Thursday, March 26, 2015

Depression , It is A Serious Illness !!

Hello everyone , this week has been a very interesting one . You might wonder why ? There are a whole heap of things taking place in the world and not very good things at that ! It always makes me very sad to read about and hear sad news , as it must be for anyone with a shred of humanity for their fellow human beings .
Why are all these things taking place ? It's like a black bad cloud is hanging over the world and nobody seems to care . The rich go about their days ignoring anyone less well off then themselves . What has caused this , a sudden bad cloud bringing bad news , disasters ? It's temporary says astrologers it's caused by the intense Solar Eclipse and should be over by the time of the next Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of April 2015 . It seems not to have spared anybody Jeremy Clarkson got the sack , BBC has really lost out because James May has said the three are a package , so unlikely are they going to continue Top Gear without Jeremy . Lil' Chris passed away , Just yesterday 1 D announced Zayne was leaving .. was it the right moment to leave with this cloud ? Unlikely to benefit his future career !  Saw on a friend's wall he was thinking of ways to commit suicide , really sad .  How many people are sitting at home thinking that same thing , and feel afraid to come forward and say anything , result ,before you know it ,  it's much too late ! The sad details of the plane crash in the French alps , are now coming out , saying the co-pilot deliberately caused the plane to crash and killed all on board 159 people . Sad , sad circumstance , especially since all those people wanted to live and were terrified most likely ! Very tragic ! We don't know what he was thinking . Was it a downward spiral of his life , a deep depression ?
Depression is actually the reason and subject of this blog . It is a very serious illness , because it has your mental state in question . And the mental state is part of our brain and our brain is the organ which helps us to function everyday . If our brain is not functioning how are we supposed to get up and about and do our tasks ? Depression can hit us at any time , it can be a build up of stuff happening over a number of years which slowly causes us to lose our way and fall into a spiral , which becomes a serious situation . How many of us know deep down we have depression , but fear this is not an illness and continue to put up a facade and continue to pretend they are alright , often leading to over-eating , over medicating , drugs , alcohol , yes even loose behaviour ( sex) anger ,not eating and the list can go on . Why do we get depressed , because life has not given us what we dreamed of . Lack of jobs available . Have you seen the application forms for work , lol it's a joke . What are you going to bring this company , what are your assets , and pages and pages of useless questions , surprise it's just for a minimum paid job .Haha!! The person just needs to work . All they need to know is , are you hardworking and keep time . Nobody aspires to become a shop assistant or supermarket check out girl . It's a job people are forced to do , in order to earn money .There is a family to feed and bills to pay , in case the rich people have forgotten .
Can people just say " I'm depressed "and get the right help . Not in this crazy world , you would probably need to do something drastic , to even be taken seriously . The people at highest risk are the ones who singlehandedly try to do everything for their family without proper help and support . Does anybody care ? No , I don't think so . Unless the politicians start sitting up and making changes for the common person , the world is going to suffer .  Happiness is the key . Ever see happy people go do bad things ? No I think not ! We should make sure the people are taken care off , No cutting off stuff , without ample notice , so no one is going to starve , shoplift etc . Money available , without these cut- throat pay-day loan companies ripping off the common person . The list of amendments in the world can go on ..and I'm going to continue to be a voice of reason .
Hope you enjoyed reading this , have a good day and be mindful of all the people less fortunate than yourself !!

Love & Peace

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