Monday, March 16, 2015

Rape , The Reason It's Still Happening !!

I have written about this subject before , but it is never over , until the day when we hear "Rape " it's not happening any more !
The latest news that prompted me to write about Rape again , is the shocking gang rape of a 75 year old Nun  in a convent . So this happened all the way in India , and though many people will be disconnected from the fact, elsewhere in the world ,  because it is not happening on your door-step ! But this is a country with a lot of tourism . The country's economy depends on tourism from the west , and when these shocking rape's are taking place , it sends out an unsafe message . More and more news , is coming out about violence against Christians and this recent attack on a Convent and Nuns is shameful . There were days long , long ago ,when Christianity and all other religions were respected in India and people were were known for being respectful , peace loving and tolerant !
So why are these things taking place today , you would ask me ? Simple facts and you would not need , to be a brain surgeon to figure it out . It all starts with HYPOCRISY , all people raised in India have double standards .. Yes they do ! They could be of British Descent or the common Indian folk , if they live there , they tend to treat their Daughters differently from their Sons ! Daughters are looked upon and treated like they are second to their sons . Sons are given adoration , special treatment , extra treats and can do no wrong . Daughters are seen as someone who is there to take care of the house , supposed to listen the men folk and last and down right appalling is when parents , feel  when their daughter is married off , she is off their hands and any offspring of hers, is not really related to them but belongs more to the husbands family ! Their Son's off spring is of course  then all their's and more a part of their family and cherished and adored . So with all this going on , Men feel they have power over women . Rape is all about dominance and a show of I am Boss and you will listen to me . Women are seen as the lesser class and are viewed as" I will use and abuse you , I am Greater than you " ! It all starts at home with the parents . If these parents treat their children equally and give no power or authority to their sons in  India and all other places in the world where women are seen as second class ,  we will then begin to see a difference , in society
The worst thing is when people around these shallow human beings , who glorify their sons and willify their daughters are somehow seen as heroes in society , and allowed to continue their behaviour,  this will still take place , unfortunately  ! Are they ever questioned or looked upon differently ? No , it is the culture which turns these young men growing up ,who feel they are superior to their sisters and the female population !
Having spent a small part of my growing years in India , I have a brother and father who treat me as a non extinct part of the family . My brother having done well in life , well off , where as I married and was in an unhappy marriage . Having never had any help ever , from my family . When I eventually decide to kick my husband out and struggle on my own , the only time I ever asked my brother for help with a loan of 200 pounds , he turned me down ..with these appalling words " You and your children are not my responsibility .. they are your husbands responsibility and I will see you and the children on the road but I will never help you " Safe to say I never spoke to him again and I am standing on my own two feet and proud of myself . My brother on the other hand , will always be an inhuman , disgusting piece of Man who thinks lesser of the female race . Yes I blame the parents who allow this disgusting treatment of their daughters allowed . Friends and fellow human beings who tolerate this behaviour are also guilty of allowing the female race to be degraded and abused !
Family should always be there in my opinion to help each other , any other view is outlandish . If family can't be there for each other , the world is a sad place and any wonder all the atrocities we hear about  ,come to exist !
It is my goal in life to speak out against intolerance . Treat all people equally , begin at home teaching your sons , they are not greater than your daughters , then only will we see a change in society . and oh yes ,  There is a God ! Be good to others and God is sure to bless you > My brother has no children , did he ever think it's God's hand at work ! I know I am blessed and so can every person who leads a good life .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , be good and keep smiling !

Love & Peace

1 comment:

  1. this is a good blog, reminded me of one of my lectures, we were analyzing the news report of the gang rape on a bus in new Delhi. it was obscene and revolting to watch the documentary, listening to the offenders saying, it was the victims fault that she was raped, saying that it was her punishment for going out to the movies, to show that she cant study and go have fun......its devastating to see that some men think women are the lower class, that they dont deserve the same rights as my eyes, everyone is equal
