no man laughs till the fat lady sings and the final card is drawn .
Is that how I see my life ? Is that how generally the world views the passing progression of time ? Nobody knows why things happen the way it does . Certainly not Jeremy Clarkson as he awaits his faith , at the hands of Auntie . No if his foul mouth verdict was anything to go by , he's not too bothered by what may come . One last lap on the TG track is all he needs . He after all is not one of us mere mortals , who depend on a check that comes in every month to pay our morsels of food and the exploding bills to keep the giant businesses well fed and fat !
Was he right to react , the way he did ? I am a huge TG fan , and if anyone has seen the Australian and American versions will know , it was Jeremy Clarkson that made TG the phenomenal hit show that it is today . I am his loyal fan , yes he deserves to be with the show , yes , he is old school . He can speak without thinking , he does come out with stuff he shouldn't , but we all are human , we try our damnest , we work our hardest and we do our best for the love of our children and the future of this Country , which we love ( yes even with our phony politicians )  why would it be hard to find a way to work around it and bring a solution we all could love and agree with .
So he hit someone ( a rough tackle ?? ), he did not rape , murder or molest anyone of the opposite sex ,which would have got a laughable sentence anyways . He was upset as we all would be , who does not look forward to a warm meal at the end of a long day ! Men certainly do .. it's one of the basic necessities of life , a plate of warm food !!
Jeremy is a  rich man a couple of times over , he's not too bothered . The BBC on the other hand , could be the sad losers in the end . With a show worth millions ( 75 precisely ) it could be one costly sack !
As I look forward to better times , I hope and pray Mr. Clarkson has an equally loyal guardian angel planting seeds of hope in his dismayed vision ,and in all our hearts joy , to enjoy the best outcome of the review !
We all should even at the saddest moments of our lives ,have and, we need hope as human beings to trudge another day . I have set up a www.gofundme.com /sabrinavoice  for all those poor souls I meet everyday with sadness , because money has not made it to them, because it's sanctioned , cancelled , or the month is too long for every commitment to be met , and food is the only option to cut ! A Cafe will have every person in the vicinity covered . If you are hungry , in need of a warm drink and without funds , no lengthy procedures to go through to have something when it's needed . No recommendations from , doctors , social workers , friends needed if your brave enough to say I'm needy , you will be shown a helping hand .
So I look forward to raising the money to open a Cafe , with your love and goodwill .. Good things will happen for the people of England . Be generous or give whatever you could afford . Everything is a positive start . Thank You and stay blessed xx

Love & Peace

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Aura's We Project In our Electromagnetic Field Around Us !!

With Spring in the air and a nice spring in my step , it's nice to know no more double socks , extra sweaters , thermal vest under all those layers , lol ..No I don't live in the Arctic , just in England but with electricity costing the earth No I don't use the heating much :( just manage with all those layers !!  So it's a good weekend to ditch all the shivers and feel good . Hope your having the best weather too !
Enough about the weather though , it tends to be an overused topic to get acquainted , through friendship and the general chatter at pubs , so I'm not doing weather today :)
I read somewhere on the web  the most interesting topic ( for me ) and thought I'd share my view on  it . It was about Human Aura's radiant in Photography  . In 1970 Guy Coggins , built a camera that could capture a person's aura , otherwise known as the electromagnetic field surrounding a person's body . There are supposedly only 100 such cameras in existence today . The portraits taken with this kind of camera is  stunning , strange and rather cool . It happens with a double exposure , it first takes the portrait , then the aura - thanks to silver laced hand sensors that sit in your lap , sending a charge through your whole body . Yes it would be really cool to have our picture taken with this camera , to see the aura we give out and read the colour guide the experts suggest they would represent about us .
We of course as intelligent human beings are not really waiting to know what our aura suggests about ourselves , because deep down we know the kind of electromagnetic force field we give off . People even have a theory that animals can sense things about us . Actually it is the aura that we have that they can see , perhaps that is what makes some dogs bark more at people .. not that they sense fear , it's probably intimidation and a very bright aura that  gets the animal nervous !
People also react to strong personalities , it's actually their aura and presence that commands respect and  yet we say it's their charm and charisma that commands attention . Definitely a blend of both , I"d say . There are people as well , who paint pictures with auras , fascinating subject . Nowadays more readily available are mood rings which basically change colour on your hand to show how your feel and what kind of aura your giving off .
I tend to feel , people's aura's are not 24/7 the same , at certain times we are more confident , charming , friendly and capable . At other times we could feel emotional , weak and vulnerable . We are human after all . If you have your aura photographed and it's not the best , don't feel let down , things change , just like life . We have our moments to shine and our moments of weakness , sadness and vulnerability . Every day is a new dawn and a new beginning . Have a wonderful weekend and keep smiling . Let that aura around you grow strong . Make it shine bright colours . Stay blessed xx

Love & Peace

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Solar Eclipse ( Super Moon )

Happy Wednesday , mid week and if this week has been an emotional roller- coaster for everybody , just blame it on the astrological line-up .
It has been eighteen years since the Moon was quite this close to the earth , just as it turned new ( that's a Super Moon ) and it's about to create an Eclipse ! The Eclipse becomes all the more powerful because the new Moon that passes in front of the Sun is mood changing , emotion wrenching "Super Moon " it will cast a spell of awakening over this sleepy lost world . This powerful Solar Eclipse will bring a strong message of rebirth and renewal !
On top of that , the Seventh and final " Square " in a slow series of right angles from Uranus to Pluto which began in June 2012 is finally reaching it's culmination .It's a giant heavenly bell being rung seven times . Uranus forms a right angle to Pluto , and due to the phenomenon of retrograde motion , this alignment  keeps forming and reforming .It set us on a path of change and upheaval . It's powerful and intense . And those changes will alter the rest of your life  , and those changes will also play an active role in changing the world for the better !  On top of all that , this is happening on the  Equinox , a traditional time for righting wrongs and reaching out to strike a better balance . At this time everything can change and you can rise to the cosmic challenge and embrace the change that this heavenly opportunity presents to us .
This Friday brings the Eclipse just around morning rush hour 8.25  . You need not see an eclipse in order to" feel it " and you would need special glasses to see it , even if you're right under it ! Even though an eclipse suggests light being blocked , it's also about light becoming renewed , so it's a very hopeful sign for all the world . New good things will happen for us all !
Hope you enjoyed reading this .. Keep smiling and enjoy the rest of your week .

Love & Peace

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Prawn Curry .. I Could Eat This Five days In The Week , Delish :)

Happy Tuesday ! Is Rape such an interesting topic that the views on my blog of yesterday were phenomenal . I broke  the last record of the most views with the Christmas wine list recommendations . People as far away as South Korea , Bangladesh , Japan and yes even a record number of views in Canada, were reading it  . Anyways thanks everyone for reading my writings , I aim to write books in the near future , as well as have a compilation of my blogs published sometime soon . In the words of Virginia Woolfe "A woman needs a room of one's own and dosh , if she is to write fiction " true words .. space is what I lack :( I share my bedroom with the two smaller kids and a small living area so it's all cramped but one day soon who knows , space , peace of mind , the recipe of success :)
But the Recipe for today firmly lies in the kitchen where I love to make some delicious hearty food to feed the hungry mouths of my very appreciative children .
Today I want to share with you all , a very tasty Prawn Curry Recipe I love to cook and eat :) Actually all day today I kept smelling the beautiful aroma of a prawn curry . Since no one in my building cooks Indian and with no restaurant in the vicinity , I just took it to mean the spirit of my Mum was close ! She loved a prawn curry and each time she made it on a Thursday I was off from school and I shelled the prawns and chatted with her while she cooked ! I am blessed to feel my Mum's  presence , in all I do !
Before I get carried away the recipe is as follows :

1. 500 grms shelled prawns
2. 1 tsp of black mustard seeds
3. 2 tomatoes
4. 4 tabsps of sunflower oil
5. 3 tabsps of ginger and garlic paste
6 . 3 green chillies chopped
7. bunch of coriander
8. 1 tsp of ground coriander
9. 1 tsp of turmeric powder
10 . Squeeze of lemon juice
11. 2 cloves
12. salt to taste
13. 2 small onions

Get your pan hot , add the oil now throw in the mustard seeds . Let them pop then add the onions and fry till they are softened 3 mins . Now add your ginger and garlic paste the chillies and all the ground spices fry it for a couple of mins ( 4 mins ) then add the tomatoes the salt the chopped coriander leaves let it simmer for a couple of mins . You can add a cup of water if you would like a little extra gravy . Now put in your prawns and let it simmer on a slow fire for about 10 mins .Last add your squeeze of lemon juice . Your prawn curry is ready to eat . Serve it with rice or nan bread , delish !

Enjoy cooking this and I hope you loved reading it too . Have a wonderful  day . Keep smiling .

Love & Peace

Monday, March 16, 2015

Rape , The Reason It's Still Happening !!

I have written about this subject before , but it is never over , until the day when we hear "Rape " it's not happening any more !
The latest news that prompted me to write about Rape again , is the shocking gang rape of a 75 year old Nun  in a convent . So this happened all the way in India , and though many people will be disconnected from the fact, elsewhere in the world ,  because it is not happening on your door-step ! But this is a country with a lot of tourism . The country's economy depends on tourism from the west , and when these shocking rape's are taking place , it sends out an unsafe message . More and more news , is coming out about violence against Christians and this recent attack on a Convent and Nuns is shameful . There were days long , long ago ,when Christianity and all other religions were respected in India and people were were known for being respectful , peace loving and tolerant !
So why are these things taking place today , you would ask me ? Simple facts and you would not need , to be a brain surgeon to figure it out . It all starts with HYPOCRISY , all people raised in India have double standards .. Yes they do ! They could be of British Descent or the common Indian folk , if they live there , they tend to treat their Daughters differently from their Sons ! Daughters are looked upon and treated like they are second to their sons . Sons are given adoration , special treatment , extra treats and can do no wrong . Daughters are seen as someone who is there to take care of the house , supposed to listen the men folk and last and down right appalling is when parents , feel  when their daughter is married off , she is off their hands and any offspring of hers, is not really related to them but belongs more to the husbands family ! Their Son's off spring is of course  then all their's and more a part of their family and cherished and adored . So with all this going on , Men feel they have power over women . Rape is all about dominance and a show of I am Boss and you will listen to me . Women are seen as the lesser class and are viewed as" I will use and abuse you , I am Greater than you " ! It all starts at home with the parents . If these parents treat their children equally and give no power or authority to their sons in  India and all other places in the world where women are seen as second class ,  we will then begin to see a difference , in society
The worst thing is when people around these shallow human beings , who glorify their sons and willify their daughters are somehow seen as heroes in society , and allowed to continue their behaviour,  this will still take place , unfortunately  ! Are they ever questioned or looked upon differently ? No , it is the culture which turns these young men growing up ,who feel they are superior to their sisters and the female population !
Having spent a small part of my growing years in India , I have a brother and father who treat me as a non extinct part of the family . My brother having done well in life , well off , where as I married and was in an unhappy marriage . Having never had any help ever , from my family . When I eventually decide to kick my husband out and struggle on my own , the only time I ever asked my brother for help with a loan of 200 pounds , he turned me down ..with these appalling words " You and your children are not my responsibility .. they are your husbands responsibility and I will see you and the children on the road but I will never help you " Safe to say I never spoke to him again and I am standing on my own two feet and proud of myself . My brother on the other hand , will always be an inhuman , disgusting piece of Man who thinks lesser of the female race . Yes I blame the parents who allow this disgusting treatment of their daughters allowed . Friends and fellow human beings who tolerate this behaviour are also guilty of allowing the female race to be degraded and abused !
Family should always be there in my opinion to help each other , any other view is outlandish . If family can't be there for each other , the world is a sad place and any wonder all the atrocities we hear about  ,come to exist !
It is my goal in life to speak out against intolerance . Treat all people equally , begin at home teaching your sons , they are not greater than your daughters , then only will we see a change in society . and oh yes ,  There is a God ! Be good to others and God is sure to bless you > My brother has no children , did he ever think it's God's hand at work ! I know I am blessed and so can every person who leads a good life .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , be good and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Gift Idea's for Mother's Day , March 15th !!

Happy Thursday !! With Mother's Day on Sunday , "Only here in the UK" you have got to quickly plan something to give your Mother . Don't leave it till Saturday night to panic and think of something to take to her on Sunday morning ! You must not , for any reason forget to do something for Mum , because it's a big NO , No ! Mum is probably the only person in the whole world who puts you before her .
I have some great ideas for gifts to get your Mum , and it does not even cost a fortune ! One of the best things , for Mum is a little hamper . Instead of buying a ready made one which costs the earth , get one done yourself !
Unearth a box ,we all have one somewhere ! Wrap it in coloured present paper . Buy three different bottles of wine , put it in the box , with two wine glasses and it's a gift Mum will love .
Alternatively you could put two scented candles , a beautiful floral scarf ( from Primark it's around four pounds and very pretty ) along with a nice body lotion . It's going to be a nice gift , she will love !
The Breakfast In Bed kit from Asda is five pounds and a real good buy !
Mum would absolutely love a new wallet . When was the last time your Mum changed her wallet . I had mine for five years before I finally , this year got myself a new one .  The absolute best place to shop for wallets is TK Max , they have a whole bunch of designer name wallets for bargain prices and loads are now on sale there .
Statement necklaces are also very trendy and I'm sure Mum would be very happy with one and an absolute stunning pair of sunglasses from John Lewis or New Look .
Buying Mum , clothes is always risky and I wouldn't do that . But maybe some really nice fancy knickers for Mum is a good idea , cause you know she's only buying some cotton stuff and she needs a push from you to wear something more delicate . She will  secretly be so happy with it .
Please don't get her serving bowls ,dishes and stuff for the house , give her something personal she could love and use , for herself . Keep those kind of gifts for your parents wedding anniversary's only !
How about a lovely Mug for Mum she could use, everyday , saying she's the best !
A nice perfume , if you have more money to spare . And don't forget Flowers , Mum"s always love some nice flowers , it makes the house look and smell wonderful , that's a bonus !
A magazine subscription is also a great idea , saves Mum buying it every month ,and she's going to think of you each time it arrives , all year .  She will be so chuffed at her thoughtful child .
Last of all , a very indulgent gift , is a beautiful watch any woman would feel proud  to wear on her wrist . If you can't splash out on a Michael Kors , there are lots of cheaper , very " expensive " looking watches available from most  high street stores .
So whatever you do , select for Mum , I'm sure she will love and be very happy with . She actually would just be , over the moon to spend time with you , eat cake and have a long gossip . So have a great time on Mother's Day and Thank God for all those extra days you get to spend with Mum , cause when she's gone you will miss her , even if you , never were best friends .
Hope you enjoyed reading this and keep smiling , till next time ...

Love & Peace

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Handballers ?? I Didn't Think, That Was A Word , LOL !!

It's mid-week Wednesday , and that 's always good , because it's just 2 more days and the weekend is upon us . Kids are home ,get to sleep late and lots of time together . I love my children and they are a gift to me , from God. They make my life special , they give me a reason to live , when life can get monotonous and people are not as you think they are .All the little bothers , the grind of everyday , seems not  so important . It is always my goal to be active , fight for rights , do good , champion the underdog and speak out about matters that people are too afraid to even touch upon . Yes my ultimate goal , be a public speaker ,get into politics and make a difference ! Write a book , get a column , keep up my blog and be free lance !!
But that is not the goal of my blog today . Everyday I try to touch upon a special subject , something interesting and beneficial to anyone reading this daily . If you can learn something new , that's great  , just awesome and I feel , I am making my mark on this world and everyday is useful !!
Just yesterday , we all learn something new everyday , it's a fact . So I was walking down in town and I saw the word "Handballers" up ..lol , I did a double take . is that a bad word ?? I have never heard it before , it was so funny and I stopped to laugh . Ofcourse , I put it up on my FB status if  any one knew what it was , but nobody said anything , haha !!They probably , thought  I creative Sabrina made it up , lol ... But NO ..I didn't , it is apparently a word  If you are a Northern English person , I'm sure it would make sense !! Shall I just confuse all my readers who span over the whole world ( USA , Australia , Spain , France , Germany , Denmark , Russia and yes even 6 in India . The UK makes me proud ,I have at least 150 people reading this !! ), and not explain the word lol ??? I wonder if anyone knows what it means ?? You can leave a comment if you know it :) If nobody does , I will let you know soon , I promise !!
So the English Language is such a marvelous thing , not only is it international , but everyone wants to be a part of it . We love communicating with it , it's the tool that rules the world . No wonder everyone wants to come here , live  and be a part of it . There are so many beautiful words to broaden your vocabulary . I shall list a few , nowadays seldom do you find people , littering their conversations with words to express the emotion , instead of just , saying it in simple terms , because we are afraid ,we not going to get the point across because someone's not going to understand . Yes I'm guilty of simplifying my speech , so I don't have to explain and it's becoming pretty habitual !!
Just a few words and it's meanings , maybe you know them all or maybe you don't , bear with me .. I have loads of readers who would  find it pretty darn interesting :)

1. Eloquence : The art of using language in an apt , fluent way !
2. Denouement  :  The resolution of a narrative
3. Incandescence : Light produced by high temperatures
4. Ephemeral  :  Lasting for a very short time
5 . Oblivion : The state of being unaware of what is happening around you !
6. Phosphenes : The light and colours produced by rubbing your eyes .
7. Aurora : Dawn
8. Solitude : A state of seclusion or isolation
9. Luminescence : Light produced by chemical , electrical or physiological means
10. Supine :  Lying face upwards
11. Epiphany : A moment of sudden revelation
12. Iridescent :  Producing a display of rainbow like colours
13. Illicit : Not legally permitted
14 .  Ethereal : Extremely delicate light , not of this world .
15.  Serendipity : The Chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way .

The last word just has to be one of my favourite words . Hope you enjoyed reading this , learned some new words and kept smiling ! Have a good day and stay blessed !

Love & Peace .

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Delicious Vegetarian Korma Curry !!

A Vegetarian meal once a week , is by no means missing out on meat , carnivorous friends ! It can be packed with all the delicious taste and flavour we get from consuming meat and with the added nutrients and goodness of a healthy balanced diet .
Like I promised a little while ago , I would love to add a few vegetarian recipes I enjoy cooking at home for you all to try out ! Don't be put off by vegetables unless your under fourteen and anything that's not fast food is yuk ! These are delicious and I promise you , once you cook it , and adapt it to suit your own palate ( more salt , less chillies ) you will begin to enjoy it so much , you honestly won't feel like ,your missing out on meat ,once in a while !

Here's my Vegetarian Korma Curry Recipe :

1. 4 tablespoons of oil ( sunflower )
2. Medium size onion
3.  2 teaspoons of ginger paste
4. 2  teaspoons of garlic paste
5. 3 Chillies
6. 4 potatoes diced up
7 . 3 carrots diced
8. 1 Cup of frozen peas
9. 1 red bell pepper chopped
10. Brocolli  just a few florets
11. A can of chopped tomatoes
12. 3 tablespoons of curry powder
13 . A bunch of coriender
14. A cup of Coconut milk
15. A couple of Cashew nuts ( Chop it up and pound it up )
16 . Salt to your taste

Warm your pan , toss your onions and fry till they are lightly brown . mix in the ginger and garlic paste , fry for a couple of minutes . Add the curry powder and cashew nuts and keep stirring . Now add your potatoes & Chillies and your chopped tomatoes and the salt , keep stirring . Add your coconut milk and stir and cover . Allow it to cook for about ten minutes . Now add the rest of your vegetables , some salt and the chopped coriender stir,  and cover it for another ten mins. Until all the veg is tender . It's ready to serve . Garnish with more coriender and serve with rice or nan bread . Absolutely delicious !

Hope you enjoyed reading this and you take the time to try preparing it for yourself and the family . Keep smiling :)

Love & Peace

Monday, March 9, 2015

Rich Man's Problem's Or Poor Man's Woe"s ?? ..Phew , What A Choice ;)

Hectic Monday !! Most of us are not thrilled , with the weekend over and bloody Monday comes again , so soon . We have to deal with it , like all the other things that happen in our life !! Today I had a conversation , with some friends and we spoke about all our stuff going on in our lives . The average you and me and our big electric bills , water bills , blah blah .. life is just about paying ,paying and where is the fun ?? Apparently it's not there .. we are meant to suffer till we die ,lol . A friend of mine said life is not fair . So I said , do we want the rich people's problems , that's a choice ! They have money but no health , most of the time !
I was just thinking , of my favourite actor Harrison Ford , who crashed his plane , on a golf course a couple of days ago. What is he 74 years old ? And to be laid up , seriously injured in a hospital . No amount of money is going to take away his pain , the poor chap . Then there's James Jordan rich , but moaning on twitter, he has pain somewhere in his rib area , since Christmas . All the doctor's tests can't figure out , what's wrong . Then there's his wife Ola all laid up with a massive leg fracture and been through 2 ops no fun there , and money can't solve it ! So rich people have it bad too !! Not being fit and fine is not a good story . Whereas we average Joe's, raring with good health , but less money , ready to jump up and go , but no place to go , because we have no money to go !! Which would you prefer ? It is a tough choice . That's probably why ,all those adverts on telly, are targeting all the rich people, who want to live forever , to spend all their dosh "smoke free " "beat Cancer "but have no hope in hell of doing either , and can't get their cash to heaven as well . If they are headed there . They might just be atheist's , then their gravestone should read "All dressed up , and nowhere to go " :)
Yesterday as I watched the American, Celebrity Apprentice , I had always thought Meat Loaf was an amazing guy . Yeah well , till I saw the show yesterday , he was crying like a baby and feeling really bad about all the money ,he raised for his charity the sea turtles or something . He was worried ,if his team lost ,  all the money , he raised would go to the rival teams charity . Now what's so bad about that , I thought  ? A charity is a charity , and somebody would get the money . Everyone thought , he's so sweet and caring worried about his charity losing out , on the money . I was completely turned off by his behaviour . He's so damn rich !!! By the looks of it Fu*king stingy as hell ,to boot  lol ..because he could easily have put , from his own pocket the money if his team lost  , to the charity Sea Turtles so they wouldn't lose out . No he'd rather cry ! John Rich , who I don't know too much about  ,his songs etc , but now I have the uttermost respect for the man and I tell , everyone who will hear what an angel he his . He came out of his own accord and told Meat , if you lose I shall personally from my own pocket give you the same amount of money to give your Charity ! Now heaven has a place for John Rich and I shall personally ask God to bless him , as well :) What an awesome human being .
Yes and I need to be blessed as well , one very rich man , who I will devotedly care for , for the rest of my life , oh and I'm not fussy I don't have to be his number one lol .. I just don't want to worry about money for the rest of my life , what a tiresome job that is , it will put me in my grave early , shame for my three gorgeous children !
Well hope you enjoyed reading that . Keep smiling and rich people's problems or poor man's woe's , that 's the question of the hour ? Stay blessed .

#Peace & Love

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Woman's Day ?? I'm Not Impressed !!

Today is International Women's Day . Why is this day celebrated world wide ? From where I'm sitting and seeing the world , Women don't get a fair deal in any section of life , and as much as everyone feels we need to celebrate this day , it feels so false to me . It would be a bigger celebration if we valued ,respected and adored women all year round and made everyday Women's Day !
Woman is the whole integral part of the human race . Without our mother's choice in bringing us into this world , there would be no human population . Woman has difficulty in caring the child in her womb ,and giving birth ( yes it's not a walk in the park ,lol ) to this new life .  Then we expect the woman ,after a few weeks to jump back into her career , and dump the baby in a creche , because if she wants to earn money ,that's what she should do !! How old fashioned is that ?? LOL , I am a very , very modern WOMAN . For me any choice the mother makes should be respected and that means if she chooses to be a stay at home MUM , how about paying her a full time salary . It is a career option for women who work at a creche ! Taking care of everyone ,and your babies !! People find the word stay at home MUM as a nothing ,which bothers me the most . Didn't Mum's have the biggest responsibility in bringing up baby ?Cooking nourishing warm meals , getting baby back from school . Seeing Mama's face after a long day at school . It was the best thing for me, seeing my Mum's face after school ! Her serving me my warm meal , when I came home from school . We chatted at the table about my day at school . I still if I am sick or tired or fed up with life , I lie down and bring back memories of my Mum , talking to her it's so reassuring, that I feel warm and better immediately . I wonder , what children growing up with a Mum , who goes off to work actually feels like in their later years ? Women need equal rights , in all choices and a full salary that a creche , pays their employee . Why should she not earn well ?? She does not even work to fixed hours . I am not so  impressed with Women's day , it's a farce , like alot of things are in this world .
Women are not equal to men . In just four astonishing basic facts , besides my point of view from the above I'll tell you .

1. One in three women around the world , are physically or sexually assaulted at some point in their life . I'll tell you why ! Because Men feel they are superior and can do it . If they respected a woman , they would not !

2. Women around the world spend more hours a  day working ,without pay , than Men do !

3. One in thirty women have given birth before she turned 18  . Which is appalling , a girl in my opinion should be minimum 20 or over . Which is still young !

4. The USA is only one of nine countries that doesn't provide paid maternity leave. How shocking is that ?? So instead of pretending to celebrate Woman's Day , next year how about trying to just make things alot better for the Woman everyday !

Woman , she is your Mother , your sister ( not that my brother cares !! You do get creeps around ) your Child ( where's my Dad ?? Sitting in his Chapel of the Divine Mercy , but doesn't give a shit ) You see how much adversity women face !! She is your wife , your cousin , your friend , your relatives . Please be a good person . Give every Woman , a feeling of being loved appreciated and respected .
I love you all . Hope you enjoyed reading this . Keep smiling and try to be happy . I doubt the plight of women will change any time soon , but if our next generation get wise and stop popping out babies and the population falls rapidly , will a change come around .  There is hope . God bless xx

#Love & Peace

Thursday, March 5, 2015

World Book Day , 5th of March ..My Top Ten books :)

The 5th of March is International World Book Day , in the UK and Ireland , so it's very exciting for me , because the kids could  come dressed up in one of their favourite book characters to school . I was eager to get my boy dressed up as Cat in the Hat and my little girl as Alice from Alice in Wonderland . Both were not as eager as myself to be in Fancy dress ,so  they opted to jump on  the next option , of going in their Pajamas to school . It was such a treat to see all the kids dressed up ,in all the bright colours , painted faces . They had a blast at school , stories and games , were the order of the day ,and the youngest did no lessons at all , fun  day :))

In honour of World Book Day I want to list my top10 books of all time and their authors . I have always loved reading and it brings me hours of great pleasure . When I was younger , I had much more time , than I do now  , far too busy to read as often , as I'd like !!
I am a huge fan of Jane Austen , The Bronte Sisters , Oscar Wilde , and I can't say how much , I like Sylvia Platt . Although she wrote only one novel "The Bell Jar "her poetry her life and her struggles , has left a big impact on me . I adore the woman . Ted Hughes's work is pretty impressive as well . If you ever read anything in your life , do start with some of the authors that I've just mentioned , you will never go wrong and it could get you hooked on books . I shall list my top ten books , that have let my imagination soar and taken me hostage , I couldn't lay the book down till I turned the last page .

10. A Little Princess  by Frances Hodgeson Burnett
9.  Great Expectations  By Charles Dickens
8. The Picture of Dorian Grey  by Oscar Wilde
7. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & through the looking glass  by Lewis Carroll
6. Anna Karenina  by Leo Tolstoy
5. Pride & Prejudice  Jane Austen
4. What was she thinking  Zoe Heller
3. The Time Traveler's Wife  by Audrey Niffenegger
2. The Bell Jar  by Sylvia  Platt
1. Jane Eyre  by Charlotte Bronte

It's always a hard choice to pin it down to just  the top ten , but there are still loads for writers from the past and the present making a mark as fabulous authors with flair and imagination .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , even if your top five didn't make it to mine , leave me a comment to say which novel had you gripped . I'll be sure to get it on my reading list . Have an awesome day and stay blessed !

#Peace & Love

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lessons To Be Learnt !!

A day spent in plenty of thought , so my father is going to be 76 years old tomorrow the 5th , but I am not sure if I should have ,sent some birthday wishes . I have so many mixed emotions , just recently , he pointedly told me , do not share your blogs on my Facebook page .  I was very shocked , because family support each other and Facebook is all about sharing !  I would rarely share my blogs on his page , only if it had a suitable subject , something religious or significant , would I do it . And which parent wouldn't like to support their child . So I was very hurt , and have not said anything to him since . As he gets older , on his own in a far away country ( my mum passed away in 2008 ) I wonder how is he coping , all on his own with no family . Is it something he has to go through ??
My thoughts go back many , many years when I was a young girl barely into  my 20's and I married and moved far away from my  Mum and Dad , from the only secure home I knew . Yes I met and married a man in 9 days . What was I thinking ?? Now as a mother with  two daughters , I would never let them do that . How could my parents have , let me ?? They would argue , she was an adult and we could not stop her . Why did I want to marry ??  Okay so I was physically attracted to him , but that is no reason to marry ..Nobody marries a man they want to sleep with ! No my parents were very , very strict people and I had no liberties so I was beginning to resent the boundaries of the house . It was my break for freedom , with a much older man , close to 20 years (phew !) No I was not happily married .. How could I be , with an older bossy man who thought he could control this young woman . He beat me , kept me under his thumb , dominated me , I was literally his slave . And I phoned home , 3/4 times a week crying to my parents , I was so unhappy , my marriage was a nightmare , but they never ever , told me leave him come back home , you are always welcome here . You are young , with only one child , you can find another man , you are so attractive ! No they seemed to be happy , they had no responsibility for me . Told me to cope , suck it up and bare it . Now with two daughters , I could not dream , about any of my daughters ever being mistreated , I would call them home immediately , it breaks my heart my parents were so harsh . Is it a price , my father now , has to pay ,in his old age , alone ?? My Mum is dead and I wish him many , many more years Happy Birthday Dad !!
I Have after 18 years of being bullied ,in the Netherlands , with my Dutch Husband , moved to the UK the land of my ancestors and freedom .. I am a free woman , with independence , my own money for the first time , doing everything for myself and my children ..so , so happy , without my father's help or my wicked brother's help .  Proud of myself !!
Bet my dad has many , many more years to live with himself . The most ridiculous  thing is he proclaims to be religious , but I have not seen any charity from him, nor did I see him ,make sure I marry in a Church . Being Catholic , I find it a sin I  didn't do that . Married in the register and had three kids . Maybe that's where everything went wrong , lol !! One day maybe I shall marry in Church !!
Anyways Happy 76 th birthday Dad , I still Miss You and think about you everyday :)
It's just a personal blog , but it does have a few points to be taken from it , love your kids , if they have troubles always call them home and make them welcome . Who knows maybe , my dad might have had me and the grand kids around him if he was not so selfish !!
Have a good day , My eyes are filled with tears and I can hardly write more . Have a good day and keep smiling , make a difference in this world and God will bless you ..hugs xx

#Love & Peace

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Five Healthy Intentions to Make your Body & Mind Peaceful !!

It's March and finally we can look forward to some good weather on the horizon . Well it's not here yet ... but it's coming , if that can't put a smile on your face nothing will :))
Yes ,it was so bloody cold  today , and it didn't give me any joy , I was moody , the day dragged , my hob's not working well , the landlord's not bothered to get it done , I'm a foodie and love to cook great meals . So I was feeling just rotten , but time to feel positive and dust off any negative attitudes and get cracking with life . It's not going to be all roses , but plan to make it better ! I never stop thinking and sending out positive vibes to all around me , and the world .
To help you all , lets start with just five days , in  the week , give yourself the other two days a break .  Focus on this ,something new , and try carrying it over , to the next day and the next . Healthy intentions to get your week going .

Monday : End your day with 15 minutes of meditation before you go to bed . Turn your lights very low , light a candle and some incense and close your eyes . Don't focus on any of the bad things of the day or the boring everyday you face . No try and think about one thing that maybe made you smile , or if somebody did something good for you . If that didn't happen , it can .. because life can be hum drum !! Focus then on a waterfall , the sound of birds a forest setting and you will start to feel peaceful !

Tuesday : Stop binge eating . Try not to snack on any junk food between meals . If you are hungry eat a piece of fruit . Eat well at your main meal , and have 2 lighter meals in the day . Try sticking with it , for at least 3/4 days in the week , and you will feel healthier .

Wednesday : Try to fit in some keep fit exercise . Yeah I know some of my friends have never done any exercise , and would feel awkward starting something now . Will their kids laugh at them ? I remember my Mum never did any exercise , and it's weird to think of her doing some keep fit stuff . But it's never too late for anyone to begin , especially with so much of processed junk food being sold cheaply , and somehow it, never satisfy's your hunger , like a good home cooked meal , does . My kids are so used to seeing me doing my keep fit routine , they don't bat an eyelid . My youngest did ask me Mum  "why do you , do so much exercise , you are not fat ?" I just said well Mama likes to stay fit , and nobody should wait to turn fat to start getting active !

Thursday : Give yourself , a nice facial .. scrub your face use a face mask . Soak in the bath , and then lavish tons of body cream all over your body .Don't miss a spot and remember pamper your feet the most . We use it to walk our whole lifetime , it supports our whole body weight . It needs to look good and feel soft . Should not be rough and unloved .

Friday : One day in the week , we should give up meat . Is that really hard ? It gives the body a good cleanse and has us revved up to eat meat the next day ! There are really good alternatives , Fish is absolutely awesome , eggs can make a great wholesome dish . Vegetables are so healthy and there are some great vegetarian recipes available to make your meal so , so tasty . I shall in the coming weeks put up some great vegetarian dishes for you all to make and try .

Okay , so that's , five awesome ways to make your week , healthy and peaceful for your mind and body . Give it a try and keep smiling . Hugs xx

#Love & Peace

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bunch Of Flowers , With Forbidden Words ?? No Time for Blasphemy With Flowers , LOL !!

With Spring almost upon us and Easter around the corner , many people would think about sending flowers, to loved ones , Colleagues , maybe your pastor , etc , etc  . Marks & Spencers have an online service , with awesome flowers , but try sending it to someone ,maybe at Jesus College ,Cambridge or if perhaps you want to write in your online message , to them "Christ has Risen " we are blessed ! You would hit a problem , because a message would pop up on screen , saying you have used forbidden words . There is an electronic sensor which happens to be extra vigilante , and  bans words like"Jesus " & "Christ " ! Oh yes words like Gay and F**K are also banned . But it's okay to use "Buddha ""Allah "and "Jihad " .. Now what do you make of that ??
M&S were insisting , they had their customers interests at heart , and they didn't want the misuse of these words so they complied a lexicon of words , prohibited . Have you ever heard of someone ordering a bunch of flowers online ( which is always over priced ) to attach a blasphemous message to it , No I have never !!
One of the first rules in retail , is  "Customer is Boss " and the next happens to be "Treat your Customer like an adult "we are paying our hard earned money to you !!
I found this whole situation  ridiculous and Mark's & Spencers trying to keep up with the times, yet in a Christian Country banning words like Jesus and Christ is A complete farce !
Thankfully with this plastered all over the news they have decided to re-think , the shambolic situation and change the sensor to accept Jesus and Christ as a non- threatening ,acceptable words . so we just have to test it and see it works :)
Flowers are always welcome ..thanks  ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading this . Have a great day and for today I shall add , "In Jesus I Trust "
Keep smiling , Happy Monday !!

#Peace & Love

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Recipe for my Delicious Spanish Frittata with Chorizo and Potatoes !!

Happy Sunday ! If you are Welsh Happy Saint David's Day ! I hope you all , had a relaxed Sunday , spent time with your loved ones , and if nothing else , found reason to smile at the small things . The sun was shining ,almost all day ,although the heavens opened at intervals and showered us with rain , the temperatures were still chilly , and at 7 degrees it's cold !! Looking forward to Spring ,so I can kick off those socks and fleece pajamas .
I cooked a hearty Chorizo and potato omelette for the kids . They absolutely love eggs and chorizo sausage . Since it's so easy to throw together , it was our Sunday dinner , with fries and a salad .
Thought I would share the recipe with you all and maybe you could, have a go at making it ! Here goes :

4 small potatoes
Salt & Pepper
8 large eggs
1 piece of a chorizo sausage
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 shallots
1 tomato
a bunch of coriander or parsley
sunflower oil or olive oil

Chop up the potatoes into small chunks , put it in a pan to boil with some salt .
beat up the eggs in a bowl , season with salt and pepper . Add the chopped tomatoes , some chopped up shallots ,and some coriender .
Now heat a pan with very little oil , because the chorizo gives off oil as fried . Throw in your chorizo and boiled potatoes . Fry till lightly brown and remove from the pan, with a slotted spoon , so the oil remains .
Meanwhile turn on your oven to 200 C and warm up .
In the same pan with the remaining oil , throw in your sprigs of rosemary , it will immediately crisp up . Then add the egg mixture after 2 mins add the chorizo and potatoes to the pan and spread it out evenly .
Now put the pan in the oven and let the egg cook through . Once it's brown on the top it's done . It should take around 8 to 10 mins .
Your Spanish Frittata is ready to eat !

Hope you enjoy making this frittata for your family , and you have as much fun eating it  ,as we did today . Have a great day and keep smiling !

#Peace & Love